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ASEAN leaders recognize Pres.

Dutertes influence
by Philippines News Agency
September 8, 2016
MANILA He could walk into an empty football field and it would soon be filled to the
rafters. This is the charisma that President Rodrigo Duterte exudes. For his people, he
has earned a rock star status prompting flocksif not, hordesof people to gather
and crowd his airspace. Filipinos consider him a folk hero, father, savior and much
President Rodrigo Duterte (6th from left) marked his first participation in the 13th
ASEAN Business and Investment Summit on September 6, 2016 in Vientiane, Laos
PDR. Joining him were Department of Trade and Industry Secretary Ramon Lopez,
Department of Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez III, the Philippine-ASEAN Business
Advisory Council (PH-ABAC) led by incoming chairman Joey Concepcion, Ms. Tessie
Sy-Coson and Mr. George T. Barcelon, and the Filipino Entrepreneur Awardees at the
2016 ASEAN Business Awards, led by Ms. Sherill Quintana of Oryspa.(Manila Bulletin)
President Duterte may be the only Chief Executive who gets cheered and applauded for
merely passing through a city street, a basketball arena, or a hotel lobby. For most
people, the mere idea that they pass through the street where the President lives or has
a meal already sends shivers up their spines.
At the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit in Vientiane, Lao PDR,
Dutertes rock star status has virtually rubbed off on our ASEAN neighbors. A few of the
delegates actually took selfies with PRRD as he passed the hallways or whenever the
opportunity presented itself.
Presidential Spokesperson Abella explained, The tone of conversation between the
nations seems to indicate that they recognize his influence, they recognize his political
will, they recognize his firmness, they recognize his resolve. For example, to address
drugs, the flow of illegal drugs. In fact, the Prime Minister of Singapore asked how he
was dealing with it considering the fact that the Philippines has no death penalty.
Presidential Communications Secretary Martin Andanar added, President Duterte is a
rock star not only in our country but also in other countries like Laos, Japan, and now
the other Foreign Ministers and delegates have scrambled to get a selfie with our
President. You have a President of the Republic who can stand and deliver.

Yasay says Duterte impressed leaders at ASEAN summit

By Kristian Javier ( | Updated September 9, 2016 - 11:48am

President Rodrigo Duterte meets with Laotian President Bounnhang Vorachith during a
courtesy call at the Presidential Palace in Laos on Sept. 7, 2016. PPD/King Rodriguez
MANILA, Philippines For Foreign Affairs Secretary Perfecto Yasay, President Rodrigo
Duterte's diplomatic debut was impressive to other Southeast Asian leadears in Laos.
"In fact, in one bilateral (meeting), with the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, they
were just so impressed," Yasay said during a televised interview on Thursday.
His observation was despite Duterte's gaffe before he departed for the Laotian capital
earlier this week when he warned United States President Barack Obama against
bringing up the issue of killings in the drug war.
"The Singaporean head of state, Prime Minister (Lee Hsien) Loong was also very much
impressed." Yasay added.

Foreign Affairs Secretary Perfecto Yasay interviewed by the media after the closing
ceremony of the ASEAN Summit in Vientiane, Laos on Sept. 8 2016. Also in the photo is
Presidential Communications Secretary Martin Andanar. PPD/Toto Lozano
The country's top diplomat said that what impressed participants at the Association of
Southeast Asian Nations was Duterte's "performance, by what he said and his insight,
and his diplomatic decorum."
Participants also noted the president's "ability to understand what was happening
around the world in so far as the issues that were raised before him was concerned,"
Yasay said.

Yasay said the Philippine delegation also took the opportunity to explain the
administration's campaign against drugs at the summit.
"We explained to them ... the foundation of our efforts in the fight against illegal drugs,"
he said.

Foreign policy analyst Richard Heydarian said Duterte's "more pragmatic and
conciliatory approach" toward China was something ASEAN leaders quietly relished.
This was "opposed to the previous Benigno Aquino administration which constantly
pressured its regional peers to rally against Beijing. In this sense, Duterte is seen as a
diplomatic dove," Heydarian said.
Duterte, however, showed that the country's relations with the United States, though it
remains tight, are no longer "sancrosanct," Heydarian said.
The 10-nation bloc has long tried to balance Chinese interests amid the maritime
disputes over the South China Sea which involve the Philippines and other Southeast
Asian neighbors. with reports from Camille Diola

How Duterte got the ASEAN Chairmanship

Katrina Domingo, ABS-CBN News
Posted at Sep 10 2016 07:46 PM

President Rodrigo Duterte bows to the audience in Laos as he assumes the rotating
chairmanship of the ASEAN. Malacanang photo
MANILA - President Rodrigo Duterte assumed the chairmanship of the Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) because the regional bloc's leadership rotates
among its members, diplomatic officials said.
The President has been congratulated by supporters on social media for assuming the
leadership of the 10-nation bloc.
Under Article 31 of the ASEAN's charter, "the chairmanship of ASEAN shall rotate
annually, based on the alphabetical order of the English names of member states."
"Holding the chairmanship is on a rotation basis so we know when our turn is,"
Department of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Charles Jose told ABS-CBN News in a text

But Jose clarified that the alphabetical rotation for the chairmanship of the 10-member
bloc is sometimes disregarded under certain circumstances.
This year's host, Laos, asked Malaysia to host the 2015 summit, one year ahead of
schedule, to give it more time to prepare, a senior Filipino diplomat told ABS-CBN
Aside from the main summit, which sometimes includes leaders of ASEAN partners like
the United States and China, the host country also organizes meeting of ministers and
other officials.
ASEAN 2017, which also marks the organization's 50th anniversary, will be Duterte's
first time to host international leaders in the country. The venue has not been decided.

