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Sunday, December 6th 2015 International Office Student
Buddy Club (IOSBC) mengadakan kegiatan outbond di
Ciater Hotspring. Kegiatan ini diadakan dengan tujuan
mempererat hubungan antar mahasiswa international
telkom university dan juga hubungan dengan member
Pagi itu hari minggu semua mahasiswa dan member iosbc
berkumpul di depan gedung LC sembari menunggu Bus
yang akan dikendarai ke ciater hotspring. Sebuah
percakapan yang masih canggung terjadi saat itu.
Akhirnya semua naik diatas bus dan menempuh
perjalanan kurang lebih 3 jam, dalam perjalanan suasana
menjadi sedikit cair dengan suara susan (salah satu
mahasiswa international) yang merdu menyanyikan lagu
dari jhond legend. Akhirnya semua pun ikut menyanyi
bersama, bahkan tertawa bersama.

On Friday, November 27th 2015 International Office

Student Buddy Club (IOSBC) was holding "Comfy
Gathering". This event focus was to gather international
students of Telkom University and IOSBC members and to
strenghten their friendship bond. That evening was

raining, but it felt warm because of the togetherness and

happiness they shared in International Office Buddy

"I'm pretty happy to see them gather in one place,

laughing together, singing song together, sharing their
experience and eating Indonesian traditional simple
foods : boiled corns & sweet potatoes. It's raining outside
but I feel warm here because I have hot ginger water and
feel this kind of family-like atmosphere.", said Nanda Tri
Mahar, one of IOSBC member.

Boiled corns & sweet potatoes were the main snacks. The
international students were very glad to eat those. Even
Chiara, the international student from Italy was very
amazed about hot ginger water she drank.

"That is very good baverage I ever try", said Chiara.

After sharing their experience, Sharif led that evening into

magical evening. He brought his playing cards and then
challenged everyone there to play with him. Sharif was a
good magical-card player. Everyone there was amazed by
his magic performance.


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