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Handout for APA plus answers

When writing an citation in the body of the text with two authors, (author & author,
year) with more than four authors (author et al., 2015)
In an reference section, alphabetically by the last name of the first author listed.
If you are struggling with citing and APA format, there are several places where
you can get help. Citation machine, owl at Perdue, bibme or the library are all
fantastic places to start.
Generally, at the first year level you will only be citing journal articles or websites.
dio stands for digital object identifier
Author. A.B, & Creater .C.D ( 1996). Title of journal: and more! Journal of Name Here,
volume (issue), pages. doi: if available.
Answers to the citation scramble
Jacoby, W.G. ( 1994). Public attitudes towards government spending. American
Journal of Political Science, 38(2), 336-361.
Herbst, D.M., Griffith, N.R. & Slama, K.M.(2014) . Rodeo cowboys: Conforming to
masculine gender norms. Journal of Rural Mental Health, 38, 20-35.

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