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Part 1

Read the following two replies in a job interview to the question, 'How would you describe yourself?'.
The first, is from a candidate for the position of a manager. The second, is from a candidate for the
position of a computer analyst.
From the context, try to guess what the meaning of the words/phrases in bold are. Then do the quiz
at the end to check if you are right.
For a manager's position:
'Well, first of all, I am very hands-on. I like to be involved in everything that my team does. It is
easier to manage staff if they see you with them a lot of the time. Also, I am very supportive. I
encourage people and that brings the best out in them. It works better than criticising them. I am
there if any of my team need any type of help, because people are not machines. In addition, I see
myself as a natural leader. I have the ability to direct, organise and inspire people. This is
especially important when you are a manager, because as you know, if your staff do not respect or
trust you, then it is highly likely that the team does not work as it could or should. I would also say
that I am very goal-orientated. I always set myself objectives or targets which I have to meet. For
example, when I started my career, I set myself a goal of being promoted to a manager inside of 2
years, and I achieved it. Also, I am a very proactive type of person. I never wait for things to go
wrong. I make sure that I identify any possible issues before they happen, and introduce changes
and processes to ensure that they do not occur. This is very important in business today. And in
addition, I am pragmatic. I am a realist and understand that change is a business necessity. And
that in the world of business you sometimes have to do things that you don't necessarily agree with.
And lastly, I am dynamic. I am very motivated and I am full of ideas of how to run a team. And I
have the energy and the confidence to do it.'
For a computer analyst's position:
'I am a very methodical person. I work in a very organised and systematic way to avoid making
mistakes. Which is very important in Information Technology (IT), where one small mistake can cost
a lot of time and money. In addition, I am reliable. You can trust me to do any work well that I am
given. This is very important when you are not under constant supervision. Also, I am hardworking. I am generally the first person to arrive in the office and one of the last to leave.
In addition, I am very analytical, which is very important for any career in science or IT. I always use
a combination of logic and analysis when I do my work. This is really useful when you are developing
a new project or problem solving. And I am also punctual. I am never late to a meeting or to work.
But most importantly, I am very innovative. I love to create and improve new procedures and
applications. In fact, in my current company, I was responsible for the improvements in their online
ordering system, that reduced the delivery time to clients.'
1. Somebody who is 'creative' can also be called
2. The opposite to 'lazy', is
3. A person who is always on time and never late, is
4. A person who makes changes to resolve potential future problems, is
5. A manager who is directly involved with the work of their staff, is
6. When a person is focused on achieving an objective, they are
7. If somebody is a 'realist', they are also
8. People that work in an 'ordered' and 'systematic' way, are
9. A person that leads or controls other people easily, is a
10. A person that is full of energy and likes change, is
11. A different way to say that somebody is 'logical', is
12. People that encourage others to do well, are
13. Somebody that can be trusted to do things, is
Part 2
Read the following two replies in a job interview to the question 'How would you describe yourself?'.
The first, is from a candidate for the position of a salesman. The second, is from a candidate for a
position in advertising. From the context, try to guess what the meaning of the words/phrases
in bold are. Then do the quiz at the end to check if you are right.
For a salesman's position:
'One of the things that makes me an excellent salesman is that I am very good at reading people. I
have the ability to know how people are feeling or thinking by noticing gestures that they make or
by what they say. This helps me a lot in my dealings with existing or potential clients. Another thing
that I am very good at, in connection with people, is that I am very diplomatic. I am very skilled at
dealing with people in difficult situations and can avoid upsetting or offending them. This is

especially important when you are involved in negotiations. In addition, I am very highly
motivated. I love what I do and I want to do the best that I can. For me, this is something that is
fundamental for a sales executive. And another thing that is key for a sales executive to be, is to
be optimistic. And I am that. This is essential, because who wants to buy a product or service from
somebody who seems negative or unsure. I would say nobody. Also, I am very flexible about when,
where or
how I work. In business today you have to be able to change when necessary. So, if I you tell me that
I have a meeting the following day in Germany, it would be no problem to go. And lastly, I am
very cool-headed. I always stay focused in difficult or stressful situations and I never panic.'
For a position in advertising:
'I am very creative. I am always coming up with new and interesting ideas on how to convince
people to buy things. This is important in an industry which constantly changes like advertising. Also,
as you have already noticed, I am a very enthusiastic person. I show that I love what I do and want
to encourage other people to feel the same.
