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Offprint INDIAN LINGUISTICS JOURNAL OF THE LINGUISTIC SOCIETY OF INDIA Luyouistic socmry oF axon ne 2 emi a NDA LINGUISTS ait ern) ‘Sih ni ri cd wen Sint tes ‘odlteig Spey nausea ‘Se te drs Se ‘om or eens bn ase a ee Rai ofa ‘Gheuetandmane” atest be muse pet Lng SESE SAS sfc Ba ate oe es Sa pc oth Sa eno Sl Ino uncuies, yo. 4 (1979) CANDRAGOMINS SYNTACTIC RULES, SOME MISCONCEPTIONS ‘Madhav Dosiranoe The Univer of Mein, de Aer, Mig ‘hei ltoucion t the eran ofthe KArakabika tion of a's Mabibhgy,_S.D. Joshi ad 3A. F. Roodberen bane pie Seni olson Pipl’ sya us wih thee of Candeagoni, tie author ofthe CanioPystarags. Uefa as this atodacton sto = Student of Pini parla and Sask ramen gnea, cous {eruin misconceptions about Candapoi's syamctio Tues ad thet ‘pation. The purpose of ths pape 8 to present Cangas static ‘tapos they ave actully seen in bie Cini Vpatarae 200 Bit ‘Omn cometary, Vit, oa this grammar, ado st the trod Hale 2 Jom and Roodbrgsarigy point out: "ill has. deed the Sotto manag ello! apddén, twits the tip of nonngsiic Features, and tnt the fates are indie comes with caso=adlag, ‘mel, trooeh tbe inetd of the nate, apedona, ts. Canes, fn holler hand, dot not provide forter defn. He Inks pstacc ‘snigs, abd, Ia toms Insanes, aowngusie features det) with ‘asenlgs” (Kérania, Into, pi). Hower, in repeat Bs "i ection, the abt ani davis ‘ich entre upfoom catment of panve constriction and the nomi ative caings i lost (Kerk Intro a). a we sal sy hs $a" wromg watt concring Canicasoi's tactic rales They also "hat Candragomin lene hseneappletion of Karat rales st {o aha the wish ofthe speaker lasead of having pipes sch ab {he eka (P1.4.1 fe Pins pammar. Candeagmi’ssytactc ules ate actualy by 0 sansa lost deed ne they ate ade ost to te by Jo aed Roodberge. low we sal go into nce of the deta {t Candin’ yates ‘3 Wont is the abhi jana principle in Pins? ving dened ‘alos ESratar suc ab kat agent, rman." ohibat™ ete, nih Doseds to the siignmen of varios cae endgs, This puts? ston in Pins ranma i headed ty vale Po 23.1 (anal) © "1 not ‘presed ( ead)". This expression coals ito the fallowing rule, For insane, wih the addon of aie, 23.2. (Aart dil) coms to mean +" The second lt of east coding: i aed toa ton ‘al denoting the objet he noon of ebjecthood. has not akendy sn ‘apes otherwise," ‘Thus foe laste, a the seas rama odanam pact!“ Raza coks ce", the sata of eat_wovks a fellows The Sive woke ail iin the vb paca dente agrat (Kr). {0 Pin (rf sP-3.469 (lab Borman! cable cekermaebya ad 1.378 deat kat posomsbadon ). Sac the ana denon apeat fe meaning "objet" frags unerprewad, Thue by P2392) (Karman stiiys) governed bythe anal " asepresed” condtion, we get he scctve cae ending forthe objet dans. P2946 (prt Pathan) says, bese other matter, ths tbe amit cat ening 0 ‘Miedo nomial merely to dnoe the menniog of the soa el ie ‘ica adiioual static mening tach 4 “agent "oe ee ‘reds to bu or femaas. tobe denoted. In the above gee eae He Alia! denotes the apet, and bene this parte eau dae ot ‘ecto be nor ceaains tbe dented. Theor, by ost, we eet ths resiual pominatie cae for he apeot Vana, This by Hist ‘octioning ofthe obihinanabla expres nerpeied™ deve in Pini le “on and Roodbergn cli tat 99 ste regulating deroe_ exits io the CandrPyckarana. As 1 sal show Slow, hi aot tus, The pct ‘slag devise eis in Candeagouias