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AP United States History Movie Viewing

Assignment, Mr. Gormally

Students will choose four movies from the list provided to view and write a movie review.
Two movies will be from the time period before 1900 and two movies from post 1900.
It is suggested, but not mandatory, that students view movies during the summer for their pre 1900 choices
and the winter break for post 1900 choices.
The rating and the year the movie was made is included. Some titles have multiple movies from different
years, the year produced will help you choose the correct movie.
Students will complete a written review (form to be provided by teacher).

1. Please do not avoid certain movies because of their age. You would be missing out on some
excellent movies if you choose to stay away from older movies.
2. Please watch movies you have not seen before. This is supposed to be a learning experience, not
just review. Challenge yourself and watch movies that are new to you, dont watch Remember the
Titans for the tenth time because it would be easy to complete the assignment. Remember, you
are in this class to learn and challenge yourself.

Due Dates: 1st Friday Sept. 6, 2013; 2nd Tuesday Dec. 3, 2013;
3rd Friday Jan. 24, 2014; 4th - Tuesday, Mar. 18, 2014

Pre 1900 Movies

Dances with Wolves (PG-13, 1990) Amistad (R, 1997) John Adams (TV-14, 2008)
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (Unrated, 2007) The Crucible (PG-13, 1996)
Lonesome Dove (Unrated, 1989) Gettysburg (PG, 1993) Glory (R, 1989)
The Patriot (R, 2000) The Alamo (PG-13, 2004) Little Big Man (PG-13, 1970)
The Last of the Mohicans (R, 1992) Far and Away (PG-13, 1992) Gangs of New York (R, 2002)
Jeremiah Johnson (PG, 1972) Son of the Morning Star (PG-13, 1991)
Wyatt Earp (PG-13, 1994) Unforgiven (R, 1992) Lincoln (PG-13, 2012)

Post 1900 Movies

All the Presidents Men (PG, 1976) Dr. Strangelove (PG, 1964) 12 Angry Men (Unrated, 1957)
To Kill A Mockingbird (Unrated, 1962) The Grapes of Wrath (Unrated, 1940)
Remember the Titans (PG, 2000) Driving Miss Daisy (PG, 1989) The Help (PG-13, 2011)
Mississippi Burning (R, 1988) The Right Stuff (PG, 1983) Malcolm X (PG, 1992)
Good Night, and Good Luck (PG, 2005) Ghosts of Mississippi (PG-13, 1996) Thirteen Days (PG-13, 2000)
Platoon (R, 1986) Saving Private Ryan (R, 1998) 42 (PG-13
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (Unrated, 1939) 9/11 (Unrated, 2002)
Frost/Nixon (R, 2008) Untouchables (R, 1987) Memphis Belle (PG-13, 1990)
Cinderella Man (PG-13, 2005) Patton (PG, 1970) Apollo 13 (PG, 1995)
Flags of Our Fathers (R, 2006) Tucker: The Man and His Dream (PG, 1988)
Cool Hand Luke (PG, 1967) Born on the Fourth of July (R, 1989) Lawless (R, 2012)
O Brother, Where Art Thou? (PG-13, 2000) The Great Escape (Unrated, 1963) Citizen Kane (PG, 1941)
AP United States History Movie Viewing
Before the Movie:

1. What is the title of your movie?

2. Name the producer and director.

During the Movie:

3. Who are the most important characters in the film? Also list the names of the
actors playing these characters.

4. What is the setting of you movie? Location, time period, and circumstances.

5. What is this story about? (In essence, the movie review you have written is your opinion of the
movie. Keep this in mind, and while writing a review, do not get tempted to reveal the complete
story line. Your purpose is to give only the details that can help the readers of your review to form
an opinion about the movie, not to retell the story of a movie.

6. What group of people would like this movie (demographics)?

After the Movie:

7. Did you like this movie? Why or why not? (Give a real critique, not a one word answer)

8. All movies teach a lesson (theme/moral). What did you learn from this movie?

9. What rating would you give this movie? (Let the reader/viewer know a number or stars out of a
certain number. (Ex. - 4.5 out of 5 stars; 9 out of 10).

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