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Innovative Problem Solving

problem-solving? ...where? ...why?


care sunt

calcule /
dimensionri /

cu ce nivel de
performan rspundem?
cum atingem


It is sometimes amazing that companies keep doing things the same
old way when a better, sometimes simpler and cheaper way can be had
with a little creative thinking. Innovative problem solving is very much
needed in today's fast-paced workplace.

~80% din IMM-urile din EU

folosesc inca abordarea
trial-and-error [2008]

How do you plan for the future of your business, when there is a very
real possibility that the future will bear no resemblance to the present
or the past? At the current speed of change, leaders who have been
trained for years to forecast will find that a forecast based on past
trends will be of little use in the unprecedented future. A new set of
skills and a new mindset will be necessary to deal with this challenge.

what is problem solving?

Problem-solving is a mental process involved to overcome obstacles
and find solutions that best possible resolve the problem under
The best approach for solving a problem depends on the unique
situation. In some cases, learning about the case and then using factual
knowledge to solve the problem is the proper approach. In other
situations, insight followed by creativity is the recommended option.

problem solving approach

problem solving barriers

Leaders and in fact, everyone in the business - must learn to free their
minds from the assumptions and paradigms that limit their vision of
the future. They must re-learn how to use their imagination in thinking
about the future, even though this is counter to their years of learning to
think only with verifiable (past) data.

rezolvarea inovativ a problemelor

approaching problem solving

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approaching problem solving

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approaching problem solving

e.g. TIE
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rezolvarea inovativ a problemelor

approaching problem solving

[src =]

approaching problem solving

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rezolvarea inovativ a problemelor

approaching problem solving

[src =]

The TRIZ approach

problem solving: identificarea soluiilor

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rezolvarea inovativ a problemelor

problem solving: identificarea soluiilor

[src =]

problem solving: identificarea soluiilor

[src =]

rezolvarea inovativ a problemelor

problem solving: identificarea soluiilor

[src =]

problem solving: principiile TRIZ

rezolvarea inovativ a problemelor

problem solving: principiile TRIZ

...brat robotic mai usor pentru viteze de lucru sporite | brat rezistent la forte ridicate
...viteza de lucru mai mare | consum mai mic de energie
...capacitate portanta mai mare | gabarit / masa mai mic/a

problem solving: algoritm

problem solving: istoria TRIZ

rezolvarea inovativ a problemelor

problem solving: istoria TRIZ

problem solving: istoria TRIZ

problem solving: istoria TRIZ

problem solving: istoria TRIZ

problem solving: istoria TRIZ

Innovating with the TRIZ Contradiction Matrix

problem solving: filosofia TRIZ Contradiction Matrix

problem solving: filosofia TRIZ Contradiction Matrix

problem solving: filosofia TRIZ Contradiction Matrix

rezolvarea inovativ a problemelor

problem solving: inertia psihologica

problem solving: roadmap-ul TRIZ contradiction matrix

problem solving: matricea contradictiilor TRIZ

problem solving: exemplu

problem solving: aplicaie

problema: determinati cat mai rapid si cat mai precis volumul unei
cantitati de pietris.
reformularea problemei: vreau sa cresc precizia masuratorii, dar vreau sa
minimizez efortul necesar.

rezolvarea inovativ a problemelor

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