pramiic as toh ay it ck in Pins gammae, However, flowing the guneat of Pall a he ‘Mabiohire that such an expt ststeent i ot rested an tha one ld sinply get by wil the general eaped mati ukrnfagm ‘prayer * no laguisc sem i eo dease someting wich toad ‘ewe denoted”, Chadagoia doesnot st his pri the fame ofan explo, However, there api eigen iH rake ao Ss commentary to show th ths principe ext is fate, The mato, tkstrhent eprnopa ie iactaind I it Prep saat” Tas maa bat ‘he same reflagfnction which it aseompltnd by P20 (anh ‘ni excop that tis axog Ris wR dt ape Baa The pra ‘le jn Pil, Alo so the Yi 09.14.50, Vol Ty p33 arenes eae C219) (arhamtveprathen ) snp ta the ont cave ening are neo» Word whan ely ts oem mci, nt ning mer, oto be dent. Th enton of alse tat ‘yntactis meaning aca "aan tot be lire dented nad {hot femie to be and seis a be doe, one cna weIhesebe Ave cis. Tis imlcaton I eptcty supposed by Catron eae seme 09 C2143 (Lebe aes) Tost ap tin ae arealr acon. Caodagamits craps on thy. leu elem at (He) maize ma nan poate) soaks tea" an eho eta Ce) este Tol tee ae age eeading Ccoornconm’s somone nuts ns Cnéiaonins ows conceptions, devotes aps, and hens to de Ihe uexpresed objet one ca hae tbe acematve ate endogr forte oid Kaka, dana ad ade Candragonis, Ike Pi, wis espaol Eve verb Infostions in every and sue cacy im soveral pce ta ‘Seu terbal nets, snails for the original T, denote * abet" (C1) yd te Ket tara ad, ot ba Tho seal non (ier) eaten lige Fakta dale Paya The at made Hal for G11, Vol Typ 3 (2) tats tpn fp i arory era ako Io theo apa pao the verbal ending (ie L) denotes oly Venton C1178, Vole p38 (3) 61.182 (evar tap) se hat hax SaP ie itadased Meta veh Fo ithat verb ot flowed by a ace eal Inteston (i) ean af marked with denoting spent (kar avy This alt oe ot ean a for Cxndrgomns a 1 ‘Theee i» panase in Candegomins Ve! which blu sins tat os ays the abe | aula pence bovering i cue 08 (On C2. 49 Cleiipye hy), Candraeain. ser 8 age whee the ‘nor daoing obec takes te nominative ene eng. besa the verb {i sive Cnaragonia sas a pat ane abr na gama i sah? ‘hinit] Yr 99.2143, Vo. pee Ta the sae ‘nat porate "ic is cook, te obese orice not Sodetsad te the werd aah. “What thet? (its nde Hood) ffom the word (parte) which ends the verbal Fnston (nti cae“) “Thay Cadragomin yey cel wer the abba abi pinple to Asem sanmeat of eas edgy fo ht grammatical astm. Ter, ite above dicnton, the point made by Caniragora i tht the a te fn tie paciveperb purus denotes the obj, and ace by 02 1.95 (arhomarepathant) We ptt noaiatve tase ending, for the word ‘aa to dete" marty the meaning aft ial Hem, noe ‘ytstemesing. Tis Joshi tnd Roodberae hive wisn the lane work ing of Caudragomi’s yatc ray” whieh one uadestond as shows shoe Iwo tery erent rom Pils tem 7. Jos and Rocdbresn wy :Candegoni provides for pase cos truions by C110, whith intodacr the ellx ot Inthe Mein Shara and apy, aad by 1.4.47, shines the smaeada ed Inein the sme meaning Ti sing to ropa wot rb far Paas te (P31 OT and 3,1) 0) yu {Rartade no, esi 97). This eatonsat wach tale soe Canhengomi's kde fet contains sev! probiees of is we Candepmias is G1 7 (harepyaet “tah tns fom CIA) sys ha me eadigs (iit) tnd te aft Gua denote bina “acon” and. fpya “objet. Rule 1.80 tk ti yag lig stril), ith te “connation ot the word Bsrdpyveh fom C117, as bern aay iandesood by Joc and Roodberen They cai tht ths re restos the