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Michael Krokosh

Lesson Plan
Grade/Subject: Language Arts - Unit: Grammar - Lesson Duration: 60 minutes
General Learning Outcomes:

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally
and critically to oral, print and other media texts. (GLO 2)
Specific Learning Outcomes:

identify and know by sight the meaning of high frequency prefixes and suffixes to read unfamiliar,
multisyllable words in context (SLO 2.1)
Students will:
1. Identify the similarities and differences between root words and a prefix
2. Understand how adding a prefix will change the meaning of a root word

Observations: Watch as students interact to ensure
cooperation. Watch as students complete activity
one, help those who are struggling. Ensure students
stay on task during activity two.

Key Questions: Do students understand differences and

similarities between root words and prefix?
Can they define root words alone and with prefix?


Resource #1: English Language Arts Program of Study
Resource #2:
Resource #3:


* Worksheet
* Matching cards
* White board

Introduction ( 10 min.):
Hook/Attention Grabber: Ok Grade five today we will be learning about what a prefix and a root word is and how
they can be used together. Do: write several prefix words on the board and question class to see if they can determine
the difference between root and prefix. Explain how a root words is still a word without its prefix. Explain how the
prefix changes the meaning of the root word. Explain how a prefix is not a word on its own.
Assessment of Prior Knowledge: Have you heard of a prefix before? Can you think of any examples of prefix words?
Transition to Body: Say that to start today we will look at how adding a prefix can change the meaning of its root
word. We will look at defining words with their prefix.

Body ( 40 min.):
Learning Activity #1: Prefix meaning worksheet ( 15 min)
Have students work through the prefix meaning worksheet. To start explain what it is they are supposed to do. Have
them define all the words on the sheet. At the end have students hand in their worksheet in a pile at front of the class.
When handing in have them place their worksheet the same way that the sheet before was placed.
Assessments/Differentiation: For students who finish early have them flip sheet over and identify as many prefix words as they can
with the common prefixes that are given on this worksheet.

Learning Activity #2: Matching Activity (25 min)

Divide the class in half. Give half 7 prefix cards. Give the other half 7 root cards. Explain to the students that they
need a pencil, paper and their cards. Model on board what they are to write on their paper. Explain to students that
they are to go around the class and find their matching prefix or root card to change the meaning of their word. Then
once they have found their match they are to write down the root word they used and its definition, along with altered
word they created and its definition. They can go around and match with different students in the class to make as
many root and altered words as possible.
Assessments/Differentiation: By modeling what the students. Should write on their sheets they should be able to reproduce. As an
observation I will check to see that they are defining both the root word and the prefix word.

Closure ( 10_min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: After students have completed both activities they should understand how
added a prefix changes the meaning of a root word. I will ask students to provide examples of a root word and an

Michael Krokosh

example of how it can be changed using a prefix.

Feedback From Students: Ask students if they enjoyed the worksheet or pairing activity more? Which activity helped
them better understand how root words can be altered?
Feedback To Students: Explain how they did such a good job and that I am proud of them for working so well in pairs.
That I am proud of them for being relatively quiet and acting responsible with the autonomy I gave them.

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