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A universality class based on the dimensionality of the magnetic lattice and the
order parameter is assigned to a system depending on the values of the critical
exponents which characterize the phase transition. Hence , to develop a proper
understanding about the long-range ordered state it is essential that the critical
exponents associated with the phase transition are precisely determined.
Conventionally, exhaustive measurements of both low-field ac-susceptibility and
high field dc-magnetization are needed to obtain the relevant critical exponent
required for the complete characterization of the paramagnetic to ferromagnetic
phase transition. Considering, the fact that ideal second order paramagnetic to
ferromagnetic phase transition is defined in the zero external field, a large apptted
field is likely to smear the true critical behaviours apart from introducing fieldinduced effects in many systems thus making low field susceptibility measure
advantageous. Moreover, the Kouvel-Fisher(K-F) analysis of the ac-susceptibility of
the ac-susceptibility data is a well established method to independently determine
both the transition temperature(TC) as well as the ferromagnetic phase transition
has been extensively studied using linearbsusceptibilitymeasurements to
characterize the nature of the transition for a variety of systems.
In spite of the fact that non-linear effects become more pronounced in the vicinity
of a phase transition the behavior of the higher-order susceptibilities across
conventional phase transitions has remained relativity less explored . this is
primarily because of the fact that non-linear susceptibilities is far from being
satisfactory as far as these magnetic system are concerned, though treatments of
the critical regimes based on the simple mean field models as well as more
complicated Sherrington-Kirkpartic Bethe approximation model exist. However,
there are a few experimental studies of the third ordered susceptibility(3) on
ferromagnetic system which though predominanmtly qualitative in nature have
included attempts on characterizing these transition by the determination of the
critical exponents. Recently, a study has been made to understand the hystresis
effect in ferromagnet through the measurement of non-linear susceptibilities.
Measurements of the non linear susceptibility in antiferromagnetically ordered
systems are even rare as comparedto that reported in ferromagnets and these
investigations have relied on indirect measurement techniques like the magnetooptical Faraday Rotation to characterize the magnetic phase transition. Besides
these conventional long range order spit, transition X3 has also been used in
studying quadrapolar interaction in some rare earth element internallic compounds
and to probe the presence or absence [40] of these multispin correlation functions
in in some heavy Fermion systems. The ferromagnetic order is accompanied with
internal field which acts like a symmetry-breaking field and gives rise to the second
order susceptibility( 2). This aspect has been exploited to investigate the

coexistence of ferromagnetic order and spin-glass phase in the system (NiFe) 25Au75.
Though undertilized till date, 2 is a promising tool for discerning the presence and
dynamics of mixed phase syste4ms, like transition metal oxides, where such a
mixed phase can arise due to electronic phase separation.
When an external field H is applied to a collection of n particles, the net magnetic
moment is given by


Where m is theBohrs Magneton and k is the Bolthmann constant. The total

magnetc field which the dipoles experience is given by H=H+ m. where is the
molecular-field constant and the magnetization (M) can now be written as


Where N is the particle density(N=n/V)

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