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Kevin Lopez
Mrs. Herbert
English 12-6
11 September 2016
Managing My Time at College
Throughout my life, I never truly bothered to manage my time. Sure, I loosely followed a
schedule, but I had never truly allocated time to certain things, as I just did things as they came.
However, for college, I have devised a plan to fully utilize my time. Currently, I tend to spend a
lot of time on my computer and phone, instead of studying, which will definitely change once I
enter college.

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This chart showcases the amount of time I spend on certain activities during the week.
For instance, I spend a large majority of my day either at school, or using my phone/computer.
However, I do not spend a lot of time doing homework, which I expect to change during my time
attending college.

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College Schedule at Arizona State University (ASU)
English 101

Course #
Eng 101

Credit Hours

Introduction to
Brief Calculus

IFT 100

MAT 210

for Information


SER 101


12:55-1:45 PM


2:00-2:50 PM


9:00-10:15 AM

3:00-4:15 PM

10:45-11:35 AM

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The chart and table above show how I the schedule of my future college will be different,
with classes that dont fill up the entire day. In addition, the chart shows how I will spend a good
amount of time everyday studying, due to the difficulty of university classes.
The schedules for my current situation, and my hypothetical university schedule vary
quite a bit. For instance, I hardly spend anytime doing homework or studying in my current
schedule, but due to the increased rigor, I expect to spend more time studying and doing
homework. In addition, I will be spending less time on my computer or my phone, as studying
will be vastly more important. Some similarities between the two schedules include the time
spent on hygiene and sleeping, both of which take around the same time in both schedules. One
thing that surprised me after making this is how much time that is unaccounted for in my college
schedule when compared to my high school schedule. For instance, I have around 3 to 5 hours
of unused time in my college schedule. However, there are a few things that worry me about my
college schedule, such as a possible lack of time, if I were to have a job, and the classes I take
might possibly end up demanding more time than is available, even factoring the unused time I
have available. Even so, the schedule I have created will surely be useful and will help in
managing my time while enrolled in ASU.

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