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Optional lesson starters

a. Invite pupils to look (point to your

eye and then move your finger out) at
Cathy and Trip at the top of the page.
b. Remember to use L1 to make sure
pupils understand what is going on.
c. Focus on what Cathy and Trip are
doing and make pupils guess what the
girl is saying.

Learning strategy
Becoming morphologically aware
Make pupils realize the morphological
similarity between the word family
and its equivalent in L1: family/familia.
`` Discuss the different pictures in L1.
If children have had English before,
they may identify the family roles
in English. Discuss the concept of
family. Listen to their ideas. Make
sure you make room for difference
and promote noticing that not all
the families are made up of the same
members or the same number of
people but they all look happy.

These are some links to guide

your discussion or to have
access to support in case you confront
difficult issues or attempts at bullying that
may come up:

Page 19

Teaching Notes

For Roman Catholic schools

org/tag/pope-francis/ (retrieved in August
(retrieved in August 2014)
A quote from Pope Francis: In your journey
as a family, you share so many beautiful
moments: meals, rest, housework, leisure,
prayer, trips and pilgrimages, and times of
mutual support Nevertheless, if there is
no love then there is no joy, and authentic
love comes to us from Jesus. He offers us
His word, which illuminates our path; He
gives us the Bread of life which sustains us
on our journey.

For every school
different_families (retrieved in August
Families come in all shapes and sizes.
Some children have a mum and a dad,
others live with their grandparents
and some children have two mums or
two dads. There are now almost 19,000
children in the UK growing up in samesex parent families. Children will learn
better and will be more engaged if they
find their families reflected in class and
they will grow up to be more successful
learners, confident individuals and
responsible citizens. In order to prepare
children for the diverse society they live
in and to prevent poor behaviour and
bullying, it is important to talk about
difference in general and different
families in particular.

Unit 2 p1

Lesson 1

`` Make them realize it is the same sound. The emphasis is

on the emotion. Then you can ask them, Are you happy?
Are you angry? Accept Yes/No for an answer.

Optional lesson starter

Answers: 1 angry; 2 happy

If this lesson is taught on a different day from the Unit

opener, make sure you go back to the idea of family.
You can write on the board the word F_M_L_ and ask
pupils if they remember. They can answer, family/familia
and you will happily answer Yes. Then tell them to open
their books and move on to Lesson 1, Activity 1.

`` Ask pupils to look at the rubric.

Learning strategies
a. Becoming morphologically aware


Write the word Circle on the board and

underneath write CRC_L_. Then ask what word
in our language is similar to this one. Make them
look and compare. Then ask them what they think
they have to do when they see circle. Accept
answers in L1.

`` Ask about what Eddie is doing/talking about, who he

is probably talking to. Make sure you get the idea of
Eddie introducing his family.
`` Tell pupils to close their books (make gesture) and listen
(point to your ear). Play track 11 once. Ask pupils how
many voices they can hear and whether they belong to
men, women or children.

b. Building semantic relationships

When they read the rubric do not focus on s. Just
focus on Eddie and family. Use L1 to ask who
they have to circle. This activity is just to recognize
family relationships.

`` Play the track again and ask what words they recognize
probably Hi or Hello.

Learning strategy
This attention to the known elements and the
identification of features of the context trains their ear
to search for known information. If pupils know some
of the vocabulary from previous years, they should
identify a couple more words.
`` Have pupils open their books again and invite them to
listen and read.

Teaching Notes

Page 20

`` Check the activity with the whole class.

Answers: 1; 4; 6

`` Ask pupils (in L1) why the girl is angry. Accept several
possible answers that will reflect their own experiences
at home, thus allowing for reflection on emotions. After
ticking the right word, pupils repeat the words aloud.
Ask them to exaggerate the a in angry as if they were
a lion. Also, tell them to produce the smiling \\ for

Optional activity

Click here for photocopiable material (p11).

Unit 2 p2

Lesson 2

`` Before they listen, make them read the words aloud and
check they remember their meaning. You can do it as a
pointing or touching game with the words/pictures in
the book. You can hold it up and point. Then play track
13 for pupils to do the activity.

Optional lesson starter

Ask pupils to go back to Eddies family and ask, Is this
Eddies family? Remember that children do not know
this pattern but if you stress Eddie and family, they
will realize and answer, Yes.

