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Kevin Jackson

Grade 6-7/8 Lesson #12

Wilson Middle School

Grade/Subject: Grade 6 Music Unit: Choral Music Lesson Duration: 48 Mins

General Learning Outcomes:
To develop skills in listening, performing and using notational systems.
To encourage students to strive for musical excellence, individually and as members of groups.
Specific Learning Outcomes:
ENRICHMENT-Explore Required Concepts More Deeply repertoire
REMEDIATION-Enhance Self- New music - Sight Reading

Students will:
1. Continue learning Down the Road and Chocolate.
2. Understand the benefits for warming up before rehearsing with a focus on Dynamics.
3. Sing with confidence as they learn their new parts.

Observations: The teacher will observe from the
podium and ensure that students are, singing their
part, not distracting other students, following
dynamic markings and working as a team.

Key Questions: Why is sight reading an important skill? How

can our vowels create better sounds with singing? Why is it
important to be an active listener while rehearsing?

Written/Performance Assessments: Students will perform the two pieces in a mock performance to the best of their


Resource #1: Junior High School Music Program of Studies: Choral
Resource #2: Various Music Scores
Resource #3: Teaching Instrumental Music in Canadian Schools - Edwin B. Wasiak


* Baton
* Music Scores
* Chairs and stands (Set up before rehearsal)
* Piano (Ensure it is in the Music Room)

Introduction (8 min.):
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: Students are expected to listen when the teacher is speaking. Sing to the best
of their abilities and come ready to work while having fun!
Advance Organizer/Agenda: Do-rae-me../Sarah Sponda for warm up. Shenandoah. Cruel DeVil. Down the Road.
Transition to Body: Lets make sure to remember to use the dynamics and articulations we talked about in the
warm up!

Body (32 min.):


Kevin Jackson

Wilson Middle School

Learning Activity #1: Warm-up: Do-Rae-Me-Fa-So-Fa-Me-Rae-Do-So-Do followed by Zigga-Mama, Zigga-Mama,

Zigga-Mama, Zigga-Mama AH AH AH AH AH ( We will change to Ooh part way through). During the warm-up the
importance of proper breathing and vowel formation will be reminded to the students. Todays Warm-Up focus will be
on Vowel Pronunciation. I will be watching closely to ensure that all of the students are having chest expansion
as well as taking deep breaths rather than shallow ones. This will follow through into the rest of our rehearsal as
a practice focus.
Learning Activity #2: Down the Road: Students will continue working on this piece of music. Parts will be separated,
Starting with the altos, followed by the sopranos and then finally put together. We will talk about part accuracy and
tuning while working through this. During this rehearsal the goal is to give very specific feedback as well as get to the
end of the actual piece of music. We will try to continue working through the piece in its entirety and then work
specific after this. This will be done using the Macro-Micro-Macro approach! Remember to use specific feedback
and to talk less so that we can sing more!
Learning Activity #3:Chocolate: Students will continue working on this piece of music. Parts will be separated,
Starting with the altos, followed by the sopranos and then finally put together. We will be focusing on working through
this piece in its entirety as well. There will be some extra time spent working through the spoken part and making it as
animated as we possibly can. During this rehearsal the goal is to give very specific feedback as well as get to the end of
the actual piece of music. This will be done using the Macro-Micro-Macro approach! Remember to use specific
feedback and to talk less so that we can sing more!

Closure ( 5 min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: The teacher will listen and provide feedback throughout the lesson to sections
and the whole band.
Feedback From Students: AS assessments will be used in the way that the students will be asked what they feel
could be improved on in the different pieces.
Feedback To Students: Positive feedback and suggestions for improvement will be given throughout the lesson for
students verbally.


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