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Levelezshez hasznos kifejezsek

Bevezetshez kapcsold angol kifejezsek
A bevezets rendszerint vagy egy korbbi levlre, vagy egy olyan esemnyre val utalssal
kezddik, amely a levlrst kivltotta. Ennek megfelelen az albbiakban azok a
leggyakoribb angol kifejezsek kvetkeznek, amelyekkel a levelrst kezdjk.

I have just received your letter and I am writing at once because...

ppen most kaptam meg a leveledet s rgtn vlaszolok is, mert...

I'm sorry it has taken me so long to reply to your last letter but...
Elnzst, hogy ilyen sokig nem vlaszoltam a leveledre, de...

What a surprise it was to get a letter from you after all this time.
Igazi meglepets volt, hogy ilyen hossz id utn rtl nekem.

I was very sorry to hear... - Sajnlattal rtesltem arrl, hogy...

I feel sure that you will be interested to know (that)...

Biztos vagyok benne, hogy rdekelni fog az a hr, hogy...

The reason I am writing is that... - Azrt rok, mert...

Please forgive me for my delay in answering your letter, but...

Elnzst, hogy ilyen ksn vlaszolok a leveledre, de...

Thanks a lot for your last letter. Sorry I haven't answered until now.
Ksznm az utols leveled s elnzst, hogy eddig nem vlaszoltam.

It felt good to hear from/about you. - Jlesett hallani rlad.

I'm writing to you to ask you a favour.

Azrt rok, mert egy kis szvessget szeretnk krni tled.

In your last letter you asked me about...

Utols/utbbi leveledben arrl krdeztl, hogy...

In your last letter you asked me to...

Utols/utbbi leveledben arra krtl, hogy...

Thank you for your long/interesting letter. I was glad to hear (that)...
Ksznm a hossz/az rdekes levelet. rmmel hallottam, hogy...

I was very happy/delighted/pleased to receive your letter, which arrived yesterday/some

days ago.
Nagyon rltem a levelednek, amelyet tegnap/nhny nappal ezeltt kaptam meg.

I have just received your letter and am writing to you by return post.
ppen most kaptam meg a leveledet s postafordultval vlaszolok is.

Thank you so much for answering my letter so quickly.

Ksznm, hogy ilyen gyorsan vlaszoltl a levelemre.

I hope this letter reaches you in time. - Remlem, hogy idben megkapod a levelemet.

It was lovely to hear from you again. - J volt jra hallani rlad.


Trgyalshoz kapcsold angol kifejezsek

A trgyalsra jellemz fordulatok a levl tartalmtl fggenek, ezrt itt nincsenek

sablonszeren hasznlhat kifejezsek. gy a kvetkezkben klnfle levltpusokban
hasznlatos kifejezseket vesznk szemgyre. Pldul meghvsra, krsre, ksznetre stb.
vonatkoz kifejezseket.

A. Pldk meghvs kifejezsre


Why don't you come and spend the holidays / the rest of the summer / a week / with us?
Gyere, tltsd velnk a sznidt (nnepeket) / a nyr htralv rszt / egy hetet.

Have you thought of coming to visit us in Hungary?

Gondoltl mr r, hogy megltogass minket Magyarorszgon?

The offer still stands if you want to take it up.

Az ajnlat mg mindig ll, ha szeretnd megragadni.

How about a holiday in Hungary? - Mit szlnl egy magyarorszgi nyaralshoz?

Couldn't you stay with us? - Nem tudnl nlunk megszllni?

Would you like to come and spend a few days in our home?
Szvesen eljnnl hozznk nhny napra?

I would be delighted if you would/could/did come. !!!!!

Nagyon rlnk, ha eljnnl/el tudnl jnni/tnyleg eljnnl.
I was wondering if you could come and see us in Hungary. !!!
Arra gondoltam, hogy el tudnl-e jnni megltogatni minket Magyarorszgon?

Let me know what you think about it. - rd meg, hogy mit szlsz hozz.
B. Pldk meghvs elfogadsra s visszautastsra

Thanks a lot for your invitation, I look forward to the journey.

Ksznm a meghvst, alig vrom az utazst.

Thanks! I will definitely come. - Kszi! Biztosan menni fogok!

I can't wait to come. - Mr alig vrom, hogy mehessek.

Thank you so much for inviting me to your home. I will be delighted to come. !!!
Ksznm, hogy meghvtl hozztok. Nagy rmmel megyek.

It's so sweet of you to have invited me. I'll certainly go.

Olyan kedves vagy, hogy meghvtl. Termszetesen elmegyek.

