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El Universal Tuesday March 13, 2007 The correspondent of the British broadcaster

BBC Alan Johnston was abducted Wednesday by militants in Gaza City, Palestinian
security officials said. Johnston, 44, was driving a rented car when several ar
med men aboard a white Subaru stood in his way. For now, the reasons are unknown
abduction and the identity of their authors. No group claimed responsibility fo
r the fact. (DPA)
Julio Alejandro Quijano El Universal Tuesday March 20, 2007 First of October 200
6. House of Raquel Pankowsky. "Never again will a Martita According to", she tol
d herself. Since that night he felt the sadness of the loss: they had been six y
ears with the character of political sarcasm gave him the success he always deni
ed the telenovelas. "My future is dark again. I had no expectations of anything.
" Throughout the year, journalists had wondered what would happen the day that M
artha had to leave. Now I know: "My five minutes of fame are over." But five mon
ths later, Martita As has returned. Yes, true remains in force to conferences ab
road, Pankowsky decided to give a last chance for the character of parody.
Alejandro Cardenas Ochoa El Universal Tuesday March 27, 2007 GUADALAJARA, Jal .-
It took more than 10 years for the Mexican director Paul Leduc will return to t
he movies and does so with Retriever. In god we trust, based on the stories of t
he Brazilian Rubem Fonseca that allowed him to reflect on global violence and an
ger that exists in the world. The result: a successful return to the cinema. Alt
hough the director of the film triptych dollar mambo, Latin Baroque bar and says
to his return Retriever is not the movies "because I do not do this again, I do
not want to wait that long to re-shoot", the truth is that this film shows stil
l has much to tell and share in the film. The reasons for doing Retriever, produ
ced by Bertha Navarro and has financial support from Brazil, Argentina, Spain, E
ngland, France and Mexico, are very simple, explains the director, "in 1999 I re
ad the stories and I thought Fonseca there was something that reflected somethin
g beyond the film, a sentiment that was not only me but all over the world. "It'
s about anger, violence and anger is everywhere," he explains, hence The film te
lls several stories that take place in New York, Miami, Brazil, Mexico and Argen
tina, in a series of characters who come together for various crimes they commit
, but the important thing is not who killed him, but the reasons that lead to th
Gustavo Silva G. El Universal Tuesday April 3, 2007 Knowing the sacrifices and o
bstacles that a dancer has to tear down to make a name in the entertainment indu
stry, the former dancer, singer and actress Jennifer Lopez launches today by Mex
ico, the MTV reality show DanceLife, which is executive producer, said Nolan Pad
illa, one of the participants. During an interview with El Universal, Nolan said
he was honored to be part of this issue, with which the public will see how dan
cers prepare to perform their work. Nolan emphasized the importance that J. Lo i
s interested in producing the program. "It's a dream come true. Always, as a dan
cer, you're behind the artists and this time will be different. J. Lo is a great
dancer and it was from the beginning of his career. She knows that a career in
this no is easy, it cost him and therefore want to show the public everything th
at we must go through to tread the boards. "
El Universal Tuesday April 10, 2007 LOS ANGELES (AP) .- The Mexican actress Salm
a Hayek announced that it has partnered with MGM to launch a new film label to p
romote the issues and Hispanic talent both in front and behind of the cameras. U
nder the name of Ventanazul, actress and director and producer will work in part
nership with Jose Tamez in the development, production and acquisition of films
of interest to the Hispanic community as the international market. The partnersh
ip with MGM's new policy demonstrates this study to enhance the talents of stars
such as Hayek, giving them creative control over content that they will distrib
ute and promote. Hayek will serve as president of Ventanazul while Tamez will be
responsible for production in this company based in MGM. The company wants to o
ffer two to four projects per year, Hispanic or not Hispanic talent in all genre
s and of interest not only for America but for the rest of the markets.
Alejandro Cardenas Ochoa El Universal Tuesday April 17, 2007 With nearly two yea
rs of life, Canana film company created by Diego Luna and Gael GarcÍa Bernal, e
xplores the production of independent films of great encouragement and is now pr
eparing to support the implementation the film I'm going to explode, Gerardo Nar
anjo, and another project which is analyzing its feasibility, as reported by Pab
lo Cruz, director of this company. Through the company Canana, the film was shot
deficit, the directorial debut of Garcia Bernal, which will have its premiere a
t the Cannes Film Festival and the documentary JC Chávez, which also marks the
entrance to the achievement of Diego Luna and which will be in a few days at the
Tribeca Film Festival, in the U.S. and Mexico will come to theaters next May 18
. The film The Violin by Francisco Vargas, also received support from this compa
ny for distribution, in fact, its release is set for next April 27 to 20 copies.
Dramamex Gerardo Naranjo, and the proposal spoken Rarámuri Cochochi Canana als
o had support.
