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Name & Period: ________________________________

Date: _________________________________________

Narrative Project Rubric

1 (15 Points)






Points Possible
Points Achieved

2 (19 Points)

3 (21 Points)

4 (24 Points)

5 (25 Points)

The narrative is
missing three or
more of the elements
of plot from the
previous projects.

The narrative is
missing two of the
elements of plot
from the previous

The narrative is
missing one of the
elements of plot
from the previous

The narrative
includes all the
elements of plot
from the previous

The narrative
includes all the
elements of plot
from the previous
projects and more.

The narrative is
boring and
unoriginal. The
audience does not
want to hear the
story. Two or fewer
literary devices are

The narrative is
unoriginal. The
audience does not
really care about the
story. Few literary
devices are used.

The narrative is
interesting. The
audience is neutral
about the story.
Some literary
devices are used.

The narrative is
clever and
interesting. The
audience is involved
in the story. The
writing uses many
literary devices.

The presentation
format is boring and
unclear. Most of the
choices do not make
sense. There are
seven or more
obvious errors.

The presentation
format is not very
clear or clean, and it
is unoriginal. Many
of the choices do not
make sense. There
are five or six
obvious errors.

The presentation
format is somewhat
clear and clean but
common. Some of
the choice do not
make sense. There
are three or four
obvious errors.

The presentation
format is clear,
clean, and clever,
whether it be an
essay, audio
podcast, video
podcast, movie,
cartoon, comic
book, song, etc.
There is the proper
use of color, sound,
editing, etc. There
are one or two
obvious errors.

60 = D-

76 = C

84 = B

The narrative is
engaging and
captivating. The
audience cannot
wait to find out what
happens. The
writing uses a large
variety of literary
Proper English is not Proper English is
Proper English is
Proper English is
Proper English is
used. There are
occasionally used. usually used. There used. There are one used. There one or
seven or more
There are five or six are three or four
or two mechanical no mechanical errors
mechanical errors
mechanical errors
mechanical errors
errors per paragraph. per page.
per paragraph.
per paragraph.
per paragraph.


96 = A


The presentation
format is used
There is extensive
creativity that is still
tasteful. There are
no obvious errors.

100 = A+

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