I do regret not be able to come, but... - Tnyleg sajnlom, hogy nem tudok elmenni, de...

I'm afraid I can't accept your invitation because...

Attl tartok, hogy nem tudom elfogadni a meghvst, mert...

I'd love to come, but unfortunately I can't.

Nagyon szeretnk elmenni, de sajnos nem tudok.

I'm sorry but I am unable to come. - Sajnlom, de kptelen vagyok elmenni.

C. Pldk krs kifejezsre

Could I possibly ask you a favour? - Krhetnk esetleg tled egy szvessget? !!!

I would be extremely grateful if you would do this for me. !!!

Nagyon hls lennk, ha megtennd ezt nekem.

Is there any chance of you sending me.. ? - Van r lehetsg, hogy kldjl nekem..?

If you don't object to it I would like to ask you to...

Ha nincs ellene kifogsod, szeretnlek megkrni, hogy...

I'm sorry to have to bother you about this.

Sajnlom, hogy ilyennel kell, hogy zavarjalak.
Do you think I could stay with you? - Mit gondolsz, aludhatnk nlatok?

I have a great favour to ask you. - Nagy szvessget szeretnk tled krni.

I know it's expecting rather a lot, but... - Tudom, hogy sokat krek, de...

Would it be at all possible to... - Lehetsges lenne egyltaln, hogy...

If it's at all inconvenient to you feel free to say so.

Mondd meg nyugodtan, ha ez egy picit is kellemetlen neked.
D. Pldk ksznet kifejezsre

I'm extremely grateful for your help in... !!!

Nagyon hls vagyok a ...ben nyjtott segtsgedrt.

How charming of you to send me... - Milyen kedves tled, hogy kldtl nekem egy...

You have no idea how grateful I am for...

El sem tudod kpzelni, hogy mennyire hls vagyok amirt...

I have no words to tell you how much I like it.

El sem tudom mondani, hogy mennyire tetszik.

I was over the moon when I got your present. It's so kind of you.
Rettenetesen rltem, amikor megkaptam az ajndkodat. Nagyon kedves tled!

Thank you for your wonderful hospitality. - Ksznm a nagyszer vendgltst.

I will never forget your kindness. - Soha nem fogom elfelejteni a kedvessgeteket.

Let me thank you once again for a marvellous stay.

Hadd ksznjem meg jra, hogy ottltem alatt minden olyan csodlatos volt.

Thank you for making us so welcome. - Ksznjk a szvlyes fogadtatst.

Thanks for a very pleasant evening. - Ksznjk a kellemes estt.


Befejezshez kapcsold angol kifejezsek

I look / am looking / will be looking forward to hearing from you (soon).

Alig vrom mr, hogy halljak felled / felletek.

I do hope to see you soon. - Nagyon remlem, hogy hamarosan tallkozunk.

We all send our love to you and your parents / children.
Mindannyian szeretettel dvzlnk tged s a szleidet / gyerekeket.

I have no more news for the moment. - Egyelre nincs tbb hrem.

Do write me soon and tell me all about yourself.

Krlek mielbb vlaszolj s rjl magadrl.

I hope to have a letter from you soon. - Mielbbi vlaszod remnyben,

Write me and let me know how you are getting on.- rjl s tudasd velem, hogy vagy!

I must end now, but I will write a longer letter next time.
Most bcszom, de legkzelebb majd tbbet rok.

I can't think of anything else to write at the moment. - Egyelre nem tudok tbbet rni.

Drop me a line when you have a moment. - rj egy pr sort, ha van egy kis idd!

Bye for now. Take care and write me soon.

Most bcszom. Vigyzz magadra s rjl hamar.

That's all! Write soon! - Ez minden! rjl hamar!

Hope all goes well with you. - Remlem, minden rendben.

ltalnos (barti) levlben a tnyleges befejezsre, bcszsra hasznlt leggyakoribb

angol kifejezsek a kvetkezk:

Love / Lots of love / All my love / Much love / Love from,

Szeretettel (rokonoknak s nagyon kzeli bartoknak)

Yours / Yours ever / Yours as ever - Szeretettel (nem tlsgosan kzeli, de j bartoknak)

Yours affectionately / Yours sincerely / Sincerely yours

Szeretettel (egyb ismersknek)

All the best / regards / best wishes / my very best to you - Minden jt kvnok!