Duterte treated like a rockstar at Asean Summit, says Andanar

By: Marlon Ramos

04:36 PM September 7th, 2016

Philippine Daily Inquirer

President Rodrigo R. Duterte and his delegation arrive at the National Convention
Center in Vientiane, Laos on September 7 to attend the second day of the ASEAN
VIENTIANE, Laos Like a rockstar.
That was how President Duterte was treated by his counterparts and other official
delegates at the 28th and 29th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) summits
here, Presidential Communications Secretary Martin Andanar said Wednesday.
President Duterte is a rockstar not only in our country, but also in other countries like
Laos and Japan, Andanar told a press conference here.
Other foreign ministers and delegates have scrambled to get a selfie with our
President, he continued.
Presidential spokesperson Ernesto Abella said Mr. Duterte received empathy and
warm welcome from leaders of the Aseans 10 member-states in his debut on the
international political stage.
According to Abella, it was admirable how the President handled the conversation he
had with his fellow heads of state during the Asean-China summit.
He has the capacity for statesmanship that is usually missed because of the noise
regarding some of his statements, he said. JE
Asean leaders await Duterte

Philippine Daily Inquirer
01:27 AM August 29th, 2016

President Rodrigo Duterte. SIMEON CELI/PPD

PRESIDENT Dutertes first foreign trip next month would surely be a big political and
media event, Malacaang said on Sunday.
This early, several leaders from neighboring countries have expressed eagerness to
meet with Mr. Duterte during the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean)
meeting in Vientiane, Laos, according to Presidential Communications Secretary Martin
We all know President Duterte is the most talked-about leader in Asean and around
the world, Andanar told government-owned dzRB radio.
Media mob
We expect the international media companies to mob the President in Laos to talk to
him, he added.

Mr. Dutertes weeklong trip would be his first abroad since winning the May 9 elections.
He had previously said he would avoid frequent overseas travelduring his six-year term
due to his advanced age.
The 71-year-old Chief Executive will fly to Brunei for a working visit on Sept. 4-5 before
heading to the Asean summit in Laos on Sept. 6-8.
Mr. Duterte will then go to Indonesia for atwo-day working visit on Sept. 8-9.
In an earlier interview, the President said he wanted to personally thank the royal
government of Brunei for providing employment to thousands of Filipinos. Marlon

2016 ASEAN summit: What we know so far

By CNN Philippines Staff
Updated 10:30 AM PHT Thu, September 8, 2016

Vientiane, Laos (CNN Philippines) President Rodrigo Duterte attends the three-day
summit of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), where he will witness
the turnover of ASEAN chairmanship to the Philippines.

Monday (September 5): Duterte leaves for Laos

- Duterte arrives at the Wattaya airport in Vientiane on a rainy Monday night. He goes
straight to a gathering of the Filipino community in Laos
- Tagging along with Duterte in his first foreign trip as President is his 30-member
delegation, which includes a number of his cabinet members, security team, and
Senator Alan Peter Cayetano, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
- Before leaving for Laos, Duterte warns U.S. President Barack Obama against raising
the issue of alleged summary killings in the Philippines' war on drugs during the ASEAN
- At the G20 Summit in China, Obama hints at withdrawing from the landmark meeting
with Duterte on Tuesday afternoon
Tuesday (September 6): Day 1
- Leaders from the 10 ASEAN countries Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos,
Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam - gather for
three days. They are joined by ASEAN dialogue partners, including China, Japan, South
Korea, Australia, India, Russia, and the United States.
- This year's theme is "Turning vision into reality for a dynamic ASEAN community."
Leaders are expected to talks about important issues currently facing the Southeast
Asian region.
- Topics such as South China sea disputes, counter-terrorism, trade and human rights
are likely to top the agenda.
- US National Security Council spokesman Ned Price announces that the White House
cancels the Obama-Duterte meet
- The Philippine delegation in Laos and Foreign Affairs Sec. Perfecto Yasay have not
given any reaction on the scrapping of talks between the two leaders
- Duterte meets with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe before the summit's opening

- Duterte attends the opening ceremony of the summit at 2 p.m.

- It's a hectic day for the President, as his other meetings are set to push through,
including bilateral meetings with Singapore, Vietnam, and Japan
- There's news that Russian President Vladimir Putin might not make it to the ASEAN
summit. CNN Philippines is still verifying from Philippine delegation if Putin is sending a
representative or is also canceling the bilateral meeting
- Leaders of Australia, India, New Zealand and host country, Laos, are also expected to
have separate bilateral meetings with President Duterte
This is a developing story. Kindly refresh page for the latest developments.
CNN Philippines' Senior Correspondent David Santos reports from Vientiane, Laos

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