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Muscles of Mastication

Muscle Origin Insertion Action

Masseter Zygomatic Arch Mandibular angle Elevates mandible
Mandibular ramus

Temporalis Temporal fossa of Coronoid process of Elevates mandible

the temporal bone the mandible Retracts mandible

Muscles of the Neck

Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Sternocleidomastoid Manubrium of Mastoid process of Flexes head
sternum the temporal bone Rotates head
Medial clavicle laterally

Scalenes anterior, Transverse Anterior surface of Elevates ribs 1-2

middle, posterior processes of the ribs 1-2 Flexes neck
cervical vertebrae Rotates neck

Muscles of the Thoracic Wall

Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Pectoralis minor Ribs 3-5 Coracoid process of Depresses scapula
the scapula Downwardly rotates

External intercostals Inferior border of Superior border of Elevates rib cage

ribs ribs
Muscles of the Thoracic Wall
Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Internal intercostals Superior border of Inferior border of ribs Depresses rib cage

Serratus anterior Ribs 1-8 Vertebral border of Rotates inferior

the scapula angle of scapula

Muscles of the Abdominal Wall

Muscle Origin Insertion Action
External oblique Ribs 5-12 Linea alba Flexes vertebral
Pubic crest column
Pubic tubercle Compresses
Iliac crest abdominal wall

Internal oblique Lumbar fascia Linea alba Flexes vertebral

Iliac crest Pubic crest column
Inguinal ligament Compresses
abdominal wall

Rectus abdominis Pubic crest Xiphoid process Flexes lumbar

Pubic symphysis Ribs 5-7 region of vertebral
Rotates lumbar
region of vertebral

Muscles of the Pectoral Girdle

Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Trapezius Occipital bone Lateral 1/3 of Elevates scapula
Spinous clavicle Depresses scapula
processes of Spine of scapula Rotates scapula
C7-T12 Acromion process Adducts scapula
of scapula
Muscles of the Pectoral Girdle
Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Deltoid Lateral 1/3 of Deltoid tuberosity Abducts arm
clavicle of the humerus Flexes arm at
Spine of scapula shoulder
Acromion Rotates arm
process of medially
scapula Extends arm at
Rotates arm
Latissimus dorsi Spinous Intertubercular Extends arm at
processes of groove of the shoulder
T7-T12 humerus Adducts arm
Ribs 9-12 Rotates arm
Iliac crest medially
Inferior angle of

Pectoralis major Sternal end of Greater tubercle Flexes arm at

the clavicle of humerus shoulder
Ribs 1-6 Rotates arm
Adducts arm

Muscles associated with the Scapula

Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Levator scapula(e) Transverse Vertebral border of Elevates scapula
processes of C1-C4 the scapula Downwardly rotates

Rhomboid minor Spinous processes Vertebral border of Adducts scapula

of C7-T1 the scapula Downwardly rotates

Rhomboid major Spinous processes Vertebral border of Adducts scapula

of T2-T5 the scapula Downwardly rotates
Muscles of the Pectoral Girdle
Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Supraspinatus Supraspinous Greater tubercle Abducts arm
fossa of the of the humerus

Infraspinatus Infraspinous Greater tubercle Rotates arm

fossa of the of the humerus laterally

Teres minor Lateral border of Greater tubercle Rotates arm

the scapula of humerus laterally

Teres major Inferior angle of Lesser tubercle of Adducts arm

the scapula the humerus Rotates arm
Extends arm at

Subscapularis Subscapular Lesser tubercle of Rotates arm

fossa of the the humerus medially

Muscles of the Anterior compartment of the Arm

Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Biceps brachii
Long head Supraglenoid
tubercle of the
Flexes forearm at
Radial tuberosity of
the radius
Supinates forearm

Short head Coracoid process of

the scapula
Muscles of the Anterior compartment of the Arm
Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Brachialis Anterior Coronoid process Flexes forearm at
humerus of the ulna elbow

Coracobrachialis Coracoid Medial humerus Flexes arm at

process of the shoulder
scapula Adducts arm

Muscles of the Posterior compartment of the Arm

Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Triceps brachii
Long head Infraglenoid tubercle
of the scapula

Olecranon process of Extends forearm at

the ulna elbow

Lateral head Posterior humerus

Medial head Posterior humerus

Muscles of the Anterior compartment of the Forearm
Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Pronator teres Medial epicondyle Lateral radius Pronates forearm
of the humerus

