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Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4
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FAQ/Walkthrough by Zoelius
Version: 0.65 | Updated: 05/08/13 | Search Guide | Bookmark Guide

__________ _____
\______ \ ___________ __________ ____ _____ / | |
| ___// __ \_ __ \/ ___/ _ \ / \\__ \ / | | _
| | \ ___/| | \/\___ ( <_> ) | \/ __ \_ / ^ /
| ____| \___ >__| /____ >____/| ___| (____ / \____ |
\/ \/ \/ \/ | __|

P ::::::::::::::::P 4::::::::4
P ::::::P P P P P P :::::P 4:::::::::4
P P :::::P P :::::P 4::::44::::4
P ::::P P :::::P 4::::4 4::::4
P ::::P P :::::P 4::::4 4::::4
P ::::P P P P P P :::::P 4::::4 4::::4
P :::::::::::::P P 4::::444444::::444
P ::::P P P P P P P P P 4::::::::::::::::4
P ::::P 4444444444:::::444
P ::::P 4::::4
P ::::P 4::::4
P P ::::::P P 4::::4
P ::::::::P 44::::::44
P ::::::::P 4::::::::4
PPPPPPPPPP 4444444444

P ers ona 4
Guide V ers ion 0.65 B y Chao Min W u

_____ _ _ _
/ __ \ (_) | | | |
| / \/ ___ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _| | __ | | _
| | / _ \| '_ \| | | | '__| | / _` | '_ \| __|
| \__/\ (_) | | _) | | _| | | | | (_| | | | | | _ (Copyright)
\____/\___/| .__/ \__, | _| | _| \__, | _| | _| \__|
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| _| | ___/ | ___/

T his guide was written by Chao Min W u (Zoelius ) A K A (Zoel Giradel) and edited
(periodic ally) by J onathan Lee (P ukey on Gam eFA Qs ). T his guide c annot be
reproduc ed under any c irc um s tanc es exc ept for pers onal private us e. It m ay not
be publis hed on any webs ite or otherwis e dis tributed public ly at all, no
exc eptions . T his guide s hall only be A llow for public dis play on
www.gam efaqs .c om , Gam ers Hell.c om and www.s uperc heats .c om , www.neos eeker.c om
www.1up.c om and on Cheat P lanet any other us e is s tric tly prohibited and is
a violation of c opyright laws .
If you have any ques tions , tips , or c onc erns , m y c ontac t is Chaom in@gm ail.c om
and be s ure to put "P ers ona 4" in the s ubjec t title s o I c an find your
em ail quic ker.

P leas e Note: T his is the initial vers ion of the guide, s o not all c ontent
has been c overed yet.

P leas e don't s end m e flam es and s pam via em ail, as it will be im m ediately
deleted and your em ail addres s will be bloc ked.
B ec aus e of the A m eric an releas e of P ers ona 4, I have c hange s om e of the c ontent
of this guide to reflec t on the US vers ion. However not all c ontent has been
c hange as of now. T he c ontent that is unc hanged is s till bas ed on the J apanes e
vers ion.

P ayP al Donation
If you want to m ake a s m all c ontribution to this guide, you c an s end it to m y
paypal ac c ount at "Chaom in@gm ail.c om ". A ny am ount is very m uc h apprec iated and
will be us ed as a s ourc e for future guides .


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| _ _| ___| | _| | ___ ___| _| | | ___ ___| | _ ___ ___| | _ ___
| | | .'| . | | -_| | . | _| | --| . | | _| -_| | _| _ -|
| _| | __,| ___| _| ___| | ___| _| | _____| ___| _| _| _| | ___| _| _| _| | ___|

(T able of Contents )


B as ic s of P 4 / [S ec tion 1]

[P B S 1] - Controls
[P B S 2] - T he W orld of P ers ona 4
[P B S 3] - T he Cas t of P ers ona 4

Gam eplay of P 4 / [S ec tion 2]

[P GS 1] - Gam eplay bas ic of P ers ona 4

[P GS 2] - Gam eplay Changes from P ers ona 3
[P GS 3] - S tatus P aram eters
[P GS 4] - A rc ana Chanc e Cards

Main W alkthrough / [S ec tion 3]

[P M01] A pril [P M07] Oc tober

[P M02] May [P M08] Novem ber
[P M03] J une [P M09] Dec em ber

converted by
[P M04] J uly [P M10] Marc h
[P M05] A ugus t [P M11] E ndings
[P M06] S eptem ber [P M12] S ec ond P laythrough

Dungeons / [S ec tion 4]

[6A ] - Mys tery S hopping S treet

[6B ] - Y ukiko's Cas tle
[6C] - S team y B athhous e
[6D] - Marukyu S tripteas e
[6E ] - V oid Ques t
[6F] - S ec ret Lab
[6G] - Heaven
[6I] - Magats u Inaba
[6J ] - Y om ots u Hiras aka
[P DS ] - B os s Lis t

S ide A c tivities / [S ec tion 5]
[P S A 1] - P art tim e job
[P S A 2] - Fis hing
[P S A 3] - S hopping T V
[P S A 4] - Reques ts
E quipm ent Lis t / [S ec tion 6]

[P E S 1] - W eapon Lis t
[P E S 2] - A rm or Lis t
[P E S 3] - A c c es s ory Lis t
[P E S 4] - Item Lis t

S kill Lis t / [S ec tion 7]

[P S S 1] - S kill Lis t
[P S S 2] - P arty Mem ber's S kill lis t

S oc ial Links / [S ec tion 8]
[P S L01] - Inves tigation T eam - Fool
[P S L02] - Y os uke Hanam ura - Magic ian
[P S L03] - Y ukiko A m agi - P ries tes s
[P S L04] - Margaret - E m pres s
[P S L05] - K anji T ats um i - E m peror
[P S L06] - Nanako Doujim a - J us tic e
[P S L07] - Ris e K ujikawa - Lovers
[P S L08] - Chie S atonaka - Chariot
[P S L09] - Ryoutarou Doujim a - Hierophant
[P S L10] - Fox - Herm it
[P S L11] - Naoto S hirogane - Fortune
[P S L12] - K ou Ic hijou & Dais uke Nagas e - S trength
[P S L13] - Naoki K onis hi - hangm an
[P S L14] - His ano K uroda - Death
[P S L15] - E ri Minam i - T em peranc e
[P S L16] - S ayoko Uehara - Devil
[P S L17] - S hu Nakajim a - T ower
[P S L18] - T eddie - S tar
[P S L19] - A i E bihara - Moon
[P S L20] - Y um i Ozawa & A yane Mats unaga - S un
[P S L21] - S eekers of T ruth - J udgem ent

P ers ona Lis t / [S ec tion 9]
| A rc ana Nam e | S earc h Code|
| Fool | [P 4A RC01] |
| Magic ian | [P 4A RC02] |
| P ries tes s | [P 4A RC03] |
| E m pres s | [P 4A RC04] |
| E m peror | [P 4A RC05] |
| Hierophant | [P 4A RC06] |
| Lovers | [P 4A RC07] |
| Chariot | [P 4A RC08] |
| J us tic e | [P 4A RC09] |
| Herm it | [P 4A RC10] |
| Fortune | [P 4A RC11] |
| S trength | [P 4A RC12] |
| Hangedm an | [P 4A RC13] |
| Death | [P 4A RC14] |
| T em peranc e | [P 4A RC15] |
| Devil | [P 4A RC16] |
| T ower | [P 4A RC17] |
| S tar | [P 4A RC18] |
| Moon | [P 4A RC19] |
| S un | [P 4A RC20] |
| J udgem ent | [P 4A RC21] |
| W orld | [P 4A RC22] |

S pec ial T hanks and Credits / [S ec tion 10]
______ _ __ ______ ___
| ___ \ (_) / _| | ___ \/ |
| | _/ / __ _ ___ _ ___ ___ ___ | | _ | | _/ / /| |
| ___ \/ _` / __| | / __/ __| / _ \| _| | __/ /_| |
| | _/ / (_| \__ \ | (__\__ \ | (_) | | | | \___ | [S ec tion 1]
\____/ \__,_| ___/_| \___| ___/ \___/| _| \_| | _/ (B as ic s of P 4)

[P B S 1] Controls
Field and Dungeon Control

D-P ad and Left A nalog S tic k = Move

Right A nalog S tic k = Rotate c am era

L1 B utton = Rotate c am era (left)

R1 B utton = Rotate c am era (right)
L2 and R2 B utton = Centers Cam era
S tart B utton = Map on Dungeons
S elec t B utton = N/A

Circ le B utton = Canc el (US )

Confirm , W eapon us e (J P )

X B utton = Confirm , W eapon us e (US )

Canc el (J P )
T riangle B utton = Open the Com m and Menu
S quare B utton = Move to another loc ation
Change B attle T ac tic s in Dungeons

[P B S 2] T he W orld of P ers ona 4
T he world of P ers ona 4 takes plac e 2 years after P ers ona 3. P ers ona 4 is
foc us ed on a rural town of "Inaba". Y ou'll be s taying at Inaba for a year
duration of the gam e. T he m any loc ations of P ers ona 4 inc lude the following:

Y as ogam i High S c hool
T his is the s c hool of the P rotagonis t. T he s c hool c ontains two buildings , the
Clas s room B uilding and the P rac tic e B uilding. Clas s room s c an be found in
the Learning B uilding, while all Clubs c an be found in the P rac tic e B uilding.

Clas s room B uilding

Firs t Floor
T he Lobby of the s c hool. T here a billboard that pos ts exam m arks .
Y ukiko, Ris e, A i and Naoto c an all be found on this floor.

S ec ond Floor
Y our own c las s room is in 2-2. Y os uke, the S trength S oc ial Link and the
S un S oc ial Link c an als o be found here. T here is als o a Library on this floor.
(Inc reas e K nowledge by 3 P oints *6 P oints during rainy weather).

T hird Floor
Nothing on the third floor, but there is a s tairc as e that leads you to the
Y ou c an find Chie and als o a weather forec as t s tudent here after s c hool.

converted by
P rac tic e B uilding
Firs t floor
K anji is found here.
A thletic s A rea: Y ou c an join the B as ketball Club or the S oc c er Club
for the S trength S oc ial Link.
Cultural Club: Y ou c an join the Cultural Club for the S un S oc ial Link.

Mus ic Club: Y ou c an join the Mus ic Club for the S un S oc ial Link.
Central S hopping Dis tric t

S hopping Dis tric t, S outh

B us S top: T he B us S top allows your c harac ter to travel to other
areas for jobs (B abys itting).

Y om enaido B ooks tore: T he B ook S hop s ells a partic ular m agazine eac h
m onth, whic h helps you to inc reas e your s tatus param eters .

B lue Door: Leads you to the V elvet Room .

Daidara Metal W orks : T his is the loc ation where you will find all of your
weapons for s ale. Unlike P ers ona 3, you will need to s ell the m aterials
you have c ollec ted before the W eapon S hop will offer new s toc k.
Marukyu T ofu: Y ou will c om e here for Ris e's plot arc .
S hiroku S tore: S ells healing item s , and other item s for dungeon us e.
T here is als o a Caps ule Mac hine that us es up a full day of your tim e to
get m is c ellaneous item s .
S hiroku P ub: A bar that is only open during night. In here
you c an exc hange gem s tones for item s or work here as a dis hwas her.

S hopping Dis tric t, North

S ouzai Daigaku: Y ou c an buy s nac ks from here.

Chines e Diner A iya: T he Ram en S hop has either the 800 Y en deal
(Inc reas es Courage) or on rainy days it will have the 3000 Y en s pec ial,
whic h inc reas es 3 random s tatus param eters .

T own B ulletin B oard: In order to get jobs you need to look at the B illboard.
T ats uhim e S hrine: Y ou c an ac c ept reques ts from Fox for the Herm it S oc ial Link.
Y ou c an play the bug c atc hing m ini gam e if you have
ac quired a bug net.

T ats um i T extiles : Y ou will c om e here for K anji's plot arc .

Mailbox: Y ou c an m ail in 3 P rize S tic kers (From S hopping Network) for a prize.
K onis hi Liquors : T here's a vending m ac hine near this s hop.


J unes Departm ent S tore

Go to the Food Court to enter Midnight Channel

S am egawa Flood P lain


S am egawa Flood P lain (T op A rea)

T here is a c at loc ated here that c an be fed with the fis h
you've c aught (For Ques t).
Riverbank (Lower A rea)
Fis hing area. (Mus t have Fis hing Rod)

Doujim a Res idenc e

Living Room
In the Living Room , you c an s peak to Nanako or Doujim a to trigger
S oc ial Link s c enes . Y ou c an als o s ave by c hec king the c alendar and at
c ertain tim es , c hec k the refrigator for food, whic h c an inc reas e your c ourage.

Y our Room
T his is your room and it c ontains everything you need to build your S tatus
P aram eters . Y ou c an c hec k all of the m agazines you have purc has ed on the s ofa.
Y ou als o c an s tudy by exam ining your des k. Chec k the work table for all the
part tim e jobs you have applied for. B y c hec king the T V it will give you the
option for W eather Forec as t, "Midnight Channel" (A K A Mayonaka T V in J P V ers ion)
and as you progres s through the gam e T anaka S hopping Channel will be available
every S unday.

[P B S 3] T he Cas t of P ers ona 4
Main Charac ter [ *Offic ial Nam e = Y u Narukam i ] [Manga nam e = S ouji S eta ]
V oic e A c tor: J ohnny Y ong B os c h
S eiyuu: Dais uke Nam ikawa

P ers ona: Izanagi of the Fool A rc anum ,

Izanagi Ookam i of the W orld A rc anum
W eapon T ype: S words

In P ers ona 4 Y u Narukam i has rec ently m oved from the c ity to live with his
Unc le. A s a new trans fer s tudent at Y as ogam i High S c hool, he quic kly bec om es
friends with the s tudents of Y as ogam i High. Y u's new life will quic kly c hange
due to c irc um s tanc es s urrounding Inaba.
Y u s tarts with the P ers ona Izanagi and wields a two-handed s word as his m ain
weapon of c hoic e.

Y os uke Hanam ura
V oic e A c tor: Y uri Lowenthal
S eiyuu: S howtaro Morikubo

P ers ona: J iraiya

S us ano of the Magic ian A rc anum
W eapon T ype: K nives , K unais .
Y os uke is often s een as a loc al c lown in Inaba. He and the protagonis t have
quic kly developed a s trong bond bec aus e they were both from the c ity.
Y os uke s tarts with P ers ona J iraiya, whic h eventually evolves into S us ano.

Chie S atonaka
V oic e A c tor: T rac ey Rooney [E rin Fitzgerald V ita V ers ion]
S eiyuu: Y ui Horie

P ers ona: T om oe Gozen

S uzuka Gongen of the Chariot A rc anum
W eapon T ype: Greaves

One of the firs t friends the Main Charac ter m akes . Chie is an upbeat girl
that has an obes s ion with K ung Fu. S he is als o bes t friends with Y ukiko
and often gets into argum ents with Y os uke. Chie even attac ks Y os uke over
a J ac kie Chan DV D (* T rial of the Dragon on US vers ion). Her bigges t fear
is that s he is living under Y ukiko's s hadow. S he eventually gets her own
P ers ona, T om oe Gozen, whic h eventually evolves into S uzuka Gongen.

Y ukiko A m agi
S eiyuu: A m i K os him izu
P ers ona: K onohana-s akuya
A m ateras u of the P ries tes s A rc anum

W eapon T ype: Fan

Y ukiko is Chie's bes t friend. S he c om es from a high c las s fam ily and
is the s uc c es s or of of her P arents ' hotel bus ines s . S he is often
s tres s ed due to the pres s ure of her life. Like Chie, Y ukiko is one of

converted by
the firs t people our P rotagonis t bec om es friends with.

K anji T ats um i
V oic e A c tor: T roy B aker
S eiyuu: T om okazu S eki

P ers ona: T ake-Mikazuc hi,

Rokuten-Ma of the E m peror A rc anum

W eapon T ype: P late, S hield, B oard

A delinquent s tudent that often gets into fights . His fam ily owns the
Dye S hop at the S hopping Dis tric t. Des pite getting into num erous fights ,
K anji's greates t fear is to ques tion his s exuality.
Ris e K ujikawa
V oic e A c tor: Laura B ailey
S eiyuu: Rie K ugim iya
P ers ona: Him iko
K anzeon of the Lovers A rc anum

Ris e us ed to be a popular idol in J apan. In P ers ona 4 Ris e is firs t

s een on an advertis em ent at the s tart of the gam e, but for unknown reas ons ,
Ris e quit her job and trans fered to Y as ogam i High S c hool as a fres hm an.
W hen Ris e is trapped in the Midnight Channel, it is determ ined s he is m os t
afraid of being treated like a s ex s ym bol. W hen T eddie bec om es playable,
Ris e bec om es the s upport c harac ter for the res t of the gam e.

T eddie (A K A K um a in J P vers ion)
V oic e A c tor: S am Riegel (Dave W ittenberg P S 2 V ers ion)
S eiyuu: K appei Y am aguc hi

P ers ona: K intoki-Douji,

K am ui of the S tar A rc anum

W eapon T ype: Claws

T eddie is found ins ide the Midnight Channel; a s trange blue c reature that
talks . He provides s upport to our protagonis t at the beginning
by offering them glas s es that c lears up the fog ins ide the Midnight
Channel. W hen Ris e bec om es a s upport m em ber, T eddie offic ially bec om es
a party m em ber for battle.
Naoto S hirogane
V oic e A c tor: ????
S eiyuu: Rom i P aku
P ers ona: S ukuna-Hikona,
Y am ato-T akeru of the Fortune A rc ana

W eapon T ype: P is tol

A fam ous detec tive dubbed as the Detec tive P rinc e. Naoto joins
Y as ogam i High S c hool late in the gam e.

_____ _ __ ______ ___
| __ \ | | / _| | ___ \/ |
| | \/ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ | | __ _ _ _ ___ | | _ | | _/ / /| |
| | __ / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \| | / _` | | | | / _ \| _| | __/ /_| |
| | _\ \ (_| | | | | | | __/ | _) | | (_| | | _| | | (_) | | | | \___ |
\____/\__,_| _| | _| | _| \___| .__/| _| \__,_| \__, | \___/| _| \_| | _/
| | __/ |
| _| | ___/ [S ec tion 2[

(Gam eplay of P 4)
[P GS 1] Gam eplay B as ic of P ers ona 4

A s you get further in P ers ona 4, m ore options will be available to you.
S om e of the bas ic term inology that you need to know is of the following:

Midnight Channel (Mayonaka T V in J P vers ion)

Midnight Channel is where all the dungeon exploring take plac e.
W hen you are ins ide the Midnight Channel, you are given the c hoic e to enter
a dungeon by s peaking to T eddie (T hen Ris e for the later parts of the s tory).
E ac h dungeon have a fixed s et of floor that is random ized upon eac h vis it.
Ins ide the dungeon, you c an enc ounter S hadows to initiate a fight. Fighting
s hadows will net you experienc es points to rais e your c harac ter's s tatus . T he
S hadows are c ategorized as blac k, purple and gold. B lac k S hadows are norm al
enem ies , (However if their s ize is bigger, it m eans they are in big groups ).
P urple S hadows are enem ies that have a higher average level then the enem ies
on that floor. Gold S hadows is Gold Hand enem y. T he Gold S hadows us ually
run away quic kly in battle, but leave a fair am ount of Y en and a Ches t key
when defeated.

