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By: Maria Orlando, EdD in Philosophy of Teaching

How and in what way the teacher can be

good in teaching with different ways:
1. The teacher should respect the students ideas
2. The teacher should create comfortable
environment for the students.
3. The teacher should be trusted by the students.
4. The teacher must show the students that her
expectations are high for them.
5. The teacher should have his own passion in
6. The teacher must be a great leader and tech
the students how to be great leaders.
7. The teacher should find new ways to teach to
make sure all the students understand the
8. The teacher must not be afraid of asking.
9. A great teacher should be known with his good

Five new words with definition:

Incorporating : to incorporate is to include
or integrate a part into the whole.
Conveys: when you convey something, you
carry or deliver it.
Constructive: If you have
a constructive idea about how to improve
society, you should share it.
Current: occurring in or belonging to the
present time
Regardless: if something is done without
consideration, it's done regardless, usually
followed by the word "of.

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