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Chapter Tour 1

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

Use this outline to organize your notes/thoughts while referencing the textbook.

Pay attention to roots! (portfolio)

If you thoughtfully complete this you could use it as a unit artifact for your portfolio!

1.1 Introduction
Stiff from
Relate this section to the first chapter
They talked about how medicine developed over time and they learned more about the body

1.2 Anatomy and Physiology

A. Anatomy: the branch of science that deals with the structure of body parts, their forms
and how they are organized
B. Physiology: functions of the body part, what they do and how they do it

1.3 Levels of Organization

Draw a diagram (scrap paper) that helps you remember the levels of organization of the body.
Make sure it makes sense to you!

1.4 Characteristics of Life

A. Characteristics of life include:
1. Movement -Change in position of the body or of a body part
2. Responsiveness -Reaction to a change inside or outside the body
3. Growth -Increase in body size without change in shape
4. Reproduction -production of new organisms and new cells
5. Respiration -Obtaining oxygen, removing carbon dioxide, & releasing energy from foods
6. Digestion -Breakdown food substances into simpler forms
7. Absorption -Passage of substances through membranes and into body fluids
8. Circulation -Movement of substances in body fluids
9. Assimilation -Changing absorbed substances into chemically different forms
10. Excretion -Removal of wastes production by metabolic reactions
B. Metabolism:
1.5 Maintenance of Life
A. Requirements of Organisms
Requirement Use
Water Transports substances within the organism, required for any metabolic
Foods Provide the body with necessary chemicals. Some used for energy sources,
others supply raw materials for building new living materials

Oxygen Gas that makes up one-fifth of ordinary air. Used to release energy from
food substances

Heat Production of metabolic reactions, chemical reactions

Pressure Important in breathing and helps blood flow

B. Homeostasis:Stable internal environment

1. Receptors: provide information about specific conditions in the internal environment
2. Set Point: tells what particular value should be ( body temp)
3. Effectors: Cause responses that alter conditions in the internal environment
Negative Feedback Mechanism: the deviation from the set point progressively lessens, and the effectors
are gradually shut down
Examples: a room with a furnace and an air conditioner, if room gets too cold furnace turns on if
room is too hot ac turns on

Positive Feedback Mechanism: process by which changes cause additional similar changes producing
unstable conditions
Examples: going into labor
1.6 Organization of the Human Body
A. Cavities
B. Membranes
C. Organ Systems
Organ System Function
Integumentary Helps regulate body temp.

Skeletal Support and move body parts

Muscular They maintain posture and are the main source of body heat

Nervous Brain, spinal cord, sense organs

Endocrine Glands that secrete chemical messengers

Cardiovascular Carries oxygen from lungs and nutrients from the digestive organs to all
body cells

Lymphatic Defend the body against infections

Digestive Breaks down food

Respiratory Move air in and out exchange gases between the blood and the air
Urinary Maintaining water and electrolyte concentrations and the acidity of the
internal environment

Reproductive Process of producing offspring

1.7 Anatomical Terminology

A. Relative Positions; superior, inferior, anterior, posterior, medial, lateral, bilateral, ipsilateral,
contralateral, proximal, distal, superficial, deep
B. Body Sections; sagittal, transverse, coronal
C. Body Regions

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