P ers ona
T he title of the gam e, P ers ona is your c harac ter's other s elf, eac h c harac ter
have a P ers ona as s igned to them , they will determ ine your c harac ter s kills
and s tatus . T he m ain c harac ter c an gain new P ers onas and c an m ake s tronger
ones by us ing the fus ion c om m and in the V elvet Room .

S oc ial Links (Com m u or Com m unity in J P V ers ion)

S oc ial Links is the bond between you and your friends . E ac h friend is as s orted
to a c ertain arc ana of tarots . T he rank inc reas e as you s pend tim e with
them . A s the rank inc reas es , S oc ial Links will provide your pers ona with higher
bonus E xp when fus ioning. For P arty m em bers , S oc ial Links c an grant them
new abilites as the S oc ial Link bec om e s tronger. If you m anaged to m ax out a
S oc ial Link, you c an c reate the ultim ate P ers ona c orres ponding to that arc ana.

V elvet Room
In c ertain loc ations of the gam e, you c an find a blue door, and by
entering, you'll be trans ported into the V elvet room . Ins ide the V elvet Room ,
you c an s peak to Igor for P ers ona Fus ions and other P ers ona reques t.

B attle
W hen you initiate a fight, you are given a s et of c om m ands on your ac tion.
HP - Hit P oints , T he am ount of life you have.
S P - S pirit P oints , T he c urrenc y us ed for s pellc as ting.

A nalys is - Y our s upport unit will analys e the enem y's s tatus and weaknes s .
T ac tic s - Change the ac tions of your party m em bers .(P arty m em bers are default to
A I c ontrolled. Y ou have to c hange the tac tic for them to be c ontrol.
Guard - Reduc es dam age and prevent your c harac ter from being knoc ked down by
W eaknes s .
A ttac k - S tandard phys ic al attac k.
P ers ona - (Main Charac ter only) S witc h P ers onas
S kills - Us e s kills . (S kills are from your P ers ona)
P hys ic al s kills requires HP to be us ed.
Item - Us e item s from your inventory
E s c ape - Y our s upport unit will help your party es c ape from battle
(*Requires a few turns )
Rus h - W hen you pres s the triangle button, the Rus h c om m and is s et on, whic h
will fas t forward the gam e and have all c harac ter s et on attac k.

**Rem em ber if the Main Charac ter is K O in battle, gam e over.

[P GS 2] Gam eplay Changes from P ers ona 3

P ers ona 4 gam eplay is very s im ilar to P ers ona 3. T his s ec tion is for
players that have previous ly have played P ers ona 3. T his s ec tion lis t all
the c hanges from P 3 to P 4, a player that have played P ers ona 3 s hould
have no problem adapting to the gam eplay of P 4.

E vent

T he S oc ial Links (K nown as Com m u in the J P V ers ion) s ys tem is retain in the
gam e. T he tim e it takes to inc reas e rank has been dec reas ed allowing players
m ore freedom in tim e m anagem ent. T here are c ertain S oc ial Links that c an als o
inc reas e the effc ienc y of your party m em bers in battle.

T he gam e now inc ludes a weather s ys tem that c an determ ine the appearanc e of
S oc ial Links .

A ll dungeon ac tivity is now done after s c hool ins tead of night tim e.

P ers ona 4 added 2 new s tatus param eters , "E xpres s ion" and "Unders tanding".

Reques t are no longer m ade from the V elvet room , reques ts are now ac quired
by talking to NP Cs .

converted by
Margaret (replac em ent for E lizabeth) will as k for P ers ona Fus ion reques ts

Ins tead of having a full m oon event eac h m onth. Y ou are now given s pec fic tim e
to s ave people trapped ins ide of Midnight Channel (dungeon related).


In P ers ona 4 T here are now m ultiple dungeons eac h with their own dis tinc t

T he fatigue s ys tem from P ers ona 3 is rem oved, however HP & S P c an no longer be
res tore when you return to the entranc e. It is now res tored by paying a c ertain
fee to Fox (really expens ive and with lower pric es as you progres s further in
the gam e), whic h is available when K anji's dungeon is unloc ked.

A c c es s points are no longer available. In order to leave a dungeon, you will

need to walk all the way bac k to entranc e, us e the item "Goho-m "
("K aereiru" For J P vers ion *), or find the s ave point on the las t floor.
Rare treas ure c hes ts are now loc ked and require a Ches t K ey to open.

T he Reaper c an only be found on a 2nd playthrough.

B attle Related

P arty m em bers c an now be m anually c ontrolled by s elec ting the las t c hoic e in
the T ac tic s Com m and.

T he ONE MORE s ys tem is bac k with a few tweaks . Y ou don't los e a turn when
getting bac k on your feet, neither does the enem y. B ut rec eiving c ritic al hits
and weaknes s will give the target a Dizzy s tatus and als o will los e a turn.

W hen an enem y is knoc kdown, s om etim es it will random ly trigger

a s pec ial follow up m ove from party m em bers .

P arty m em bers will now c over you if you're in danger (S oc ial Link Rank 1+).

A new c om m and "Guard" c an be us ed to prevents knoc kdown from weaknes s .

T he phys ic al attributes are now m erged to s ingle attribute ins tead of three
different ones .

T he A nalyze option will only give inform ation on HP , MP and abilities (onc e you
have Hi-A nalyze). E nem y weaknes s inform ation is now found through trial and

S huffle tim e now only offer three s ets of c ards . P ers ona, B lank and Nothing.
W hen taking the nothing c ard you will rec eive nothing after the battle is over.
A new feature added c alled A rc ana Chanc e. W hic h is given after s huffle tim e.
Lets your party to have pos tive and negative effec ts depending on luc k. It is
entirely optional if you want an A rc ana Chanc e.

P ers ona E volution
In P ers ona 3, P arty m em bers evolve their P ers ona as you progres s through the
plot. In P ers ona 4, P arty m em bers will only evolve their P ers ona if you m axed
their S oc ial Links . E volving P ers onas will grant a large advantage for you
in battle, whic h is highly rec om m ended.

Charac ter s uc h as Ris e, will learn new abilities as you rank up on her S oc ial

B attle T ac tic s
Let them dec ide | P arty Mem bers will do whatever they want.
Full Frontal | P arty Mem bers will go attac k with all their m ight.
S ave S P | P arty Mem bers will try to s ave as m uc h S P as pos s ible.
S ave your power | P arty Mem bers will try to s ave as m uc h HP as pos s ible.
Direc t Com m and | P arty Mem bers will be under your c ontrol.
No Change | P arty Mem bers will ac t the way they were before.

S tatus A lim ents
P ois on | Reduc e HP eac h turn. A ttac k P ower is als o reduc ed 50%.
Rage | Can not be c ontrolled, but A T K power 2X , Def and Hit % down 50%.
Dizzy | Los t 1 turn of ac tion.
S ilenc e | Cannot us e S kills . A ls o the Main Charac ter c annot s witc h P ers ona.
E xhaus tion | Reduc e HP eac h turn. Defens e is als o reduc ed 50%.
Confus ion | Charac ters will do random things , P 4's vers ion of Charm .
E nervation | A ll s tatus is c ut in half.
Fear | Can random ly los e a turn, als o random ly es c ape from battle.

[P GS 3] S tatus P aram eters
In P ers ona 4 you need to foc us on 5 different s tatus param eter
that will allow you do c ertain ac tion, and to ac tivate c ertain
S oc ial Links . T he 5 s tatus are.


| LV 1 | LV 2 | LV 3 | LV 4 | LV 5 |
| A ware | Inform ed | E xpert | P rofes s or | S age |
| B elow 29P T s | 30-79 P T s | 80-149 P T s | 150-239 P T s | 240 P T S + |

K nowledge is your intelligenc es level, it does n't really affec t the

c hoic es you m ake, but it is require to ac e exam s and it is als o
needed for the T rans lation job. E very tim e when you ac hieve the highes t
m ark in c las s , Nanako and Dojim a will give you a prize.
Magaret requires a lv 3 knowledge before you c an begin her
S oc ial Link.

W here to upgrade: Y ou c an s tudy on your des k at night. +3 P T s *

Y ou c an s tudy at the Library after s c hool. +3P T s *
Certain Les s ons from teac her. +3 P T s
Giving the right ans wer on Les s ons . +3 P T s
E ating the s pec ial Ram en at A iya (3000 Y en) +3
Reading B ug E nc ylopedia and Num ber S eries . +3 P T s

Needed for : Getting high m arks on E xam s

T o s tart Margaret S oc ial Link
Need Max K nowledge before you c an s tart Naoto's S oc ial link

Note *Inc reas e by Double on raining days .

| LV 1 | LV 2 | LV 3 | LV 4 | LV 5 |
| A verage | Reliable | B rave | Daring | Heroic |
| B elow 15P T s | 16-39 P T s | 40-79 P T s | 80-139 P T s | 140 P T S + |

Courage is required for the Moon S oc ial Link to s tart ( LV 3 ).

Certain c hoic es in the gam e will not work unles s you have a level of
Courage, s uc h as food tes t ( you need a high c ourage level before you
c an pic k thes e options )
W here to upgrade: W orking P art tim e in Hos pital. +3 P T s
E ating the rotten food in your fridge. +5 P T s
E ating the s pec ial Ram en at A iya (3000 Y en)
Read the Man S eries +3 P T S
Defeating the B onus bos s at dungeons .
Certain c hoic es m ade in the gam e c an inc reas e Courage.
W hen to c hec k fridge: (T hes e are dates on food that ac tually inc reas e
your c ourage, when c ons um ed.)
A pril 25th
May 2nd
May 14th
May 30th
J une 20th
J uly 4th
J uly 18th
A ugus t 29th
S eptem ber 13th
Oc tober 24th
Needed for : T o trigger c ertain c hoic es

converted by
T o s tart Moon's A rc ana S oc ial Link
Need Max Courage before you c an s tart Naoto's S oc ial link
Certain Choic e requires a c ertain Level of Courage to perform
| LV 1 | LV 2 | LV 3 | LV 4 | LV 5 |
| Rough | E loquent | P ers uas ive| T ouc hing | E nthralling|
| B elow 12P T s | 13-32 P T s | 33-52 P T s | 53-84 P T s | 85 P T S + |

E xpres s ion is required for the J us tic e and Hierophant

S oc ial Link.

W here to upgrade: W orking P art tim e in T rans lations . +3 P T s

Certain ques tions from teac hers . +3 P T s
A ttend the Cultral Club.
Read the applic ation s eries .
W orking as a T utor. +3 P T s

Needed for : For c ertain Ranks of the J us tic e and Hierophant S oc ial Links
One of the reques t requires a c ertain level of E xpres s ion

| LV 1 | LV 2 | LV 3 | LV 4 | LV 5 |
| Callow | P ers is tent| S trong | P ers uas ive| Roc k S olid|
| B elow 15P T s | 16-39 P T s | 40-79 P T s | 80-129 P T s | 130 P T S + |

Diligenc e is required for the s ealing enevelopes job, folding

origam i and als o the hos pital job. T he num ber of tim es you c an go
fis hing is als o inc reas e depending on your Diligenc e ranking.

W here to upgrade: S port Club.

E ating Regular +5 P T S or s pec ial Ram en at A iya +3 P T S
W orking P art tim e on s ealing E nvelopes +3 P T S
Needed for : T o apply for the Hos pital J anitor J ob
T o apply for the Folding Cranes J ob
A llows you to fis h m ore tim es bas ed on your diligenc e Level

| LV 1 | LV 2 | LV 3 | LV 4 | LV 5 |
| B as ic | K indly | Generous | Motherly | S aintly |
| B elow 15P T s | 16-39 P T s | 40-79 P T s | 80-139 P T s | 140 P T S + |

Unders tanding is requried for c ertain c hoic es m ade in the gam e.

A ls o you'll need Unders tanding to initate the Hangm an Com m u and
to work at the after s c hool baby s itting job.

W here to upgrade: W orking partim e on folding origam i

W orking P art tim e on B aby s itting.
Read the Mr. S eries +5
E ating the s pec ial Ram en at A iya (3000 Y en)

Needed for : T o s tart Hang-m an S oc ial Link

Certain c hoic e requires a c ertain Lv of Unders tanding to

[P GS 4] A rc ana Chanc e Cards

A rc ana Chanc e is a new feature added to P ers ona 4. A rc ana

Chanc e oc c urs random ly after s huffle tim e, the effec ts of
A rc ana Chanc e c an be pos tive or negative depending on how
luc ky you are.

E ffec t: Change A rc ana

Magic ian
P os itive E ffec t: Inc reas e P ers ona S kill
Negative E ffec t: Dec reas e P ers ona S kill
E xam ple: If the P ers ona you c arry have the s kill Mazio, it'll
c hange into Ziodyne and vic e vers a.

P ries tes s
P os itive E ffec t:E verything is A nalyzed
Negative E ffec t:Dis able analys is

* P os itive E ffec t does not affec t B os s es .

E m pres s
P os itive E ffec t:Res tore all HP
Negative E ffec t:A ll m em bers HP bec om es 1

E m peror
P os itive E ffec t:Inc reas e P layer initiative
Negative E ffec t:Inc reas e E nem y initiative

P os itive E ffec t:Dis able Negative A rc ana Cards .
Negative E ffec t:Higher c hanc e of rec ieving Negative Cards

P os itive E ffec t:Dec reas e S tronger s hadows exis tanc es
Negative E ffec t:Inc reas e S tronger s hadows exis tanc es

* T he lovers arc ana, will only replac e s hadows from

the s am e dungeon.
P os itive E ffec t:Inc reas e P ers ona A gility
Negative E ffec t:Dec reas e P ers ona A gility

J us tic e
P os itive E ffec t:Inc reas e P ers ona S trength
Negative E ffec t:Dec reas e P ers ona S trength
Herm it
P os itive E ffec t:Fully reveals Map
Negative E ffec t:Map B ec om es Hidden
P os itive E ffec t:Inc reas e P ers ona Luc k
Negative E ffec t:Dec reas e P ers ona Luc k

S trength
P os itive E ffec t:Inc reas e P ers ona Magic

Negative E ffec t:Dec reas e P ers ona Magic

Hanged Man
P os itive E ffec t:Inc reas e P ers ona E nduranc e
Negative E ffec t:Dec reas e P ers ona E nduranc e

Death: P os itive:A ll S P Res tored. HP bec om es 1. W arps out of Dungeon
Negative:A ll HP Res tored. S P bec om es 1. W arps out of Dungeon

* T he dungeon you were c urrently in will be replac ed with a new one.

T em peranc e
P os itive E ffec t:Inc reas e am ount of yen rec ieve per battle.
Negative E ffec t:Reduc e the am ount of yen to 1 per battle.

converted by
P os itive E ffec t:Inc reas e P ers ona level
Negative E ffec t:Dec reas e P ers ona level

T ower
P os itive E ffec t:Find yen in treas ure boxes .
Negative E ffec t:Random ly find m ons ters in T reas ure.
S tar
P os itive E ffec t:Inc reas e c hanc e of getting of "One More" on s huffle.
Negative E ffec t:Dec reas e c hanc e of getting of "One More" on s huffle.

P os itive E ffec t:Inc reas e am ount of E X P rec ieve per battle.
Negative E ffec t:Reduc e the am ount of E X P to 1 per battle.
S un
P os itive E ffec t:Inc reas e c hanc e of getting a pers ona on s huffle.
Negative E ffec t:Inc reas e the c hanc e of getting nothing on s huffle.
J udgem ent
P os itive E ffec t:Res tore all S P
Negative E ffec t:P arty's S P will be reduc ed 50%

___ ___ _
| \/ | (_)
| . . | __ _ _ _ __
| | \/| | / _` | | '_ \
| | | | (_| | | | | |
\_| | _/\__,_| _| _| | _| (Main W alkthrough) [S ec tion 3]

_ _ __ _ _ _
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | __ _| | | _| | _| | __ _ __ ___ _ _ __ _| | __
| | /\| | / _` | | | / / __| '_ \| '__/ _ \| | | | / _` | '_ \
\ /\ / (_| | | <| | _| | | | | | (_) | | _| | (_| | | | |
\/ \/ \__,_| _| _| \_\\__| _| | _| _| \___/ \__,_| \__, | _| | _|
__/ |
| ___/

S tart a new gam e and pic k your diffic ulty option.

B eginner
E nem ies are weaker and you'll get an item that allows you to c ontinue.
(Up to 10 tim es )
Norm al
Regular diffic ulty. Like P ers ona 3's Norm al.

Mons ter are m uc h m ore m enac ing, they c an do up to 1.5 to
2x dam age on this diffic ulty. V ery s im ilar to P ers ona 3
Fes Hard m ode.

*** T his walkthrough only c over key events that oc c ur eac h day.
It does not provide you with s tep to s tep ins truc tions , whic h will
allow you to play the gam e as freely as pos s ible.

[P M01] A pril 2011
A pril 11
W eather:Cloudy/Rain

A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted

Night = Cannot Leave Hous e

Gam e S tarts , no ac tivity c an be done today. J us t s leep and watc hing all the
c uts c enes .

Hom e: Y ou c an now s ave the gam e by c hec king the c alendar.

Y ou c an als o c hec k your fridge for leftovers , c ertain

food will inc reas e Courage.

If you c hec k the T V , you c an s ee the weather Forec as t.

Other Loc ations to c hec k weather

- W eather girl at the roof of your s c hool.
- S peaking to your team m ates at the food Court.

W eather c an affec t the appearanc e of c ertain S oc ial Links . During raining days
you c an rec eive bonus for upgrading c ertain S tatus P aram eters . T here are als o
s pec ial types of S hadows that only appear during rainy days .

A nyways head to your room and s leep.

Fridge: Fried Ric e (No S tatus Inc reas e)

E vent: Dream , jus t keep heading s traight till you enc ounter the bos s .

