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ENGLISH CARABAO: A Filipino Dispute

Language is one of the good reasons why we have a good

relationship to each other. It serves as a bridge in communicating with
Foreign and Asian people all over the world that gave us understanding to
be united. We use language to express our emotions and what we felt in
our heart. Every people uses different dialects in order to recognize one
another. The most common language is English language wherein it is the
universal language in the whole world. English language is declared as the
international Lingua Franca. Many countries and regions have this kind of
dialects. It is the third common language in world, after Mandarin and
Spanish. It was taught as the second language in our school, wherein it is
one of the major subjects that we have studied. Even though it is a Foreign
language, it is the best way to use in interacting and communicating to other
countries, because we can exchange, share ideas and thoughts to all
people around the world using this medium. English language is different
than any other languages on earth. Because of its unique roots, the scope
of its evolution and its contributions. Here in the Philippines, as our life goes
on and on, many things really change. Nowadays our country was really
different. Our language is evolving and fast-changing. Modern world and
technologies are invading us. We adapted the foreign majestic traditions
and cultures of different countries. United States of America culture is one
of the greatest influences that the Filipinos adapted. We had copy slightly
their way of living, especially in their way of communicating. We adapted
their English language that gave challenges to average Filipinos to speak
English well.
Filipinos are admired in the whole world, because of being a good
speaker when it comes to English as a second language. There are some
Filipinos that not born in an English country, but they are amazingly good in
speaking English. But sadly, even we have this kind of impression by other
countries, still there is an issue that our way of speaking English is Barok
or Carabao English. All of us know that Carabao English is a Broken
English, not grammatically correct and it is not the standard way of Foreign
English speaking people used. Its said that Carabao English is used by the
less educated class. Since Carabao is our national Animal, we felt insulted
and at same time really pissed off. All of us knew that Carabao represented
a Filipino who had grasp in speaking the English language fluently. Even
though we are hardworking, still we didnt achieve to speak well in English.
But there is a lot of reasons why we speak like that. One of the major

reasons why Filipinos have this kind of English, is because it isnt our native
language. werent born fluently virtuous in speaking language that we just
have met. Especially we grew up here in the Philippines hearing Tagalog
words. Also were talking about that our Mother tongue is Filipino or
Tagalog. Sometimes there are instances that we didnt oblige ourselves to
speak English. And, in some Filipinos mindsets, we just need to learn it,
because we can use it in applying a job and in our studies.
We also know that English Carabao is not a disease nor an illness.
Based on my observation its not literally a disease. Speaking English
Carabao is a habit of Filipinos. When we start open our mouth, it isnt easy
to forget it since it was a habitual thing that we usually used. It is already
part of our life, it cannot be forgotten unless it will be replaced by the
standard way of speaking English. Of course speaking English Carabao
was inherited by some children from their parents, whos speaking English
Carabao too. So when they grow up they tend to do their usual manner.
Also, Tagalog language and English language has different rules, they differ
in many aspects such as the construction of every words and sentence, its
grammar, spelling and even the accent. I know most of the time, the
commonly mistakes of all Filipinos are their pronunciation and accents. All
of us know that in some instances when we heard a person speak in English
with good pronunciation and accents, we just laughed on them and we just
said that Alien ka ba? And lastly one of Filipino mistakes in speaking
English was when their joking around. They think that it was funny, but it
isnt. These are the reasons on why we have issues in speaking English
language correctly.
English Carabao is a big mistake! It is a big no! No! We shouldnt let
ourselves speak more using English Carabao. Even werent Foreigners, we
should learn to speak English language. We know that nowadays, many
Filipino speak English and when we heard it, it sounds good to our ears.
Thats why we should ask ourselves how we will improve our English? How
Pinoys will learn to speak better using English medium? So heres some
tips that we can consider to speak fluently using English language;(1) think
in English everyday, (2) read books, (3) practice and exercise speaking
English in a right manner, (4) watch English movies and listen carefully how
they speak, (5) be confident and enjoy in speaking English language and
lastly, (6) youll just need to repeat the tips to learn speaking English. So I
hope this tips can help us to improve our mistakes when it comes in our
grammarization, pronunciation, accents and diction. We have flaws in
speaking English, but I know that we can speak well when we start

practicing it, since were fast-learners. English language isnt hard to learn.
We can learn it everywhere. It isnt hard to understand, as long as were
really willing to understand it.
English Carabao is really a big problem of the most Filipino. We
speak English, but we didnt mind if it's wrong or right. It is not a disability, it
is a habit, so it will not easy for Filipinos to remove it in our system. It will
take a time to practice and of course diligence to stop ourselves to speak
English Carabao. Our way of speaking can be corrected through the right
process, over the time. Filipinos are hardworking one, if we really want a
thing, we really get it by hook or by crook. We do our best just to have it.
Filipinos are really amazing and impressive, because we can easily adapt
to the things around us. So that means, if all the persons around us can
speak English well, it means that Filipino can easily learn to speak English
too. We can be fluently good in speaking English language. We are
excellent imitators and listeners. For as long as our learnings utilized it will
be easy to us to neutralize our accent, correct our grammars and rectify our
pronunciation lapses. So even English in the Philippines is rarely different
from the Foreign country. We have the courage to speak using the right
manner in English language. The Carabao name of our English was already
accepted by most of Filipino. Thats why we study and learn hard just to
speak English. Filipinos are proud that Philippines is one of the countries in
Asia that can speak English language very well.
As an end, as Nelson Mandela said, If you talk to a man in a
language he understands, it goes to his head. If you talk to him in his
language it goes to his heart. I realize that the most important thing about
talking is that we able to have a good communication. It doesnt matter
whether it was wrong or right. As long as we understand each other. That
the moment we speak to them was also the time to immediately consider
that we already hear and understand what they want to say. But also we
should bare in our minds that the better you speak English language, the
more opportunities will come. We know that English contributes a lot in
every persons lives, especially for us, Filipinos.

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