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- Starters = Entradas
- Main course = Plato principal
- Second course = Segundo plato
- Dish = Plato
- Plate = Plato
- Dessert = Postre

- beef (steak) - carne de res (filete)
- pork - cerdo
- chicken - pollo
- loin - lomo (lomo)
- quail - codorniz (codorniz)
- partridge - perdiz (perdiz)
- rabbit - conejo (conejo)
- hare - liebre (liebre)
- brochettes - brochetas (brochetas)
- croquettes - croquetas (croquetas)
- lamb - cordero (cordero)
- mutton - carne de carnero (carne de carnero)
- deer - venado (venado)
- veal - ternera (ternera)
- chops - chuletas (chuletas)
- goose (geese) - ganso (gansos)
- turkey - pavo (pavo)
- peacock - pavo real (pavo real)
- sausages - salchichas (salchichas)
- meat balls - albóndigas (albóndigas)
- rooster - gallo (gallo)
- escalope - escalope (escalope)
- duck - pato (pato)
- pheasant - faisán (faisán)
- pigeon - paloma (paloma)
- ox - buey (buey)
- black pudding - morcilla (morcilla)
- mince meat - carne picada (carne picada)
- liver - hígado (hígado)
- kidneys - riñones (riñones)
- ostrich - avestruz (avestruz)
- brains - sesos (sesos)
- bowels - intestinos (intestinos)
- guts - tripas (tripas)


- Sardines = Sardinas
- Tuna = Atún
- Hake = Merluza
- Cod = Bacalao
- Haddock = Abadejo
- Prawns = Gambas
- Shrimps = Camarones
- Mackerel = Caballa
- Scallop = Vieira
- Barnacles = Percebes
- Clams = Almejas
- Eel = Anguila
- Salmon = Salmón
- Trout = Trucha
- Caviar = Caviar
- Anchovy = Anchoa
- Squids = Calamares
- Urchins = Erizos de mar
- Oysters = Ostras
- Crayfish = Cangrejo de río
- Lobster = Langosta
- King prawn = Langostino
- Sea bass = Lubina
- Turbot = Rodaballo
- Crab = Cangrejo
- Spider crab = Centollo
- Sole = Lenguado
- Monkfish = Rape
- Cockle = Berberecho
- Swordfish = Pez espada
- Shark = Tiburón
- Whale = Ballena

- Lettuce = Lechuga
- Tomato = Tomate
- Pepper = Pimiento
- Avocado = Aguacate
- Cucumber = Pepino
- Beetroot = Remolacha
- Onion = Cebolla
- Chives = Cebollino
- Leek = Puerro
- Celery = Apio
- Spinach = Espinaca
- Cabbage = Col
- Cauliflower = Coliflor
- Water sprouts = Brotes de soja
- Broccoli = Brócoli
- Water crests = Berros
- Asparagus = Espárrago
- Lentils = Lentejas
- Pea = Guisante
- Chickpea = Garbanzo
- Beans = Frijoles
- Chards = Acelgas
- Pumpkins = Calabazas
- Courgettes (BrE) = Zucchini (AmE) = Calabacín
- Aubergine (BrE) = Eggplant (AmE) = Berenjena
- Garlic = Ajo
- Hot pepper = Chilli = Chile
- Carrot = Zanahoria
- Radish = Rábano
- Potato = Patata
- Yam = Ñame

- Corn = Maíz
- Maize = Maíz
- Barley = Cebada
- Rye = Centeno
- Wheat = Trigo
- Oats = Avena


- Parsley = Perejil
- Coriander = Cilantro
- Cinnamon = Canela
- Rosemary = Romero
- Camomile = Manzanilla
- Mint = Menta
- Cumin = Comino
- Clove = Clavo (especia)
- Basil = Albahaca
- Lavender = Lavanda
- Mint-tea = Té de menta
- Thyme = Tomillo
- Tea = Té
- Sage = Salvia
- Lime (blossom) = Limero

- Ice cream = Helado
- Creams = Cremas
- Custards = Natillas
- Nuts = Frutos secos
- Cherry = Cereza
- Apple = Manzana
- Pear = Pera
- Cake = Pastel / Torta
- Pie = Pastel / Tarta
- Strawberry = Fresa
- Black/redberry = Moras rojas/negras
- Plum = Ciruela
- Blueberry = Arándano azul
- Chestnut = Castaña
- Banana = Plátano
- Grapefruit = Pomelo
- Grape = Uva
- Kiwi = Kiwi
- Peach = Melocotón
- Pineapple = Piña
- Mango = Mango
- Medlar = Níspero

- Spring / sparkling water = Agua de manantial / Agua con gas
- Cola = Cola (bebida gaseosa)
- Pops = Refrescos / Bebidas gaseosas
- Milk = Leche
- Coffee = Café
- Tea = Té

- Wine = Vino
- Rum = Ron
- Whiskey = Whisky
- Bourbon = Bourbon
- Champagne = Champán
- Beer = Cerveza (ale = tipo de cerveza)

- Bread = Pan
- Cheese (white, yellow) = Queso (blanco, amarillo)
- Jam = Mermelada
- Marmalade = Mermelada de naranja
- Ham = Jamón
- Bologna = Mortadela
- Slice = Rebanada
- Spread = Untar
- Drain = Escurrir
- Roast = Asar
- Stir = Revolver
- Whisk = Batir
- Grate = Rallar
- Pour = Verter
- Garnish = Adornar
- Coat = Cubrir
- Wrapped = Envuelto
- Serve = Servir
- Accompanied = Acompañado

In the next sentences, choose between Present Perfect Simple or

1. I have been cycling and my legs are really tired now.
2. I'm sorry I'm late, have you been waiting for a long time?
3. How long has she known Peter?
4. Somebody has eaten my cookies. There are none left!
5. Somebody has been eating my cookies. There are very few left!
6. How many books have you read in your life?
7. She must be tired. She has been chatting all afternoon.
8. I have been writing all afternoon. I have ended 5 chapters.
9. How long have you been a lawyer?
10. I have been reading your book all day. It's very interesting, but I'm only
on chapter 2.
11. She has drunk ten glasses of water!
12. I have had my dog for sixteen years.
13. Help! I have lost my wallet. How can I get home?
1) I had waited for hours, so I was really glad when the bus finally arrived.

2) Why was the baby’s face so dirty? He had been eating chocolate all

3) I saw Jonas yesterday, but he said that he had been too tired to chat: he
had been running.

4) It was raining and the pavement was covered with puddles.

5) When I arrived, it was clear that she had been working, as there were
books and papers everywhere.

6) They had been studying all day long, so when we met, they were

7) The boss had been talking for hours to clients on Skype, so he wanted a

8) I had been drinking coffee all morning, and by lunchtime I was feeling
really strange.

9) Lucy had been hoping for a new car, so she was really wordless when she
got one.

10) I had been dreaming of a cruise to the Greek Islands, and, therefore, I
couldn't believe it when my husband came home with tickets.

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