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Concept carrier

Pain point
In America, lawsuits were built up against Monster Energy (Lawyers and Settlements, 2015). The
reasons and charges for these lawsuits are wrongful death and product liability, because consumers
were harmed by the use of the highly caffeinated Monster Energy.
One of the charges above was pressed by the family of Alex Morris, a 19-year-old who died after
drinking two cans of Monster Energy per day, for three years in a row. The prosecutors of this case
claimed people are not properly informed and warned by Monster about the true health risks the
energy drink carries along. According to research suggested energy drinks could increase the risk of
heart problems, even in youth who appear healthy or have no apparent underlying heart issues
(the Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 2015).
Researchers found approximately 30 percent of adolescents between the ages of 12 and 19
regularly consume energy drinks. They warned that although one can of energy drink per day is
generally safe for healthy adolescents, young consumers should be careful not to drink too
much and not combine them with alcohol or drugs.
These lawsuits and research points out drinking too much Monster Energy can be harmful. This pain
point can also be translated into a threat. The lawsuits against Monster Energy can cause the
organization a bad image.
In the Netherlands they might point out the amount of caffeine and a warning for children and
pregnant woman on a can of Monster Energy (Voedingscentrum, 2014), in home country America
thats different. The Food and Drug Administration in America (FDA) does not require energy drink
companies, including Monster, to list the exact amount of caffeine on ingredient labels because the
products are regulated as dietary food supplements instead of food (Lawyers and Settlements, 2015).
Energy drinks are also sold as nutritional supplements, even though they may not have any
nutritional value. Because of this regulation, energy drinks may exceed the FDA-mandated limit of 71
milligrams of caffeine for a 12-ounce soda.
So everyone can warned or not overuse Monster Energy and therefore people should be aware of
the possible risks of energy drink and how to drink responsibly.
Concept: the Health Mirror
It is important for people to know the possible risks of Monster Energy drink, but also how to handle
it in a responsible way. They have to see whats right and whats not right (of even dangerous).
Thats why the Health Mirror has come to life: showing people the way to handle Monster Energy
One of the examples is to make use of the publicity and example of extreme sporters drinking
Monster Energy. Next to drinking Monster Energy they also live a healthy life style to keep their
performances up. In this way they can set an example for other Monster Energy drinkers/fans.
Every week the spotlight is on another extreme sporter. They show you a week in the extreme
sporters life. On every can of Monster Energy there is a sticker with a unique code that invites you to
check out the content on social media.

For example, this week is MMA professional Conor McGregors week (Monster Energy, 2016). Conor
starts his day with a photo on Instagram of his start of the day with a healthy breakfast. Next hes is
going to work out and he has some tips and tricks for people working out at home or the gym. He
makes a small video of the abs exercise he likes to do best and puts it on Monster TV. When he is
going to train for the upcoming MMA fight he drinks a Monster Energy, and explains his Monster
story. In this story he tells you why he loves Monster Energy that much, when he drinks it and how
often. Also he points out the possible risks you get if you drink too much Monster Energy. When its
time for supper he likes to show you this healthy recipe for after the work out on Facebook. Next to
this content, every day you can read a diary with his tips and tricks for a healthier lifestyle and a
smart use of Monster Energy.
Why does it match with the target group?
According to the analysis in this rapport the primary target group is men with the age of 20 until 35
years old. This group likes extreme sports and alternative music.
However, Monster organizes and sponsors some events. With this fact you can say that the
company has a secondary target group; the visitors that come these events. Of course these
events are about extreme sports or concerts with bands and singers which are active in the
alternative music industry. It seems like the values of the target group and monster fit with each
other. They both are interested in extreme sports and alternative music and try to be different.
Todays day, 81% of the people in the Netherlands have a smartphone, 9% more than the year before
(Telecompaper, 2015). Among youngsters its even 95%. Research also points out a smartphone is
the most used way to surf on the internet (CBS, 2014). Furthermore, over than 80% of the time spent
on internet is on social media (CBS, 2014).
Among social media Facebook is the biggest social network in the world with 757 million active users
on a daily base (Oosterveer, D, 2014). Twitter has 241 million users monthly, among which the age of
20-50 years is good for 38% of the users.
Thats why communication through social media fits with the target group.
Why does it match Monsters vision?
The vision of Monster Energy is:
Monster Energy embraces extreme action sports, alternative music and having fun to
promote its products. (Attard, K, 2011)
The concept The Health Mirror combines some elements of the vision: extreme sporters promoting
a healthy way of life where Monster Energy is involved in. Combining those two is not only warning
the people drinking Monster Energy, to keep up their image, but also pleasing fans with more
content of their favorite extreme sporter, if they got a can of Monster Energy with a unique code.
- When someone buys a can of Monster Energy in the supermarket he discovers the sticker
with the unique code to get some exclusive content online.
- Next is the element of surprise, because he doesnt know what and especially who to expect.
- The following is the real content and making the decision to use these tips and tricks (for
example the exercise by Conor McGregor).
- When its supper time and someone needs to think of something to prepare he will
remember the recipe by Monster Energys extreme sporter.
- When drinking Monster Energy hell remember the warnings for possible risks and reminds
himself to stick to maximum one can a day.


Can of Monster Energy with unique code to get exclusive content

Content: video on Monster TV

Attard, Kristy, 09/2011
A rip-roaring succes, Business In Factor, consulted on 12/01/2016, from
CBS, 27/05/2014
Figure: Belangrijkste doelen internetgebruik jongeren, 2013, from Jongeren vooral online
met smartphone, consulted on 12/01/2016, from
CBS, 27/05/2014
Figure: Gebruik van internet onderweg naar leeftijd naar apparaat, 2013, from Jongeren
vooral online met smartphone, consulted on 12/01/2016, from
Lawyers and settlements, 19/10/2015
Monster Energy Drink Deaths and Hospitalizations, consulted on 12/10/2016, from
Monster Energy, 2016
Conor McGregor, consulted on 12/01/2016, from
Oosterveer, D, 13/03/2014
De laatste cijfers van het socialmediagebruik in Nederland, Marketingfacts, geraadpleegd op
19/10/2015 van
Telecompaper, 19/06/2015
Majority of the elderly in the Netherlands has a smartphone, consulted on 12/10/2016,
Voedingscentrum, 13 december 2014
Energiedrankjes, consulted on 12/01/2016, from

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