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Christmas Party Trivia

1. In the poem, "The Night Before Christmas" Santa Claus is

used how many times? A. None
2. In Home Alone2, what color limo did Kevin rent? A. White
3. Who was in office during Christmas 1989? George H. W.
4. What was the name of the dog that belonged to the
Grinch in the Dr. Seuss book How the Grinch Stole
Christmas? A. Max
5. What is the name of the city where It's A Wonderful Life
takes place?
A. Bedford Falls
6. What Christmas Ballet is the most famous of all? A. The
7. Which country can be credited with the creation of the
Christmas beverage, eggnog? A. England
8. What color are the berries of the mistletoe plant? A. White
9. In "A Charlie Brown Christmas" who plays the dusty
innkeeper in their Christmas play? A. Pigpen
10. How many sides does a snowflake have? A. 6
11. After red and green, what are the two most poplar
Christmas colors?
A. Silver and Gold
12. From which country does the poinsettia plant originate?
A. Mexico
13. What Mel Gibson police thriller opens with the

song,"Jingle Bell Rock"?

A. Lethal Weapon
14. Electric Christmas tree lights were first used in what
year? A. 1895
15. What came first -- the book or the movie Miracle on 34th
A. The Movie
16. In the movie It's A Wonderful Life What does it mean
when a bell rings?
A. An angel gets his wings!
17. Where was Mommy kissing Santa Claus? A. Under the
18. Which was the last state in the United States that
declared Christmas a legal holiday? A. Oklahoma
19. What is the name of the cake traditionally eaten in Italy
at Christmas?
A. Panettone
20. Which is the most popular ornament used to place at the
top of the Christmas tree? A. Angel
21. Which reindeer's name starts with a "B"? A. Blitzen
22. What Christmas movie is this quote from? "Where do you
think you're going? Nobody's leaving. Nobody's walking out
on this fun, old-fashioned family Christmas. No, no. We're all
in this together. This is a full-blown, four-alarm holiday
emergency here. We're gonna press on, and we're gonna
have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby
tap-danced with Danny fucking Kaye. And when Santa

squeezes his fat white ass down that chimney tonight, he's
gonna find the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the
A. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
23. St. Nick's nose is often compared to what fruit? A.
24. At Christmas, it is customary to exchange kisses
beneath a sprig of which plant? A. Mistletoe
25. What is the name of Scrooge's one-time fiance? (Hint: It
begins with a B.) A. Belle
26. Which American state was the first to make Christmas an
official holiday? A. Alabama
27. We all know that Santa has a long, white beard. But,
does he also have a moustache? A. Yes
28. What Christmas Movie is this quote from? "You'll shoot
your eye out kid!" A. A Christmas Story
29. How many times does Santa check his list? A. Twice!
30. What does Alvin want for Christmas in The Chipmunk
A. A Hula Hoop
31. One of the most famous Cola companies in the world
used to have advertisements featuring a happy, smiling
Santa Claus. Name the company
A. Coca Cola
32. What date is St Stephen's Day?

A. December 26th

33. Every elf has this ornament on the tip of their shoes.
Which ornament are we talking about? A. Bells

34. Who wrote the song "Here Comes Santa Claus"?

Gene Autry


35. Good tidings to you, and all of your what? A. Kin

36. What are the traditional colors of the candles on an
advent wreath?
A. Purple and Pink
37. What was pictured on the first stamp printed for the
Christmas season? A. A Rose
38. According to Dickens, just how dead was Marley?
A. "Dead as a Doornail"
39. What country group recorded "Christmas in Dixie" in the
early 1980's?
A. Alabama
40. What kind of bird has "gone away" in the song Winter
A. Bluebird
41. What color is the Grinch?

A. Green

42. Traditionally, kids leave out snacks for Santa Claus. What
are these snacks? A. Cookies and milk
43. In the inspirational 1946 film, It's a Wonderful Life, what's
the name of George Bailey's guardian angel? A. Clarence
44. What two phrases will you almost always find on
Christmas gift tags?
A. To and From
45. In the movie A Christmas Story what was Ralphie's little

brother's name? A. Randy

46. What Florida town maintains a fully decorated tree year
A. Christmas, FL
47. What river did General Washington cross on December
25, 1776?
A. The Delaware River
48. In the movie "White Christmas" where did they hide all
the General's suits on Christmas Eve? A. At the Cleaners
49. In the movie "Babe," what gift do Farmer Hoggett and his
wife get from their son for Christmas? A. A Fax Machine
50. What gift did Ralphie's mom give to his dad for
A. A Bowling Ball

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