A pril 12
W eather:Rain/Cloudy
Day:T ues day

A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted

Night = Cannot Leave Hous e

Choic es :

S elf Introduc tion Cuts c ene


US vers ion
Mr. Morooka: T ell'em your nam e, kid, and m ake it quic k

*-Y ou c alling m e a los er? (Courage UP )

J P V ers ion

P ic k the T hird Choic e

W ho's the Defeated W arrior?
(c ourage UP )

E vent S c ene. J us t s leep when all c uts c ene is done.

A pril 13
W eather:Rain/Cloudy
Day:W ednes day
A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted
Night = Cannot Leave Hous e

S c hool Les s on: K nowledge UP

A fter S c hool: E vent.

Hom e: W atc h Midnight Channel in your room .

A pril 14
W eather:Rain
Day:T hurs day

A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted

Night = Cannot Leave Hous e

US V ers ion

converted by
S c hool Les s on: W hen did A .D.-- In other words , A nno Dom ini-- B egan?
A ns wer : "W hen J es us is B orn." (K nowledge UP ) 2nd Choic e

Choic es : (US V ers ion)

Chie:"Haa...S o...uh.... W e're S till alive... right?
-> "A re you guys okay?" (Unders tanding UP )(2nd Choic e)

A pril 15
W eather:Rain

A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted

Night = Cannot Leave Hous e
A fter S c hool: W hen Y os uke as k you what s hould you do before
entering Midnight Channel , P ic k the third c hoic e
"I am worried about Chie" W ill inc reas e Unders tanding

Clear the T wis ted S hopping Dis tric t ins ide Midnight Channel.

Choic es : (US & J P V ers ion)

Y os uke:"W hat about you? Could you jus t walk away?
-> "I am worried about Chie?" (Unders tanding UP )(3rd Choic e)

Hom e: W atc h Mayonaka T V

V elvet Room E vent.

A pril 16
W eather:Rain
Day:S aturday

A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted

Night = Cannot Leave Hous e

A fter S c hool: Magic ian S oc ial Link E vent.

Hom e: W atc h Midnight Channel

A pril 17
W eather:Clear
Day:S unday

A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted

Night = Cannot Leave Hous e

E vent: A fter the polic e s tation c uts c ene. Chie

will bring you to the "Daidara Metal W orks ". Y ou'll
then rec ieve 5000 Y en from Y os uke. Us e that m oney
to buy equipm ent you'll need.

Inform ation
T he W eapon s hop in P ers ona 4 requires you to s ell m aterials that are obtain
from defeating s hadows . W hen a s pec ific am ount is s old, new s toc k is s old.

B efore you enter Y ukiko Cas tle,

s peak to T eddie, to rec eive 1 Revival B ead,
5 P eac h S eed and 5 S oul Drops .

* Y ou c annot go bac k until you have s uc c es s fully

Cleared the firs t 2 Floor of Y ukiko's Cas tle.
A pril 18
W eather:Clear

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

E arly Morning : Chie: " I dunno, I gues s that's what draws people
to you, or s om ething like that."
-> "Falling for m e huh?" (Requires Courage)
(Only P os s ible on 2nd P laythrough)
> Y ou haven't yet as ked Chie for her c ontac t inform ation.
> "A s k her S traight?" (Requires Courage)
(Only P os s ible on 2nd P laythrough)

S c hool Les s on: Mr. K ondo: W hic h of the following is a definite artic le?
-> "T he" *2nd Choic e (K nowledge UP )

A fter S c hool: Chariot S oc ial Link E vent.

Ques t No.23 is now available. Go to the

third floor of the s c hool and s peak to
the s tudent with the afro.
Inform ation
From now on you c an enter Midnight Channel by V is iting the food c ourt at J unes
or you c an as k your P arty Mem bers on a c ertain days . B e s ure to pic k up an item
c alled Goho-m (brought from the P harm anc y) whic h allows you to leave an
dungeon ins tantly.

A pril 19
W eather:Clear/Cloudy
Day:T ues day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A fter s c hool: S trength S oc ial Link is now available. Go to head offic e

on the firs t floor of the learning c orridor and s peak
with your teac her. Now head to s port c lub on the
end c orner of the firs t floor.

A pril 20
W eather:Cloudy
Day:W ednes day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (Learning B uilding 2F)

S c hool Les s on: Us V eris on: Hey MC, help m e here.

> Millennium (Y os uke +2 , K nowledge UP )
J P verion
:How to write K anpeki in K anji? ->2nd Choic e
(Y os uke +2 , K nowledge UP )

A fter S c hool: T he Man's Life S eries (" A Great Man ") is now available at the
book s tore.

A pril 21
W eather:Rain/Cloudy
Day:T hurs day
A c tivity: Day = A llowed
Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: S trength *S port Club (Learning B uilding 1F)

A pril 22
W eather:Clear/Cloudy

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed
A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (Learning B uilding 2F)
A pril 23
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S aturday

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (Learning B uilding 2F)

T em peranc e *E ri (B us S top)

S c hool Les s on: W hats a c om m on feature on the four anic ent Civilization?
->T hey were by rivers ide.*2nd Choic e (Y os uke+2, E xpres s ion UP )

converted by
A fter S c hool: Y ou c an now ac c ept P art T im e J obs by looking at the
billboard on S hopping Dis tric t North.

Hom e: If you're in the S c hool S port Club, you c an rec eive a phone c all
for the event tom orrow.
A pril 24
W eather:Clear
Day:S unday

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed
A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (Learning B uilding 2F)
S trength *S port Club (T elephone)

Daytim e: S port Club E vent

A pril 25
W eather:Cloudy

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (Learning B uilding 2F)

T em peranc e *E ri (B us S top)
S un * Dram a or Mus ic Club

S c hool Les s on: Mr. K ondo : T ell m e what tim e are thieves m os t likely to s neak
into your hous e here in J apan?
->8 A M *1s t Choic e(K nowledge UP )

A fter S c hool: S un S oc ial Link is now available.

Firs t head to the head offic e in the firs t floor
of the learning c orridor. S peak with the teac her.
Now go to the prac tic e c orridor and enter either
the m us ic c lub or the dram a c lub depending on whic h
pers on you're going for.

Ques t No.3 is A ls o A vailable . S peak

with the m ale s tudent in your c las s room .

Hom e: *** On Certain days , the fridge will be loaded with food. Y ou
c an Cook by exam ining the fridge.

T he bes t option will give you a lunc h box and fis h bait.
E ac h c hoic e gives you a different res ult.

Roas ted Ginger P ork

A . P res erve it with oil. = (B ait x5)
(B ). Cut it into nic e piec es . = (Lunc h B ox & fis h bait x3)
C. B oil it to rem ove exc es s ive fat. = (Lunc h B ox)

(Y os uke, Chie, Dais uke and K ou likes Lunc h box B )

Fridge: W hite Mis o ( Inc reas e c ourage by 1)

A pril 26
W eather:Cloudy
Day:T ues day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Chariot *Chie (Roof)

S trength *S port Club (B us S top)
S un * Dram a or Mus ic Club

S c hool Les s on: Chie: It's half a s um of its divis ors ...?
I 'm totally los t... do you know what the ans wer is
Main Charac ter-kun?
-> It's a perfec t num ber *2nd Choic e.(Chie+2, E xpres s ion UP )

Hom e: A ls o there is leftovers you c an eat if you haven't done s o

yes terday.
A pril 27
W eather:Rain
Day:W ednes day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed
A vailable S oc ial Link: Moon *A i (S c hool Lobby, *S tarting E vent)

A pril 28
W eather:Rain
Day:T hurs day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: S un * Dram a or Mus ic Club

A pril 29
W eather:Rain

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = Res tric ted

A vailable S oc ial Link: None

**Las t Day to s ave Y ukiko or els e its gam e over.

A pril 30
W eather:Clear
Day:S aturday

A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted

Night = Cannot Leave Hous e

A vailable S oc ial Link: None

* Golden W eek

S c hool Les s on: Mr. Y am ada: W hic h of the following is the highes t m ountain
in the s olar s ys tem ?
-> Mt. Olym pus *3rd Choic e (K nowledge UP )

S tory E vent, no ac tivity during A fternoon.

[P M02] May 2011
May 1
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S unday
A c tivity: Day = A llowed
Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: None

A fter S c hool: Ques t no.5 is now available. S peak

to the m an at the riverbank.

Y ou c an als o now s tart fis hing. T alk to

the old m an at the Riverbed and he'll give you a
fis hing rod.
T he B onus B os s at Y ukiko Cas tle is now
May 2
W eather:Rain

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: None

S c hool Les s on: K nowledge UP

A fter S c hool: Y ou c an now s tudy with Chie or Y os uke.
(K nowledge UP ) (+2 A ffinity on S oc ial Links )

Ques t No.1 is now available. S peak to the

weak looking fem ale s tudent in your c las s .

Ques t No.2 is now available. Find the s trange

m ale s tudent on the 2nd floor of the learning

converted by
Ques t No.4 is now available. S peak to one of
the s tudents on the firs t floor of the P rac tic e
building. (Male S tudent bes ides the Culture Club)

Hom e:

Fridge: Dry P ic kles (Inc reas e Courage)

May 3
W eather:Cloudy/Clear
Day:T ues day

A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: J us tic e *Nanako (A utom atic )

E vent: Nanako's S oc ial Link E vent.

Hom e: Y os uke will c all you on your c ellphone, he'll as k if you
want to hang out tom orrow.

May 4
W eather:Clear
Day:W ednes day (Holiday)

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (J unes Lobby)

Chariot *Chie (S hopping Dis tric t, S outh)

Daytim e: Y os uke event. (Y os uke , Nanako and S port Club S Link +)

May 5
W eather:Clear
Day:T hurs day (Holiday)

A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted

Night = A llowed
A vailable S oc ial Link: Herm it *Fox (A uto)

Daytim e: Groc ery S hopping at J unes .

Herm it S oc ial Link is now A vailable.

From now on you c an vis it the s hrine to ac c ept new
reques t to level up the Herm it S oc ial Link.

May 6
W eather:Cloudy
A c tivity: Day = A llowed
Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (J unes Lobby)

Chariot *Chie (S hopping Dis tric t, S outh)
T em peranc e *E ri (B us S top)
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

A fter S c hool: Ques t no.6 is now available by vis iting the s hrine.

Hom e: Hierophant S oc ial Link is now available, J us t talk to Ryoutarou

at night to ac tivate it.
May 7
W eather:Rain
Day:S aturday

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Herm it *Fox (S hrine)

J us tic e *Nanako (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

S c hool Les s on: US vers ion

Mr. Hos oi: W hic h one of the following is NOT a free m orphem e.
->Ionize (K nowledge UP )

J P V ers ion

T he Radic al in the K anji s ys tem , whic h is the one m os t

frequently us ed?
-> kus akam m uri "Gras s Radic al" *2nd Choic e (K nowledge UP )

A fter S c hool: A new Is s ue of the T he T im id T eac her S eries ( "Off T oday")

is now available at the book s tore.
Hom e: Chie will c all you at night, if you want to hang out tom orrow.

May 8
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S unday

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (J unes )

Chariot *Chie (T elephone only)
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

Daytim e: Chie E vent (if you ac c ept the invitation from yes terday)
(Chariot S oc ial Link Rank UP )
May 9
W eather:Rain

A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted

Night = Res tric ted
T E S T Day No.1

A ns wers

1. 1s t Choic e (8 A M)
2. 3rd Choic e (B efore Chris t)
May 10

W eather:Clear/Cloudy
Day:T ues day
T E S T Day No.2

A ns wers

1. 2nd Choic e (6)

2. 4th Choic e (Millennium )
May 11
W eather:Cloudy
Day:W ednes day

T E S T Day No.3
A ns wers

1. 2nd Choic e (Rene Des c artes )

2. 4th Choic e (Mt. Olym pus )
May 12
W eather:Cloudy
Day:T hurs day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed
A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (S c hool)
Chariot *Chie (S c hool)
S trength *S ports Club
S un * Dram a or Mus ic Club
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

T E S T Day No.4: Requires LV 4 K nowledge to ac e the tes t.

E vent

Chie:W hat did you c hoos e for the talles t m ountain in the s olar
s ys tem ?
-> Olym pus Mons *1s t Choic e (K nowledge UP )

Hom e: E xam ine the fridge if you want to c ook.

converted by
B eef S tew
A . S im m er without a lid. = (Lunc h B ox)
B . Us e S trong heat. = (B ait x5)
(C). S im m er with a drop lip. = (Lunc h B ox & B ait x3)

(Y os uke, Chie and K ou likes Lunc h box C)

May 13
W eather:Cloudy
A c tivity: Day = A llowed
Night = Res tric ted

A vailable S oc ial Link: T em peranc e *E ri (B us S top)

Moon *A i (S c hool Lobby)
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)

Night E vent

May 14
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S aturday

A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted

Night = Cannot Leave Hous e

A fter S c hool: E vent.

Hom e
Fridge: (S trange Gras s ) (Courage UP )
I S ugges t you to eat the S trange Gras s , s o you c an inc reas e your
Courage and watc h Midnight Channel on the s am e day.

W atc h Midnight Channel

May 15
W eather:Rain/Cloudy
Day:S unday

A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted

Night = Cannot Leave Hous e
Hom e
W atc h Midnight Channel. Y os uke will c all you, as king if you
rec ognize the pers on on T V . T hen Y os uke will as k you another
ques tion whic h c an inc reas e your s tatus param eters .

Y os uke: S o... what do you think about Y ukiko and Chie? I m ean, let's
not m inc e words : W hic h one's your type?

Chie _(None)
Y ukiko -(None)
B oth -Inc reas e Unders tanding
Neither -Inc reas e Courage
May 16
W eather:Cloudy

A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted

Night = Cannot Leave Hous e

A fter S c hool: K anji's E vent.

Hom e
Fridge : Gulping Melon Cream S oda (No effec t)

May 17
W eather:Clear/Cloudy
Day:T ues day

A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted

Night = Cannot Leave Hous e

A vailable S oc ial Link: P ries tes s *Y ukiko (A utom atic )

A fter S c hool: (K anji's E vent)

E vent Choic es : Y ukiko: Do you think the c ulprit will c om e?

->No worries , i'll protec t you. (Requires LV 3 Courage)

P ries tes s S oc ial Link is now unloc ked.

May 18
W eather:Clear
Day:W ednes day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: S trength *S ports Club

Moon *A i (S c hool Lobby)
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
J us tic e *Nanako (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

Note: Y our c annot attend the S oc ial Link with your

party m em bers until the inves tigation is finis h.

A fter S c hool: T eddie's E vent

New P roduc ts have been added to S hiroku S tore

Ques t No.7 is now available, by talking to

one of the fem ale s tudent in the 2nd floor
of the P rac tic e B uilding.
Ques t No.10 is now available. T alk to the
his tory teac her in the 2nd floor of the
Learning B uilding.

How to Unloc k K anji's Dungeon.

Firs t go to S hopping Dis trc t , North and look for K anji's
Mother who is jus t above the S hrine near "T ats um i T extiles "

Next go to J unes and s peak to the lady in the near

the E levator.

Com e B ac k tom orrow and S peak with the B oy on the elevator

floor. (He's the s am e pers on that was talking to K anji in
the previous c uts c ene)

*If you m is s him , he's only there on tues day, thurs day and

Y ou have now unloc ked the S team y B ath Hous e.

May 19
W eather:Clear
Day:T hurs day
A c tivity: Day = A llowed
Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )

S trength *S ports Club
Moon *A i (S c hool Lobby)
S un * Dram a or Mus ic Club
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)

A fter S c hool: T es t Res ults are now pos ted.

If you ac hieve the highes t of the s c hool.

A ll S oc ial Links P oints UP +3

S peak to Ryoutarou at night to rec ieve 30000 Y en

T alk to Nanako for the P ortrait Medal

if you have the top m arks .

Y ou c an s peak with the his tory teac her for a item

as well.

If you ac hieve the top 10 of the s c hool.

A ll S oc ial Links P oints UP +2
S peak to Ryoutarou for 20000 Y en.

T alk to the his tory teac her for 3 Ches t K eys .

converted by
E m pres s S oc ial Link is Now A vailable. E nter the V elvet Room
with at leas t LV 3 K nowledge.

May 20
W eather:Clear

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed
A vailable S oc ial Link: T em peranc e *E ri (B us S top)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Moon *A i (S c hool Lobby)
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
J us tic e *Nanako (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

May 21
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S aturday

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Chariot *Chie (S c hool Roof)

T em peranc e *E ri (B us S top)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
S trength *S ports Club
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)
May 22
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S unday
A c tivity: Day = A llowed
Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (J unes )

P ries tes s *Y ukiko (S hopping Dis tric t, S outh)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

Daytim e: S tarting today you c an order item s from the S hopping T V

every S unday.

May 23
W eather:Rain/Cloudy

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (J unes )

Chariot *Chie (S c hool Roof)
P ries tes s *Y ukiko (S c hool Lobby)
S un *Dram a or Mus ic Club
T em peranc e *E ri (B us S top)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
J us tic e *Nanako (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

A fter S c hool: Ques t No.8 is now available. Go to s hopping

dis tric t s outh and s peak to the m an near
the book s hop.

May 24
W eather:Cloudy/Clear
Day:T ues day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Chariot *Chie (S c hool Roof)

P ries tes s *Y ukiko (S c hool Lobby)
S trength *S ports Club
S un *Dram a or Mus ic Club
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

May 25
W eather:Clear
Day:W ednes day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: P ries tes s *Y ukiko (S c hool Lobby)

S trength *S ports Club
Moon *A i (S c hool Lobby)
S un *Dram a or Mus ic Club
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
J us tic e *Nanako (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)
Devil *S ayoko (Outs ide *Night tim e)
**T ower (Can apply for the J ob)

A fter S c hool: New jobs are available.

*Hos pital J anitor (attend for the Devil S oc ial Link).
* T utor J ob (attend for the T ower S oc ial Link)

May 26
W eather:Cloudy
Day:T hurs day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (S c hool 2F)

Chariot *Chie (S c hool Roof)
P ries tes s *Y ukiko (S c hool Lobby)
S trength *S ports Club
S un *Dram a or Mus ic Club
Moon *A i (S c hool Lobby)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)
Devil *S ayoko (Outs ide *Night tim e)
T ower *S hu (Outs ide *Night tim e)

S c hool Les s on: W hat kind of writing s ys tem did the egyptian us ed?
->S ac red Carvings (2nd Choic e)(E xpres s ion up and Y os uke +2)

May 27

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Moon *A i (S c hool Lobby)

T em peranc e *E ri (B us S top)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
J us tic e *Nanako (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)
Devil *S ayoko (Outs ide *Night tim e)

May 28
Day:S aturday

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (S c hool 2F)

Chariot *Chie (S c hool Roof)
P ries tes s *Y ukiko (S c hool Lobby
T em peranc e *E ri (B us S top)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)
T ower *S hu (Outs ide *Night tim e)
Hom e: Dais uke from the S port Club will c all you if you want to
hang out tom orrow. (Random )

May 29
Day:S unday

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

converted by
Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (J unes )

S trength *S port Club (T elephone from yes terday)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

Hom e: *S port Club E vent (S port Club +2, Chie +2)

Depending on the c hoic e you m ake from Dais uke
you c an rec ieve a book from him (W itc h Detec tive)

*If your S oc ial Link rank is higher then rank 4 for S trength this
event will not trigger.

