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to add (d) to chill to fry (fri) to serve to stew

- agregar (chil) - - freir (srv) - (sti) -
refrigerar, servir guisar
to bake to chop to glaze to sharpen to strain
(bik) - (chp) - (gliss) - (shrpen) - (strin) -
hornear picar, cortar glasear afilar colar
en trozos
to beat to coat to grate to simmer to stuf
(bit) - batir (kut) - (grit) - (smer) - (staf) -
rebozar rallar hervir a rellenar,
fuego mechar
to blend to cook to heat to smoke to whisk
(blend) - (kuk) - (jit) - (smuk) - (usk) - batir
combinar, cocinar calentar ahumar
to boil to defrost to knead slice (slis) to dissolve
(bil) - (difrst) - (nid) - - rebanar (dislv) -
hervir descongelar amasar disolver
to bone to empty to melt to soak to rinse
(bun) - (mpti) - (melt) - (suk) - (rns) -
deshuesar vaciar derretir remojar enjuagar

to break to fill (fil) - to mix to squeeze to mince

(brik) - llenar (mks) - (skuis) - (mns) -
romper mezclar exprimir picar carne

to broil to flip (flip) to peel to steam to roast

(bril) - asar - dar vuelta (pil) - pelar (stim) - (rust) -
a la parrilla cocinar al asar

apple juice (pl dchus) - jugo juice (dchs) - jugo, zumo

de manzana lemonade (lmonid) -
brown beer (brun bar) - limonada
cerveza negra light soda (lat suda) -
can of Coke (kan v kuk) gaseosa diettica
Coca-Cola liqueur (likr) - licor
champagne (shampin) -
champn milkshake (mlkshik) - batido
orange juice (rendch dchus)
cider (sider) - sidra - jugo de naranja
cofee (kfi) - caf pineapple juice (pinapl
gin (dchn) - ginebra dchus) - jugo de pia
hot chocolate (jt chklit) - red wine (red uin) - vino tinto
chocolate caliente


rum (ram) - ron tea (ti) - t

soda (suda) - gaseosa vodka (vodka) vodka
soft drink (sft drnk) - water (wter) - agua
refresco whisky (wski) - whisky
sparkling water (sprklin white wine (wit win) - vino
uter) - agua mineral con gas blanco
still water (stl wter) - agua wine (win) - vino
mineral sin gas


clam (klam) - almeja king prawn (king prn) -

cockles (ckls) - berberechos langostino
cod (kod) - bacalao lobster (lbster) - langosta
crab (krab) - cangrejo de mar mackerel (mkrel) caballa
eel (il) - anguila marinade (mrinid) -
fried shrimps (frid shrmps) - escabeche
gambas fritas mussel (msel) - mejilln
hake (jik) - merluza octopus (ktopus) - pulpo
halibut (jlibat) mero oyster (ister) - ostra
herring (hrin) - arenque

plaice (plis) - platija scallop (sklop) - vieira

pollack (plak) - abadejo shark (shrk) tiburn
prawns (prons) - gambas shellfish (shlfish) mariscos
salmon (samon) salmn shrimp (shrmp) - camarn
sardines (sardns) - sardinas snail (snil) - caracol
sole (sul) - lenguado swordfish (srrdfish) - pez
spider crab (spider krab) espada
centolla trout (trut) - trucha
squid (skud) - calamar tuna (tina) - atn

bacon (bikn) - panceta, tocino albndigas
beef (bf) - carne vacuna
beef steak (bf stik) bistec mutton (mton) - carne de
black pudding (blk pding) - oveja
morcilla pork (pork) - carne de cerdo
boneless (bunles) - pork chops (pork chops) -
deshuesado chuletas de cerdo
brains (brins) sesos pork loin (pork lin) - lomo de
breast (brst) - pechuga cerdo
cheeseburger (chis-brguer) - pork sausage (prk ssidch) -
hamburguesa de queso chorizo
chicken (chken) - pollo poultry (pultri) - carne de ave
chop (chop) chuleta rare (rar) - poco cocida
cutlet (ktlit) chuleta ribs (ribs) - costillas
goat (gut) - cabrito roast beef (rust-bf) - carne
gravy (grivi) - jugo (de carne) asada
ground meat (grund mit) - roasted (rustid) - asada
carne picada salami (salmi) salame
ham (hm) - jamn sausage (ssidch) - salchicha,
hamburger (hmberguer) - chorizo
hamburguesa steak (stik) - bistc
kidneys (kdnis) - riones tongue (tng) - lengua
lamb (lam) - cordero tripe (trip) - tripas
liver (lver) - hgado turkey (trki) - pavo
meatballs (mtbols) veal (vil) - carne de ternera

