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Five Rules to draw out the cascade:

1. Count down in order

2. 3, 4, and 6 don't exist
3. 10 is special it is the only one out of order
4. 5 and 8 are co factors they go above the line
5. 7 is lucky it goes in your pocket (below the line)
6. 2 is prothrombin, 1 is fibrinogen

Intrinsic (PTT)

| Extrinsic (PT)
7 (+4)
TF (3)

Bonus Points:
1. The top row is in a line so it is the intrinsic pathway
2. Then pathway through Factor 7 starts from the outside so it is the extrinsic
3. The intrinsic pathway is longer so it is measured by PTT, the extrinsic pathway is shorter
so it is measured by the PT
4. The extrinsic pathway looks like a gun and guns are used in war so you monitor Warfarin
(Coumadin) using the PT (extrinsic pathway function)
5. The gun of the extrinsic pathway is shot using the your trigger finger [TF] so the
extrinsic pathway is activated by the TF of the body or tissue factor
6. 10 is special so all the factors surrounding 10 (9, 2, 7 and 10 itself) are a little special too
all these factors are Vitamin K dependent (ie require Vit. K to be made)

Questions (Answers at bottom of page 2):

1. Baby does not receive Vit K shot which factors are decreased?
2. Boy has Hemophilia A. Which clotting test is prolonged?
3. Girl has Von Willenbrands Disease. When she beings to clot which factor can build up?
4. Old man overdoses on Coumadin. What do you give to help reverse it and how do you
monitor his progress?
5. Which pathway is activated when the vessel is damaged?

1. 2, 7, 9, 10
2. Hemophilia A produces a defect in factor 8. PTT is prolonged, but PT is normal since it
bypasses factor 8
3. vWF is a part of the factor 8 complex. Factor 9 has the potential to build up since it will
not be converted to factor 10. This is another example where the PT may be normal.
4. Coumadin competively inhibits the production of Vit. K factors so you give large doses
of Vit. K. Monitor with PT
5. Endothelial damage releases TF. Extrinsic pathway is activated.

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