May 30

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (S c hool 2F)

Chariot *Chie (S c hool Roof)
P ries tes s *Y ukiko (S c hool Lobby
S un *Dram a or Mus ic Club
T em peranc e *E ri (B us S top)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
J us tic e *Nanako (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

S c hool Les s on: K nowledge Up

Hom e: New leftovers in the fridge. (Inc reas e Courage by 1

when eaten (autom atic ally ends the day)

May 31
Day:T ues day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Chariot *Chie (S c hool Roof)

P ries tes s *Y ukiko (S c hool Lobby
S trength *S port Club
S un *Dram a or Mus ic Club
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)
T ower *S hu (Outs ide *Night tim e)

Hom e: Y ou c an m ake lunc hbox when you exam ine the fridge.
Roas ted Meat -> P ic k the c hoic e "Us e s oy s auc e ins tead"
to get Lunc hbox.
[P M03] J une 2011
J une 1
Day:W ednes day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: P ries tes s *Y ukiko (S c hool Lobby)

S trength *S port Club
T em peranc e *E ri (B us S top)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Devil *S ayoko (Outs ide *Night tim e)

A fter S c hool: A new is s ue of T he Man's Life S eries is out (Forever Mac ho)

Hom e: S peak to Ryoutarou if you want to go groc ery s hopping.

Rec ieve E m ergenc y Medic K it X 3, P eac h S eed X 10 , Royal J elly X 5,
Dokudam i T eaX 2 (A ll Random )

J une 2
Day:T hurs day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: S un *Dram a or Mus ic Club

E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Devil *S ayoko (Outs ide *Night tim e)
J us tic e *Nanako (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)
T ower *S hu (Outs ide *Night tim e)

Hom e: Fridge : E xpired Milk (Courage +1)

J une 3

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )

Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Devil *S ayoko (Outs ide *Night tim e)
Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

A fter S c hool: Ques t No.14 is now available if you have c om pleted Ques t
No.8. T alk to the Guy near the book s tore.

Y ou c an als o do Ques t No. 25 by feeding the c at at S am egawa

Flood P lain. (If you have c om plete ques t no.25 , you als o
unloc ked ques t 49 as well.)

J une 4
W eather:Rain
Day:S aturday

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = Res tric ted

A vailable S oc ial Link: E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )

Herm it *Fox (S hrine)

A fter S c hool: **If you don't Res c ue K anji by today its gam e over**
Hom e: W atc h Midnight Channel

J une 5
W eather:Clear
Day:S unday

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (J unes )

Chariot *Chie (S hopping Dis tric t, S outh)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Death *His ano (Riverbed) **Devil S .Link Mus t be Rank 4
J us tic e *Nanako (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

Daytim e: Ques t No.9 is now available. S peak to the old lady at the
River B ank.

Ques t No.11 is now available. S peak to the loud old m an

near the s hrine.
J une 6
W eather:Clear

A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

A fter S c hool: K anji's E vent

Fool's S oc ial Link Rank up.

Hom e: New leftovers in the fridge.

J une 7

converted by
W eather:Rain
Day:T ues day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: S un *Dram a or Mus ic Club

E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
J us tic e *Nanako (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)
T ower *S hu (Outs ide *Night tim e)

A fter S c hool: B onus B os s now appears in the S team y B ath Hous e.

Ques t No.12 is now available by s peaking to one

of the fem ale s tudents in the 2nd floor of the prac tic e

Ques t No.15 is now available if you have finis hed Ques t

No.1. S peak to the W eak looking Fem ale S tudent in your
c las s room .

J une 8
W eather:Cloudy
Day:W ednes day

A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

Devil *S ayoko (Outs ide *Night tim e)

S c hool Les s on: US vers ion

Y ukiko: I know "Ham " is a bad ac tor, but where does the
term c om e from ? Do you know?
->From the P lay, Ham let (2nd Choic e) (Y ukiko +, E xpres s ion UP )

J P V ers ion
W hat is the term "Ham A c tor"?
-> A bad ac tor. (2nd c hoic e) (Y ukiko +, E xpres s ion UP )

A fter S c hool: S c hool Com m ittee E vent you will m eet Naoki K onis hi for
the firs t tim e.

Hom e: Y ou c an als o c ook today, depending on your c hoic e it c an either

turn into fis h bait or a Lunc h B ox.

J une 9
W eather:Cloudy
Day:T hurs day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (S c hool 2F)

Chariot *Chie (Roof)
P ries tes s *Y ukiko (S c hool Lobby)
E m peror *K anji (P rac tic e B uilding 1F)
S trength *S ports Club
S un *Dram a or Mus ic Club
Moon *A i (S c hool Lobby)
Hangm an *Naoki (S c hool 1F)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)
Devil *S ayoko (Outs ide *Night tim e)
T ower *S hu (Outs ide *Night tim e)

A fter S c hool: Hangm an S oc ial Link is now available. S peak to Naoki at the
lobby of the s c hool for at leas t 3 days before the c om m u
ac tivates . (Requires LV 3 Unders tanding)
E m peror S oc ial Link is now available. Firs t s peak to the fem ale
s tudent near the s tairc as e on the 2nd floor of the learning
B uilding. S he'll m ention about a s tudent going around threatening
people. S peak to K anji at the firs t floor P rac tic e B uilding.

Ques t No.16 is now available. S peak to the hous ewife in

s hopping Dis tric t, S outh.

Ques t No.17 is now available. S peak to the girl with the

orange hair at s hopping dis tric t s outh.

Fridge: Choc o Flakes (No E ffec t)

J une 10
W eather:Cloudy/Rain

A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: J us tic e *Nanako (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

T ower *S hu (Outs ide *Night tim e)

A fter S c hool: Cup noodle event.

J une 11
W eather:Rain/Cloudy
Day:S aturday

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (S c hool 2F)

Chariot *Chie (Roof)
E m peror *K anji (P rac tic e B uilding 1F)
S trength *S ports Club
T em peranc e *E ri (B us S top)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

Hom e: Y ukiko will c all you at night if you want to hang out for tom orrow.
J une 12
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S unday

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (J unes )

P ries tes s *Y ukiko (T elephone from yes terday)
E m peror *K anji (S hopping Dis tric t, North)
Death *His ano (Riverbed)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

Hom e: Y ukiko S oc ial Link E vent (If you ac c ept the c all from yes terday)

Y ou c an als o c ook at night. T he B ento S alad , depending on

how you m ake it , it c an either be food or fis h bait.
(Y ukiko really like this one)
J une 13
W eather:Cloudy

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (S c hool 2F)

Chariot *Chie (Roof)
P ries tes s *Y ukiko (S c hool Lobby)
S un *Dram a or Mus ic Club
Hanged-Man *Naoki (S c hool Lobby)
T em peranc e *E ri (B us S top)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)

S c hool Les s on: W hat kind of exerc is e is a s print c las s fied as ?

-> A naerobic s (2nd Choic e) (K nowledge UP )

A fter S c hool: Y ou c an talk to Naoki again (Goes to Night tim e

if you do) trying to ac tivate the Hangm an Com m u.

Hom e: New Leftovers in the fridge. (no Change)

J une 14
W eather:Rain
Day:T ues day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = Res tric ted

converted by
A vailable S oc ial Link: S un *Dram a or Mus ic Club
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)

Hom e: Night E vent with Nanako (No A c tivity c an be done)

J une 15
W eather:Cloudy
Day:W ednes day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: P ries tes s *Y ukiko (S c hool Lobby)

E m peror *K anji (P rac tic e B uilding 1F)
S trength *S ports Club
Moon *A i (S c hool Lobby)
Hanged-Man *Naoki (S c hool Lobby)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
J us tic e *Nanako (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)
Devil *S ayoko (Outs ide *Night tim e)

S c hool Les s on: US V ers ion

Mr. Morooka: Let's take a c los er look at it, s hall we?

W hat's the root of the word "pend"? Hanam ura! s top s m iling
and ans wer!
->T o hang. (Y os uke+, E xpres s ion UP )

J P V ers ion

How was the Letter "Hum an" Developed?

T he A ppearanc e of s om eone s tanding -> 3rd Choic e
(Y os uke+, E xpres s ion UP )

A fter S c hool: If this is the third tim e you have talked to

Naoki , you will ac tivate the Hangm an Com m u.

J une 16
W eather:Clear/Cloudy
Day:T hurs day
A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted
Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

Devil *S ayoko (Outs ide *Night tim e)
T ower *S hu (Outs ide *Night tim e)

A fter S c hool:J unes S hopping E vent.

J une 17
W eather:Cloudy

A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted

Night = Res tric ted

*Outdoor S c hool E vent*

Choic es : Y ou're being looked at with expec tation...

->Let's eat (1s t Choic e) (Requires Lv 4 Courage)
(Chie, Y ukiko +2)

T ent E vent
Choic e : Y os uke: Dude's s erious ly going for it... Hey m an,
you're gotta s top him .

->" Don't do this . (E xpres s ion UP )

J une 18
W eather:Cloudy/Clear
Day:S aturday

A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted

Night = Res tric ted

Outdoor S c hool E vent: B ikini E vent

J une 19
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S unday

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = Res tric ted

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (J unes )

E m peror *K anji (S hopping Dis tric t, North)
Death *His ano (Riverbed)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)

J une 20
W eather:Cloudy

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (S c hool 2F)

Chariot *Chie (Roof)
P ries tes s *Y ukiko (S c hool Lobby)
S trength *S ports Club
S un *Dram a or Mus ic Club
Hanged-Man *Naoki (S c hool Lobby)
T em peranc e *E ri (B us S top)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)
S c hool Les s on: Mrs : Nakayam a: T ell m e, who s aid, "Law is the c orrec t
judgem ent of the s tate?"
-> S oc rates (2nd Choic e) (K nowledge UP )

Hom e: T here's Leftovers in the fridge. "Little B ag of Hors e Radis h"

(Inc reas e Courage by 1 when eaten)
S ave it for tom orrow ins tead, bec aus e you'll
be watc hing Midnight Channel tom orrow.

J une 21
W eather:Rain
Day:T ues day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = Cannot Leave Hous e

A vailable S oc ial Link: S un *Dram a or Mus ic Club

E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)

Hom e: E at the leftovers from yes teday in the fridge then

you'll autom atic ally end the day watc hing Midnight Channel.
J une 22
W eather:Rain/Cloudy
Day:W ednes day

A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted

Night = Res tric ted

A fter S c hool: Ris e E vent.

Hom e: W atc h Midnight Channel.

J une 23
W eather:Rain/Cloudy
Day:T hurs day

A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted

Night = Res tric ted

A fter S c hool: Ris e's event.

Fridge: S m all B ag of W as abi (Courage UP )

Hom e: W atc h Midnight Channel.


converted by
J une 24
W eather:Clear

A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted

Night = Res tric ted

A fter S c hool: S tar S oc ial Link is now unloc ked.

New produc ts are now s old in the P harm anc y.

How to Unloc k Ris e's Dungeon.

Go to the s c hool, in the 2nd floor of the P rac tic e
B uilding, s peak to the Ris ette Fan (Chubby S tudent)
(Near the W as hroom and the A rt Room )

Go to S hopping Dis tric t, S outh and s peak with Ris e's

Grandm other by Marukyu T ofu.

Next go to S am egawa Flood P lain, and s peak with

the "K ind Man" by the trees .

Com e bac k the next day and go to the S am egawa Flood

P lain and look for the P hotographer. s peak with him ,
and s elec t the firs t c hoic e "T rade inform ation", then
pic k the 1s t c hoic e again "S he's different then in
T V ". (If you m is s him , he's only there on T ues day ,
T hurs day and S aturday)

Y ou have now unloc ked the Marukyu S tripteas e.

J une 25
W eather:Rain
Day:S aturday

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed
A vailable S oc ial Link: E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
J us tic e *Nanako (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

A fter S c hool: Y ou c an ac c es s Ris e's dungeon if you m eet all the

requirem ent. (Las t day to res uc e her is J uly 9)

J une 26
W eather:Clear/Cloudy
Day:S unday

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (J unes )

E m peror *K anji (S hopping Dis tric t, North)
Death *His ano (Riverbed)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
J us tic e *Nanako (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

J une 27
W eather:Clear

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (S c hool 2F)

Chariot *Chie (Roof)
P ries tes s *Y ukiko (S c hool Lobby)
S un *Dram a or Mus ic Club
Hanged-Man *Naoki (S c hool Lobby)
T em peranc e *E ri (B us S top
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

S c hool Les s on: Mr. Morooka: W hat does "res s entim ent" m ean? A ns wer
the ques tion!
->Hatred and jealous y. "1s t Choic e"(K nowledge UP )

Hom e: New leftovers in the fridge. ( No c hange when eaten.)

J une 28
W eather:Rain/Cloudy
Day:T ues day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Chariot *Chie (Roof)

P ries tes s *Y ukiko (S c hool Lobby)
S trength *S ports Club
S un *Dram a or Mus ic Club
Hanged-Man *Naoki (S c hool Lobby)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
J us tic e *Nanako (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)
T ower *S hu (Outs ide *Night tim e)

A fter S c hool: A new is s ue of T he T im id T eac her S eries is out.

("S hort on Cas h")
J une 29
W eather:Clear/Cloudy
Day:W ednes day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: P ries tes s *Y ukiko (S c hool Lobby)

E m peror *K anji (P rac tic e B uilding)
S trength *S ports Club
Moon *A i (S c hool Lobby)
Hanged-Man *Naoki (S c hool Lobby)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)
Devil *S ayoko (Outs ide *Night tim e)

Hom e: Cooking: S kewer = Ham burger

J une 30
W eather:Cloudy
Day:T hurs day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (S c hool 2F)

Chariot *Chie (Roof)
P ries tes s *Y ukiko (S c hool Lobby)
E m peror *K anji (P rac tic e B uilding)
S trength *S ports Club
S un *Dram a or Mus ic Club
Moon *A i (S c hool Lobby)
Hanged-Man *Naoki (S c hool Lobby)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)
Devil *S ayoko (Outs ide *Night tim e)
T ower *S hu (Outs ide *Night tim e)

S c hool Les s on: US V ers ion

Mr. Y am ada: W hic h one of thes e is the nam e of a real river?
-> P is P is River (2nd Choic e)(K nowledge UP )

A fter S c hool: Ques t No.19 is now available( Mus t finis h Ques t

No.4 firs t) S peak to one of the m ale s tudents
in the firs t floor of the P rac tic e B uilding.

[P M04] J uly 2011
J uly 1
W eather:Rain

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )

Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
J us tic e *Nanako (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)
Devil *S ayoko (Outs ide *Night tim e)

converted by
J uly 2
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S aturday

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (S c hool 2F)

Chariot *Chie (Roof)
S trength *S ports Club
T em peranc e *E ri (B us S top)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
J us tic e *Nanako (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)
T ower *S hu (Outs ide *Night tim e)

Hom e: S un S oc ial Link will c all you if you want to hang out for
tom orrow.
J uly 3
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S unday

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (J unes )

E m peror *K anji (S hopping Dis tric t, North)
S trength *S ports Club
S un *Dram a or Mus ic Club (P hone Call from Y es terday)
Death* His ano (Riverbed)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

Daytim e: S un S oc ial Link event (if you ac c ept the reques t

yes terday) (S un S oc ial Link+, S port Club +2)

Ques t No.22 is now available. (Mus t Finis h Ques t

No.14 firs t) S peak to the m an near the book s tore.
J uly 4
W eather:Clear

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (S c hool 2F)

Chariot *Chie (Roof)
P ries tes s *Y ukiko (S c hool Lobby)
S un *Dram a or Mus ic Club
Hanged-Man *Naoki (S c hool Lobby)
T em peranc e *E ri (B us S top
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

S c hool Les s on: ->Induc tive reas oning (2nd Choic e)

(Y os uke+ , E xpres s ion UP )

Hom e
Fridge: "Nanako's P udding (Inc reas e Courage when eaten)

J uly 5
W eather:Cloudy
Day:T ues day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Chariot *Chie (Roof)

P ries tes s *Y ukiko (S c hool Lobby)
S trength *S ports Club
S un *Dram a or Mus ic Club
Hanged-Man *Naoki (S c hool Lobby)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
J us tic e *Nanako (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)
T ower *S hu (Outs ide *Night tim e)

J uly 6
W eather:Cloudy
Day:W ednes day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: P ries tes s *Y ukiko (S c hool Lobby)

E m peror *K anji (P rac tic e B uilding)
S trength *S ports Club
Moon *A i (S c hool Lobby)
Hanged-Man *Naoki (S c hool Lobby)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)
Devil *S ayoko (Outs ide *Night tim e)

Hom e: Y ou c an c ook at today, depending on your c hoic e it will

either be lunc h or fis h bait. (Y ukiko likes this one)

J uly 7
W eather:Cloudy
Day:T hurs day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (S c hool 2F)

Chariot *Chie (Roof)
P ries tes s *Y ukiko (S c hool Lobby)
E m peror *K anji (P rac tic e B uilding)
S trength *S ports Club
S un *Dram a or Mus ic Club
Moon *A i (S c hool Lobby)
Hanged-Man *Naoki (S c hool Lobby)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
Devil *S ayoko (Outs ide *Night tim e)
T ower *S hu (Outs ide *Night tim e)

S c hool Les s on: Mr. Hos oi: W hic h poet wrote the m os t poem s about T anabata
in the Man-Y os hu?
->K akinom oto no Hitom aro (3rd Choic e) (K nowledge +)

J uly 8
W eather:Rain

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )

Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
J us tic e *Nanako (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)
Devil *S ayoko (Outs ide *Night tim e)

J uly 9
W eather:Rain
Day:S aturday

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = Cannot Leave Hous e

A vailable S oc ial Link: E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )

Herm it *Fox (S hrine)

A fter S c hool: **If you don't res c ue Ris e by today its gam e over**

Hom e: W atc h Midnight Channel

J uly 10
W eather:Cloudy/Clear
Day:S unday

A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted

Night = Res tric ted

Daytim e: Choic es
Ris e: I do own you m y life, s o... you know...
-> Leave it to m e (2nd Choic e) (Courage UP )

converted by
Fool S oc ial Link Rank UP +2
V elvet Room now allows you to do 4-6 Fus ions .
J uly 11
W eather:Cloudy

A c tivity: Day = Res tric ted

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: J us tic e *Nanako (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)

E vent: T eac her event on s c hool.