te of J dente Bra acon” a appa "objet Ths simply oot ewe I yak ee todo tse to eaigs, thn in frtn wish as poate bee ould be two denest ye aod ve denoting exact the sme meneig, Cold {is bea “rch” payed by Canngsoin Toa doe eet seem te ee fi Tats tae # cles fok MOT L-80-Ta ei eat quent SFP. 31.67 (ourmande jut). The tm sored ie edad bp Panna ring too anand aes marked by S( rf P4113) (iti tradition), PAIN (dha fh) ee a et St thes pected” afer vero ate ard ata, at B, SA.3 (ice) and P. A106 (0 ot) sy at put pera eet (i) ap este ote ates (Mi) gh ty Bre sbtty for tN alin, ae arta afiace, ad ne not trate. Tesi 1 tok ‘tthe eg scope of the Pein lee rade etc ih Caneegonite ts sifatia. Yous theo of P.AL6T (aimadouke yo), thers anal “cntgaen of Ge owls bbivelaraapoh “om B. 3.66 (cis baraamaneh yi the me sae eo 1109 (aa Sr he Soninton wf Bhespayh from CV. Tha empl ils of {Erin Caneel ts ely etal oth ews Be F.317 (soyadhae yok), says thatthe Sa ok Waal et we ‘ot if the var oot Ib followed by 2 atraarata fs denoting eer ‘itr acon” or harman “objet Tirole does aot tee" ie fixate a ‘er Tot Lo dete She or larman, ith Yat oot {otoned by 4 stration sx" The tame le ts of Cantino toa, for Bim, the alle yok dente tee & In fot the abhi abhi prinple plays avery since cle ‘in Cinragonio’s grammar In pacle T tba dieu (Candrapoi's ‘lation ofan infaitve wige, Ihave dicta ibe etn of the ‘ata theory inthe works of the Srovkit gamma partly 4 concens ‘eine um, in my fortooming menoeeane Syate of ‘he Sete Iti ee Tall only del wit aprile explanation In Canragomins Pru smart Bako. Bharat sara samara scram ratty Ayation |, Vo on C1315, elt pa “The wie rami Btu i sisblished became the vib ‘wrote (nat) occurs evecybere Ky ata romciaton spends oa the pee, ‘Tie spe ooking some res te ll fh the fom sev, “IC! 2 198" (ariismie prahont) we an aocotela s Dosing the te of be nominate oi hos gad ssa) bli pcp hte woul bo poem ink ame lot todas gy sexs 8 poten, snd fever works saioe Whats be probin 1s sar gant “(ie e) able to 50" he satactcoeaiag of th itv aa avo ation song te Caraga ae £1.36 arent), Sete ton Say “acon, the tema“ apet™ te toma wees The word sana cape” san aenve and liso the tent of penn, So themaning gst” tas nr nen dently am, heal he sod th ene colt beaded tthe word amar, Tes en eal ae to hve the strane sey 62162 (hata sts, ‘ete canto gt th dese nominative by C2. 1.93 (ahora yn ‘an nce th mesg that meds b dene lass © apt od wey an exe meat as eae ae ad Thos, we won ge the ndeed Senta smarting gana a oct ‘pli marth gon ble, Candragomin solvent by assuming a deleted Gute "inthe sees, making the undoing sien nario favs bhavat This sisson stated op atysyan'e wrt (ote ‘horaiparh pahanapargeh oprayusanin'py a 8 on. 231), Qe ne csp ths dled ye ana, the sate poems ars soled, sine the fbx i ences agent, ad bance Tor this thermic Sense ‘gent we cn have a nomlanine cae ending 9 ‘Te dove dissnion nt only ts we epi that Camron wed the bahia? aude pins, but « dmper analy of tis plone ‘mpi a syatactc prin, wich Is woknown ta Kayeyeas and Paenon ‘nd spears eli only inthe work af Caraga’ pond ‘Bhan for the fit ie, We may bey de tis question fae Ive dae thst in my fticoming tonoerph Smt of he Seat, Ie nite 30, How to del wih the cues of a0 its whichis sutncoty laked to wo iercat ations? "For eatpsy inthe seneas Sey ne MaDuAY DesipaNDe smart Mat hu eet of he wo smart sienlaneesy Tike ("both