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The National Park System

Senior Division
Group Website
By: Michael Lamia, Dev Patale, and Tara Patale

At the start of the year, our group chose to do Maya Angelou. However, after much
thinking, we decided that it would be beneficial to research a topic that affected our everyday
lives, especially in lieu of a crucial election that can severely impact the environment. We then
chose to do the National Park System, which inspired us in many ways.
We used our academic resources to our advantage by discussing the impacts of
environmental policies with peers, faculty, and others. Another source of knowledge that we
utilized was the internet. Because the National Park System is a monumental foundation in the
environmental protection movement, articles about the system can be found on the internet in the
millions. YouTube contained several informative videos on the area of interest.
We chose to do a group website because we are technologically oriented and our group
could demonstrate our skills in a creative manner. In addition, since the environmental awareness
movement pertains to the modern world so heavily, it was only fitting to do a website, as it
relates to the modern world and emphasizes a sharp contrast between the natural world and the
rapidly industrializing world. Furthermore, creating a website lets us add in our own
personalities with aesthetically pleasing styles and designs. First, we signed up with Weebly and
NHD through our school, and then we decided on a design. Our design entails a sleek and
modern style, which is comparative to the National Park System website today. Next, we started
to add in information and pictures that we discovered from websites discussing the topic of
interest. Finally, we made sure all of the information displayed on the website was easy to read
and understand and did our final touchups. We took the time to get feedback on our website from
several individuals and worked to make a clean design. Doing a group website was a difficult
task, as it involved cooperation, creativity and responsibility.
The National Park System is a revolutionary organization that challenges corporate
interests for the sake of the natural world. It seems fitting to discuss the NPS in relation to
Taking a Stand, as environmental agencies fight every day for nature. The work of the National
Park System has left a mark on the world and allowed millions of individuals to appreciate
Americas beautiful lands; it has a legacy that history will never forget.

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