S peak with Naoto.
J uly 12
W eather:Rain
Day:T ues day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )

Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
J us tic e *Nanako (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)
T ower *S hu (Outs ide *Night tim e)

S c hool Les s on: K nowledge UP .

Upc om ing tes t s oon.

A fter S c hool: Y ou c an s tudy with Chie, Y os uke and Y ukiko

(K nowledge UP , S oc ial Link +)

Ques t No.21 is now A vailable. Mus t Finis h

Ques t No.15 firs t. S peak to the W eak looking
Fem ale s tudent in your c las s room .

Hom e: E xam ine the fridge if you want to c ook.

Cream Caram el
A . Crem e Caram el + V anilla Ic e = (Lunc h B ox)
B . Crem e Caram el + Cologne = (B ait x5)
(C). Crem e Caram el + V anilla extrac t. = (Lunc h B ox & B ait x3)

(K anji, A i, A yane, and Y um i like this )

J uly 13
W eather:Rain/Cloudy
Day:W ednes day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: P ries tes s *Y ukiko (S c hool Lobby)

E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
J us tic e *Nanako (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)
Hierophant *Dojim a (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)
Devil *S ayoko (Outs ide *Night tim e)

S c hool Les s on: Mr. K ondo: W hat does "Rom e was n't built in a day" m ean?
->It takes tim e (3rd c hoic e)(K nowledge UP )

A fter S c hool: Ques t No.18 is now available. Mus t finis h Ques t

No.17 firs t. Go to the river bank and s peak with
the young girl.
J uly 14
W eather:Clear
Day:T hurs day

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

A vailable S oc ial Link: Magic ian *Y os uke (S c hool 2F)

E m peror *K anji (P rac tic e B uilding)
E m pres s *Margaret (V elvet Room )
Herm it *Fox (S hrine)
J us tic e *Nanako (Y our Hous e *Night T im e)
Devil *S ayoko (Outs ide *Night tim e)
T ower *S hu (Outs ide *Night tim e)

S c hool Les s on
Mr. Hos oi: Here's a ques tion for you. Nautic al dawn or c ivil dawn,
whic h one is brighter?
-> Civil Dawn (2nd Choic e)(K nowledge UP )

A fter S c hool: Y ou c an als o s tudy with Y ukiko. (K nowledge UP , Y ukiko+)

Hom e: Y ou c an c ook at hom e. (Depending on how you c ook, it'll

either bec om e lunc h or fis h bait.) (Chie and Y os uke likes
this one.)
J uly 15
W eather:Clear

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

S c hool Les s on: W haddaya think? Is it pos s ible to grow m elons in the
A ndes Mountain Range
->No ,its not pos s ible. (2nd Choic e)(K nowledge UP )

A fter S c hool: A new Is s ue of the T he Man's Life S eries (Man of His tory)
is now available at the book s tore.

Y ou c an als o s tudy with Ris e. (K nowledge Up, Ris e+)

Hom e: S port Club will c all you if want to hang out on S unday.

J uly 16
W eather:Rain
Day:S aturday

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

S c hool Les s on: T ell m e, what was the purpos e of this eyeliner, widely
us ed by the anic ent E gyptians ?
->Ins ec t repellant.(K nowledge UP )

A fter S c hool: Y ou c an als o s tudy with Chie, Y os uke and K anji.

(K nowledge UP , S oc ial Link+)

J uly 17
W eather:Rain/Cloudy
Day:S unday

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed

Daytim e: S port Club Hang out E vent. (Only if you ac c ept the
c all on Friday.) (S port Club, Chie and Y ukiko +2)
If you c hoos e the c hoic e "No W ay" you'll rec eive
the book "Fun with Num bers " from S trength .
J uly 18
W eather:Clear

A c tivity: Day = A llowed

Night = A llowed
Hom e: New leftovers in fridge. (W hen E aten Courage +1)
J uly 19
W eather:Cloudy
Day:T ues day

T es t Day No.1

A ns wers

1. 3rd Choic e (T o hang)

2. 2nd Choic e (From the play Ham let)
J uly 20
W eather:Cloudy
Day:W ednes day

T es t Day No.2

A ns wers

converted by
1. 2nd Choic e (Man-yos hu)
2. 1s t Choic e (S oc rates )
J uly 21
W eather:Rain/Cloudy
Day:T hurs day

T es t Day No.3

1. 4th Choic e (Ins ec t Repellent)

2. 2nd Choic e (J ealous y of the s uperior)
J uly 22
W eather:Cloudy/Clear

T es t Day No.4

1. 3rd Choic e (Melons )

2. 2nd Choic e (Nautic al dawn is brightes t)
J uly 23
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S aturday

T es t Day No.5 (Requires Lv 4 K nowledge to A c e the tes t.)

A fter S c hool
Choic es : Ris e: How did you do, S enpai?
1.T he P en is on fire. (Inc reas e Courage)
2.J us t you wait and s ee. (Inc reas e E xpres s ion)
3.I didn't get a s ingle one. (Inc reas e Courage)

Ris e: A nd the ques tion was , "W hat is HCHO?"

->Form aldehyde

Lovers S oc ial Link is now unloc ked.

J uly 24
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S unday
J uly 25
W eather:Rain/Cloudy

A fter S c hool: T es t Res ults are now pos ted.

If you ac hieve the highes t of the s c hool.

A ll S oc ial Link P oints +3

S peak to Dojim a on A ugus t 14 and s o on

to rec ieve 40000 Y en

T alk to Nanako for the P aper A rm band

if you have the top m arks .

Y ou c an s peak with the his tory teac her for 3x

Magic Mirror.

If you ac hieve the top 10 of the s c hool.

A ll S oc ial Link P oints +2

S peak to Dojim a for 20000 Y en.

Hom e
Fridge: B arley T ea (No Change)

J uly 26
W eather:Rain
Day:T ues day

Hom e: W atc h Midnight Channel

S tar Com m u Rank UP

J uly 27
W eather:Cloudy
Day:W ednes day

Daytim e: S um m er V ac ation B egins .

Fool S oc ial Link Rank UP .

How to Unloc k Mits uo's Dungeon.

Go to the Flood P lain and s peak with K anji.

Go to S hopping Dis tric t S outh and s peak with Dojim a

near the B us s top. (If you m is s him he's only there
on Monday, W ednes day, Friday and S unday)
T hen c om e bac k the next day and look for A dac hi at J unes .
S elec t the firs t c hoic e "I'll tell Dojim a". (If you m is s
him , he's only there on T ues day, T hurs day and S aturdays .)

Go to S hopping Dis tric t North and s peak to the s hopkeeper

at the Univers ity of Food (Near the B illboard). (* T here is
no NP C S prite but rather the s hop keeper is behind the c ounter)

Com e bac k the next day and go to S hopping Dis tric t S outh
and s peak with the Orange Hair S tudent in the m iddle of
the road. (If you m is s him , he only there on Monday,
W ednes day and Friday.)

Y ou have unloc ked V oid Ques t. Y ou have till A ugus t 12 to finis h

the dungeon.
J uly 28
W eather:Cloudy
Day:T hurs day
J uly 29
W eather:Clear/Cloudy
Daytim e: If you did all the things m ention on J uly 27 , you
s hould be able to ac c es s V oid Ques t now.

IF you finis hed V oid Ques t


Choic es
Y os uke: W hat kind of om elette s hould you m ake?
->A s ian A m eric an, s oy flavored. (Nanako +2 (W ith m atc hing A rc ana, +3)
J uly 30

W eather:Clear
Day:S aturday
J uly 31
W eather:Cloudy/Clear
Day:S unday

[P M05] A ugus t 2011
A ugus t 1
W eather:Rain/Cloudy

Hom e: New leftovers c an be found in fridge (No Change when Cons um e)

A ugus t 2
W eather:Clear
Day:T ues day
A ugus t 3
W eather:Clear
Day:W ednes day

Hom e: A i E bihara will c all you if wanted to hang out.

(Requires you to finis h V oid Ques t firs t)
A ugus t 4
W eather:Clear
Day:T hurs day
Daytim e: A new Is s ue of T he T im id T eac her s eries (" Changing Careers ")
is now available at the book s tore.

converted by
A ugus t 5
W eather:Rain

Daytim e: Naoki E vent (if you have ac tivated his c om m u

and ac c epted his reques t)
A ugus t 6
W eather:Rain
Day:S aturday
A ugus t 7
W eather:Clear
Day:S unday
A ugus t 8
W eather:Rain

Daytim e: A i Hangout event (if you have ac c epted her c all las t W ednes day).

A ugus t 9
W eather:Clear
Day:T ues day

Daytim e: Ques t No.27 is now availaible. ( Mus t finis h Ques t No.22 firs t.)
A ugus t 10
W eather:Clear
Day:W ednes day

Daytim e: S port Club Hangout event. Depending on the c hoic e

you m ake , you c an rec eive the book "T he O-Cha".
A ugus t 11
W eather:Cloudy/Rain
Day:T hurs day
A ugus t 12
W eather:Rain

Daytim e: ** Las t day to res c ue Mits uo or els e its gam e over. **

A ugus t 13
W eather:Clear/Cloudy
Day:S aturday

Night tim e: Night event, s o no ac tivity c an be done at night.

A ugus t 14
W eather:Clear
Day:S unday

Daytim e: New B onus B os s in V oid Ques t is now available.

Y ou c an als o find Ryoutarou at hom e today, as k
him for the poc ket m oney from the tes t res ults .
A ugus t 15
W eather:Clear/Cloudy

Daytim e: E vent: Y ou'll be working with Chie, T eddie and

Y os uke on a part tim e job. T hen it'll
s kip to A ugus t 19.

If you did horribly on the tes t, K anji

will c all you to s tudy till A ugus t 19.
A ugus t 19
W eather:Clear

Daytim e: If you have taken the part tim e job.

(Rec eive 40000 Y en. Y os uke, Chie and T eddie + )

If you went s tudying with K anji

(K nowledge UP . Ris e and K anji +)
A ugus t 20
W eather:Clear
Day:S aturday

Daytim e: S um m er Fes tival E vent.

A ugus t 21
W eather:Clear
Day:S unday

Daytim e: E vent: T oday Y ou will be going to the s hrine, if you m anage

to go on a date with either A i, or the anyone from the S un
S oc ial Link, you'll get the book "T he Divine W ay"

Y ou c an pray for three things .

Girls . (A ny girl S oc ial Link +)

S c hooling. (K nowledge UP )
Money. (Rec eive 10000 Y en)
A ugus t 22
W eather:Clear

Daytim e: Ques t No.24 is now available. S peak

with the old m an in the River B ank area.

Ques t No.28 is now available. (Mus t finis h

Ques t No.18 firs t)S peak with the twin at the river
bank area.
A ugus t 23
W eather:Clear
Day:T ues day

Night: Nanako will give you the c hoic e to look at her hom ework
or not. (If you do , Nanako+1) From A ugus t 24 to 28
no night ac tivity will be A llow, s inc e you be helping
on Nanako's Hom ework.
A ugus t 24
W eather:Clear
Day:W edneday

Daytim e:A new Is s ue of T he Man's Life s eries (Man-God)

is now available at the book s tore.

Night: Nanako's Hom ework event. (Y os uke, T eddie and Nanako+)

A ugus t 25
W eather:Rain
Day:T hurs day

Night: Nanako's Hom ework event. (Chie, Y ukiko and Nanako+)

A ugus t 26
W eather:Cloudy/Clear

Daytim e: Chie S oc ial Link event.

Night: Nanako's Hom ework event.

A ugus t 27
W eather:Rain
Day:S aturday

Night: Nanako's Hom ework event. (K anji, Ris e and Nanako+)

A ugus t 28
W eather:Clear/Cloudy
Day:S unday

Daytim e: Ris e S oc ial Link E vent.

Night: Nanako's Hom ework event.

converted by
A ugus t 29
W eather:Rain

Daytim e: A ll S um m er Hom ework finis h.

Night: B ec aus e a new s c hool s em es ter is about to s tart
Y ou c harac ter will s tudy to prepare for the new
s em es ter.

A ugus t 30
W eather:Cloudy/Clear
Day:T ues day

Night:New leftovers in fridge (Inc reas e Courage when eaten)

A ugus t 31
W eather:Clear
Day:W ednes day

Daytim e: W aterm elon P arty E vent.

[P M06] S eptem ber 2011
S eptem ber 1
W eather:Clear
Day:T hurs day
Daytim e: 2nd S em es ter of S c hool S tarts .

S c hool Les s on: (K nowledge UP )

S eptem ber 2
W eather:Cloudy/Rain

A fter S c hool: Ques t No.47 is now available. Mus t finis h Ques t

No.23 firs t. S peak to the S tudent with the A fro
at the third floor of the s c hool.

Hom e: New leftovers c an be found at the fridge (Inc reas e Courage)

S eptem ber 3
W eather:Clear
Day:S aturday

Hom e: S peak to Dojim a if you want to go groc ery s hopping.

Rec ieve E m ergenc y Medic K it X 3, P eac h S eed X 10, Royal
J elly X 5, Dokudam i T eaX 2 (A ll Random )
S eptem ber 4
W eather:Clear
Day:S unday

A fter S c hool: Y ukiko Com m u E vent.

Hom e: Y ou c an als o c ook at night, depending on how you m ake it,

it c an be either lunc h or fis h bait.
S eptem ber 5
W eather:Clear

S c hool Les s on: (K nowledge UP )

A fter S c hool: Ques t No.29 is now available, s peak with the

girl with orange hair at S hopping Dis tric t S outh.
(P art of the twins )
S eptem ber 6
W eather:Cloudy/Rain
Day:T ues day
S eptem ber 7
W eather:Clear
Day:W ednes day

Hom e: T here is leftovers in the fridge (No Change)

No ac tivity c an be done in your room , bec aus e you're

be pac king up for field trip.
S eptem ber 8
W eather:Clear
Day:T hurs day

Daytim e: Gekkoukan High E vent.

Night: T eddie S oc ial Link E vent.

S eptem ber 9
W eather:Clear

Daytim e: P ort Is land E vent.

Night: K ing's Gam e event. (S ort of like a T ruth or Dare Gam e)

P os s ible c hoic e

1. No.1 gets to s leeps on the king -> Ris e

2. No.2 gets to s its on lap of the king. -> Chie
3. No.3 gets to em brac es the king. -> Y ukiko
4. No.4 gets a piggy bac k on the king. -> Y os uke
S eptem ber 10
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S atuday

Daytim e: Hotel E vent.

S eptem ber 11
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S unday

Hom e: Y ou c an c ook at night, depending on how you m ake it

it c an either be a lunc h or fis h bait. (Ris e like this one)

S eptem ber 12
W eather:Cloudy

S c hool Les s on: K nowledge UP .

Hom e: W atc h Midnight Channel.

S eptem ber 13
W eather:Clear
Day:T ues day

Hom e: T here's new leftovers in the fridge (Inc reas e Courage

when c ons um ed)
S eptem ber 14
W eather:Rain
Day:W ednes day

Hom e: W atc h Midnight Channel.

S eptem ber 15
W eather:Rain
Day:T hurs day

A fter S c hool: E vent.

Hom e: W atc h Midnight Channel.

S eptem ber 16
W eather:Rain/Clear

A fter S c hool: Naoto Res c ue Chapter.

How to Unloc k Naoto's Dungeon.

Go to the s c hool and talk to the girl in front of Clas s room 1-1.

converted by
Next go to prac tic e building and S peak with a c ertain fem ale
s tudent.

Next go S hopping Dis tric t North and s peak with the Cop
(if you m is s him , he's only there on Monday, wednes day and

T hen go to the Riverbed and talk to Chie.

Go bac k to S hopping Dis tric t North and s peak with the c op again.

T hen talk to Hous ewive in front of the s hrine.

Com e bac k tom orrow and s peak with the Cop at s hopping
Dis tric t s outh (if you m is s him he's only there on T ues day,
T hurs day and S aturday). P ic k the third c hoic e, then the
s ec ond c hoic e. (If you m is s him , he is only there on Monday,
W ednes day and Friday.)

Y ou have unloc ked S ec ret Laboratory. Y ou have till Oc tober 5

to finis h this dungeon.

S eptem ber 17
W eather:Clear
Day:S aturday

S c hool Les s on: W hat was Megillo's intention for travel?

->S pic e trade(K nowledge UP (K nowledge UP )

A fter S c hool: If you follow all the s teps from yes terday, you s hould
have unloc ked S ec ret Laboratory.

S eptem ber 18
W eather:Clear
Day:S unday

S eptem ber 19
W eather:Clear/Cloudy

Daytim e: Res pec t-for-the-A ged Day

Night: New Leftovers in the fridge( No Change when Cons um ed)

S eptem ber 20
W eather:Clear
Day:T ues day

S c hool Les s on: (K nowledge UP )

A fter S c hool: Ques t No.31 is now available. ( Mus t finis hed

Ques t No.10 firs t.)S peak with the his tory
teac her on the 2nd floor.

A new Is s ue of T he T im id T eac her s eries (" S ens ei's Friends ")

is now available at the book s tore.

S eptem ber 21
W eather:Clear/Cloudy
Day:W ednes day
Hom e: Y ou c an c ook at night, depending on your c hoic e it'll
be either lunc h or fis hbait.

S eptem ber 22
W eather:Clear/Cloudy
Day:T hurs day

S eptem ber 23
W eather:Cloudy

A utum nal E quinox Day

S eptem ber 24
W eather:Clear/Cloudy
Day:S aturday

S c hool Les s on: K nowledge UP

S eptem ber 25
W eather:Clear/Cloudy
Day:S unday

Daytim e: A i E bihara will c all you if you wanted to hang out.*

If not Y ukiko will als o c all you today to hang out if you
are dating right now. *

*T his does not oc c ur unles s you have finis h S ec ret Laboratory

firs t.

S eptem ber 26
W eather:Raining

A fter S c hool: Ques t No.34 is now available. (Mus t finis h

Ques t No.27 firs t) S peak with the Man near
the book s hop.