anton ‘and Dover Whi the afl ton fr Candragomia. deaote btraaton the ai dents ageat "Tha the ymto sang “agct "i elf uaegpeesed by stam, Bt iis exo yo "Thue He sioulasouly both bile “espaol” aad anbhta "wong" {Gea sucha situation, Bow shold one deal th the yaa af martha ? ‘Te pine used inch ses by Kaysyana tat along as «ra nia esxpesie "by one AB, he pura vist ave edn” fa he on th fstoc wil apy ad the Tact tha he sae fara i ‘iia eared by another ae a te se He dost not ames? ‘his pipe sesopled by Puta ob saa toush tly hae bia ino problems from which ne hasbeen nabs to com> out, Jon aod Roodbergn dass spindle in tse dnb volume bt > not evaluate nor poi ot that Kalimaay fale” Rerun, "is principle anaok explo the sjatax Of ante ao hava Sins ‘he tcaing "aget”nlt unceped by se, een tought epee ‘yh we would fave to have the Msrumonial” cae Tor te word Samah’ by "P2318 (tarearnayor tia) or 2462 (hair ‘iyd) This would real i the oalesied sstace * sarong gant Una Hower, Cunagonin says hat the sation of the dete verb ina! solves te probes i tks example (Note Canagani't Wont: Shoah serrate tbat sm, Ya, Volts 13D) into ge dpb vet ar ai Reuven Dae? ee ete ee ee SESe Tria gues erie aers Sum coach ena ote are ane Eo nin waite tie cect See reson aan at Sacer apart aay eemarraarat misty niet near paaemaeee Bice Sue ge care peerage ht apenalye i Sar ol dates eee ae sete ot ne era 12 We may sho beey look at Joshi and Rosbersn's sisi of Canragani’s gamma cosening the Int that Hf doce nt coats tle ‘wonsconn’s svstierc nus 1 fick a9 PAL Ca kagirad ok soit) asd P. 1.42 (page ‘ara Kacvm ). They tear, "Moree: soe Candee eves tc yee meanings undefined, a sets ten of cures to Nicken “the vis of the sper (16 preset its i onguge at be) selve ‘hit. of probes sich at ruleset coupling cad ‘sient ds tthe dinons, Tan pst ofthe grammaalBatea as era sited to ink” (Sarat Tako, yp iat) in Foot to this stern, they state: One ee ofthe chest F141 Din th Aaya, a fru he Hae iesignations te son, fs, hu it checks the ss, ad ant sanded nage (iiss) Teo aa ato Crater ‘shal sy there are pipes such ar rulsandeting conlicepeaege te in to Canine Yyokraa, adit the notion of aks" speaters See oes nut pay the hind of rampant fl has boon and hy thee two ‘hola, 42, Inthe tps, we must note vey cley tat Cantegamia does indoed have uleordting and a conlctprcedue iq" he sean Rule C. VIS Cripatzdie), fad. along wih Candeasene vas {dep sivaistayr cate prasage yt paras ad Shana) ay ta ot ‘80 coving rule, which hate eerie momcontoney Roast, domain the later prev Ia coataat way E183 (pina ara Acca), which Is hora apeaing sus hinged ee sstlons Candrigoois rule i apleabethoughoet Ws gnu Tene ‘Candeponin 6 ceciy following Pts laren ok ant ‘Tus ts le spplis to Candegomine fle teeing coeds rmpoots 48 wes to oe prt of his grammes ne tet {is esx, i would appear “necsry that there. shall e Sea ator af rul-orderng i his gaminae, iho which tis proc eed ot ale sone. A che lok st Camicagonia een ni noel {hs senSeutiovieisg. Let fot athe br of tne he ware 8 Clara) 73 (ompradine sacl) BL (aradieh pasa) ‘8 (apts Edare) 83 \Carthamsieprathans) 95. (fit sambandie} bland Ronda ave ot ad de tee cei his oder (essed a, Wi) withoatretang the feces Gre SEE of tha rales, Thee 20 ein Candegpmin 10 be s,s De It se oxder of the above rls which tube ce of the roliag Problems For lastaor, inthe sto ofcavstve wigs sah ab dealt ‘abindton