I am also a team player. When you are doing an advertising project, it is essential that the team
works together. If it does not, and people do not get on or are focused too much on themselves, then
the project will fail and you all lose.
In addition, I am very committed to being successful in my career and I will do anything to achieve
it. Plus, I am a very confident person. I do not doubt my own abilities and I am always sure that I
will be successful with any project that I do. And lastly, I am ambitious. I want to have a very
successful career in advertising. I have shown this throughout my career. For example, in my current
company I started there as an assistant and within four years I was a senior advertising executive.'
1. When somebody shows that they like something a lot, they are
2. When a person is adaptable to different circumstances, they are
3. People who want to be successful and progress in their career, are
4. The ability to understand how people feel from watching them, is
5. The ability to stay calm in difficult situations, is
6. The opposite of 'pessimistic', is
7. A person who works very well with other people, is a
8. A person who is 'innovative' can also be called
9. Another way to say 'dedicated', is
10. People that are both 'enthusiastic' and 'determined' to succeed, are
11. When you have a strong belief in your own abilities, you are
12. When somebody is careful not to offend somebody by what they say, they are
Part 3
Below are a number of verbs and phrases that are commonly used in business English to make
sentences sound more professional. From the context, try to guess what the meaning of the
words/phrases in bold are. Then do the quiz at the end to check if you are right.
1. Although I wasn't directly involved. In order to make sure that nothing went wrong, I
oversaw the changes in the process.
2. For 3 years I ran the French sales team. I enjoyed the responsibility I had.
3. Although I wasn't the Project Manager, I was very important and I played a key role in the
project's success.
4. Because of the size of the project, the English and Spanish offices had to collaborate in order to
finish on schedule.
5. For about 5 years both myself and Jeff Green co-managed the development department. But it
was frustrating having two people make the final decisions.
6. When you're designing or creating something new, I believe it's fundamental to have different
opinions. So, it was good on this project that both myself and Sally Jenkins co-developed it. She
had different skills and a different work background to myself.
7. It's important to coordinate everything in a supermarket. You need to make sure that there is
always bread and milk etc... available.
8. I came up with the idea of selling mobile phones on the internet when I was in the bath. I
always have my best ideas there.
9. Because it was a very complex business process, it took a long time to set up. If I remember,
nearly 3 years from start to finish.
10. The easiest part was the last part of the project. We implemented the business process in less
than 6 weeks.

1. To start and establish something new, is

2. To manage/be responsible for a business/department, is
3. To manage something with someone else, is
4. To have the original idea about a new business or process etc..., is
5. To actually introduce a new process or system to the working environment, is
6. To be important in a situation, but not necessarily be in charge (the manager), is
7. To supervise a situation, is
8. To work together with somebody from a different department/company/organisation on a project,
9. To create something new with someone else, is
10. To organise an activity or business, is
Part 4
Below are a number of verbs and phrases that are commonly used in business English to make
sentences sound more professional. From the context, try to guess what the meaning of the
words/phrases in bold are. Then do the quiz at the end to check if you are right.
1. Before I arrived, the business was losing a lot of money. So I made some important changes and
I turned the business around. It made a profit a year after I had arrived.
2. The company had a lot of processes which slowed things down. So the first thing I did was to
eliminate a lot of them. Some of the staff were used to working in a set way and weren't happy
when some of the processes were gone.
3. Being both a woman and a senior manager, I had to overcome a lot of criticism and negative
stereotypes. But I did and now I'm a director.
4. It's fundamental, a company has to deliver what the customer wants and expects. Any company
that doesn't do that, will lose their customers.
5. I've always carried out what my managers have asked me to do. And I expect the same if I give
my staff something to do.
6. In order to reduce costs, we had to restructure the sales team. Moving people and introducing a
complete change from how they had worked before.
7. I contributed a lot to the new process. The project manager asked me for ideas and I suggested
how it should work.
8. I had a very important position in that company. In fact, I reported to the financial director. He
was my boss.
9. Every company now should streamline it's way of working. Not only to save money, but also to
make things more efficient.
10. I had to evaluate the performance of all the senior managers. Being asked why they did things
in a certain way, wasn't something that they liked.
