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Chi Rho Minutes 9/20/2016

Matt M., Matt S., Kevin, Joseph, Gabe, Jordan, Jake, Earl, Kevin, Sam, John, Alex,
Garret, Gabe
Meeting came to order at 6:03pm and dismissed at 6:30pm
Spirituality Chair (John)
Sign up for Bro talks
Printed off mass times all around town
Community Life Chair (Hito)
List of things needing fixed

If theres anything that needs fixed, talk to Hito.

Academic Chair (Kevin)

Academic Reports

Kevin will start doing informal academic reports to see how everyone is doing
in their classes

House GPA

Needs everyones GPA to calculate the House GPA before the alumni come
this weekend

Fellowship (Torin)
No Report
Outreach (Sam)
Retreat is being pushed back (still looking for a good date)

Committee will be put together to advertise

Will also have one in the Spring

Secretary (Joseph)
No Report
Kitchen Master (John)
No Report
Recruitment (Torin)
No Report

Webmaster (Joseph)
No Report
Fundraising (Jordan)
Going to talk to Fr. Mike about steak dinner fundraiser
Treasurer (Andrew)
Naughty List

Starting a naughty list for everyone who is late on rent

Everyone is caught up on rent for September

October rent is due soon

People who still need to pay security deposit

Alex, Garret, Hito, John B, Kevin, Matt M.

MOUs need to be signed by those who havent

Roughly $5700 in account right now, ~$1200 is chair budget
Alumni Coordinator (Matt)
Alumni are coming this weekend

Matt will not be here, Torin will fill in as Alumni Coordinator role
Make sure house is clean

Historian (Robie)
No Report
Faculty Advisor

Bill Harlan cant be permanent advisor due to conflict of interest

Laurie Johnson will be the next person to ask

Bro Talk

Bro talk will be Thursday this week

Bro cakes Sunday

Go to mass together at 9:30, meet at house at 9:00 and carpool over

After mass, come back to the house for pancake breakfast

Bike Rack

Gabes bike was stolen recently

Thinking of ways to lock bikes down if they are hung

Swing Dancing

October 1st were having a swing dancing night in the back yard
St. Isidores women are really excited
People will be there to help teach

Date Night

Date night is happening October 8th

Theme is Chi Rho Cruise gone wrong
Small amount of money given to each date to buy clothes at a thrift store
Hoping to make a brochure to give to date as an invite
Start finding your dates!


We might play kickball after Bro Cakes Sunday

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