Audioscript/Answers: brother, mum, grandpa, sister

`` Make pupils tell you what they think they have to do.
Ask another pupil to repeat.


`` Read out the names. Ask pupils to read out the names,
one by one in order. Help them remember. Point out
similarities, for example the th sound in this and brother,
the vowel sound in brother and mum, etc. Make it
playful. Pupils write the names on the correct line. Check.

`` Tell pupils to open their books at page 21. Ask, Is this

Eddies family? Pupils will say, No.
`` Play track 12 and point to the different members of the
family as they listen. Have them pay attention to the
pronunciation of some of the new words. Highlight
the pronunciation of th in brother. Tell pupils to bite
their tongue when they produce it. Then focus their
attention on the sound \\ in mum and brother.

Answers: 1 grandpa; 2 grandma; 3 grandpa: 4 grandma; 5 dad;

6 mum; 7 brother; 8 sister

`` Encourage chorus repetition after each word is said.

Then volunteers can do it individually.

`` Go round the classroom listening to pupils exchanges

and helping out when necessary. Try to intrude as little
as possible unless you see a child is paralyzed. Some
pupils feel more confident if an adult is not listening.


For new tasks, ask for volunteers first; those who are shy
may feel intimidated if you insist and might shut off just
out of fear. After one or two volunteers, call on others. Walk
near them and let them talk into your ear if they do not
want to speak publicly yet.

Time for a game

Say a number and pupils say the name of the family
member. Then you can reverse the order. You can decide on
having chorus, pair or individual answers.

Teaching Notes

Page 21

`` Alternatively, work with the whole class. You point, they

say, or they point, you say. In this case you can make
some mistakes on purpose to see if they correct them.


It is difficult to detect who has answered and who has not

with chorus answers. Use this technique first and then go
back to pair or individual answers.

Optional activity

Click here for photocopiable material (p12).


`` Say, Remember (touch you temple and look up) circle?

Ask a pupil to make a circle with his/her hand. Give him/
her an option with gestures.

1 grandma c; 2 sister f; 3 mum a; 4 brother e; 5 dad d; 6 grandpa b

Unit 2 p3

Lesson 3

Optional lesson starter

Ask them to go back to Eddies family in Lesson 1 and
ask, Is this Eddies mum? Remember that pupils do not
know this pattern but if you stress Eddie and mum,
they will realize and answer, Yes. Move on to Activity 1.


Decide whether you will complete the activity in class or at

home depending on the number of periods available.
`` Pupils can draw at least one member of their family or
bring a picture for description. After they finish, or the
following class, they can read what they have written
and show it to the group.

`` Elicit in L1 what pupils think Eddie is doing. Then invite
them to go back to page 20 and see if he uses the same
words when he introduces his father.

Optional activity

`` Have pupils look at the Grammar Trip section. Ask if the

order of the words is correct. Make them compare with
Eddies sentence and put the words in the correct order.

Click here for photocopiable material (p13).

Answer: This is my sister.



Remember to use L1 if necessary. You need to guarantee


1 a; 2 b; 3 b
1 is; 2 my; 3 This; 4 This is my grandpa. 5 This is my sister. 6 This is my

Page 22

`` Walk around as pupils are working. Help by making

them look at the correct order if you notice some
difficulty. If you check answers on the board, make sure
to invite alternatives. If they are incorrect, just make
them go back to the example.

`` Invite pupils to look at the pictures and sentences. Ask
them what the family relationship is in their opinion.
Ask for the English words. If they do not remember,
make them go back to look for them. Have them
complete the sentences. Check.
Answers: 1 is / sister; 2 is my brother

Teaching Notes

Unit 2 p4

Lesson 4

Learning strategy
Getting rhythm in English
Ask pupils to say what the important words are. They
will probably say Maggie and tall. They should read with
only two stresses Maggie and tall the second stress is
stronger and is will not be stressed at all. You can model
one for them. Try to avoid their struggling to read word
by word. Tell them that in English we stress only the
important words.
You can:
a. Write out the sentences on the board and underline
the stressed word.

Optional lesson starters

a. Write on the board: m_m, d_d, gr_ndm_, gr_ndp_, s_st_r,
br_th_r and ask pupils to guess the word.
b. Ask two or three pupils to come to the front and share
their productions for Activity 3 on page 22 with the


b. Clap or click your fingers on the stressed words.