1. To perform a responsibility that somebody has asked you to do, is
2. To help produce/provide something, is
3. To change something which was doing badly to doing well, is
4. To review the performance of somebody or something, is
5. To succeed when you face many problems, is
6. To make something more efficient and effective, is
7. To remove something not necessary, is
8. To work directly for somebody (like a manager), is
9. To provide a internal/external customer with the necessary goods or services, is
10. To reorganise a company or department, is
Part 5
Below are a number of verbs and phrases that are commonly used in business English to make
sentences sound more professional. From the context, try to guess what the meaning of the
words/phrases in bold are. Then do the quiz at the end to check if you are right.
1. In my last job I was responsible for doing the recruitment of all new staff to the department. I
had to organise all the job advertisements, candidate selection and perform the interviews.
2. Although I started in the company as an administrative assistant, due to my hard work and ability
I was promoted three times in 6 years. When I left the company, I was a department manager.
3. In my role as a manager, I conducted regular reviews of my team's performance. It is important
to find out what your team is doing badly and change it as quickly as possible.
4. I was in charge of a team of 12 staff. I was their manager.
5. In addition to organising the corporate events, I also assisted the events manager on
running/managing the actual events. Providing the events manager with any help she needed.

6. I participated in the company's customer service review meetings. Contributing many ideas on
how to improve the
company's customer service.
7. I chaired the company's customer service review meetings. It was my responsibility to manage
the meetings and make sure that they were successful.
8. I trained all new staff on how to use the company's customer service computer application.
9. I monitored the company's computer systems. I looked at them to make sure that there were no
problems with the system's performance.
10. It was my responsibility to ensure that all our customers' deliveries reached them within 24
hours of being ordered.
11. I ordered all the company's office supplies (like pens, paper etc...). I had to find out what office
supplies were needed and buy them at the best price from suppliers.
12. I constantly liaised with our business customers to ensure that we were providing the best
service to them. Happy customers means you continue to have their business.
1. To cooperate/work with somebody to resolve/fix or do something, is
2. To teach somebody how to do something, is
3. To help somebody to do something, is
4. A way to say the activities and tasks that you manage/are in control of, is ;
5. To manage/run a meeting, is
6. To make certain/sure that something happens, is
7. To get/obtain a job in the same company with more responsibilities, is
8. To make a request to buy a product or service from a company or somebody, is
9. A way to say how many staff or what team/department that you manage/are in control of, is
10. To organise and do/perform interviews or reviews, is
11. To check/observe that something is working or done correctly, is
12. To be involved in an event or meeting and contribute/say ideas or suggestions, is
Part 6
Read the following job interview between an interviewer and a candidate for a job. From the context,
try to guess what the meaning of the words/phrases in bold are. Then do the quiz at the end to
check if you are right.
Interviewer:'From looking at your CV, it seems that you studied at the University of Birmingham.
Can you tell me a little about what you studied?'
Candidate:'No problem. I studied there for 4 years. I did English Language as my undergraduate
degree. I enjoyed it very much and my high final grade demonstrates that. But it was
an academic degree. So in order to improve my job prospects, when I graduated I did a master's in
Business Organisation, which was very vocational. As part of my master's, I did a work
placement in the human resources department of MacDonalds during the winter term, which
lasted about 3 months. It was a very rewarding experience. All the courses in the master's were
very practical or vocational, like for example courses on employment law and business
administration. In fact, my thesis was on employment law in the retail sector. I enjoyed everything
about the master's and I got a very high final grade. After that, I decided that I didn't want to do a
PHD, I wanted to start my career and use what I'd learnt in the real world.'
Interviewer:'Excellent, and what about at school?'
Candidate:'I studied at Skipton Secondary School in Yorkshire. I passed all my A-levels with high
grades. In addition, I did a lot of extracurricular activities like being secretary of the drama club,
a very rewarding and enjoyable experience.'
1. A more correct way to describe the mark of an exam/essay/course/degree, is
2. A one or two year course after you have graduated, is called a
3. The big project/essay in a degree/master's, is called a
4. Activities that you participate in or organise that aren't part of school/university courses, are
5. Traditional subjects at school/university like Maths, Physics, History etc..., are called
6. Subjects at school/university which are connected to a job/career like Engineering, Business
Studies etc..., are called
7. The school/university year is divided in to 3 parts, each part is called a
8. Part of a course at school/university where you have experience of working, is called a
9. The first qualification at university, is called an
10. The different parts/subjects of a degree or masters, are called

Part 7
Read the following part of a job interview where an interviewer asks a candidate to describe their
feelings about a previous position/job. From the context, try to guess what the meaning of the
words/phrases in bold are. Then do the quiz at the end to check if you are right.