srmom panoyar" Devas sahge Yaieata go tthe ilps", asonding 10" Candeagonins tenants, alesis oth Ihe pears “agent, bog, inigaed™ "well at the papre ‘objeto th’ came ation (pryoioks papas)" Ths bag fe ease, “hol C2143. (Keibpie dni) and C2162 (karat ‘ipa Wonld confit i ths eam nner Yanda i bat pe Ad Kar Soc hata ie coats by L116 (oatiehe} th later fale woud have to apply and this would crue the uoszeptale sentence ‘dade aindatongrémah eamaya. To arc this ind of nstamestal ‘a in the ee of parla tbs, Candiagomin makes he follwing ex Septon tule! 31M gttbnhthantabdechontpinh poyohe) ‘hs ral ar an sxepfio fl, ays dove thatthe acta cate ed afer « nomioal fo devotee agent, bang Insiaed, of yeobe mesaing fing, Toving, eting et Hoven, ia a entice much ar dado Jofaiaon dina plcoatl“ Devadaita, alse Yalta cook tee Yajonsta Bah he aga ofthe ston of cooking and the abet of th ‘use acta ad ber, according to Cansragomin's gem, ‘me gl the ested iotumeatal case Oy C. 282 (arta tips), ich eg 8 Inter rl aupesdes the east ale ©2143 (lube sha). Ta ‘Ste ruleorering tt ines Ia Caadragoms sem in oa in driving the prope frais This dace by Candaponia without taking "scours fo choad “only one dedassion st x tine” ats doue by 14 We wil ey const Peoa’s tmadiog of sich wages as sien Above, Peis ules aiging Aaratedesgatom ae bead by P11 (Sauarad ea sans Jans F-18% (npr para arya Wie te fst rie ys taf the folowing soon se om can” have onto dtrgntion ta in, rte tye nt (a he cue ofa condi, tte ater ofthe two coafleg rales peri, Ths i two dept faa for ‘one ie tes the desgatonobtied byw ae Tle ll Spiral not te Seignson baled by t pear tue” ives it {famovott, we can se what happens i he ese of esate fence, Let ur Look the timp oadatah reading ‘ainah papal *Deradata makes Yona cook ree ean art aget clon of coking by F-14354 (sonra Lr}, a fe he aman ofthe ston oftspting dete ye sane at BYP. Laas (ara ipntatamat arma Hower, Both ths sation fat te Speratesaculy dost Feil sd hens by P14, ter ination, ee. kr“ get i aod, Sos the a pct ‘nts te aust he crane aon, teapot ofthe nated acon ‘eal umes anablie)Tfore, by P. 2.218 har Karegayos Ira) we get the desceinrumeatl cae Fr the wenpresel asa Tafa, aaa the example deaktah yeaa grat gamayat™ Devas inks Yondsta go othe village the saoe procedure cpt Gt and ‘obtain the designation kar ages "or Yalta which turn oad ad (0 an instrament eae coding forthe word eat Homer, in ‘is intace the cotet usage egaes an soousitine afi for the word Jafar, This is ached by Pllal ty ‘ae Di-4-32 (sath ‘Retnstertha saLarmaarmatanins au ar tan, re) This the peas (an) Becomes thee (Lara) in the este (au Ths inthe case of the parca yr, tis espn, role in list evens the operation of P12 (rye pasty). Sage ‘Yeloadatia ow bkls the oly oigaion coed, we tthe scetatie cae eadig for the word yaaa by e232” Charman ‘Sictha) to dana ober gespent oben, ‘he above comparison of Pii's procedure wth tht of Candragomia sles it que car that Candragoia dos have th pipe of alee ‘eng an devices to role coals as much Pia Hower Sowa above, Pin aks care of th cnfiting ponies atthe age of aplpng the Lara designs, by mens of F141, aod P12 (Cot! ainhiare wad pete. Cando, on be ote 1s no indepodeat hava desiaony and hence be take ste of ‘hing contig posites atthe only nage svaliie thi eis Yat" ese eading” rules Tas, rulowdeag i more maleact for Poin’ rls asalag the Lavake Wigston whi Ht becomer