Before listening
`` Have pupils look at the pictures and ask them to
describe them in L1. Play track 14 once and have pupils
point. Play the track a second time. Pupils listen and
repeat. Make sure they pronounce the words correctly.

`` Read the sentences and try to get pupils to guess the

correct word for each sentence.

After listening
`` Check comprehension. Ask pupils to show you
something old, big, etc. Draw the same object in
different sizes. Then draw their attention to the people
in the activity. Ask, Is number 1 young? Is number 4 old?
The required answer would be just Yes/No at this stage.

`` Play track 15 once or twice and have pupils check and

correct the wrong guesses.


Remember that big/small are always relative so use

comparative sizes as different as possible. Accept the
pupils views although they may be different from the
expected answer.

Answers: old, big, young, small

`` A facilitating alternative is to provide options, eg: Big or

small? with the right option as the second element to
remind them of the word at this stage.
`` Watch the pronunciation of \sm\ as it is usually difficult
for Spanish speakers.

Page 23

`` Invite pupils to look and choose. Say, Look (gesture) and
choose (move your finger from one option to the other as
if you were choosing the correct word).
`` Make pupils read the sentences they have framed.
Answers: 1 big; 2 small; 3 young; 4 old

Teaching Notes


Remember you are practising understanding, not testing.

Make pupils realize they will never hear the exact same
sounds they can produce. Ask them to look for/anticipate
the differentiating factors.

`` After writing about their families, pupils share with the
class what they have written.


1 big; 2 small; 3 young; 4 old; 5 sad; 6 happy

Unit 2 p5

Lesson 5

`` Have students read and complete the Grammar Trip

Answers: She / He

Optional lesson starters

`` Note: You might wonder why we have not introduced

the pronoun it together with he/she. In our teaching
experience, we have observed the difficulty that the
learning of a gender-neutral pronoun represents for
young Spanish-speaking pupils. Since the thematic
content of this unit the family and the following unit
pets supported the use of he/she (usual way to refer
to pets), the decision was made to include it in some
chunks or expressions not formally taught or focused on.

a. Play the Emotions guessing game. See Unit 1, Activity 2.

b. Call out the names of the members of the family and point
to one child. He/She should produce an adjective that
describes that member of his/her family, eg: big/small.

`` Ask pupils who they think George is introducing. Ask
them to describe them by providing alternatives: Young
or old? Big or small? and pointing to the people in the

`` Ask about the meaning of the rubric.

`` Write the following on the board:

`` Ask pupils what words they have to complete with

and where they can get that information. Focus pupils
attention on the Grammar Trip section. Check.

_________ _________
_________ _________
`` Invite pupils to look at the pictures and read the text.
Have them complete about George and Lucy. Allow
whatever information they gather from the text and/or
the pictures. Check.


EJE DE LA LECTURA La comprensin y

construccin de sentidos del texto escrito
apelando a diferentes estrategias. Esto supone: la
identificacin del gnero; el recurso a pistas que
brindan los textos y su paratexto;
T: Se repiten las palabras George y Lucy? P: No.
T: Qu te ayud a darte cuenta que se trataba de
George y Lucy para completar el cuadro? P: Que en
uno deca brother y el otro sister.
T: Qu palabra se repite en el lugar donde debera
estar el nombre? P: He cuando es George y She
cuando es Lucy.

Teaching Notes

Answers: 1 She; 2 He

Page 24


Do not expect the correct pronunciation of he and she.

Pupils have not heard them yet. You can pronounce the
words correctly immediately after they have answered. You
can make them play with a mirror or a window pane in front
of their mouths to make them see the quality of the sound
\h\ versus the Spanish sound i. Make them notice how the
mirror gets blurry when you pronounce \h\ well. Also, you
can use the gesture for silence in sh \S\. This is not usually a
problem sound in Argentina but is a problem in Chile.

`` Ask pupils what they have to do. Make them recall what
word/pattern they use to introduce someone. Some
pupils will probably forget to write the word is in the
sentence. Ask them to go back to the reading text and
compare the sentences. You can even ask them to count
the words in each.
Answers: This is, She is, She is / This is, He is, He is

`` Do class correction on the board. Pupils may use He/

She is in all the sentences and it would not be wrong
in this context. In that case, insist on the use of This is
make them go back to the presentation in Lessons 1 or
3 and ask them what Eddie uses to introduce his family.
`` Alternatively, tell them to look at the rubric of the
activity and point out that there is one possibility they
have not used and where they would use it.
Unit 2 p6

Lesson 6

`` Get pupils to say what they have to do and where they
have the necessary information. Give them 5 minutes
to read the text and 2 more to match. If this is too much
time or too little, correct timing on the go.