Interviewer:'Returning to your position as a sales team leader, it must have been very stressful?
How did you cope with the pressure?'
Candidate:'Of course there is a lot of pressure in this type of role. The most important thing is that
you have to meet your targets. My team had to sell a minimum of 2000 mobile phones every
month. But I wouldn't say it was stressful, for me it was more challenging. I had to manage a team,
something which I'd never done before. So I had to learn how to delegate tasks to the members of
my team. Another thing I learnt is how to react when things don't go right, when you have
setbacks. You learn what you should and shouldn't do when things go wrong. I alsogained
experience. I learnt so much
about both working in a sales environment and managing people. Being able to solve problems and
see the results of your work is very rewarding. For me, the job was extremely fulfilling, I always
went to work with a smile on my face.'
Interviewer:'So you were fulfilled with what you did there. Excellent! But what did your managers
think of your performance?'
Candidate:'All of my performance reviews showed that I not only met my personal and team
targets, but I exceeded them,
sometimes 50% higher than my targets. For the two years I was in that position, I got very good
performances bonuses, about $5,000 each time. In fact, one of my references is from my old
manager there.'
1. When something makes you satisfied and happy, it is
2. When a Manager gives one of their staff the responsibility to do one of their tasks, they
3. When you did something a lot better than expected, you
4. A business way of saying 'to achieve important work objectives', is to
5. When you learn or achieve something from an experience, it is
6. Another way to say that you learnt something practical/useful, is
7. People named on a CV, who can be contacted, are called
8. Another way to say you had problems which caused a delay, is
9. Reports that a manager writes each year about the people who works for him or her, are called
10. A nicer way to say that something is difficult, is
Part 8
Read the following covering/cover letter from Juan Cruz for a sales executive position/job with a large
multinational engineering company. From the context, try to guess what the meaning of the
words/phrases in bold are. Then do the quiz at the end to check if you are right.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing in response to the advertisement for the position of a sales executive in the
Madrid office of your company. I am confident that I would be an excellent candidate for both
this position and for working within a company such as your own which has a reputation for
excellence and innovation. I am a highly motivated, diligent and committed individual,
who throughout my 10 year career in sales has demonstrated the ability of being:
Goal-Orientated - Surpassing my annual sales targets every year of my professional career.
Adaptable - Having the ability to quickly learn and use new techniques, methodologies, strategies
when selling a variety of different products. Able to speak fluently in English - I have the Cambridge
Advanced Certificate in English and use English on a daily basis in my current position. I have
extensive experience of working as a sales executive for two large multinational companies,
Almagro Construction SA and Telefonica SA. During my time in Telefonica I have been responsible
for several multi-million Euro project negotiations that were conducted entirely in English and
lead to Telefonica obtaining contracts that totalled a value of 21.3 million. Please find attached a
copy of my CV which expands on my experience and achievements.
I would welcome the opportunity to discuss further the possibility of working for you in this
position. I am available to do an interview when it is convenient for yourselves. If you have
any questions, I can be reached on either my mobile (0034 71761231) or by email
( Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours faithfully,
Juan Cruz

1. A phrase that means that somebody has worked in a type of job for a long time, is
2. A phrase that is used to introduce your personal abilities, is
3. A phrase that is used to provide the candidates contact details, is
4. A phrase which means 'I'm perfect for this job', is
5. A phrase that means that something was done only using English, is
6. A polite phrase that asks for an interview or a phone call to talk about the job, is
7. A verb that has the same meaning as 'show', is
8. Another way to say something happened 'for a part(s) of a period of time', is
9. A phrase that tells the person receiving the covering letter that they can decide when the
interview happens, is
10. A polite phrase that shows your appreciation for the person reading the covering letter, is
11. Another way to say 'from the beginning to the end', is
12. A phrase which tells the person reading the letter that you have also sent them your CV/rsum,
13. A phrase that says why you are sending the email or letter, is
Part 9
Read the following answers by a candidate in a job interview to two different questions from an
interviewer on 'Why do you want to work for us?' and 'What makes you suitable for this position?'.
From the context, try to guess what the meaning of the words/phrases in bold are. Then do the quiz
at the end to check if you are right.
Interviewer:'Why do you want to work for us?'
