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1. All groups have to present. Every group will be given 12 minutes to present.
2. Each member of the group will be required to present.
3. Any questions and queries regarding the presentation will only be entertained through email before the
presentation and NOT ON THE DAY of the presentation.
4. Each group member will be assessed on:
a. Group Cohesiveness 5 Points
(Whether everyone in the group has presented and has everyone made a contribution to the
presentation and how well have they handled questions posed by the audience/instructor)
b. Linkage to subject matter 15 Points
(Whether you have been able to include all the RELEVANT aspects/topics/cases discussed in
previous sessions of the class to topic being discussed)
c. Appearance 5 Points
(Whether the visual aids, slides, and content were professionally presented in terms of proper
references, free of formatting, content and spelling errors? Whether the verbal and non-verbal
communication was up to the mark or not?)
d. Research 10 Points
(Whether you have been able to validate the points being presented with some extra research or
effort where relevant)
e. Timing 5 Points
(Were you able to present in the time-frame stipulated)
f. Questions and Answers 5 Points
(Whether you were able to satisfy queries and questions asked by your audience).
5. The total marks for the presentation are (keeping the above points in view), therefore 45.
6. Please set up a single computer before the class starts and all groups should load all their presentations on
the computer to ensure that no time is wasted in setting up presentations.
7. A negative mark of 0.25 will be levied for un-professionalism (delay in presentation, not following
instructions, not respecting others presentations, talking amongst each other while others are presenting,
not silencing your cell phone etc).
8. Please be professionally dressed ie please refrain from wearing t-shirts, joggers/sneakers or slippers.
9. Please keep your cell phone on silent.
10. In case you are not well please email the instructor in advance about your absence.

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