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Inner Visions Policies and Procedures

Updated by Group Conscience 12/11

General Policy
Secretary should read all events flyers from the table during
secretaries break
Elections for all positions are December, May and September
The prudent reserve is $30
The key holder must have six months clean and be actively involved in
the group. The facility must be notified of any changes.
The group anniversary meeting is the end of October. We spend $50
for paper goods and food as necessary.
The Christmas Vigil donates $50 to St. Patricks church.
Any special events outside of the normal time slot for the meeting, or
off the premises (Christmas Vigil) must call region for insurance to
cover the event. (212) 929-7117 Chandera.

Celebrations Policy
The person with the most clean time picks the leader if there is more
than one celebrant. However, the person who picks the leader must
have attended the last two business meetings or have sent a proxy.
A celebrant must attend two business meetings or send a proxy in
order to celebrate, unless otherwise approved by the group.
We recycle coins whenever possible. Donations are always accepted.

Meeting Policy
The speaker must sit front and center of the circle so everyone in the
back can see and hear.
The speaker speaks for 15-20 minutes
The speaker can pick from a list of topics or choose their own.
New members of NA people whose first meeting is Inner Visions get
a free NA White Booklet

Group Officer Information

All positions are four months, except for the GSR, which is one year.
Clean time requirements:
- Chair one year
- Secretary 6 months
- Treasurer 1 year and a legal means of support
- GSR One year and a legal means of support
- Greeter no requirements

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