Candidate:'Well, first of all, I have been impressed with everything I have read and heard,
from both the interview and what colleagues and friends have told me. Your company has a very
good reputation in the industry. Not only for its products, but also its working culture. From what
I have heard here, it is a company that recognises and rewards talent. And
I believe that in such an environment I will thrive. Your company is also a market leader in the
industry. And with what you have told me about the planned expansion and diversification of the
company, I feel that it provides people who have the right motivation and ambition, the opportunity
to excel and progress.'
Interviewer:'So, what makes you suitable for this position?'
Candidate:'I feel I possess all the requirements and experience for the position. First of all, I have
worked for over 5 years in a similar position, where I have exceeded all my targets year after year.
Also, I am fully up to speed with all the industry standards and work practices that you use here.
So, if I was selected for the vacancy, I could hit the ground running. I am
also very adaptive and can pick up things very quickly. As I showed when the company I am
currently working for, was bought out 3 years ago. On a personal level, I feel I have the
determination or drive which is fundamental for a position like this. This has been demonstrated
with the promotions I have achieved throughout my career. In addition, having worked in the same
company for over 5 years, it shows that I am committed. And I also have the soft skills which a
manager needs to have with both the people who report to him and clients. For example, I am an
excellent communicator, but I can also listen.'
1. A phrase that directly compliments the company, is
2. A different way to say the essential requirements in the sector/business, is
3. When you have all the latest information about a process and can perform it well, you are
4. A different way to say that you will excel in a situation/environment, is
5. A different way to say that 'I'm good at working with people', is I have
6. A compliment about the company from your research and what they have told you in the
interview, is
7. A different way to say that 'I can do the job effectively from the first day', is
8. A politer way to say if I do well, your company 'will pay me more', is
9. Another way to say 'ambition', is
10. A politer way to say 'I have' when talking about suitability, is
11. A different way to say 'growth', is
12. A different way to say 'learn', is
Part 10
Read the following answer by a candidate to a question from an interviewer about having a problem
with somebody at work.

From the context, try to guess what the meaning of the words/phrases in bold are. Then do the quiz
at the end to check if you are right.
Interviewer:'So William, can you tell us a situation in the past when you had a problem with
someone at work? And how did you resolve the situation?'
Candidate:'I remember one situation where we were undertaking a project to change the flow
of customer service enquiries. I was the project manager and we were several months into the
project. Everything had gone well with the project, we had obtained agreement from all the relevant
parties in the company to make the changes. And then suddenly, in a project update meeting, the
manager of the customer service department refused to implement any of the changes that he had
previously agreed to. I consider myself a very thorough person. I always think ahead about
possible issues, but this came out of the blue and I wasn't expecting it at this late stage. As you
can appreciate, it was a big problem. Without his agreement, the project was effectively dead.
Throughout the meeting he wouldn't change his mind, and I was very direct with him. To be honest, I
did not handle the situation very well. So, the meeting ended in a confrontation between us.
After the meeting finished, I considered different ways that we could save the project. I did think
about speaking directly with his manager, but going above him would have caused a bad working
relationship between us. So I decided that I would only do that as a last resort. At that point, I
regretted how I had acted in the meeting and I started to think more clearly and objectively about
the situation. I put myself in his position and thought about why he suddenly objected to the
changes. It was extremely useful, because I started to appreciate his objections more than before. I
realised that one of the main issues was that he thought his authority was being undermined. I
arranged to meet him the following day. When we met, my approach was very different. I tried to
get him more involved in the process. I was more patient, I listened more to what he had to say
without interrupting if I didn't agree. I asked him for suggestions on how we could improve the
project. I made him aware that if neither us agreed it would be a no-win situation for the company.
To be honest I was surprised how well it
worked. By the end of the meeting, he agreed to continue the project if a few minor changes were
made. From this I learnt one of my most important lessons in business. It's not sometimes what you
say, but how you say it. And also, how important listening is when you work with people or you
manage people. Ever since then, I always put this into practice when I deal with people.'
1. When something happens unexpectedly, it
2. When you use a process or idea in a real working environment, you
3. A way that a person deals with or responds to a situation, is their
4. A phrase that introduces the situation in the answer, is
5. A different way to say that you are calm and can wait for things to happen, is
6. When you consider a situation from another person's perspective, is
7. A different way to say that you didn't deal with a situation well, is
8. Another way to say 'I see myself', is
9. A situation where the only result is a negative one, is
10. When somebody's position or authority is weakened, they are being
11. An expression that means an action that will be taken if nothing else can resolve an issue, is
12. Another way to say 'you can understand that', is
Part 11
Read the following three answers by different candidates in interviews to the question, 'Why do you
want to leave your current job?'. From the context, try to guess what the meaning of the
words/phrases in bold are. Then do the quiz at the end to check if you are right.