El Universal Tuesday April 24, 2007 NEW YORK (AP) .- The sixth Tribeca Film Fest
ival begins tomorrow with a wide selection of national and international exhibit
ions, including
24 films of the Hispanic world, as well as major premiers and directed films for
the whole family: a total of 157 feature films and 88 short films to be exhibit
ed in 12 days of movies, panel discussions and parties. Since it was founded by
Robert de Niro in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11 with produce
r Jane Rosenthal and her husband, entrepreneur Craig Hatkoff, the Tribeca festiv
al has gradually developed an identity as diverse as New York City. "We're showi
ng everything from an avant-garde film called Passio with live music by Arvo Par
t at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, to Spiderman 3," said the head of pro
gramming and the event's executive director, Peter Scarlet. "You can not have tw
o different things, but it's that almost surreal juxtaposition that illustrates
how I try to redefine what a film festival is." Tribeca was launched in 2002, as
Rosenthal says, by an "act of war." She and De Niro wanted to do something for
their neighborhood, located just north of where one once stood the Twin Towers.
El Universal Tuesday May 1, 2007 NEW YORK (AP) .- The lyrics of almost all songs
from Sting, as soloist and member of The Police, will be published later this y
Lyrics by Sting (Lyrics by Sting) will include hits like "Roxanne", "Every breat
h you take" and "Spirits in the material world", along with reviews of the singe
r and musician. "Over time, the meaning of a song can continue to reveal himself
," Sting said Monday. The singer has also written his memoirs, Broken Music, whi
ch released in 2003.
Juan Manuel Navarro El Universal Tuesday May 8, 2007 LOS ANGELES .- With the pre
sence of its protagonists, as well as special guests on Sunday was held at a cin
ema in the city's premiere of Shrek 3. Antonio Banderas was accompanied by his w
ife, Melanie Griffith. "It is my pleasure to be able to participate in new accou
nt in this movie that has been very successful. It also meant returning to work
with this family, which we already know for years and we get along really well,"
said Banderas,
Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Julie Andrews, Steven Spielberg, Kate Capshaw, Jeffrey
Katzenberg, Ray Liotta, Teri Hatcher and Larry King were other celebrities atte
nding the premiere. "I think this third Shrek movie is the best ever. There's mo
re history, we see the human characters in funny situations, so they recommend,
it is not to be missed," said Myers. In Shrek 3, this nice ogre and his now wife
, Fiona, live longer as a family at the castle and its fortunes have several chi
ldren who come to make our life.
July Gustavo Quijano and G. Silva El Universal Tuesday May 15, 2007 The M & M ha
s already served 16 years. It is an acting school where his teacher founder, Pat
ricia Reyes Spindola, wanders naturally. At the bottom there is a cafe-restauran
t that overlooks the street Denmark (Colonia Roma) and is served by the students
themselves. "They can work while they study. They take their classes and then g
o down to meet the cafeteria. As in New York!" Says the actress amused and proud
. In fact, it's easy to enter this school, since there is no requirement that ca
lls for more excitement and a few identification documents. But it is also
easy out: "A third offense you run, if you do not finish a workshop unsubscribe.
There is a regulation to be met." In this regard,€SpÍndola Reyes is a strict
teacher, but also seeks an emotional bond with their students.
El Universal Tuesday May 22, 2007 CANNES (EFE) .- Spanish director Juan Antonio
Bayona yesterday he felt "completely exceeded" after the triumphant premiere at
the Cannes Film Festival his first feature, The Orphanage, who came to the point
that producer, Mexican director Guillermo del Toro, lifted him on their shoulde
rs in the style of bullfighting. "I lost count of how many minutes people were c
lapping, it was a real past," said the filmmaker thrilled born in Barcelona in 1
975 and released last night, this horror film starring Belen Rueda and Geraldine
Chaplin in the Critics' Week, one of the parallel sections
Cannes. The film, funded by Roll and Roll and Telecinco Cinema has Del Toro as a
producer, a friend of Bayonne for many years and that last night "began to mour
n" to see the audience reaction and he "pulled his shoulders" as the bullfighter
s said the director.
Julio Alejandro Quijano El Universal Tuesday May 29, 2007 LOS ANGELES .- At leas
t 12 000 Americans wanted to be filmmakers. All registered for On the Lot realit
y show conceived by Steven Spielberg and Mark Burnett to reward one with a milli
on dollars. That is, the budget for his first feature. Why so many people want t
o be a filmmaker? John Avnet, filmmaker and judge the competition, says lapidary
"Because they are idiots and are a bit crazy! Nobody in their right mind would w
ant a work of film director. Hollywood is a self-centered and environment all th
e time you have to be in talks with stars and divas who think they deserve more
than offer them. " "I've always tried to tell a story rather than using special
effects and make banal entertainment." On the lot opens today in Mexico through
People & Arts, with a chapter in which 50 semifinalists will be judged by John A
vnet, Carrie Fisher, Gary Marshall (director of Pretty Woman) and Brett Ratner (
director of X-Men 3 .) Fourteen will be removed and the rest will have one week
to shoot a film in a Hollywood set.
Claudia Contreras O. El Universal Tuesday June 5, 2007 Thanks to the success of
pay television program is night and I'm home!, Televisa executives gave the gree
n light for René Franco from forward to next Sunday 22:30 Channel 9, where spec
ial guest will Pepe Aguilar. Franco explained that it is a great achievement to
reach the broadcast networks, it is not so easy to convince people that their pr
ogram is a product that can work, because the humor is very acidic which manages
and often controversial stands, but it was the same company who made the propos
al to bring it to Channel 9.

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