Optional lesson starter

Do a short review of numbers using flashcards. Elicit
chorus answers first and then elicit individual answers.

`` Write the numbers on the board for pupils to come and

write the corresponding letter alongside.

`` Ask pupils to read the resulting sentence aloud.

`` Invite pupils to look at the pictures for a minute and

have them tell you what they are about.

Answers: 1 b; 2 c; 3 a

`` Make them read (gesture) the story. Ask general

comprehension questions about the story: whose
birthday it is, how old she is, the cats name, who Pepper
is, etc. They can use English to say the age. See if they tell
you why Emma says Thank you to the cat.

Try to time their activities as much as possible. It helps

them concentrate.
After reading
`` Read the sentences aloud. Alternatively, you can
write the numbers on the board for them to write the
corresponding letter next to it.

`` Focus pupils attention on the question in the rubrics.

Invite them to answer it.


If by any chance, pupils ask about the form isnt they may
have learned previously, make sure they understand isnt
is the same as is not. Even if we do not use abbreviation of
is not in this book, it is good to show them how, when a
letter disappears in a word, a sign of some kind appears in
its place. As is the case in mhijo for mi hijo or pami for para
m. Also, in the case of de acuerdo/daccord/daccordo, we
can appreciate this across languages.

`` Write on the board is/am. Ask pupils to find where these
words appear in Activity 1. Make them notice the words
that precede is/am and who each refers to. Make sure
pupils understand the meaning of the sentences. Make
them notice the previous words (I/Pepper).
Answers: 1 am, is; 2 am, is

Teaching Notes


`` When dealing with the question How old are you?, you
may have two options:

Option 1: Ask, How old are you? The pupil who answers
can lie about his/her age and a third pupil can say, No,
she/he is and give the correct answer.
Option 2: Ask, How old is Mary/Juan, etc? Pupil 1 may
say, Mary is 10. and Pupil 2 may reply, No. Mary is 9.

Page 25


Whenever possible, ask pupils to tell you what they have to

do. In this case, they should have no problem in doing it or
completing the activity on their own. You could use peer
plus group correction.


We do not think it is a good idea to elicit the question from

pupils at this stage because of its phonological similarity
with How are you? (taught in Unit 1).

2 She is nine. 3 He is six. 4 He is seven.

Unit 2 p7

Lesson 7
Optional activity
Optional lesson starter
Guessing game: Slowly write the first letter of a word
(family member) until a pupil calls it out, or turn and
nominate individual pupils to guess the word.

`` Have pupils look at the text and the picture on the right
(gesture). Give them 2 minutes to read the text and
invite them to complete the sentences.


Answers: 1 mum; 2 dad; 3 sister

Click here for photocopiable material (p14). For

Activity 1, tell pupils to draw members of their
family in the frames. Tell them they can choose
and complete only 1 or 2 or change the frames if
they wish.

1 Hello, I am Clara. 2 This is Zoe. She is small. 3 I Zoe!

1 young; 2 old; 3 young; 4 young
1 This is Tom. He is my grandpa. 2 This is Alice. She is my grandma.


If you notice pupils are not that sure about the words they
have to use to fill in the blanks, they can write them on the
board but make sure you clean them out before they start
writing. Love is a new word. Pupils will see it again in the
song. Make pupils think of the meaning of new words in
the context in which they appear.
Page 26

`` After talking about the pictures with the pupils read the
rubric. If they do not realise which word is missing in
each case, take sentence 1 and read out the options, I is
Sally or I am Sally? I am Sally. Then have them complete
the rest. Make them look at previous reading texts in
the book to check.
Answers: 1 am, am, is, is; 2 am, is, am, is, is

`` Read the rubric and make sure they understand what
they have to do.
`` When dealing with this writing task, pupils may choose
to omit some information or add something. Also, they
may write the information in a different order. Allow it.
`` Remember this activity can be done as homework.