mote Soot for Candeapomi’s ibaa, 1k Thus we mus chy tthe mon pled by Jo ad Ros been th Canaan ucts ve ae may ped. Sp mle ‘Spey de an th thats no intra meats woe ct aii dove toads and prostate econ irsomin hs all the above tue hath oe af tice opens ‘evs itn oo Pann's postu Capon acs 0 Scot ot naga pris’ ee” wae ieee hae ek Sidon: Heeb itpetaio ot eposs ofen. cet Wa Fi, bt tnt wal singly mena hat pec wsper seen ‘ing dite o Candoma thn whe ey omy neat ts ete Forinnes, 723.7 (uptamlpaanyor arena) ne tne eh te ania Seog tne osu wc ccs ance Ol th we barat, at ota Wid si see oon obs sae hor nace" we kes ayaa faa ‘les tig xn to far, Dotty il a art age ‘6 ciple i ta dope he diay af es Sangha Soto styled these was no wai o yas diecast aconag to Pin ‘Ths efests Pins interpretation of sch ‘wager Acorn to Cana: sonia’ own peeption abl interpretation, tho wages ment difleree ‘hig. The wt of te form dake sat thatthe pelt ine Was the lastion (ahs), wile dtd meat someting Ie "since Wo days" ‘ign aod Candrgoain die onthe meaning Sf vaio fue Con ‘eto For insane a soastacton sich anh Balston any pce “Rama cools resto eat it)” 6 deed by P23. 10" Cam pnt Acyigai irarbayam) wtih sys tht the les him aad Nr, ay Se wed aera verb root, if the ation dead by tat er foot the tare Purpote of anoter acon denoted by a verb wad fate sae conection Hower, Pin fs that coustucans ike ramot gant fle "Raa ‘wale go" donot express the sume Lind of nate Fotos. te ete two asiony and hence be makes spate rl dee hse ins of contiution, ie. P3468 (satndivan- amin) However Ca “eagonin'ssematic prepin i iret fom tat of Pin adhe et tally says tt bt the above pes of ung ave one ation or te ‘ake of anther action." This the wton of aly? * speaker's dese Ws tod by Candrgomia bar inled move mnanave sires, hat Is ecard by Joa a Roodeegc, 16. Esplhag te conepion of ines Yop’ dese", Joc aad Roodbersn ny: “We ul say Unt by making rated tefonsble Tor te wri) ot ntacie contraction Candragmin hos nvodued_ the ‘ml CONSULT THE SPEAKER in the progam of his muting "Tht $o ay, the meshaial popes of he machine intered wih every to {in the, Papin on te eer hand, by eat oh Ssniuons seed ondogs uke which an ems tippoeed to bo sp or adn ot ‘bande in Candeagonin's terminology. These is bukie, Si oviod wih amore exist posas, works bt. to ptt rely, ‘aids bot a gram once, But yas oe, sey syst 2a of mb of ods of expresion he spake ys any paca ac" (araltnt, Top. wi). Td dieu to ates wih horas fon, The analogy of Finn's grammar to macia,dane fom say ‘snesitions of Non Chany hasbeen cared tow far Wy Jeol and {codbergen. Ih my fevew ‘of Roodbegety Bohr iN Drs sspesing ia Oras Lirawetneg) 1 hve plated at to What ‘Ane tis anlogy i risen. Hee T sal only deal wh te comapl M vn, nthe fist plas, a 1 hae sow, vii “apear’s dese” isn isle ence in Candas system Ses een Pains ana ‘spose a sala comet of vated “speaker's dati’ and ao stomtton which can pode txt op sown. Who should decide whee ‘be grammar shoal peoduke pan cla! o¢ fat?” Give te rls caonscon’s sreracre RULES 1s ‘hat yr inftiontay exes asa, jet of action P3400), ‘whos to dee wheter to pramma should pesdnc Fm. pochal ‘rimene game? Th tact i at Papi's puma fran operations se inlanary and do nt requ say ip or he "we, whe ee are 5 ss: deal of operations which aly rare the volaly decison a hey the “user For ns one can ters ae ty deat “Fie us the 8" OF aha nin va dent burn