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Radio Broadcasting Script Group 3

I. Intro
BNHS Voice of the present, 100 KHZ on your radio frequency!
Music fade out...
Laica and Louise: Good afternoon Philippines, this is Voice of the present, Laica Aasco and
Louise Michael Leyson, bringing you the latest, hottest and most wanted news this
II. Infomercial
*Insert music* Leyson: This program is brought to you by:
Fate: No! What are you doing?!
Sharmaine: Wha-what? Why? Im just disposing my garbFate: IN THE RIVER?!
Sharmaine: Yes. Why? Is there a problem? You look so terrified.
Fate: Yes. Your garbage will poison and kill the fishes! It will also pollute the river. And the
waters from the river go straight to the ocean, if the poison gets there, all of the fishes
would die! What would you eat by then?!
Sharmaine: Oh yeah, sorry. I-I forgot that.
Fate: Its okay. As long as next time, you make sure that you dont throw your garbage in the
river. Dont forget it!
Sharmaine: I wont, I promise.
*Insert music* Laica: Do not pollute the rivers, a friendly reminder from DENR. *Music fade
II. Headlines
Leyson: For the Headlines...
#1 Deliberation of 17 budget deferred
#2 Parales adds wushu gold to Cebu Citys Batang Pinoy haul
IV. A. Local News
Laica: For the local news, heres our field correspondent, Edieser Cabalhin, Edieser!
Edieser: Thank you Laica.

SINCE there are figures that need to be reconciled, the Cebu City Council last Dec. 8,
2016 deferred the approval of the City Governments annual budget for 2017. The legislative
bodys committee on budget and finance submitted a P6.1-billion (not P5.9 billion as earlier
reported) proposed annual budget for next year.
The original proposed annual budget Mayor Tomas Osmea submitted was P7.2
billion. During their special session last Dec. 8, thursday afternoon, Councilor Jocelyn
Pesquera made an amendment on the proposed ordinance, particularly on the amount set
aside for the quick respond fund.
Pesquera, who is the budget and finance committee head, said its appropriation is
only P88 million instead of P89.4 million so it will not go over the 30-percent limit. The quick
response fund, which is under the maintenance and other operating expenses (MOOE),
forms part of the P258-million proposed calamity fund.
The calamity fund is five percent of the annual budget. Of the total amount, at least 70
percent is intended for disaster preparedness while the remaining 30 percent is reserved for
quick response operations.
Again, this is Voice of the present Edieser Cabalhin, taking flight for BNHS. Back to you,
IV. B. Sports News
Laica: Thank you Edieser. For the sports news, here is yours truly, Laica Aasco, reporting!
TEAM Cebu City added a gold medal to its tally after Alexis Parales won in
the wushu event of the 2016 Batang Pinoy National Championships at the Ninoy
Aquino Stadium, Rizal Memorial Sports Complex on Dec., 8, 2016. Parales, 14,
snagged a gold medal in the girls Step Taichi Quan with a final score of 8.75.
Parales beat 17-year-old Abigail Faniega of Manila City who scored 8.7. Wushu
and gymnastics two of the 26 events of the Batang Pinoy National Championships
that are played on a different schedule and place. The 24 other events were
staged in Tagum City last Nov. 27 to Dec. 2. Cebu City finished with 42 gold
medals, 30 silver medals and 30 bronze medals in Tagum City, and was the top
team among 270 participating local government units. Wushu continued on Dec.
9, while gymnastics takes place yesterday at the Gymnastic Center of RMSC.
Again, this is Voice of the present Laica Aasco, taking flight for BNHS. Back to you Leyson.
Leyson: Thank you Laica.
V. Joke time
Fate: Doctor! You've got to help me! Nobody ever listens to me.
No one ever pays any attention to what I have to say.

Edieser: Next patient please! *Music*

V. Extro
For the recap of the red-hot issues we delivered this afternoon...
#1 Deliberation of 17 budget deferred
#2 Parales adds wushu gold to Cebu Citys Batang Pinoy haul
Once more, this is Voice of the present, Laica Aasco and Louise Michael Leyson

Taking flight for BNHS 100! Rise up, Philippines!

Group 3 members:
Laica Aasco , Louise Michael Leyson , Fate Canubas , Sharmaine Ababa , Edieser Cabalhin ,
Ernesto Adlawan.


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