J ha tudod:
A bcszs a levl befejezse alatt egy sort kihagyva kezddik ltalban a margtl kiss
jobbra, de lehet kzvetlenl mellette, vagy kzpen is.
A bcszsban az els szt mindig nagy betvel rjuk, a vgre pedig vesszt tesznk.
1. Feladat

nnek nemrgiben volt az eljegyzse. Levelet r angol bartjnak, amelyben:

- kzli vele a nagy hrt
- megrja, hogy ki a menyasszonya, mit csinl s hol tallkoztak
- elmondja, hogy milyen tulajdonsgai vannak s mi rdekli
- kzli bartjval, hogy az eljegyzs csak szk csaldi krben volt
- mr elre bejelenti, hogy az eskvre viszont ket is szeretn meghvni
- lerja, hogy nagyon remli, hogy el tudnak jnni a nagy napra
I am delighted to tell you that I have just become engaged.
My fiancee is Mary Stephens, whom I don't think you have met yet, but I'm sure you will
think I am very lucky when you do meet her. She is a teacher of English and teaches young
kids in the nearby primary school.
We met five weeks ago at a party. It was love at first sight - I feel as if I have known her all
my life. We share so many things; she loves travelling and languages just like me. She is very
witty and outgoing and I can't imagine my life without her. It's a very special relationship and
we have grown really close in such a short time.
Last saturday we had a small ceremony with only the immediate family present. That was
when we got engaged to each other and now we are starting to make arrangements for the
wedding reception. So an invitation to the wedding will reach you very soon. I do hope you
will be able to come.
Yours sincerely,
[Ide rod a neved!]
2. Feladat
n lakst cserl egy ismers amerikai hzasprral a nyrra. Telefonon megegyeztek, hogy
levlben rtestik egymst a lakssal/hzzal kapcsolatos tudnivalkrl. n is rja meg a
- hol veheti fel a hzaspr a kulcsot megrkezskor
- hol talljk meg a kzponti vz -s villanykapcsolkat
- a hztartsi eszkzk hasznlatval kapcsolatos tudnivalkat
- a virgntzs szablyait
- a visszautazs eltti teendket
Dear Linda and Terry,

As agreed in our telephone conversation the day before yesterday, here are the instructions for
what to do when you arrive at the house.
First of all collect the keys from the neighbour. The largest key is for the gate, the two smaller
ones are for the garage and the main entrance door.
When you enter the house, the mains electricity switch is clearly marked on the wall right in
front of you, opposite the entrance door. In order to connect the water supply, turn on the large
blue tap, which you will find in the cellar, right underneath the stairs.
Feel free to use any of the household appliances and kitchen utensils you want. I'm sure you
will have no trouble in findig them. The only exception is perhaps the iron, which I keep in
the big wardrobe in the living-room. Note that the washing machine is not in the kitchen, but
in the bathroom. It's an old type machine so it can be a bit tricky if you are not used to it. The
dials are on the top and I'll leave the instructions right next to them.
Some of the plants are on the balcony and we usually water them in the morning before the
sun comes round. The others are inside and it's enough to water them twice a week.
Before leaving the house make sure that all the switches and taps are turned off and the
windows and doors are securely locked. And please remember to return the keys to the
Well, have a lovely time and phone me if I have forgotten about something important.
Yours sincerely,
[Ide rod a neved!]
3. Feladat
Angol bartjnak egyik ismerse Magyarorszgra szeretne jnni angolt tantani. Bartja ntl
kr informcit. rjon egy 17-20 soros levelet, amelyben tjkoztatja t a kvetkezkrl:
- milyen a tanv beosztsa Magyarorszgon
- milyen rendszerben folyik a gimnziumban a tants
- milyen nyelveket tanulnak a dikok
- milyen az rtkelsi rendszer
- milyenek a magyar kzpiskolsok
- mire szmthat egy fiatal anyanyelv tanr a beilleszkedst illeten
Dear Allen,