th ee ih fc". Tate fst Seatac, ap “Fie he agent ile nthe ese oe {esc its the inament Thee is nothing in Pras ania, ke the doe for “ining” in modem geeratve grasa, which woud juve ub any ‘Soin Haking of thew two selene ‘Th only eaplation i Wake eaters dese". Pan ty the ton ef ny. this see aa (Ginrozpity wage fin lege teteu> deed frm that Pte ‘Ts he we-inown rami! mayin ynkysak Rakes Uhr “the ‘roar ae pendent op the spears se” not eat lo veplce the toma opestion in Papin waar, but oie te vate nga forthe roumary operatons. The of wight “speedo” i Cana. fins grammar sno difereat fom i we in Pins grasa tn pen ble to only das I ota sli sone, ba Bama om ‘Sor ekving to srenary somatay ipet witht wht tua ‘peices oa grammar caaot fuscia A great lof his rake tog i all oft, can be formated in terms of peagmnc cms a ‘Sue sete and tes, bt the Sunset grime sloped sch ‘sidemtons to the conspe of Ha In dang ts, Pog a Caen fein co ot dir saben foe cach ter inet we Spee Cains, se wn ety KC. ‘hes Dn Cal Pa, 15), ‘don, Gu (1S Ain te Hk ft Mao, ea Sate "olin dao he Maer Oral est tte Pos 1 fp. 3, eats Madar (Framing) tomgaghs Se of San ae iso of Sse Thar So Camm, (Tene) Rover ef Putco, Anite, th Twheioe. Te Ts od Now, SD ead AP. Rap, ‘Uniety of You. Fons 76 agains Once Laney) = Tashan) Rave af Vira ty. Boer es ‘mere ty Pea, wh he amen Pdi Ks sd Us by ‘Nasi rw pb y Maat Be, Da Bs etngatinn ty Bhat eid by VA VP Lina, Carty sks, Kota, (P142)~1438, wit ao, Trmin 9 Now 8D. ead AF. Resa Peat 9 Ca of a aml Sai SC N10, Vane of Pa on ed oe Ranta, Yorn Mai, Asta (2231, — 231, th tio, Tt “ean st Ne, by Do ad 3.AP. Raney, Poo Geo Abn Stat Soar, Ch CR, Vy ooo, as, 197 toed tty Mayon 231 Vt pL, pe Ao: Ain ai. ‘psy Pj dtc opt Te ccd ab ‘St tee Arata) sr tad Rate ty a ‘ior ("P23 an min, Be mae pe ‘tins weap" dts, lar ptm Canin et Cat a tape saeco nil rd anata ‘eh oe tT as ny hedge ‘ere th ol was psa ay Tn apes "ot sing 6 Cerro ett Joo ec a ‘deo he ue mig ch pet al ob Ts ah | fea th Pret n C2. To pes the cn vy Cato eS ‘ty ste sna ac 2 an) nati sh etch Wide in Cin Penny vo Cini Pak, VT 3s Ta te most det eee i ss ea ol Tenibep, Ale: Postnatal Ota auch nny, Pomp Yaar $6 on 24. look kam kee amnesty ira ei, nh ‘Mat ob P3425 VU, 9.2513, Ab wr: Maly Dam et ett, tte. pm a ps2, Abo ve Maar teas eine. ‘Pagan mony om Fon dremaa ) m a amyl pst ny ey ping Cd ‘Ss ig of tte ft oy aa Ti he ‘Solel hg ot my Stee Tee koe pot ‘Srto A} Unie Ker? save se uy amume tt eR [nb oo scone me iw xa i) ot a ‘tgs oui an str i wil eed ep cxvnescon’ssyrAcTcHoLeE Ms (i ai) TA ak iow Gf he a 1] Om mye nh ta pa en! C36 sie ‘i Howe ft Sat as at an ow a she nh. ‘errs Oh Ho lt se mer si, rn trae wh arty th te pole, ote ‘9th ses in mayan ope ec Fat, ho ie Semi sachin Sua ona we he pee and ‘Soe ex as xm beta Certo wee ‘ssn wa cas more ren, py wi be ely mp lypaon IL 4940; Gane Can ety pin 142. dh oy wp 07.2338 Uhr rar {or inal cacao, Ges am “Sone io as (Cou ara fn Foy, Val 1, io ‘ltr mk. To st oer hs pobon, Pau proven erp te nnd ‘sinh onan "ee Toh lo ly poe ‘Cen: Of cota he di septs ee Ht WL Eo get pth ant Usp 37 Cabana mp ett ‘he trp Sha Yat on Chie Varn 18 Yat on 1.15 VoL 1. Tae inn a fee 't Caleaoie's ten ning wih ates pect bs Co Pa Vo sp. 86398 ft Veal, ‘hitter Ren Paes UU Spon C2i4h, VoL Lm 12 Wr the uals as inte, s Mabeye, V 18. Anis, Yo Lp p20 2 [Rest 26 Fray 9)

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