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Ozan Yakar



BIM 103, Bilkent niversitesi bnyesinde, letme Bilgi

Teknolojileri blm tarafndan verilen, bilgisayar klavyesini etkin
ve verimli bir biimde kullanmnn retildii bir derstir. Bu ders,
Bilkent niversitesi, letme Bilgi Ynetimi retmenlerinden,
Glgn Demirel tarafndan verilmektedir. Glgn Demirel, 1977
ylnda Gazi niversitesinden MBA diplomasn alm, Gazi
niversitesinde retmenlie devam ettikten sonra, 2000 ylnda,
Bilkent niversitesine retmen olarak gei yapmtr.

BIM 103 dersinin amac, klavyeye ve yazlan yazya

bakmadan, yalnzca yazlacak paraya odaklanlarak, 10
parmamz kullanarak hzl ve verimli yaz yazmay renmek.
Klavyenin etkin olarak kullanlan her tuunun yerlerini ve nasl
kullanlmas gerektiini renmek, klavye ve bilgisayar kullanrken
nasl oturmamz gerektiini, ellerimizi ve bileklerimizi nasl
yerletirmemiz gerektiini ve hatta hangi tua hangi parmamz ile
basmamz gerektiini renmek ve btn bunlar baardktan
sonra, btn teknikleri kullanarak hzl ve hatasz yaz yazmay

Gnlk yaammzn bir paras haline gelmi ve bir ok ii

yapmak adna vazgeilmezimiz olan bilgisayarlar, bir ok insann
yaamnda ok byk bir yer kaplamasnn yan sra, ne yazk ki
kullanmnda ok byk eksikliklere sahip olunan bir aratr. Klavye
kullanmnn doru bilinmeyii de bu eksikliklerden biridir. Doru
klavye kullanmnn bilinmeyii, insanlarn oturularndaki
problemlerden bileklerindeki problemlere kadar bir ok soruna yol
aabilmektedir. Bu nedenle doru klavye kullanmay bilmemek,
bilgisayar kullanmnza balta vurmann, ve sizi verimli birer
bilgisayar kullancs olmaktan alkoymann yan sra, salk risklerini

Ozan Yakar

de beraberinde getirmektedir. Bu salk risklerinden kanmann bir

numaral yolu, bilgisayar kullanmay doru bir ekilde renmekten
gemektedir. Bilgisayar kullanmay renmenin bir paras olarak
klavye kullanmay renmek gsterilebilir.

Ozan Yakar

Klavye kullanmay renmek, ok uzun zaman almamakla

birlikte, yaammzda bize faydas yadsnamaz bir meziyettir.

Gnlk yaantmzda sklkla kullandmz tm aralar kullanmann
en doru yntemini bilmek bizim iin bir sorumluluk olmaldr.
rnein, bir otomobil kullanrken sizi bir yerden baka bir yere en
kolay nasl gtrdne deil, kurallarna uyarak , doru ve hatasz
kullanarak varmak istediiniz yere ulamaya alrsnz. Bylelikle
kendinize ve bakalarna zarar verme ihtimalinizi en aza indirmi
olursunuz. Bilgisayar kullanrken ise bakalarna zarar verme
ihtimaliniz sz konusu olmasa da, kendinize zarar vermemek,
zamandan tasarruf etmek ve en nemlisi ilerin hataszlndan
dn vermemek adna, en doru, etkili ve verimli bir ekilde
kullanmak gerekmektedir. BIM 103 Keyboarding dersi de, bizlere
bunu retmeyi amalamaktadr.

BIM 103 dersi bize oturma pozisyonlarn, bileklerimizi doru

pozisyonlarda tutmay ve hatta nasl yrmemiz gerektiini retir.
Derslerde yaplan almalarda, sras ile btn harfleri ve bu
harflere hangi parmaklarla basmamz gerektii retildikten sonra,
her harf iin ayr ayr altrmalar yaplr. Lab work olarak
adlandrlan bu almalar snfta gerekletirilir. Bu almalarda
kitabmzda verilen, bazen anlaml, bazen anlamsz olan cmleler 3
defa yazlr. Btn sayfann 3er defa yazm tamamlandktan sonra
ise btn sayfa bir defa daha yazlr. Snf saatleri dnda, BIM 103
dersinin her hafta Pazar gn gnderilmesi gerekecek ekilde
devleri bulunmaktadr. Zorluu giderek artan 10 snav mevcuttur.
Snavlardan 5i Trke, 5i ngilizce olmak zere yaplan bu
snavlarda, 1 dakika ierisinde ka kelime yazld ve hangi hata
oranyla yazldna bal olarak notlandrma yaplr. Bu
notlandrma, her kelimeyi 5 karakter kabul ederek, boluklar dahil
olmak zere, toplam 150 karakter yazdnzda tam puan alnacak
ekilde dzenlemitir. Ancak her hata iin 5 karakter ceza