Hom e: Y ou c an c ook at night. Depending on your c hoic e it c an be

either lunc h or fis h bait. (Y ukiko and K ou like this one)

S eptem ber 27
W eather:Cloud/Clear
Day:T ues day
S eptem ber 28
W eather:Cloudy
Day:W ednes day

S c hool Les s on: Ques tion: B reakfas t -> Fas t Finis hed.
(2nd Choic e) (Y os uke + , K nowledge UP )

Hom e: S peak to Dojim a if you want to go groc ery s hopping.

Rec ieve E m ergenc y Medic K it X 3, P eac h S eed X 10 , Royal
J elly X 5, Dokudam i T eaX 2 (A ll Random )

S eptem ber 29
W eather:Cloudy
Day:T hurs day

Hom e: Y ou c an c ook at night. Depending on your c hoic e it c an be

either lunc h or fis h bait. (Chie and Dais uke like this one)

S eptem ber 30
W eather:Rain/Cloudy

A fter S c hool: Ques t No.35 is now A vailable. ( Mus t finis h

Ques t No.12 firs t) Go to the 2nd floor of the
prac tic e c orridor and s peak with one of the fem ale
s tudent.
[P M07] Oc tober 2011
Oc tober 1
W eather:Rain
Day:S aturday

Hom e: Chie will c all you if you want to hang out tom orrow,
(Mus t res c ue Naoto firs t)
Oc tober 2
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S unday

Daytim e: Chie Hang out E vent (If you ac c ept the c all from
Y es terday) (Y ukiko, Chie, K anji, Ris e +2)

Hom e: Y ou c an als o c ook, depending on your c hoic e it'll

be either lunc h or fis h bait.
Oc tober 3
W eather:Clear

converted by

S c hool Les s on: K nowledge UP

Oc tober 4
W eather:Cloudy/Rain
Day:T ues day

S c hool Les s on: How m uc h is the daily am ount of S weat us ed.

-> 0.5 Litres . *1s t Choic e (K nowledge UP )
Oc tober 5
W eather:Rain
Day:W ednes day

*** Las t day to res c ue Naoto, or els e its gam e over ***

S c hool Les s on: Mr.Y am ada: Oh yeah... A nyone have any idea why
a ginko tree's leaves turn from green to yellow?
->T he green pigm ent ages . (Firs t Choic e)
(Y os uke +, E xpres s ion UP )

Oc tober 6
W eather:Cloudy
Day:T hurs day

A fter S c hool: Naoto E vent

Fool S oc ial Link Rank up.

Oc tober 7
W eather:Cloudy

A fter S c hool: Hos pital E vent

S tar S oc ial Link Rank up.

Oc tober 8
W eather:Rain
Day:S aturday

S c hool Les s on: US V ers ion

Mr:K ondo: W hic h word is the P redic ate nom inative in
this s entenc e? "Mr.K ondo is a s uper awes om e teac her! "

-> T eac her. (S ec ond Choic e) (K nowledge UP )

J P V ers ion
Meaning of "S m oke Free" ?
-> No S m oking. (S ec ond Choic e) (K nowledge UP )

A fter S c hool: T he B onus B os s is now available in S ec ret Laboratory.

Ques t No.37 is now available. S peak to the

girl with glas s es on the firs t floor of the learning
c orridor.

Ques t No.32 is now available. S peak to the m ath teac her

in the 3rd floor of the s c hool.

Ques t No.39 is now available. S peak to the princ ipal

in the 3rd floor of the s c hool.

Y ou c an als o s tudy with Y ukiko, K anji or Ris e for

the upc om ing tes t. (K nowledge UP , Com m u +2)

Oc tober 9
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S unday

Daytim e: T he las t is s ue of T he Man's Life S eries (Farewell to Man)

is now available at the book s tore.

Ques t No.33 is now available. (Mus t finis h Ques t No. 11

firs t) S peak to the loud old m an near the s hrine of
S hopping Dis tric t North.

Ques t No.38 is now available. (Mus t finis h Ques t No. 28

firs t) S peak to one of the twins in the Riverbed.

Oc tober 10
W eather:Cloudy

Health & S ports Day

Oc tober 11
W eather:Clear
Day:T ues day

S c hool Les s on: W hat was one thing about his appearanc e Louis X IV was
worried about?
-> His height. *2nd Choic e. (K nowledge +3)

A fter S c hool: S tudy m eeting

S tar S oc ial Link Rank UP .

Oc tober 12
W eater:Rain/Cloudy
Day:W ednes day
S c hool Les s on: How m uc h do you think it c os ts to m ake a one-yen c oin?
-> 2 Y en. *3rd Choic e (K nowledge +3)

A fter S c hool: Y ou c an als o s tudy with Y ukiko, or K anji for

the upc om ing tes t. (K nowledge +3, S link +2)
Oc tober 13
W eather:Clear
Day:T hurs day

S c hool Les s on: W hat will bec om e of the plant when its expos ed?
-> It will grow quic ker. *3rd Choic e (K nowledge UP )

A fter S c hool: Y ou c an als o s tudy with Chie for

the upc om ing tes t. (K nowledge UP , Com m u +2)

Hom e: S peak to Dojim a if you want to go groc ery s hopping.

Rec ieve E m ergenc y Medic K it X 3, P eac h S eed X 10 , Royal
J elly X 5, Dokudam i T eaX 2 (A ll Random )
Oc tober 14
W eather:Cloudy

T es t Day No.1

A ns wers

1. 4th Choic e
2. 1s t Choic e
Oc tober 15
W eather:Clear
Day:S aturday

T es t Day No.2

A ns wers

1. 3rd Choic e
2. 3rd Choic e

Hom e: Y os uke will as k you if you want to hang for out tom orrow.

Oc tober 16
W eather:Clear
Day:S unday

Daytim e: Y os uke Hang out event.(If you ac c epted the c all from
yes terday. (Y os uke, Chie, Y ukiko and Ris e +)

Oc tober 17
W eather:Clear

T es t Day No.3

A ns wers

1. 3rd Choic e
2. 3rd Choic e

converted by
Oc tober 18
W eather:Clear
Day:T ues day

T es t Day No.4

A ns wers

1. 3rd Choic e
2. 2nd Choic e
Oc tober 19
W eather:Clear/Cloudy
Day:W ednes day

T es t Day No.5

A ns wers

1. 4th Choic e
2. 3rd Choic e
Oc tober 20
W eather:Clear/Cloudy
Day:W ednes day

T es t Day No.6

T he Res ults is determ ine by your level of K nowledge.

(Lv 4 or Higher to ac e exam )

Hom e: Rec eive a threatening letter night.

Oc tober 21
W eather:Clear

A fter S c hool: T he Fortune S oc ial Link is now available. Firs t

s peak to the m an in blac k in S hopping Dis tric t
North (Requires lv 5 K nowledge). T hen go to the
s c hool, on the firs t floor of the learning c orridor,
s peak to Naoto (Requires lv 5 Courage ) to ac tivate
her Com m u. *** Y ou have a really s hort tim e to m ax
out her c om m u, s o try to m ax her out as s oon as
pos s ible.
Oc tober 22
W eather:Cloudy/Rain
Rain:S aturday

S c hool: Y ou will get a c hoic e to dec ide what kind of event you want
for the c ulture fes tival. B ut no m atter what c hoic e you m ake,
you'll s till end up with the T ea Cerem ony.

Oc tober 23
W eather:Cloudy/Rain
Day:S unday
Oc tober 24
W eather:Clear

A fter S c hool: T es t Res ults are now pos ted.

If you ac hieve the highes t of the s c hool.

A ll S oc ial Link P oints +

S peak to Dojim a to rec ieve 50000 Y en

T alk to Nanako for the B ead brac elet

if you have the top m arks .

Y ou c an s peak with the his tory teac her for 2x

Mys terious S c arab.
If you ac hieve the top 10 of the s c hool.
A ll S oc ial Link P oints +

S peak to Dojim a for 25000 Y en.

Hom e: T here are new leftovers in the fridge. (W hen c ons um ed

your Courage inc reas e.)

Oc tober 25
W eather:Clear
Day:T ues day

Hom e: Y ou c an c ook at night, depending on your c hoic e, it'll

either be Lunc h or fis h bait.

Oc tober 26
W eather:Clear
Day:W ednes day

S c hool Les s on: K nowledge UP

Oc tober 27
W eather:Clear/Cloudy
Day:T hurs day

A fter S c hool: Cultural Fes tival P reparation

Oc tober 28
W eather:Cloudy

A fter S c hool: Cultural Fes tival P reparation

Oc tober 29
W eather:Clear
Day:S aturday

A fter S c hool: Cultural Fes tival Day 1.

Oc tober 30
W eather:Clear
Day:S unday
A fter S c hool: Cultural Fes tival Day 2.

S tar Com m u Rank UP .

A m agi Hotel E vent.

Oc tober 31
W eather:Clear

A fter S c hool: Ques t No.40 is now available. (Mus t finis h

Ques t No.29 firs t) Go to to S hopping Dis tric t
s outh and s peak to the girl with the orange
hair (one of the twins )

Hom e: S inc e Nanako got s ic k, you'll have to look after her.

(no Night A c tivity.)

[P M08] Novem ber 2011
Novem ber 1
W eather:Cloudy
Day:T ues day

S c hool Les s on: W hic h part of the m us c le

-> From the s houlder to the bac k.
*2nd Choic e ( K nowledge UP )

A fter S c hool:T he las t Is s ue of the T he T im id T eac her S eries

("T he Final Les s on") is now available at the book s tore.

Hom e: Y ou c an als o c ook at night, depending on your c hoic e, it'll

either be lunc h or fis h bait.

Novem ber 2
W eather:Cloudy
Day:W ednes day

Hom e: New leftovers in the fridge "Ic e Coffee" (No Change when Cons um ed)
Novem ber 3

converted by
W eather:Cloudy/Rain
Day:T hurs day

Culture Day

Novem ber 4
W eather:Rain

S c hool Les s on:

Hom e: W atc h Midnight Channel.

Novem ber 5
W eather:Rain
Day:S aturday

E vent (No ac tivity at all)

Novem ber 6
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S unday

Daytim e: Fool Com m u Rank UP

T he Dungeon "Heaven P aradis e" is now unloc ked.

*Y ou have till the Novem ber 20th to c lear this

Novem ber 7
W eather:Cloudy/Clear

S c hool Les s on: S outh P ole and North P ole, whic h one is c older?
-> S outh P ole *2nd Choic e (knowledge UP )
Novem ber 8
W eather:Clear
Day:T ues day
Novem ber 9
W eather:Clear
Day:W ednes day
Novem ber 10
W eather:Clear/Cloudy
Day:T hurs day
Novem ber 11
W eather:Rain

S c hool Les s on: W ho dis c overed T uberc le B ac illi?

->K oc h *2nd Choic e (K nowledge UP )

Novem ber 12
W eather:Clear
Day:S aturday

A fter S c hool: Ques t No.50 is now available. (Mus t finis h

Ques t No.47 firs t) S peak to the S tudent with
the afro on the 3rd floor of the s c hool.
Novem ber 13
W eather:Clear
Day:S unday
Novem ber 14
W eather:Clear
Novem ber 15
W eather:Clear
Day:T ues day
Novem ber 16
W eather:Clear/Cloudy
Day:W ednes day
Novem ber 17
W eather:Cloudy
Day:T hurs day

S c hool Les s on: T he E tym ology of "W edding"

-> W ager *3rd Choic e (Y os uke+2, E xpres s ion UP )
Novem ber 18
W eather:Rain
Novem ber 19
W eather:Rain
Day:S aturday
Novem ber 20
W eather:Rain
Day:S unday

*** T oday is the las t day of Rain ***

(S o m ake s ure you finis h all the s ide things that
c an only be done in raining days . * S uc h as
Fus ion Forec as t *)

Daytim e: T oday is the las t day to res c ue Nanako, if you

don't res c ue her, its gam e over.

Night: W atc h Midnight Channel.

Novem ber 21
W eather:Rain

S c hool Les s on: K nowledge UP

A fter S c hool: * B ec aus e of the final exam s c om ing s oon,

all c lubs are c anc el.

Novem ber 22
W eather:Cloudy
Day:T ues day

S c hool Les s on: W hat are s om e exam ples of Ic y Fields in S outh A m eric a?
->P atagonia ic efield *Firs t Choic e (knowledge UP )

A fter S c hool: Y ou c an now fight the B onus B os s in Heaven P aradis e.

Ques t No.43 is now available. ( Mus t finis h Ques t No.3

firs t) S peak to the m ale s tudent in the c orner in your
c las s room (2-2).

Ques t No.44 is now available. ( Mus t finis h Ques t No.35

firs t ) S peak to one of the fem ale s tudents in the 2nd floor
of the prac tic e c orridor.
Ques t No.45 is now available. ( Mus t finis h Ques t No.19
firs t ) S peak to one of the m ale s tudents in the 1s t floor
of the prac tic e c orridor.

Ques t No.46 is now available. ( Mus t finis h Ques t No.24

firs t ) S peak to the Old Man in the Riverbed.

Y ou c an als o talk to Y os uke to vis it Nanako in the hos pital

whic h will inc reas e everyone's S oc ial Link by 2 P oints .

Hom e: Y os uke c alls you if want to hang out tom orrow.

Novem ber 23
W eather:Cloudy
Day:W ednes day

T hanks giving Day

Daytim e: Y os uke Hangout E vent (If you ac c epted his c all yes terday)
If you are c urrently dating Ris e and als o s om eone from the
S un Club, you're going to run into s om e trouble.

Y ou c an als o talk to Naoto in the Riverbed or Chie in S hopping

Dis tric t S outh to vis it Nanako in the hos pital.

converted by
Novem ber 24
W eather:Cloudy
Day:T hurs day

S c hool Les s on: A ns wer = 6 (K nowledge UP )

A fter S c hool: Y ou c an als o talk to Ris e in the firs t floor of the s c hool
to vis it Nanako in the hos pital.

Novem ber 25
W eather:Cloudy

S c hool Les s on: T he origin of las t m om ent?

-> Crim inal's E xec ution ground *3rd Choic e (K nowledge UP )

A fter S c hool: Y ou c an als o talk to K anji in the 1s t floor P rac tic e c orridor
to vis it Nanako in the hos pital.

Novem ber 26
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S aturday

S c hool Les s on: S pelling that is n't us ed in E nglis h?

-> X 'm as (K nowledge UP )

A fter S c hool: Y ou c an als o talk to Y ukiko in the S c hool lobby

to vis it Nanako in the hos pital.

Novem ber 27
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S unday

*** T his is your las t regular to rank up S oc ial Link for your party m em bers .
*** Y ou c an s till s pend tim e with them on Holidays and S unday.

Daytim e: Y ou c an als o talk to Naoto in the Riverbed or Chie in S hopping

Dis tric t S outh to vis it Nanako in the hos pital.

Novem ber 28
W eather:Cloudy

T es t Day No.1

A ns wers

1. 3rd Choic e (Oc t)

2. 1s t Choic e (T he bac k to the s houlders )

Novem ber 29
W eather:Cloudy
Day:T ues day

T es t Day No.2

A ns wers
1. 3rd Choic e (It exc retes toxins )
2. 2nd Choic e (Chile and A rgentina)
Novem ber 30
W eather:Cloudy
Day:W ednes day

T es t Day No.3

A ns wers

1. 2nd Choic e (A gam ble)

2. 4th Choic e (W illiam S hakes peare)

[P M09] Dec em ber 2011
Dec em ber 1
W eather:Cloudy
Day:T hurs day

T es t Day No.4

A ns wers

1. 4th Choic e (T he s outh pole; 30 degrees )

2. 3rd Choic e (1,000,000 dollars )
Dec em ber 2
W eather:Cloudy

T es t Day No.5

A ns wers

1. 2nd Choic e
2. 2nd Choic e

Hom e: ***** MA K E S URE Y OU S A V E A T A LL COS T *****

T om orrow is the day that you will dec ide on
whic h ending you'll take bas ed on your c hoic es .

Dec em ber 3
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S aturday

Final T es t Day

(Requires Max K nowledge to A c e exam s )

E vent: Depending on your c hoic es when c onfronting Nam etam e

will dec ide on whic h ending you'll take.

P ic k the following c hoic e for the norm al ending route

during Y os uke's c onvers ation.

->W ait a s ec ond here...

->W e're m is s ing s om ething.
->Nam atam e's true feelings .
->S om ething's been bothering m e.
->W e're m is s ing s om ething...
->Calm the hell down!

A nyways the gam e will autom atic ally s kipped to Marc h 20

if you got the bad ending. If not, Fool S oc ial Link will Rank UP
and J udgem ent S oc ial Link will ac tivate.

********* NORMA L E NDING ROUT E *********

Dec em ber 4
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S unday

Daytim e: Food Court E vent.

J udgem ent S oc ial Link Rank UP .

Nam etam e E vent.

J udgem ent S oc ial Link Rank UP

Dec em ber 5
W eather:Cloudy

Daytim e: Y ou have to inves tigate and c ollec t inform ation on

who c an pos s ibly be the s us pec t behind the m urders .

W hen talking to NP Cs you are given two options the

firs t c hoic e is "A s k about the S pring Inc ident" and
the s ec ond c hoic e is " have you s een anyone s us pic ious ?"

A s k the following NP C both of thes e ques tions .

S hopping Dis tric t S outh: Fem ale S tudent and Old Lady.

S hopping Dis tric t North: S hopping Hous e W ife, Old Man

S alary Man and Man with Gas Mas k.

Ins ide J unes : Fem ale S tudent

S am egawa Flood P lain : S m iling Man and Old Man.

converted by
If you have talk to all thos e NP Cs you'll autom atic ally
go to the Res turarant "A iya" for a c uts c ene.

A s the Main Charac ter goes outs ide, you, Y os uke and
Naoto will have a dis c us s ion on who the killer is .
Y ou are then given a lis t of the people you know
and you will have to pic k the right one within 3 tries or
els e it goes direc tly to B ad E nding No.3

Hom e: V elvet Room E vent.

S tar S oc ial Link Maxed.

Dec em ber 6
W eather:Cloudy
Day:T ues day

Daytim e: J udgem ent S oc ial Link Rank UP .

T eddie's P ers ona will evolve.

Dec em ber 7
W eather:Cloudy
Day:W ednes day

Daytim e: J udgem ent S oc ial Link Rank UP X 2

Dec em ber 8
W eather:Cloudy
Day:T hurs day

A fter S c hool: T es t Res ults are now pos ted.

If you ac hieve the highes t of the s c hool.

A ll S oc ial Link P oints +

Chec k the Cus hion that Nanako always s it on

to get the Unfinis h T es tim onial.

Y ou c an s peak with the his tory teac her for

a S om a.