Teaching Notes

Unit 2 p8

Lesson 8

`` They act out the story including the picture in Activity
2 several times. Then they can create their own story
based on helping people, eg: someone falls down,
another one cant close the window because it is too
high, etc. Pupils can also draw any situation chosen a
sketch will do and record the new dialogue in writing.

Help your family.

Optional lesson starter

Ask pupils to name the members of the family they can

see in the comic strip. Ask, Is Grandma young or old? etc.

Make sure the new language is later used in class. You can
make a kind of glossary with the expressions and words
like: Help me, please; Be careful! Pick up, etc and add
them to your daily class vocabulary.

`` Have pupils look at the two robots. Ask them why they
think they are shaking hands. You may get various
answers. Accept them even if they are not what you
expected. Go back to this icon after having dealt
with the comic strip to corroborate or discard their

Optional activities
1. Invite pupils to look for things that can be
improved at school, make signs that say Help
me, please! with a drawing. They may stick
them around the school. It could be a sign and
a drawing to stick on the dustbin so people
throw papers in there.

`` Tell pupils to look at the words near the robots. Ask

them what the meaning of help could be. Make them
analyze the situation.
`` Look for the word help in the story. Ask what the other
person does.
`` Invite pupils to read (hands in front of face, eyes on
them as if reading) the text (point) together (gesture
including all). Each pupil impersonates a character.
`` Deal with the question Is Tom good? Help pupils infer
the right answer.
`` After reading or during the class you can ask about
the value of helping others or receiving help. Listen to
pupils comments on their experience.


Page 27

2. Click here for photocopiable material (p15).

`` Invite pupils to identify the characters in the picture.
Ask them about what may be going on in the picture.
`` Allow them 2 minutes (gesture for two minutes) to
complete both exchanges. Have volunteers read their
Answers: help, me, please; Yes

Teaching Notes

Unit 2 p9

Lesson 9

`` Play track 16 once. Ask about the words they have to

circle (gesture). Tell pupils to pay attention (point to
your eye) so as to anticipate difference for each pa/ma
or m/d.

Optional lesson starters

Ask pupils to describe the children in the pictures.
Ask, Is he happy or sad? Is she happy or sad?

Answers: Grandma; Mum; Grandpa; Dad

`` Before playing the track a second time, have pupils

open their books (gesture) and sing along (gesture).
Make sure they get the idea of too.

`` Have pupils look at the rubric. Ask them what they have to
do. If they dont understand the idea of a tick, draw it on
the board. Give pupils 10 minutes to go about this task.

Optional activities

`` While they are working, go around the classroom

checking answers and helping with mistakes and
doubts about what to tick.

1. Tell pupils to go home and tell their family

members I love you Grandpa/Mum, etc. Ask
them the following class how it went.
2. Divide the class into groups. Some pupils will
be Jim; others will be the members of the
family that appear in the song. Each group will
sing its part in turn.

Answers: Paul: mum, sisters; Sarah: mum, dad, sisters


`` Tell pupils to read the instruction which appears under

the table next to the robot. Focus on the word similar,
the phrase Pauls family and p19. Try to get pupils to
realize what they have to do.

Page 28

Answer: Family in the middle bottom photo.


`` Focus pupils attention on the icons. Ask them to

anticipate what they are supposed to do. They will
probably get to the idea of sing.
`` Read the rubric. They may infer sing because it is the
remaining word.

Teaching Notes

3. Pupils say who they love only, eg: I love my


My Project

`` Ask them what the song is about. Love and the names
of the family members should be recognized.

`` Discuss possibilities and ask pupils to bring the

necessary materials to work in class.

`` Ask them what the word boy means. Help them by

pointing if they dont know.

`` Alternatively, you may have pupils work on the project

at home and the following class they share the result
in small groups or pair work. They present their family
picture. You may invite them to say, This is my mum.
I love my mum. But they need not say this if they do
not feel like it. They can add information about their
relatives, eg: young, old, for brothers and sisters.

`` Ask, How many times (showing you are counting with

your fingers) I love you is repeated? And also the word

Unit 2 p10

Activate Units 12

`` Walk around to find pupils who have a different answer

and ask them to write their answer on the board, too.
If this answer is possible, make the class realize that
there is sometimes more than one correct answer.
If it is not, help the pupil notice why it is not correct.
Never make a pupil feel exposed.