Candidate One:
'First of all, I would like to say that I don't have any problems with my current employer. I have
worked there for over 7 years and have enjoyed my time there. They have provided me with an
opportunity to grow both professionally and personally. And from starting as an analyst, I am now a
manager of my own team. I am very grateful for the confidence they have shown in me and also
the experience that I have gained. But during these 7 years, I know what I excel in and what I want
to specialise in. And due to the nature and size of the company, my opportunities to pursue this
area there are limited. So, in order to move my career to the next stage, I have to move on. It's a
shame, because I have a very good working with my manager and my team. So, it's not a decision
that I have taken lightly. But, I feel that the position that is available here will provide me with the
opportunity to focus on an area in which I both excel and love.'
Candidate Two:

'To be honest, I wasn't job hunting. One of my ex-colleagues forwarded me the advert for the
position. I am very happy in my current job. I have achieved all of my goals and I am now in a
position where I make a difference for the company. The only reason I would leave my current
position is for something significantly better and having read the roles and responsibilities for the
job, this position offers it. This role has more responsibility, plus working in a different environment
provides a new challenge, which I am sure I can meet. In addition, it would be foolish to turn
down the possibility of doing this role in a company with such a strong reputation as yours. I think
this role provides an excellent opportunity for the progression of my career.'
Candidate Three:
'I've spent 4 happy years with my current employer, but due to the current financial crisis, they are
currently downsizing their operations. As a result, it's made a lot of people redundant and
although I have been informed that my job is safe, there's a lot of uncertainty. So, I feel now is the
time to move on and look for a more secureposition.'
1. A different way to say 'to focus/concentrate on', is
2. When you are bored with your job and want to test your skills/ability, you want a
3. When a company reduces the number of staff because of economic reasons, is
4. A phrasal verb that means to change companies, is
5. A verb that is used with challenge, to mean you are successful with it, is
6. When you've had to think a lot before making a decision, you say
7. Another way to say 'everything is good', is
8. When your job is safe and there's no fear of losing it, your situation is
9. When you want to advance your career, you want to move it to the
10. When you are looking for a job or a new job, you are
11. When you say 'no' to an offer or opportunity, you
12. A different way to say 'I am very thankful for', is
13. When a company reduces its operations and number of employees, it is
14. A different way to say 'to become involved in' or 'to perform' types of professional activities, is
15. The duties and tasks that you have to do in a job, are called
Part 12
Read the following conversation between an interviewer and interviewee about the salary of a job in
a job interview. From the context, try to guess what the meaning of the words/phrases in bold are.
Then do the quiz at the end to check if you are right.
Interviewer:'Does this job seem like something that you would be interested in?'
Interviewee:'From what I have heard, it is something that I would like to do.'
Interviewer:'Excellent. Do you mind me asking how much money you are making in your current
Interviewee:'Not at all. My overall salary depends on my performance during the year. So it
Interviewer:'I understand that. Do you have a figure for what you made last year? Or if you don't
know the exact amount, could you tell us an estimate?'
Interviewee:'I could not tell you it off the top of my head. But I will check it after the interview and
send you the actual figure. Is that ok?'
Interviewer:'No problem.'
Interviewee:'Talking about the salary, what would be the salary for this type of job?'
Interviewer:'I could not give you an exact figure, but normally the salary ranges from $45,000 to
Interviewee:'I see. Is that the net salary, after taxes have been removed?'
Interviewer:'No, that is the gross salary, before any taxes have been removed. But that is
the basic salary. In addition to that, you will also get paid commission. So, for each sale you
make, we will pay you extra money. The commission is a percentage of the value of how much you
have sold. So, that will increase your overall salary.'
Interviewee:'How much is that?'
Interviewer:'It's 7.5 per cent of each sale that you make. On top of that, at the end of each
financial year you will receive a performance-related bonus. The bonus is calculated on the
overall sales of both you and the team. There is also an annual pay rise which is based on the level
of inflation. So how do you feel about what is being offered?'
Interviewee:'It sounds very reasonable. Do you mind if I ask you about overtime. Do you pay
for any extra hours that I would work?'