Y ou c an now vis it Magats u Inaba if you go into

Midnight Channel. Y ou m us t c apture the c rim inal
by Dec em ber 24 or els e it is gam e over.
** If you c apture the c rim inal before the 24th
the gam e will autom atic ally fas t forward to the
24th of Dec em ber. S o m ake s ure you us e up as m uc h
days as pos s ible to m ax out your S oc ial Links .

Dec em ber 9
W eather:Cloudy

S c hool Les s on: W hic h S pec ies have the m os t population?

-> Ins ec ts . *3rd Choic e. (K nowledge UP )

Dec em ber 10
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S aturday

S c hool Les s on: A ns wer -> 1s t Choic e.

Dec em ber 11
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S unday
Dec em ber 12
W eather:Cloudy
Dec em ber 13
W eather:Cloudy
Day:T ues day
Dec em ber 14
W eather:Cloudy
Day:W ednes day
Dec em ber 15
W eather:Cloudy
Day:T hurs day
Dec em ber 16
W eather:Cloudy
Dec em ber 17
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S aturday

S c hool Les s on: W hic h is the eating finger?

->T he Forefinger.
*2nd Choic e.(Y os uke +2 , K nowledge UP )

Dec em ber 18
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S unday
Dec em ber 19
W eather:Cloudy
Dec em ber 20
W eather:Cloudy
Day:T ues day
Dec em ber 21
W eather:Cloudy
Day:W ednes day

S c hool Les s on: T he m eaning of P os es ?

-> A Royal's fam ily's thing. *3rd Choic e
(Y os uke+2 , K nowledge UP )
Dec em ber 22
W eather:Cloudy
Day:T hurs day
**If you don't c lear Magats u Inaba by today, you'll m is s
the c all from your lover to s pend tim e on Chris tm as E ve.**
Dec em ber 23
W eather:Cloudy

T he E m peror's B irthday

Y ou will rec eive a c all at night from your lover if you want
to s pend tim e on Chris tm as E ve. * If you are dating m ore
then one girl, rejec t the c all, till you find the pers on
you want to s pend Chris tm as E ve with.

P os s ible Gifts
My Own Chapter : Res is t P hys ic al A ttac ks (W ith the Guys )
S oft m uffler : Res is t Ic e A ttac ks (Chie)
Leather key c hain : Res is t Fire A ttac ks (Y ukiko)
S ilver B angle : S P +50% (Ris e)
Handm ade W atc h : Inc reas e c hanc e of c aus ing A lim ents . (Naoto)
Gots um e B rac elet : Inc reas e the E ffec t of Rec overy Magic . (A i)
High Clas s Mus ic al : Inc reas e the S uc c es s of Mudo. (Y um i)
Hand-knitted m itten : Inc reas e the S uc c es s of Ham a. (A yane)
Dec em ber 24
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S atuday

Chris tm as E ve E vent
Dec em ber 25
W eather:Cloudy
Day:S unday

Chris tm as E vent.

converted by
T he gam e will autom atic ally s kip to Marc h 20.

[P M10] Marc h 2012

W eather:Clear T hen Rain


T his is the las t day you will be s taying in Inaba. Us e the tim e to vis it your
all the friends you have m et.


Norm al E nding


If you head hom e, you will be watc hing the Norm al E nding.


T rue E nding


Ins tead of heading hom e, if you dec ided to vis it all your friends
that have a m ax S oc ial Link. Y ou c an watc h the true ending.

(Y ou c an s till obtain this ending without having to m ax every c harac ters

s oc ial link.) T he c harac ters will not appear at all if the S oc ial Link is
not m ax.

Make s ure you as k both ques tions on eac h S oc ial Link.

Chariot : In S hopping Dis tric t S outh.

Lovers : In S hopping Dis tric t S outh.

T ower : In S hopping Dis tric t S outh.

P ries tes s : Go to the B us s top at S hopping Dis tric t, S outh and vis it the
A m agi hotel.

Devil : Go to the B us s top at S hopping Dis tric t, S outh and vis it the
Hos pital.

T em peranc e : Go to the B us s top at S hopping Dis tric t, S outh and vis it the
Day Care.

Herm it : V is it the S hrine on S hopping Dis tric t North.

E m peror : In S hopping Dis tric t North.

S trength : In S hopping Dis tric t North.

Hanged m an : In S hopping Dis tric t North (really north end).

J us tic e
Hierophant : Outs ide of Dojim a's Hous e. S peak to Ryoutaro to and pic k
T he S ec ond c hoic e to s ee event.

Magic ian
S tar : V is it the Food Court in J unes .

Death : Riverbed area.

Moon : Firs t Floor on the S c hool Lobby.

Fortune : Firs t Floor of the Learning B uiliding.

S un (Mus ic ) : V is it the Mus ic c lub in Firs t Floor of the P rac tic e Corridor.

S un (Dram a) : V is it the Dram a c lub in Firs t Floor of the P rac tic e Corridor.

W hen you have talked to all the S oc ial Links , you are autom atic ally
given the option to go hom e, s elec t the 2nd c hoic e "No".

Next V is it the J une's Food Court and exam ine the elevator.
T he gam e will give you the c hoic e to go hom e again. S elec t the 2nd
c hoic e "No". T hen exam ine the elevator again and pic k the firs t
c hoic e "I got s om e unfinis h m atters ." to vis it the food c ourt.

A fter this c uts c ene. Go to the Riverbed and s peak to Dojim a and then Nanako.
Nanako will give you a s um m ary on what you did on your firs t day.

Next head to the V elvet Room , Igor will give you the Orb of Clarity. If this
is your s ec ond playthrough. Revis iting the V elvet Room will give you a s c ene
with Margaret, s he will give you a key item the B lue Inviation Card whic h
allows you to fight the S ec ret B os s .

Now go to S hopping Dis tric t S outh, and s peak to the gas s tation
worker (Its really c los e to the entranc e). Y ou'll then as k him a
s eries of ques tion. K eep talking to him , until you have m ade the
right c hoic es . he'll reveal his true idenity. Y ou c an now ac c es s
Y om ots u Hiras aka.

A nyways head to Midnight Channel and Clear Y om ots u Hiras aka to get the
true ending. T he weather c ondition will als o c hange to raining, allowing you
to do Fus ion Forec as t and fight Rare S hadows .

Onc e you are ins ide the Midnight Channel, there is no turning bac k. Y ou c an
exam ine the exit to go to the weapon s hop and the pharm ac y. B ut you
c annot leave.

A fter Defeating the las t bos s , you c an watc h the true ending.

Congratulations for finis hing P ers ona 4!

*A fter all the c redits , the gam e will prom pt you to s ave. For m ore
inform ation, read the s ec ond playthrough s ec tion.

[P M11] E ndings
T his gam e has m ultiple endings and the day that dec ides
the outc om e of this gam e is all m ade on Dec em ber 3rd. S o
m ake s ure you s aved your gam e by the 2nd.

A fte s om e c uts c enes , your c harac ters will c onfront Nam adam e near night tim e,
Y os uke will then as k you a s eries of ques tion that will determ ine the ending
of the gam e.

P ic k any of the wrong c hoic e and you'll get B ad E nding No.1

US vers ion

Ques tion 1
Y os uke: W hat do you want to do... Leader?

->(3rd Choic e)W ait a s ec ond here...

Ques tion 2
Y os uke: W hat are you trying to s ay! ?
->(1s t Choic e) W e're m is s ing s om ething.

Ques tion 3
Y ous uke: S om ething we don't know...? W hat don't we know! ?
->(3rd Choic e) Nam atam e's true feelings .

Ques tion 4
Y os uke: W hat didn't you unders tand! ?
->(2nd Choic e) S om ething's been bothering m e.

Ques tion 5
Y os uke: A re you even getting at s om ething here, or are you
jus t s talling! ?
->(3rd Choic e) W e're m is s ing s om ething...

Ques tion 6
Y os uke: A re we doing this or not! ? T hat's all I give
a dam n about right now!

->(2nd Choic e) Calm the hell down!

Y ou've unloc ked the Norm al and T rue E nding Route

right after the next c hoic e, when you s ee the Fool
S oc ial Link m ax out and bec om es J udgem ent.

B ad E nding No.2
On ques tion num ber 6 pic k the option "I got nothing"

converted by
(1s t Choic e).

B ad E nding No.3

In Dec em eber 5th

W hen pic king out the Crim inal behind the m urders , if you c an't pic k the
right one after three tries , the gam e will go s traight to the bad ending.

Lis t of Choic es
Y os uke Ham am ura
Chie S atonaka
Y ukiko A m agi
T eddie
K anji T ats um i
Ris e
Ryoutaro Dojim a
Nanako Dojim a
T oru A dac hi
T aro Nam edam e
T he Murdered V ic tim s
Friends you know from the S oc ial Link Lis t

If you s till c annot figure out who the true c rim inal is .


*Find the Letters in des c ending order.

**********A **********************************************

T rue E nding Route

On Marc h 12, you c an either jus t head hom e and watc h the norm al
ending. If you want the true ending, ins tead of heading hom e, find
all the people you've m et on your s oc ial link. (T he c harac ters that
does not have a m axed S oc ial Link Rank does not appear at all.)

Chariot : In S hopping Dis tric t S outh.

Lovers : In S hopping Dis tric t S outh.
T ower : In S hopping Dis tric t S outh.
P ries tes s : B us s top at S hopping Dis tric t, S outh and vis it the A m agi hotel.
Devil : B us s top at S hopping Dis tric t, S outh and vis it the Hos pital.
T em peranc e : B us s top at S hopping Dis tric t, S outh and vis it the Day Care.
Herm it : V is it the S hrine on S hopping Dis tric t, North.
E m peror : In S hopping Dis tric t, North.
S trength : In S hopping Dis tric t, North, near A iya.
Hanged m an : In S hopping Dis tric t, North(Near the W ine S tore at the north end).
J us tic e
Hierophant : Outs ide of Dojim a's Hous e. S peak to Ryoutaro to and pic k
T he S ec ond c hoic e to s ee event.
Magic ian
S tar : V is it the Food Court in J unes .
Death : Riverbed area.
Moon : Y as ogam i High, Learning B uilding 1F (Lobby)
Fortune : Y as ogam i High, Learning B uilding 1F
S un (Mus ic ) : Y as ogam i High, P rac tic e B uilding 1F. In Mus ic Club
S un (Dram a) : Y as ogam i High, P rac tic e B uilding 1F. In Dram a Club

W hen you have finis h vis iting all the S oc ial Link m em bers , you are then
autom atic ally given the option to go hom e. S elec t the 2nd c hoic e "No".

Next V is it the J une's Food Court and exam ine the elevator.
It'll give you the c hoic e to go hom e again. S elec t the 2nd
c hoic e "No". T hen exam ine the elevator again and pic k the firs t
c hoic e "I got s om e unfinis h m atters ." to vis it the food c ourt.

A fter this c uts c ene. Go to the Riverbed and s peak to Dojim a and
then Nanako. Nanako will give you a s um m ary on what you did on your
firs t day.
Next go to V elvet Room , Igor will give you the Orb of Clarity. If this
is your s ec ond playthrough, revis iting the V elvet Room will give you a s c ene
with Margaret, s he will give you a key item the B lue Inviation Card whic h
allows you to fight the S ec ret B os s .

Now go to S hopping Dis tric t S outh, and s peak to the gas s tation
worker (Its really c los e to the entranc e). Y ou'll then as k him a
s eries of ques tion. K eep talking to him , until you have m ade the
right c hoic es . he'll reveal his true idenity. Y ou c an now ac c es s
Y om ots u Hiras aka.

A nyways head to Midnight Channel and Clear Y om ots hu Hiras aka to get the
true ending. T he weather c ondition will als o turn into raining allowing you
to do Fus ion Forec as t and fight Rare S hadows .

Onc e you headed T o Midnight Channel, there's no turning bac k. Y ou c an

exam ine the exit to go to the weapon s hop and the pharm ac y. B ut you
c annot leave.

[P M12] S ec ond P laythrough


W hen finis hing P ers ona 4 for the firs t tim e you are prom pt to s ave.
B y loading this s ave file, the gam e will s tart a new gam e again.

In P ers ona 4 s tarting a new gam e plus does not c arry every gam eplay data over.

Only the Following will be c arry over.

P revious P lay T im e.
A m ount of Y en you have.
P ers ona Com pendium Lis t.
A m ount of pers ona s lots .
key item s from Max S oc ial Link E vents .
S tatus P aram eters (E g. Courage, K nowledge, E tc ).

T hings that does n't get trans fer.

Charac ter LV
T he P ers onas you have at the end.
T he equipm ents you have.
T he item s you have.
A nalys is data of s hadows

New T hings that appears only in 2nd P lay through.

T he Reaper : Can be found by c hec king treas ure c hes ts . It will

c ontain the reaper, if its given the option to open
the c hes t or not. Note T he Reaper drops the s tronges t
equipm ent in this gam e.

converted by
Izanagi Okam i: T he P ers ona us ed in the Final B attle c an be unloc ked
if you have s aw the true ending. B ut firs t you
m us t reac h to Lv 91 before you c an m ake this pers ona.

S ec ret B os s : Only if you s aw the true ending on your firs t playthrough.

Firs t you m us t m axed out the E m pres s S oc ial Link and during
Dec em ber after unloc king the true ending path. Re-enter
the velvet room to obtain the B lue Invitation. T hen go to
las t floor of Heaven to trigger the bos s battle.


| _ \
| | | | _ _ _ __ __ _ ___ ___ _ __ ___
| | | | | | | '_ \ / _` | / _ \/ _ \| '_ \/ __|
| | / /| | _| | | | | (_| | __/ (_) | | | \__ \ [S ec tion 4]
| ___/ \__,_| _| | _| \__, | \___| \___/| _| | _| ___/ (Dungeons )
__/ |
| ___/
In P ers ona 4 after watc hing a program of Midnight Channel (Mayonaka T V ). Y ou
m us t s earc h for c lues about that pers on before you c an enter Midnight Channel.
W hen you have all the c lues , it'll m ake a ring s ound effec t.

*** T he beas tiary is s till bas ed on the J apanes e vers ion.

[6A ] Mys tery S hopping S treet (Y os uke's Dungeon)
Des c ription: T he firs t dungeon of the gam e, it c ontain nothing
but event battles .

Num bers of Floors : 1

How to A c c es s : A utom atic

A dditional Notes : Y ou c an find a S killed S panner (W eapon for Y os uke)

W hen you exam ine the W ine B arrel from May 1s t onward.
Ques t Lis t: Ques t 5 : E xam ine the Liquor

*Make s ure you pic k up the ques t, or els e the item won't appear or drop.

B eas tiary

P h-P hys ic al
Ic -Ic e
W i-W ind
E l-E lec tric ity
Rs -Res is t
W K -W eak
RF-Reflec t
RO-Rainy Days Only

E nem ies

LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| S lipping Hablerie | 1| 40 | 35 | | RS | | W K | | | | 1F |

B os s
LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| S hadow Y os uke | 3| 300 | 200 | RS | | | W K | | | | 1F |

[6B ] Y ukiko's Cas tle
Des c ription: Y ukiko's Cas tle is the firs t dungeon you get to truly

Num bers of Floors : 8

How to A c c es s : A utom atic

T reas ure Lis t
1s t S ec tion (1-2 F)
*A ll Item s found from Ches t is Random

| Regular Ches t |
S oul Drop
Life S tone
S nuff S oul
Revival B ead
P eac h S eed

2nd S ec tion (3-7 F)

| Regular Ches t |

P eac h S eed
Revival B ead
Life S tone
S oul Drop

Firec rac kers
A ttac k Mirror
Ic e Cube
B all of Lighting
S uper S onic
Herc ulean S hield
V anis h B all
Fire S ignal
A m rita S oda
P urified S alt

Ches t K ey

HP is Reduc ed by Half.
S P is Reduc ed by Half.

| Rare Ches t |

B ead
Chewing S oul


Com bat Dres s

Gentlem an T uxedo


Fire S uppres s or
Ic e S uppres s or
Lighting S uppres s or
W ind S uppres s or

Fire V ow
Ic e V ow
Oath of Lighting
Oath of W ind

Fire P in
Ic e P in
B rooc h of Lighting
B rooc h of W ind

Dis infec tant

Cool B eads
B uddha of S erenity
Dis guis e Mas k

converted by
Crow's Charm
W ing S trap
Rabbits Foot
Falc on E ye

| Fixed Ches t |

** T hes e c hes t are not random , and they only appear in one partic ular
s pot ins ide the dungeon. T hes e c hes t will bec om e regular c hes t when you
revis it the dungeon after the item has been taken.

K elvar V es t On 5th Floor

Ches t K ey X 3 On 5th Floor

B eas tiary

1s t S ec tion

E nem ies

LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| Lying Hablerie | 5| 73 | 51 | | RS | W K | W K | | | | 1F |
| Calm P es c e | 6| 83 | 23 | RS | | NL| | W K | | | 1F |

B os s
LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| Chie's S hadow | 6| 1000| 500 | RS | | | | W K | NL| NL| 2F |
2nd S ec tion
E nem ies

LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| B lac k Raven | 7| 108 | 25 | | W k| W K | W K | | | | 3-7F |
| T ranc e T wins | 7| 70 | 22 | RS | W K | NL| NL| NL| NL| NL| 3-5F |
| Magic Hand | 8| 130 | 10 | | | W K | | | | | 3-5F |
| B ronze Dic e | 10| 130 | 34 | RS | | | W K | | | | 5-7F |
| Laughing T able | 10| 20 | 154 | NL| NL| NL| NL| W K | NL| NL| 5-7F |
| P os itive K ing | 11| 160 | 43 | RS | W K | | RF| | | | 5-7F |
| S ec ret B am bino * | 10| 122 | 62 | | | | W K | | | | 5-7F |
| B urning B eetle | 13| 132 | 51 | RF| | W K | | | | | 6-7F |
| P hantom Mage | 13| 120 | 152 | | A B | | | W K | | | 6-7F |
| Magic al Magus | 14| 180 | 135 | | W K | A B | | | | | 6-7F |
| A venger K night | 15| 180 | 87 | RS | | | | | W K | | 6-7F |
| Heat B alanc e | 15| 140 | 136 | | RF| RF| RF| RF| | | 6-7F |
*S um m oned by P os itive K ing

B os s
LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| A venger K night | 11| 430 | 87 | RS | | | | | NL| NL| 5F |
| Y ukiko's S hadow | 15| 1050| 800 | | A B | | | | NL| NL| 8F |
| P rinc e Charm ing | 14| 850 | 450 | | | W K | | RS | NL| NL| 8F |

B onus B os s
LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| Contrarian K ing | 17| 1600| 500 | | A B | | | NL| NL| NL| 8F |

[6C] T he S team y B ath Hous e
Des c ription: S team y B ath Hous e is K anji's Dungeon. S tarting from now
you c an s peak to Fox to get S P res tored in Dungeons (However it is
very expens ive.)

