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Ethyl Alcohol from Banana


A Science Investigatory Project Proposal

Submitted to: Ms. Nolizel Resurreccion

Submitted by:
Juan Angelo Lim
Meryll Faith Lavilla
Kiara Castromayor
Kristen Que

I. Purpose:
Whether as a snack on its own or in a peanut butter sandwich, fruit salad
or bread, bananas are a staple in every persons diet. Even most young
children know in order to eat the banana, you first have to peel it. Banana
peels are natures equivalent of candy wrappers. Sure, theyre organic,
but the rinds still end up in landfillsand we all know how those things
wreak havoc on the environment.
The purpose of this research is to give importance to banana peelings
instead of using them to pollute our environment. Its purpose is to also
know the effectiveness of banana peelings as ethyl alcohol. It does not
only help the environment but also those who arent capable of buying
ethyl alcohol from pharmacies; this way, it is cheaper and more organic.

II. Hypothesis:
If banana peelings could be extracted into Ethyl Alcohol, then we could
reduce the number of waste from banana peelings.

III. Variables:
Independent variable- banana peels

Dependent variable- amount of ethyl alcohol extracted from the banana

Controlled variable- kind of fruit (banana)

IV. Explanation of what Prompted your Research:

Since banana peelings are also wastes, they can be a problem to the
community; some may step on them, and may have slipped. Banana peels
may cause accidents as well as pollution. We wanted to make ethyl
alcohol using banana peels; in this way, we can contribute in lessening the
burden brought about by pollution. We, researchers, want to discover
more alternatives for things that we usually buy, while saving the
environment and money at the same time.

V. Engineering Goals:
To prove that banana peelings can be an alternative source for making
ethyl alcohol
To reduce the pollution caused by banana peelings
To provide a cheaper and more organic way of producing ethyl alcohol

VI. What you hope to achieve:

We hope to achieve a better use for banana peelings instead of
throwing it away. Through this experiment, we can help find ways to
lessen the pollution caused by banana peels. We want to prove that
banana peels can be an alternative source for making alcohol so we
can provide a cheaper and more organic way of producing ethyl

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