Flexor carpi radialis Medial epicondyle 2nd and 3rd Flexes hand at
of the humerus metacarpals wrist
Abducts hand
Muscles of the Anterior compartment of the Forearm
Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Palmaris longus Medial epicondyle Palmar aponeurosis Flexes hand at
of the humerus wrist

Flexor carpi ulnaris Medial Pisiform Flexes hand at

epicondyle of the Hamate wrist
humerus 5th metacarpal Adducts hand
process of ulna
Shaft of ulna

Flexor digitorum Medial Middle phalanges of Flexes hand at

nd th
superficialis epicondyle of the 2 to 5 digit wrist
humerus Flexes proximal
Coronoid interphalangeal
process of ulna joints
Shaft of radius

Flexor digitorum Ulna Distal phalanges of Flexes distal

profundus Interosseous 2nd to 5th digit interphalangeal
membrane joints

Flexor pollicis longus Anterior radius Distal phalanx of Flexes 1st

Interosseous pollex interphalangeal
membrane joints
Muscles of the Anterior compartment of the Forearm
Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Pronator quadratus Distal and anterior Distal and anterior Pronates forearm
ulnar shaft radius

Muscles of the Posterior compartment of the Forearm

Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Brachioradialis Lateral Styloid process of Flexes forearm at
supracondylar the radius elbow
ridge of the Stabilizes elbow
humerus during flexion and

Extensor carpi radialis Lateral 2nd metacarpal Extends hand at

longus supracondylar wrist
ridge of the Abducts hand

Extensor carpi radialis Lateral 3rd metacarpal Extends hand at

brevis epicondyle of the wrist
humerus Abducts hand

Extensor digitorum Lateral Distal phalanges of Extends distal

nd th
epicondyle of the 2 to 5 digit interphalangeal
humerus joints
Extends hand at
Muscles of the Posterior compartment of the Forearm
Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Extensor carpi ulnaris Lateral 5 metacarpal Extends hand at
epicondyle of the wrist
humerus Adducts hand
Posterior ulna

Supinator Lateral Proximal end of Supinates forearm

epicondyle of the radius
Proximal ulna

Abductor pollicis longus Posterior radius Trapezium Abducts pollex

Posterior ulna 1st metacarpal

Extensor pollicis brevis Posterior radius Proximal phalanx of Extends 1st

Posterior ulna pollex metacarpal-
Interosseus phalangeal joint

Extensor pollicis longus Posterior radius Distal phalanx of Extends 1st

Posterior ulna pollex interphalangeal
Interosseus joint
Muscles of the Posterior compartment of the Forearm
Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Extensor indicis Posterior ulna Distal phalanx of 2nd Extends 2nd distal
Interosseus digit interphalangeal
membrane joint

Extensor digiti minimi Lateral Distal phalanx of 5th Extends 5th distal
epicondyle of digit interphalangeal
humerus joint

Intrinsic Muscles of the Hand

Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Abductor pollicis brevis Scaphoid Proximal phalanx of Abducts pollex
Trapezium pollex

Opponens pollicis Trapezium 1st metacarpal Opposes pollex


Flexor pollicis brevis Trapezium Proximal phalanx of Flexes 1st

Flexor pollex metacarpal-
retinaculum phalangeal joint

Adductor pollicis Capitate Proximal phalanx of Adducts pollex

2nd - 4th pollex Opposes pollex
Muscles associated with the Anterior compartment of the Thigh
Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Iliopsoas Iliac fossa Lesser trochanter of Flexes thigh at hip
Ala of the the femur Flexes vertebral
sacrum column
processes of
Sartorius Anterior superior Medial tibia Flexes thigh at hip
iliac spine Rotates thigh
Flexes leg at knee

Quadriceps femoris All four:

Rectus femoris Anterior inferior Extends leg at knee
iliac spine Flexes thigh at hip

Vastus lateralis Greater Extends leg at knee

trochanter of the Stabilizes knee
Patella and tibial
Linea aspera of tuberosity via tendon
femur of quadriceps femoris
Vastus medialis Linea aspera of and patellar ligament Extends leg at knee
femur Stabilizes patella

Vastus intermedius Shaft of the Extends leg at knee


Pectineus Superior ramus Linea aspera of Adducts thigh

of pubis femur Flexes thigh at hip
Rotates thigh
Muscles associated with the Anterior compartment of the Thigh
Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Tensor fascia latae Anterior superior Iliotibial tract Flexes thigh at hip
iliac spine Abducts thigh
Iliac crest Rotates thigh

