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Table 12:

RAKWC B Ed EPR Practicum : MCT/MST Assessment Report

EPR Student Assessment Criteria:
This report is to be completed by the Mentoring School Teacher in
consultation with the Mentoring College Teacher and refers to teaching
competencies in the High School.

Date: 06/11/2016
Name of Student:

Name of

Name of MCT:

Please add specific comments about the student teachers observed strengths
during this teaching practicum and identify areas in which you feel further
development is necessary.
Observed Strengths: /
*You appear to have understood differentiation
and have attempted to differentiate the lesson.

Areas in which further development is needed:

*Too much time was spent assigning students to groups
while passing out materials.

*There are some elements of creativity in the


Dont explain the differentiated activities in front of the


*Using the flashlight and the reflectors to

demonstrate the difference between light
source and light was reflectors was well

*Provide instructions for the explore activity in your

lesson plan.

*Concrete representation was well used.

*The objectives of the lesson were in alignment
with the activities and it was a science lesson
versus last class.

*Lesson appears too complicated for the students which

is why there were so much confusion.
*Lesson was too teacher centered. Students spent too
much time listening and not enough time exploring the
concept. They must be given an opportunity to write,
draw, color, discussing, and explaining.

General Comments: You have worked hard to deliver a very good lesson to the students. Because of
the numbers of
students in the classroom as well the students age, the method used was somehow
ineffective. This age (7) group has a very short attention span and would not be able to sit still for such a
long period of time and listen to instructions and explanation.
Aim for Next lesson
Reduce the number of demonstration and allow students more time to self-discover

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