I was interested to hear that a friend of yours is coming to Hungary to teach English in a
secondary grammar school. I want to quickly write to you about everything she needs to
The school year in Hungary is divided into two terms. The first term begins in September and
finishes right before Christmas. The second term begins on one of the first days of January
and finishes in the middle of June. Then all the schools break up for the long summer
holidays, which last for almost three months.
The lessons in grammar schools usually start at 8 o'clock in the morning. Each lesson lasts for
45 minutes and there are about six lessons a day. On the average teachers have 18 lessons a
There has been great emphasis put on language teaching recently and secondary school
students have to opt for two foreign languages to study. These are usually English and
German. In bigger schools they can also learn French, Italian or Spanish.
The school sends a report to the parents with grades in every subject at the end of each term.
The final grades are based on the teacher's continuous assessment in class. Hungarian
secondary schools are quite strict and competitive therefore there are very few discipline
problems. The students are already used to having native speakers as their teachers, so she
shouldn't worry about this. I'm sure she'll get on very well with most of them.
Well, I hope I've remembered everything, but if I havent, please write again and ask any
questions you've got. Please, tell your friend that I wish her success in her future job.
Sincerely yours,
[Ide rod a neved!]
4. Feladat
n nemrgiben egy nagyszer angol filmet ltott a moziban. Hossz hallgats utn levelet r
angol bartjnak, amelyben:
- kzli, hogy milyen filmet ltott, ami egybknt egy angol regny filmrevitt vltozata volt
- kri bartjt, hogy szerezze meg nnek ezt a knyvet, ha lehetsges s kldje el
- mondja el, hogy nagyon ritkk a j filmek manapsg, mert a filmek tbbsge krimi vagy
horror, s tele van erszakkal
- az nk csaldjban is llandan be van kapcsolva a televzi, amivel n meglehetsen
- rviden jellemzi a magyar TV-msorokat, s rdekldik az angol filmek s sorozatok
sznvonala fell.
Dear Nancy,

I know it's a long time since I last wrote to you but don't think this means that I've forgotten
Actually, I had been quite busy until very recently when I finally found some time to go to the
cinema. I saw an excellent English film entitled "Room with a view". I know it's an adaptation
of a book written by Foster, which I would very much like to read.
Now, there's something I would like you to do for me, if you don't mind. I wonder whether
you could buy that book and send it to my home address. I would be really grateful to you if
you could help me with this.
You know there's so few good films today because most of them are either crime or horror
stories. They are full of violence and aggression, which I can't tell you how much I hate. The
saddest thing about it is that this is what you get on TV as well. My children always have the
telly on and watch these absolutely stupid programmes for hours on end. Unfortunately,
there's not much variety on Hungarian channels and the satellite channels are even worse. Just
imagine a generation growing up on this rubbish.
How about television programmes in England?
Are they of any higher standard?
I'm looking forward to your answer. I hope I'm not causing you much trouble with that book.
Thank you in advance.
Lots of love,
[Ide rod a neved!]

Hogyan rjunk j levelet s fogalmazst? KTSZAVAK

A pldamondatoknl figyelj arra, hol hasznlunk vesszt vagy pontosvesszt!
1. To make contrasting points (ellenttek kifejezse):
although habr
however azonban
in spite of (+ fnv / doing) - annak ellenre
while mg
despite (+ fnv / doing) - annak ellenre
even though - annak ellenre

yet - azonban
nevertheless - azonban
but - de
at the same time - azonban, ugyanakkor
even if - mg akkor is ha

Although Carol was rather inexperienced, she decided to apply for the position.=
Carol was rather inexperienced, but she decided to apply for the position.=
Carol was rather inexperienced; yet, she decided to apply for the position.=
Carol was rather inexperienced; however, she decided to apply for the position.=
Carol was rather inexperienced; nevertheless, she decided to apply for the position.
While Sam's very good at languages, his brother is absolutely hopeless.=
Sam's very good at languages, at the same time his brother is absolutely hopeless.
Despite being very hard-working and punctual, he couldn't finish his essay in time.
In spite of being very hard-working and punctual, he couldn't finish his essay in time.
Even though Dylan was one of the professor's favourite students, he failed the exam.
I'll get there, even if I have to walk.
2. To list points (felsorols):
firstly elszr
first of all elszr
secondly msodjra
finally - vgl

in the first place - elssorban

to start with - elsknt
thirdly - harmadjra

Firstly / In the first place / First of all / To start with, I am going to define what guerilla
marketing actually means.
Secondly, I would like to show the importance of human psychology regarding guerilla
Finally, I intend to give specific examples of this marketing strategy.