artichoke (rti-chuk) - beet (bt) remolacha
alcachofa bell pepper (bel pper) -
asparagus (aspragos) - pimiento morrn
esprrago broad beans (brod bins) -
beans (bins) - guisantes habas, chauchas
broccoli (brcoli) brcoli lettuce (ltos) - lechuga
cabbage (kbedch) - col onion (nion) - cebolla
carrot (krrot) - zanahoria parsley (prsli) - perejil
cauliflower (kli-fluer) - pepper (pper) pimiento
coliflor potato (potitou) - papa,
celery (sleri) apio patata
chard (chard) - acelga spinach (spnidch) - espinaca
chick peas (chik pis) - squash (skush) calabaza
garbanzos tomato (tomitou) tomate
cucumber (kicomber)
eggplant (gplant) - berenjena
garlic (grlic) - ajo
green onion (grin nion) -
cebolla de verdeo, cebolleta
leek (lik) - puerro
lentils (lntils) - lentejas FRUITS
almonds (monds) - almendras melon (mlon) - meln
apple (pl) - manzana mulberry (mlberri) - mora
apricot (pricot) - damasco, orange (rendch) - naranja
albaricoque peach (pich) - durazno,
avocado (avocdou) - palta, melocotn
aguacate peanuts (pnats) - manes
banana (banna) - banana pear (par) pera
blackberry (blk brri) - pineapple (pinpl) - anan,
zarzamora pia
cherry (chrri) - cereza plum (plam) - ciruela
chestnuts (chstnats) pomegranate (pmigranit) -
castaas coconuts granada
(kukonats) - cocos quince (kuns) membrillo
date (dit) - dtil raspberry (rsp-brri) -
fig (fig) - higo frambuesa
grapefruit (gripfrut) - pomelo, seed (sid) - semilla
toronja strawberry (strberri) - frutilla,
grapes (grips) - uvas fresa
hazelnuts (hizelnats) - tangerine (tndcherin)
avellanas mandarina walnuts (wlnats) -
lemon (lmon) - limn nueces
lime (lim) lima watermelon(wtermlon)
mango (mngou) - mango sanda
medlar (mdlar) - nspero

Reservando una mesa
Do you have any free tables?- (Tenis alguna mesa libre?)
A table for., please (Una mesa para. Por favor)
I'd like to make a reservation (Me gustara hacer una reserva)
I'd like to book a table, please (Me gustara reservar una mesa,
por favor)
When for? (Para cundo?)
For what tim? (A qu hora?)
For how many people? (Para cuntas personas?)
Do you have a reservation? (Tiene usted reserva?)
Ive got a reservation (Tengo una reserva)

Pidiendo la comida
Could I see the menu, please? - Podra ver el men, por favor?
Could I see the wine list, please? - Podra ver la lista de vinos,
por favor?
Can I get you any drinks? - Puedo ofrecerle una bebida?
Are you ready to order? - Ha decidido que pedir?
Do you have any specials?- Tiene algn plato especial del da?
What's the soup of the day? - Cul es la sopa del da?
What do you recommend? - Qu me recomienda?
What's this dish? - Qu es este plato?
I'm on a diet Estoy a dieta.
I'm allergic to- Soy alrgico.
I'll have the - Tomar
I'm sorry, we're out of that Lo siento, se nos ha terminado.
For my starter I'll have, and for my main course - De primer
plato tomar, y de segundo.
How would you like your steak?- Cmo le gustara su filete?
Rare Poco hecho
Medium-rare No muy hecho
Mdium Hecho
Well done Bien hecho
Is that all? Eso es todo
Would you like anything else? - Le gustara alguna cosa ms?
Nothing else, thank you Nada ms, gracias.
We're in a hurry Tenemos prisa
How long will it take?- Cunto tardar en estar listo?

Durante la comida
Excuse me! Disculpe
Enjoy your meal! - Que aproveche
Would you like to taste the wine? - Le gustara probar el vino?
Could we have? Nos podras traer...
Another bottle of wine Otra botella de vino
Some more bread- Algo ms de pan
Some more milk Algo ms de leche
Jug of tap wter Una jarra de agua
Would you like any cofee or dessert? - Les gustara algn caf,
o postre?
Do you have any desserts?- tiene algo para postre?
Could I see the dessert menu? - Podra ver la carta de los
Was everything alright? - Estuvo todo bien?
Thanks, that was delicious- Gracias, estuvo delicioso

Problemas que pueden surgir

This isn't what I ordered Esto no es lo que haba pedido.
This food's cold La comida est fra.
This doesn't taste right Esto no sabe bien.
We've been waiting a long time- Hemos estado esperando
demasiado tiempo.

Is our meal on its way? - Viene ya nuestra comida?

Will our food be long?- Tenemos que esperar mucho todava?

Pagando la cuenta
The bill, please - La cuenta, por favor
Could we have the bill, please?- Podra traernos la cuenta, por
Can I pay by card? - Puedo pagar con tarjeta?
Do you take credit cards? Aceptan tarjetas de crdito
Is service included? Est el servicio incluido.
Can we pay separately?- Podemos pagar por separado?
I'll get this Yo pago esto.
Let's split it Dividamos la cuenta
Let's share the bill - Paguemos la cuenta a medias

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