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By: Jacob


Usually, Black-Widows-Spiders are 9milimeters in length. Also, Female Black-Widows
are much bigger then the male and, the male Black-Widow has NO hour-glass shape on
its bottom. Female Black-Widows can grow up to about one and a half, inches! Did you
know, Black-Widows dont have hairy bodies, it looks like it but, they actually have
black shiny bodies. The different types of Black Widows in the U.S. are the SouthernBlack-Widow, the Northern-Black-Widow, and the Western-Black-Widow.
Special Adaptions

Poison: When you get bitten by a Black-Widow, youre in trouble! Because the poison works fast and you start to have cramps in your muscles, then you start to find it
hard to move, breathing becomes difficult. Whats next you ask, you start to develop
a high fever and you start to feel faint and, if you dont get special treatment fast
you will parish in other words, die.

They eat Arthropods (Which is a major grouping of animals such as, insects,
and Arachnids.
Habitat And Home

The world my animal lives in: North America, Mexico, Australia, and New

It prefers a habitat called: Urban, temperate forest and woodland.

My animal likes to rest and sleep in: Wood piles, stones, in the hollow
stumps of dead trees, basements, and barns as well.


Did you know that female Black-Widows will eat the male Black-Widow and,
her spider lings.

Female lays an egg-sack

My Observations

I have been viewing my animal in the wild, I have observed:

The female Black-Widow spider lays an egg-sack which mostly

contains 250-750 spider lings.

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