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Chi Rho Minutes 11/01/2016

Matt M., Matt S., Kevin, Joseph, Gabe, Jake, Earl, Kevin, John, Gabe, Torin, Andrew,
Nic, Sam
Meeting came to order at 6:06pm and dismissed at 6:32pm
Spirituality Chair (John)
Chi Rho Retreat

Weekend of November 18th

Leave Friday night

Spirituality Meeting

Talk to John to set one up

Bro Talks

Sam will get back to everyone on the day

Community Life Chair (Hito)

Washer is fixed
Fr. Voss brought new fans
Academic Chair (Kevin)
Academic Meetings

Continuing to have academic meetings

Fellowship (Torin)
Thanksgiving dinner

Wednesday November 16th


Small get together, probably fire pit and smores

Outreach (Sam)
No Report
Secretary (Joseph)
No Report
Kitchen Master (John)

No Report
Recruitment (Torin)
Need to know who wants to live in house next year
Webmaster (Joseph)
Need to find a new webmaster for next semester
Fundraising (Jordan)
Steak Dinner

Going to push back to after Thanksgiving

$8-10 with proceeds going to Chi Rho and Salina Diocese Seminarians or
Magdalene House

Treasurer (Andrew)
Balance is $2800

Half of chair budget is used

Rent is due today

Alumni Coordinator (Matt)
Need to install new fans
Historian (Robie)
No Report

Catholic conference in January

T-shirt Signup

Passed around at meeting

Voting for Webmaster

Nominations: Matt, Kevin

Kevin is the Webmaster apprentice


Break down boxes and put things in recycling bin

Capture the Flag

At St. Isidores this Friday

Source and Summit

This Thursday with Dr. Morcos

E5 Men

Do a bread and water fast once a month

If majority wants to do it, we will not have house dinner that night
Motion passes
We fill figure out what date we want to start on

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