3. To add more points on a topic (tovbbi pontok hozzadsa):

what is more tovbb
furthermore - tovbb
moreover tovbb
also - is
too is
apart from this - ezen kvl, ettl eltekintve
in addition (to) - radsul, ezen kvl
besides - ezenkvl, ezenfell
not to mention the fact - arrl nem is beszlve
Bruce Springsteen is an excellent songwriter; what is more, he is very good at playing the
Bruce Springsteen is an excellent songwriter; furthermore, he is very good at playing the
Bruce Springsteen is an excellent songwriter; moreover, he is very good at playing the guitar.
They also have an enormous house in the countryside.=
They have an enormous house in the countryside, too.
Her job involves dealing with clients. Apart from this, she is responsible for responding to
customer complaints.=
Her job involves dealing with clients. In addition, she is responsible for responding to
customer complaints.=
Her job involves dealing with clients. Besides, she is responsible for responding to customer
Her job involves dealing with clients. Not to mention the fact, she is responsible for
responding to customer complaints.
4. To list advantages /disadvantages (elnyk s htrnyok felsorolsa):
one / another / one other / a further advantage / disadvantage - az egyik / egy
msik / tovbbi elnye / htrnya
the main / the first / the greatest advantage / disadvantage - a f / az els / a legnagyobb
elnye / htrnya
One advantage of living in the country is the fresh air.
Another disadvantage of this area is the lack of public transport.
A further advantage of knowing foreign languages is the ability to communicate easily when
you are abroad.
The main advantage of working with Tim is that you can rely on him in every situation.
The greatest disadvantage of going to big supermarkets is that shopping takes a lot of time.
5. To express personal opinion (vlekeds):

in my opinion / view - vlemnyem szerint

to my mind / way of thinking - vlemnyem szerint
personally I believe - szemly szerint gy gondolom
it strikes me that - az a benyomsom
I feel very strongly that - nagyon gy rzem, hogy
I am inclined to believe that - hajlamos vagyok azt hinni, hogy
it seems to me that - gy tnik, hogy
as far as I am concerned - ami engem illet
In my opinion, his performance was magnificent.
To my mind, this strategy isn't really working.
Personally I believe that taking risks has both advantages and disadvantages.
It strikes me that he is not really enthusiastic about his new girlfriend.
I feel very strongly that applying for this job is a great opportunity for you.
I am inclined to believe that learning Chinese is useful but extremely difficult.
It seem to me that it is not worth contacting again that client of yours.
As far as I am concerned, you need to put more emphasis on the importance of teamwork.
7. To conclude (sszegzs):
finally /lastly vgl
above all - mindenekeltt, legfkpp
all in all sszessgben
in conclusion - sszessgben
taking everything into account - mindent figyelembe vve
on the whole - sszessgben vve
as I have said - ahogy emltettem
all things considered - mindent figyelembe vve
as was previously stated - ahogy korbban is elhangzott
to sum up - sszessgben
Finally / Lastly, he decided to give up his profession for good.
Above all / All in all, I would like to highlight the importance of this technique.
Taking everything into account / All things considered, her influence cannot be ignored.
On the whole / In conclusion / To sum up, I am convinced that I am the most suitable
candidate for this position.
As I have said / As was previously stated, we are willing to give a financial support
regarding your new project.
8. To express cause (oksgi viszony kifejezse):
because of / owing to / due to - vmi miatt
for this reason - emiatt
Because of / owing to / due to his illness, she could not continue with her studies.
Suddenly, she became very ill. For this reason, she could not continue with her studies.

9. To express effect (kvetkezmny kifejezse):

so gy
therefore - ezrt
thus ezrt
consequently - kvetkezskppen
as a consequence - ennek eredmnyekppen
as a result - ennek eredmnyekppen
Molly has inherited a large sum of money, so she is planning to quit her job now .
Molly has inherited a large sum of money; therefore, she is planning to quit her job now.
Molly has inherited a large sum of money; thus, she is planning to quit her job now.
Molly has inherited a large sum of money; consequently, she is planning to quit her job now.
Molly has inherited a large sum of money. As a result / As a consequence, she is planning to
quit her job now.
10. To emphasize what you say (hangsly kifejezse):
clearly - vilgosan, egyrtelmen
of course termszetesen
in particular - fleg, klnsen

obviously - nyilvnvalan
needless to say - szksgtelen mondani

Clearly / Obviously, this will take more time than we expected.

Of course, he is more than just a friend.
Needless to say, you must be very reliable if you want to do this job.
Choose your words carefully: in particular, avoid confusing and ambiguous language.
11. To express reality (valszersg kifejezse):
in fact / actually / as a matter of fact - tulajdonkppen
in practice gyakorlatilag
the fact of the matter is that - lnyegben
In fact / Actually / As a matter of fact, this technique is more efficient than the previous one.
Prisoners have legal rights, but in practice, these rights are not always respected.
The fact of the matter is that he doesn't seem to be suitable for this job.
12. To express difference between appearance and reality (a ltszat s a valsg kzti
klnbsg kifejezse):
on the face of it - els pillantsra, ltszatra
apparently - gy tnik, gy ltszik, hogy

at first sight - els pillantsra

What may, on the face of it / at first sight, seem obvious often turns out to be far more

Apparently, they are getting married soon.

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