Ozan Yakar

uygulanmakta ve 4. Hatann sonrasnda her karakter iin ceza

karakteri says 10a ykselmektedir. Yazlan btn karakter
saysndan ceza karakteri says kartlp 5e blndnde, sonu
30u gemekteyse snavdan tam puan alnmaktadr.
Dersin toplam notunu, sz geen 10 adet snav, derslere
katlm oran, laboratuvar almalar ve devler oluturmaktadr.
Haftada 4 saat yaplan BIM 103 derslerinden 12 ders saatinden
fazla katlnmad takdirde FZ notu alarak, dersten kalnmaktadr.
BIM 103 dersi Biliim Sistemleri ve Bilgisayar Teknolojisi blm ile
letme Bilgi Ynetimi blmleri iin zorunlu olmakla birlikte, dier
blmlerden semeli ders olarak alnabilmektedir. Dersler Bilkent
niversitesinin Dou Kampsnde RE-005B snfnda
yaplmaktadr. R binas, Turizm Blm ve letme Bilgi Ynetimi
Blm tarafndan ortak kullanlmakta olup, RE kodlu binann
bodrum katnda BIM 103 dersinin snf bulunmaktadr.

Ozan Yakar


BIM 103 Keyboarding is a class that is offered by the Business

Information Management department under the roof of Bilkent
University. The aim of this course is to teach how to use a computer
keyboard efficiently and effectively. This class is offered by Gulgun
Demirel, who is a teacher at the department of Business
Information and Management. Gulgun Demirel, has obtained her
MBA degree from Gazi University, after working at Gazi University
for several years, she moved to the Bilkent University in 2000, to

The aim of the BIM 103 class is to learn writing on a keyboard

without looking to the keyboard or the writing that is being copied,
by only looking at the writing that is to be copied, using the all 10
fingers of our hand effectively, fast and efficiently. The places and
how to use the every key of the keyboard that is being used, how to
sit properly, how to place our hands and angles properly ,
moreover, which fingers we should use in order to press certain
keys and after learning all that, using these techniques in order to
write fast and without making any errors.

Computers become indispensable parts of our lives and in order to

do many tasks we depend on them. Although the computers fill a
lot of space in our lives, most of the people lack the basic skill on
how to use them. Lacking the keyboarding skills is one of the major
problems of computer usage. This problem, not only stops you from
using the computer efficiently and without mistakes, but also it may
cause health risks. The number one solution to avoid from these
risks is learning how to use a computer. Learning how to use a
keyboard can be counted as a part of learning how to use a

Ozan Yakar

Learning how to use a keyboard, not only takes a little time, but
also it would help us greatly in our everyday lives. Learning the
best way to use the tools that we use in our everyday lives is a
responsibility. For instance, while driving a car, we would not only
take into account the easiest way that would help us go to the
place that we want to go, but also we would take into account the
rules of the traffic and using the car without making any mistakes
so that we would minimize the chance that hurting ourselves or
anybody else. Even though hurting someone else while using a
computer keyboard is not the case, it would cause you great health
risks if you are using the keyboard in a wrong position for long
hours every day.
BIM 103 class teaches us how to sit, how to place our angles in the
right position while using a keyboard. In the exercises that are
being done in this class starts off with learning every single letter in
the alphabet and also learning which finger to use while pressing
those letters. In the studies that are done in the class hours, Lab
work, the exercises that are given in the textbook of the class are
done. In every lesson, there are 3 pages of exercises and every
single exercise should be written 3 times until a page is finished.
After a page is finished, the whole page is written once again and
then moved to the next exercise. Outside of class hours, there are
homeworks that should be handed over online every Sunday night.
The class has 10 exams which are taken in the class hours. In these
exams, how many letters we can write in a minute is being
measured. When all the letters written in a minute, including the
spaces, are counted and the mistaken letters are being subtracted
from the result as 5 foul points per mistake, if the result is greater
than 150, full grade has been achieved from that exam.
The overall grade of the class is consisted of 10 exams, the
attendance rate, the lab work and homeworks. If more than 12

Ozan Yakar

hours of class are missed, the FZ grade will be received. BIM 103
class is a mandatory course for the CTIS and the BIM departments.
It can also be taken as an elective course for most of the
departments. The classroom of BIM 103 class is in the East Campus
R building. This building is a shared building with the Tourism and
BIM departments. The class is at the basement floor of the RE

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