Muscles associated with the Medial compartment of the Thigh

Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Gracilis Inferior ramus of Medial surface of Adducts thigh
pubis tibia Flexes leg at knee
Body of the Rotates leg
pubis medially

Adductor longus Pubis near Linea aspera of Adducts thigh

pubic symphysis femur Flexes thigh at hip
Rotates thigh

Adductor brevis Inferior ramus of Linea aspera of Adducts thigh

pubis femur Rotates thigh
Body of the medially

Adductor magnus Inferior ramus of Linea aspera of Adducts thigh

pubis femur Rotates thigh
Ischial ramus laterally
Ischial tuberosity Flexes thigh at hip

Muscles associated with the Gluteal region

and Posterior compartment of the Thigh
Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Gluteus maximus Posterior ilium Iliotibial tract Extends thigh at hip
Sacrum Gluteal tuberosity Rotates thigh
Coccyx of femur laterally
Abducts thigh
Muscles associated with the Gluteal region
and Posterior compartment of the Thigh
Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Gluteus medius Lateral surface Greater trochanter of Abducts thigh
of ilium femur Rotates thigh

Gluteus minimis Lateral surface Greater trochanter of Abducts thigh

of ilium femur Rotates thigh

Biceps femoris
Long head Ischial tuberosity

Head of fibula Extends thigh at hip

Lateral condyle of Flexes leg at knee
tibia Rotates leg laterally

Short head Linea aspera

Semitendinosus Ischial tuberosity Medial tibia Extends thigh at hip
Flexes leg at knee
Rotates leg

Semimembranosus Ischial tuberosity Medial condyle of Extends thigh at hip

tibia Flexes leg at knee
Rotates leg

Piriformis Lateral surface Greater trochanter of Rotates thigh

of sacrum femur laterally when hip is

Quadratus femoris Ischial tuberosity Intertrochanteric Rotates thigh

crest of the femur laterally
Stabilizes hip
Muscles associated with the Anterior compartment of the Leg
Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Tibialis anterior Lateral condyle Medial cuneiform Dorsiflexes foot at
of tibia 1st metatarsal ankle
Interosseous Inverts foot

Extensor hallucis longus Anterior fibula Distal phalanx of Dorsiflexes foot at

Interosseous hallux ankle
membrane Extends 1st

Extensor digitorum Lateral condyle Middle and distal Extends 2nd-5th

longus of tibia phalanges of 2nd-5th distal
Proximal fibula digits interphalangeal
Interosseous joints

Fibularis (peroneus) Anterior fibula 5th metatarsal Dorsiflexes foot at

tertius Interosseous ankle
membrane Everts foot

Muscles associated with the Lateral compartment of the Leg

Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Fibularis (peroneus) Head of fibula Medial cuneiform Plantar flexes foot
longus 1st metatarsal at ankle
Everts foot

Fibularis (peroneus) Distal fibula 5th metatarsal Plantar flexes foot

brevis at ankle
Everts foot
Muscles associated with the Posterior compartment of the Leg
Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Gastrocnemius Lateral condyle Calcaneus Plantar flexes foot
of femur at ankle
Medial condyle
of femur

Soleus Proximal tibia Calcaneus Plantar flexes foot

Proximal fibula at ankle

Flexor digitorum longus Posterior tibia Distal phalanges of Plantar flexes foot
2nd-5th digits at ankle
Inverts foot
Flexes 2nd-5th distal

Flexor hallucis longus Middle shaft of Distal phalanx of Plantar flexes foot
fibula hallux at ankle
Interosseous Inverts foot
membrane Flexes all joints of

Tibialis posterior Proximal tibia Navicular bone Plantar flexes foot

Proximal fibula 2nd-4th at ankle
Interosseous metatarsals Inverts foot
Intrinsic Muscles of the Back
Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Erector spinae (group)
Iliocostalis Iliac crest Inferior border of Extends vertebral
Ribs 3-12 ribs column
Transverse Laterally flexes
processes of vertebral column

Longissimus Transverse Mastoid process of Extends vertebral

processes of temporal bone column
C4-L5 Laterally flexes
vertebral column

Spinalis Spinous Spinous processes of Extends vertebral

processes of C4-T6 column

Splenius capitis Spinous Mastoid process Extends or

processes of of temporal bone hyperextends
C6-T7 Occipital bone vertebral column

Semispinalis capitis Transverse Occipital bone Extends vertebral

processes of column

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