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E N G L I S H 10 with Ms.

Personal Phone: 510-684-5829

Year Long Focus Questions:

How can the reading of multiple narratives, as well as the telling

of our own narratives, help disrupt the danger of the single story?
This college preparatory class emphasizes the study of global voices. This course will focus
on developing a critical framework around identity, as well as strong writing and critical
thinking skills that are key for academic and real-world success. Students will read a variety
of narratives in the form of novels, short stories, speeches, essays, films, and poetry.
Students will also produce their own writings and presentations.
Fall Texts

MATERIALS for Class:

Spring Texts

Each student is expected to arrive to class each day with the

following materials:

1 inches
Spring Semester: Each student needs a NEW Notebook just to be used for this

What is NOT allowed in class:

Food, Phones and other electronic devices need to be stowed away
during the entire time a student is in class unless there is an entire class activity
with explicit instructions for all students to use electronics/eat food. If a student chooses to
look at their phone for any reason, I:
1st time - Take the phone away for the class period
2nd time - Take the phone away for the entire day
3rd time - Phone Call Home
4th time - Hold a student-family conference
I ask that students understand this policy and that they understand that should they refuse to hand
over a phone upon being caught with one, that we conference to discuss appropriate support for

Classroom Expectations
Be on time and start on the do-now
by the time the bell rings
In seat by the time the bell rings
Participate in Class, demonstrate
hard work ethic and grit

Collaborate with one another demonstrate love and use positive,

caring language
You need to read the assigned
writings and write the assigned
One Mic - one person speaks at a
Listen actively


First 5 minutes of class - instructions will always

be posted on the board. Follow them upon
entering the room.

5 points (1 point deducted for not

being in your seat with the bell


During Class - This includes reading aloud or

silently, writing, discussing or other class
activities. This is due at the end of class.

25 points (must be turned in at the

end of class with your name on it)


During class some days you may read or write

independently. This is due at the end of class.

25 points

Exit Ticket

At the end of class you will take a daily exit

ticket to capture what you learned for the day.

5 points


This varies - but is mostly in the form of reading

response questions and journal prompts

25 points

Journal Promps

These must be in your journals

25 points


These must be typed and printed MLA format

100 points

GRADING: Breakdown
Particiation - 15%
Do-Now and Exit Tickets - 5%
Homework - 5%
Writings - 60%
Projects - 15%
Students and Families - Please monitor your grades weekly on Powerschool. If you dont have access,
please check in with your advisor for support.

Late work is not accepted. Students who have a personal emergency should email
or text teacher to explain circumstances in order to make arrangements to
obtain alternative support.
All essays can be revised as many times as needed to reach the grade and
quality you are aiming for by the end of the semester.

Print Name (student):

Sign Name (student):
Parent/Guardian Commitment: I have read or had this syllabus translated by my child and understand
what is expected of my student in order to be successful in this course.
Parent/Guardian Name:
Relationship to student:

Parent Contact Information

Parent/Guardian #1

Parent/Guardian #2



Relationship to Student:

Relationship to Student:

Cell Phone#:

Cell Phone#:





Student Information:
Your Cell Number:

Can Ms. Tesch text you?

Your Email:

Please have this signed and return turn it in tomorrow.

This document must be taped into your notebook as the first document of your new notebook.

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