Interviewer:'I am afraid that you would not receive payments for overtime. But, if you have to work
on a weekend to meet a client or do something important, then we would give you time off in lieu.
So, you use the extra hours that you worked as additional days of holiday.'
1. Money you earn for working extra hours at work, is called
2. Another way of saying 'in addition', is
3. A word that means that a salary is after taxes have been removed/deducted, is
4. A different way to say 'earning', is
5. A word that means 'amount', is
6. The minimum amount of money that somebody will earn in a job, is called the
7. A polite phrase where an interviewee gives their opinion on the salary that they have been
offered, is
8. An increase in the basic salary of an employee, is called a
9. When the extra hours an employee works are used as additional days of holiday, is
10. The extra money that an employee receives because of how well they have done their job, is
called a
11. A different way to say 'is between' when talking about numbers and figures, is
12. An extra payment that an employee earns when they sell a product or service, is
13. A word that means that a salary is before any taxes have been removed/deducted, is
Part 13
Read the following conversation between an interviewer and interviewee about the benefits and
conditions of a job in a job interview. From the context, try to guess what the meaning of the
words/phrases in bold are. Then do the quiz at the end to check if you are right.
Interviewer:'So, you agree with the salary we are offering you for the job?'
Interviewee:'Yes I do. There is something that I would like to ask you. How many days of holiday
would I be entitled to?'
Interviewer:'No problem. For this position you will receive 30 days of paid holiday each year.
There's no restriction on when you can take them. So, you can take a day off or two weeks off at
any time you want.'
Interviewee:'Does the 30 days of paid holiday include bank holidays like Christmas Day or May
Interviewer:'No, you receive 30 days in addition to all the banks holidays in the year. You are also
paid for the bank holidays as well.'
Interviewee:'How many hours a week would I be working?'
Interviewer:'Well, the job is full-time, so that would be 35 hours a week. That does not include the
one hour for lunch.'
Interviewee:'In my current job I do flexitime. I can work the hours when I prefer to. Normally, I
start at 11am and finish at 7pm. Would it be possible to do the same here?'
Interviewer:'I am afraid that for this position there is no flexitime. So you would have to start at
9am and finish at 5pm. Also, I need to mention about the dress code at the office. If you are
meeting with clients then you have to wear formal business clothes. But if not, then the dress code
is smart casual. You don't have to wear a suit or tie, but you can't wear jeans or t-shirts.'
Interviewee:'It is the same where I currently work.'
Interviewer:'The last thing I need to tell you about is the benefits package that comes with the
Interviewee:'Is there a pension scheme?'
Interviewer:'Yes there is. The company pays money into a private pension scheme which you will
start to receive when you retire at 67. With the position, you will also be entitled toprivate health
insurance. The company will pay for you to see a private doctor and go to a private hospital for any
Interviewee:'Does the benefits package include a company car?'
Interviewer:'Yes, the company will provide you with your own car to use for general travel and
business trips. Plus, you will be paid for all your expenses when you are on business trips, like
buying meals and staying in hotels.'
Interviewee:'Do you have a share scheme?'
Interviewer:'Yes, each year you can buy some of the company's shares at a reduced price. Both the
share scheme and the private medical insurance are opt in. So it is your decision if you want to do it
or not. Also, because you live in Edinburgh and the job is in Paris, we will provide you with

a relocation package to pay for you to move to Paris and to stay in a hotel until you find a flat or
1. The rules for what clothes you can wear at work/in the office, is called the
2. Days which are national holidays where the majority of people don't work, are called
3. A type of employee benefit where you can buy cheap shares in the company that you work for, is
4. A formal verb that means that somebody has the 'right to' use or have something, is
5. When you work between 35 to 40 hours a week in a company, you are working
6. When you spend your own money for work activities (e.g. a business lunch, hotel rooms etc..),
they are called
7. The money that somebody receives for moving to a new city/country for a job, is called a
8. A type of benefit where an employee can visit a private doctor, is
9. Another way to say 'one day of holiday', is
10. A scheme where a company pays money for when an employee retires/stops working, is a
11. A vehicle that a company gives an employee to use and travel in, is called a
12. The name of the 'package' to employees that includes a company car, pension scheme etc..., is
called a
13. When an employee can choose when they work their hours at work, they are working
14. A phrase that means that somebody can 'choose' to join a scheme, is

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