`` Analyze the comic with pupils. Ask what the detective is
doing, what value is focused on (helping people), why
he is helping the boy, etc.
`` Tell them to compare the pictures and the words they
have to use to complete the blanks and ask them to do
the activity. Check.
Answers: 2 purple, yellow, green; 3 pens; 4 eraser; 5 book, pens,
eraser, pencils

Optional activities
1. Pupils look at the text and the picture and try
to remember information about one member
of the family. Then ask them to cover the text
and point to the person they have chosen.
The pupil needs to give information about
that person, eg: This is Kevin (pointing to the
picture in his/her book). He is 4. He is small.

`` Invite pupils to role-play the story as it is.

2. Pupils look at the text and the picture and try

to remember as much information about the
family as possible. Then ask them to cover
the text and point to a member of the family.
A volunteer can talk about that person. The
same can be done for all the members of the


3. Pupils look at the text and the picture and try

to remember as much information about the
family as possible. Then ask them to cover
the text and point to a member of the family.
The teacher will nominate who talks about
that person. The same can be done for all the
members of the family.

Page 33

`` Focus pupils attention on the picture of the family on

page 33. You may ask them questions about it.
`` Give them 1015 minutes to read the text and circle the
correct option looking at the picture.
`` Read the results and write the chosen words on the

Optional activities
1. Tell pupils to change the colours of the
objects or to change the objects lost. They can
act out the new story.

2. Pupils can write down their new stories. Invite

them to share them with the class.

4. Pupils can write the information they have

been providing and draw (sketch) the
members of that family. Invite them to share
their work.

Answers: mum, young, big, big, small, old, brother, small, happy

Teaching Notes

Activate Units 12

Explore Units 12


Optional activities
1. Memory game: Pupils try to remember the
colour of the emotions they know and play
a game without looking. One says the colour
and the other one calls out the name of an
emotion they know with that colour and
vice versa.

`` Write on the board the words wheel = circle and

emotions / emo_ion_s. Make pupils realize that the word
emotions is similar to the word in Spanish.
`` Make pupils scan the text for the words they know
such as sad, happy, bored, angry.
`` Make them reflect on the relationship between
colours and emotions. Ask them to see what colour
the emotions they know are, eg:
T: What colour are the emotions?
P: Blue, red, purple, yellow.
T: So Sad is blue. Happy is
`` Pupils write the emotions below Trips faces and then
they colour the faces according to the colours in the

2. The Fortune-teller game: A pupil chooses a

colour, says the colour chosen and another
pupil replies using the emotion connected
to it, eg:
P1: Favourite colour?
P2: Green.
P1: You are happy!

Answers: 1 happy (green); 2 sad (blue); 3 bored (pink); 4 angry (red)

`` Ask pupils what they have to do here.
`` Relate them to the word emotions you worked on
previously and tell them to look at the wheel.

Page 34

`` Make them look at the example. Ask them what they

have to do with the other words. Check.
Answers: 2 nervous; 3 interested; 4 distracted

Learning strategy
Once pupils have found the words in the wheel, reflect
on the similarities and differences between English and
Spanish. Throughout the course, the idea is to highlight
similarities to make learning friendlier.

Teaching Notes

Explore Units 12

Unit 2

Lesson 1

Look and match.


name is Beakie.

My name is


My name is

PHOTOCOPIABLE Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2015


Unit 2 p11

Unit 2

Lesson 2

Look at the pictures and tick ().


1 2

1 2

a brother

e mum

b sister

f dad

c grandma

g Hello!

d grandpa

h Goodbye!

PHOTOCOPIABLE Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2015

Unit 2 p12

Unit 2

Lesson 3

Read and tick ().


What is your na
I am Ben.


My name is Ann

This is my

2 Match.

1 My

a your name?

2 This

b name is Rob.

3 What is

c is my sister.

PHOTOCOPIABLE Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2015

Unit 2 p13

Unit 2

Lesson 7

Draw your family.

Write about your family. Use:

This is my He is She is

PHOTOCOPIABLE Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2015

Unit 2 p14

Unit 2

Lesson 8

Read. Then underline i, e, p and b.


This is my brother. He is six.

This is my grandpa.

Complete with e, i, p or b.

1 Th

s s my roth r.

2 Th

PHOTOCOPIABLE Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2015

s s my grand a.

Unit 2 p15

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