Num bers of Floors : 11

How to A c c es s : S tarting from May 18th

Go to S hopping Dis tric t North and look for the dye s hop. Y ou c an s peak to
K anji's Mother on the Dye S hop. Next go to J unes lobby floor. On the lobby
talk to the lady. Com e bac k to J unes tom orrow, and there s hould be a Y oung Man
on the lobby (He only appears on T ues day, T hurs day and Holidays ) S peak to
him and K anji's dungeon will be unloc ked (Y ou will hear a c him e when a dungeon
is unloc ked.)

T reas ure Lis t

| Regular Ches t |

P eac h S eed

S oul Drop
Life S tone
S nuff S oul
Revival B ead
B alm of Life

Firec rac kers
Ic e Cube
B all of Lighting
P inwheel
S upers onic
P urified S alt
Curs e P aper
Magic Mirror
Herc ulean S hield
Fire S ignal

Ches t K ey

Main Charac ter S P will be reduc ed.

| Rare Ches t |
B ead
Chewing S oul


K intabi Gus oku

B attle Cam is ole
J ingi Fundos hi
S teel P anier


converted by
Fire S uppres s or
Ic e S uppres s or
Lighting S uppres s or
W ind S uppres s or
Flam e V ow
Ic e V ow
Oath of T hunders torm
Oath of Gale
A ngel's Feather
Fallen A ngel's Feather

B rooc h of Fire
B rooc h of Lighting
B rooc h of W ind

Dis infec tant

Cool B eads
B ravery V es s el
B uddha of S erenity
Dis guis e Mas k

P ower B elt
Crow's Charm
T ails m an
W ing S trap
Rabbits Foot
Falc on E ye

A warenes s Note

B eas tiary
E nem ies

LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| A utonom ic B as alt | 16| 161 | 13 | RS | | | | W K | | | 1-2F |
| Rainy B rothers 4 | 16| 92 | 131 | NL| NL| W K | NL| NL| NL| NL| 1-2F *RO|
| B ribed Fuzz | 17| 152 | 88 | | | | | | | W K | 1-2F |
| | | | | | | | | | | | 1-2F |
| Monopolizing Cupid | 18| 100 | 88 | | | W K | | RS | | | 5-6F |
| | | | | | | | | | | | 9-10F |
| P urs uing P es c e | 18| 125 | 85 | | | RF| | | W K | | 3-4F |
| Cloudgirl P ot | 18| 175 | 102 | | | | W K | | | | 3-4F *RO|
| Nizam B eas t | 18| 288 | 57 | | | | | | | | 3-6F |
| Daring Gigas | 19| 225 | 46 | RS | | | | W K | | | 3-8F |
| W ealth Hand | 20| 300 | 130 | RS | RS | RS | W K | RS | NL| NL| 1-10F |
| *P hantom Mas ter | 20| 162 | 189 | | | | | W K | W K | NL| 3-4F |
| Danc ing Hand | 20| 135 | 121 | | RS | RS | RS | RS | | | 5-8F |
| V ic ious Raven | 20| 105 | 98 | | | | W K | | | | 5-6F |
| Iron Dic e | 21| 178 | 44 | | | | W K | | | | 5-8F |
| Rainy S is ters 4 | 21| 80 | 136 | NL| NL| W K | NL| NL| NL| NL| 7-8F |
| S elfis h B as alt | 21| 168 | 80 | | W K | W K | W K | W K | W K | W K | 7-8F |
| T ranquil Idol | 22| 185 | 165 | | | | | | | W K | 7-8F |
| E gotis tic al K ing | 23| 206 | 105 | | | | A B | W K | RF| RF| 7-8F |
| K iller T wins | 24| 160 | 48 | RS | W K | | RF| | | | 9-10F |
| Crying T able | 24| 139 | 177 | RS | RS | W K | RS | RS | | | 9-10F |
| W ondrous Magus | 25| 165 | 269 | | | | | | | | 9-10F |
| Grave B eetle | 26| 155 | 67 | | | | | | | RS | 9-10F |

*S um m oned by P urs uing P es c e

B os s
LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| Daring Gigas | 24| 928 | 100 | | | | | | NL| NL| 7F |
| S hadow K anji | 25| 2000| 1000| | | | | | NL| NL| 11F |
| Nic e Guy | 24| 800 | 700 | | RS | A B | | | NL| NL| 11F |
| T ough Guy | 24| 800 | 700 | A B | A B | | | | NL| NL| 11F |

B onus B os s
LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| Intolerant Offic er | 27| 3000| 1000| | | | W k| | NL| NL| 11F |

[6D] Marukyu S tripteas e
Des c ription:

Num bers of Floors : 11

How to A c c es s : S tarting from J une 24th

Firs t go to the P rac tic e B uilding 2nd floor of your s c hool. T hen
find the Ris ette Fanboy (Chubby S tudent) inbetween the artroom and
the res troom . Go to S hopping Dis tric t S outh and go to the Marukyu T ofu S hop
and s peak with Ris e's Grandm other. Next go to S am egawa Flood P lain and talk to
the "K ind Man" S tanding next to the trees . W ait till tom orrow and go bac k to
S am egawa Flood P lain and look for the P hotographer. S peak to him and pic k the
firs t c hoic e "T rade Inform ation" then pic k the firs t c hoic e again. W hen you
heard the Rhym e, Ris e dungeon is offic ally unloc ked.

T reas ure Lis t

| Regular Ches t |

P eac h S eed
S oul Drop
Life S tone
S nuff S oul
Revival B ead
B alm of Life

Firec rac kers
S an-zun T am a
Hell Magatam a
Ic e Cube
Fros t Magatam a
B all of Lighting
P inwheel
Y as hic hi
S upers onic
P urified S alt
Curs e P aper
Magic Mirror
Herc ulean S hield
Fire S ignal

Ches t K ey

converted by
Main Charac ter HP will be reduc ed.

| Rare Ches t |

S oul Food
Chewing S oul

Harlot's Merc y
P urple S uit
A rm ada B us tier

Fire S uppres s or
Ic e S uppres s or
Lighting S uppres s or
W ind S uppres s or

Flam e V ow
Ic e V ow
Oath of T hunders torm
Oath of Gale
A ngel's Feather
Fallen A ngel's Feather

Flam e P in
B rooc h of Lighting
B rooc h of W ind

Dis infec tant

Cool B eads
B ravery V es s el
B uddha of S erenity
S afety B elt
Dis guis e Mas k

P ower B elt
B at's Charm
T ails m an
W ing S trap
S ilver S poon
Falc on E ye

P atient Collar
A warenes s Note

B eas tiary
E nem ies

LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| Creation Relic | 27| 159 | 205 | | | | W K | | | | 1-4F |
| Mis s Gene | 27| 163 | 180 | | RS | | W K | | | | 1-4F |
| Rainy S is ter 3 | 28| 80 | 203 | A B | A B | W K | A B | A B | NL| NL| 1-4F *RO|
| Death S eeker | 28| 225 | 339 | | | | | | | | 1-4F |
| S oul Danc er | 28| 209 | 129 | | | | | | | | 1-4F |
| Idle B as alt | 29| 195 | 27 | RS | | W K | RS | | | | 3-4F |
| P ers is tent Fuzz | 29| 239 | 100 | | RF| RF| RF| RF| RF| RF| 3-4F & 7F|
| S onic Raven | 29| 239 | 84 | | W K | | A B | RS | | | 3-4F |
| Rain W heel | 30| 50 | 56 | A B | A B | A B | W K | A B | NL| NL| 3-4F *RO|
| S ky B alanc e | 30| 239 | 100 | RF| W K | RF| RF| RF| RF| RF| 9-10F |
| Ric h Hand | 30| 400 | 171 | | | | | | | | 1-10F |
| Liberating Idol | 31| 210 | 232 | | NL| W K | | RF| | | 5-10F |
| V enus E agle | 31| 216 | 140 | | | W K | | | | W K | 5-8F |
| S ilver Dic e | 31| 250 | 83 | RS | | | | | | | 7-10F |
| Forgotten Hablerie | 31| 250 | 133 | | NL| | W K | | | | 5-8F |
| Rainy B rothers 3 | 32| 99 | 20 | A B | A B | A B | A B | W K | NL| NL| 5-6F *RO|
| K illing Hand | 32| 208 | 179 | | | | | W K | W K | RS | 5-10F |
| E ns laved B eas t | 32| 228 | 91 | | W K | | | | | | 5-8F |
| B loom ing B am bino | 33| 260 | 194 | | | | | | | | 7-8F |
| A dam ant B eetle | 33| 140 | 116 | RF| | | | | | | 7-8F |
| Large B as alt | 33| 200 | 29 | RS | W K | | | | | | 7-8F |
| Rain Leg Mus ha | 34| 265 | 79 | A B | A B | A B | W K | A B | NL| NL| 7-8F*RO |
| Cham pion K night | 34| 265 | 116 | RS | | | | | | | 9-10F |
| Mighty Cyc lops | 35| 220 | 330 | | W K | A B | | | | | 9-10F |
| A rc ane T urret | 35| 546 | 264 | | | | | | | | 9-10F |

B os s
LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| A m orous s nake | 33| 999 | 148 | | W K | | | | RS | RS | 7F |
| S hadow Ris e | 35| 2800| 800 | | | | | | NL| NL| 11F |
| S hadow T eddie | 35| 5000| 1500| | | A B | | | NL| NL| 11F |

B onus B os s
LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| Mom entary Child | 37| 4500| 1000| | | W K | | | NL| NL| 11F |

[6E ] V oid Ques t
Des c ription:

Num bers of Floors : 10

How to A c c es s : S tarting from J uly 27th

Go to the Riverbed and s peak with K anji. Next, go to S hopping Dis tric t S outh
and s peak with Dojim a near the B us s top. W ait till tom orrow and then go to
J unes and s peak with A dac hi (if you m is s him , A dac hi c an only be found on
T ues day, T hurs day and S aturdays ). T hen go to S hopping Dis tric t North and
s peak to the owner of Univers ity of Food (T he Food s hop bes ide the J ob
B illboard). Com e bac k tom orrow and look for this s tudent on S hopping Dis tric t
S outh. (if you m is s him , he's only available on Monday, wednes day and Friday).
T he s tudent s hould give you a pic ture of Mits uo. Y ou have now unloc ked V oid
Ques t.

T reas ure Lis t

| Regular Ches t |

converted by
P eac h S eed
S oul Drop
Life S tone
S nuff S oul
A m rita S oda
Revival B ead
B alm of Life

Firec rac kers
Ic e Cube
S an-zun T am a
Hell Magatam a
Dry Ic e
Fros t Magatam a
B all of Lighting
T es la Coil
P inwheel
Y as hic hi
S m art B om b
A s s ault S ignal
S upers onic
P urifying W ater
S egaki Ric e
Curs e P aper
P hys ic al Mirror
Magic Mirror

Hom unc ulus
Ches t K ey

Main Charac ter HP or S P will be reduc ed.

| Rare Ches t |

B ead
Chewing S oul


T hief Dagger
Charm Drape
P aladin A rm or


Fire S uppres s or
Ic e S uppres s or
V olt S uppres s or
W ind S uppres s or

Flam e P in
S park P in
Gale P in

B laze V ow
B lizzard V ow
V olt V ow
S torm V ow
A ngel's Feather

Dis infec tant

Healthy Rec ipe
Cool B eads
B ravery V es s el
K id's Hac him aki
T ranquil B uddha

P ower T as uki
B at's Charm
Guard A rm let
Flight S trap
K im yaku B rac e

Falc on E ye

Land B adge
Mage's Mark
A m ateras u Fob
Moon P otpourri

T om e of Ignoranc e
B les s ed Hands
P atient Collar
Revenge Ring

| Fixed Ches t |

Ches t K ey X 3 on 3rd Floor

T he Orb of Darknes s on 7th floor

B eas tiary
E nem ies

LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| Dependent B as alt | 36| 162 | 23 | RS | | | | | W K | W K | 1-2F |
| Corrupt T ower | 36| 325 | 209 | | W K | | RS | | | | 1-2F |
| Rain S eeing Cas tle | 37| 220 | 296 | A B | A B | W K | A B | A B | | | 1-2F *RO|
| J us tic e S word | 37| 205 | 86 | | | | W K | | | | 1-4F |
| Lus tful S nake | 37| 255 | 157 | | | W K | | | | | 1-4F |
| Mad Cyc lops | 38| 134 | 245 | | W K | | | | | | 1-2F |
| B lind Cupid | 38| 210 | 184 | | | | RS | W K | | | 3-4F |
| A m enti Raven | 39| 155 | 117 | | | W K | | W K | | | 3-4F |
| S purious B ook | 39| 142 | 242 | | | | | | | | 3-4F |
| W him s ic al P apillon | 40| 254 | 334 | | | W K | | | | | 5-6F |
| Rainy S is ters 2 | 40| 42 | 40 | RF| RF| RF| W K | RF| | | 3-4F *RO|
| Fate S eeker | 40| 200 | 333 | NL| | | | W K | | | 3-4F |
| S uprem e Hand | 40| 500 | 200 | RS | NL| NL| NL| NL| NL| NL| 1-9F |
| A lm ighty Hand | 40| 284 | 238 | RS | | | | W K | | | 3-4F |
| S trength B eetle | 40| 180 | 164 | | RF| RF| RF| RF| RF| W K | 5-6F |
| Rain S eeing V as e | 41| 62 | 178 | A B | W K | A B | A B | A B | | | 5-6F *RO|
| A nguis h B as alt | 41| 122 | 19 | RS | | | | W K | | | 5-6F |
| B lue S igil | 42| 339 | 329 | | | | W k| | | | 5-6F |
| Rain Light W arrior | 42| 566 | 73 | | RF| RF| RF| RF| | | 5-6F *RO|
| A varic e B am bino | 42| 172 | 167 | | W K | | | | | | 7-8F |
| Rainy B rothers 2 | 43| 89 | 190 | RF| RF| W K | RF| RF| | | 7-8F *RO|
| Leading Idol | 43| 327 | 322 | | | | W K | | | | 7-9F |
| P latinum Dic e | 43| 256 | 59 | | | W K | | | | | 7-9F |
| A rdent Danc er | 44| 163 | 231 | | W K | | | | | | 7-9F |

converted by
| Monom aniac Fuzz | 44| 196 | 105 | | | | W K | | | | 7-9F |
| S teel Mac hine | 45| 65 | 55 | RS | RS | RS | RS | RS | | | 9F |
| B eas tly Gigas | 45| 234 | 94 | | | | | | | | 9F |
| P rotec tive Rexy | 46| 153 | 451 | | | | | | | | 9F |
| S c arlet T urret | 46| 355 | 246 | RS | | | | | | | 9F |

B os s
LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| K illing Hand | 42| 885 | 100 | | | | | | NL| NL| 7F |
| Mits uo the Hero | 45| 1400| 1000| | | | | | NL| NL| 10F |
| S hadow Mits uo | 45| 4000| 1000| | | | | | NL| NL| 10F |

B onus B os s
LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| Runaway S oldier | 47| 3864| 1000| RS | | | | | NL| NL| 10F |

T ips

E nem y Related

- S uprem e Hand

If you ever enc ounter the S uprem e Hand (Gold Hand S hadow), you m ight
have s om e trouble with it, bec aus e the Hand of S uprem ac y nulls m os t
A ttributes . Y ou c an kill it by us ing the following m ethods .

1 - Us ing an A lm ighty S pell

2 - P erform an Critc al, then us e A ll Out A ttac k.
3 - Us e a break s pell of any elem ent , then attac k him us ing
that elem ent.

- S teel Mac hine

T he S teel Mac hine does n't have m uc h HP only 65. However this is one of the
m os t troubles om e enem y ins ide of V oid Ques t, his defens e is ridic ulous ly
high m aking rendering m os t of your phys ic al attac k us eles s . T he bes t way
to deal with this troubles om e foe, is to m ake s ure you c arry s om e attac k
item s with you, bec aus e they deal a fix dam age , you c an ac tually kill thes e
s hadow in a s ingle hit. A ls o Light and Dark S pells work.

Dungeon Related
In the 3rd floor of V oid Ques t, the dungeon will s tart to warp your
c harac ters to the oppos ite direc ton of your m ovem ent.

In order to open the door on the 10F, you m us t obtain the key (T he Orb of
Darknes s )on 7F from the c hes t jus t beyond the Mini B os s (K illing Hand)
(T he Floor with the W arping Room s ).

[6F] S ec ret Laboratory
Des c ription:

Num bers of Floors : 10

How to A c c es s : S tarting from S eptem ber 16

T alk to the girl in front of Clas s room 1-1. Next go to the P rac tic e B uilding
firs t floor. T alk to a c ertain fem ale s tudent. Next go S hopping Dis tric t North
and s peak with the Cop (if you m is s him , he's only there on Monday, wednes day
and Friday) T hen go to the Riverbed and s peak to Chie. Go bac k to S hopping
Dis tric t North and s peak with the c op again. T hen talk to Hous ewive in front
of the s hrine. Com e bac k tom orrow and s peak with the Cop at s hopping Dis tric t
s outh (if you m is s him he's only there on T ues day, T hurs day and S aturday).
P ic k the third c hoic e, then the s ec ond c hoic e.

T reas ure Lis t

| Regular Ches t |

P eac h S eed
S oul Drop
Life S tone
S nuff S oul
A m rita S oda
Revival B ead
B alm of Life

S an-zun T am a
Hell Magatam a
Dry Ic e
Fros t Magatam a
A rc Magatam a
Y as hic hi
Cyc lone Magatam a
A s s ault S ignal
Herc ulean S hield
S upers onic
P urifying W ater
S egaki Ric e
Curs e P aper
P hys ic al Mirror

Hom unc ulus
V anis h B all
Ches t K ey

P arty's S P will be reduc ed

| Rare Ches t |

B ead
Chain B ead
Chewing S oul
S oul Food


Death S c udetto
Red B attles uit
P eac h B attles uit


Fire S uppres s or
Ic e S uppres s or
V olt S uppres s or
W ind S uppres s or

B laze P in
B lizzard P in
V olt P in
Gale P in

B laze V ow
B lizzard V ow
V olt V ow
S torm V ow
Fallen A ngel's Feather

Healthy Rec ipe

S afety B elt
B ravery V es s el

S pirit Hac him aki

Iron Charm
S peed S trap
Maneki Neko
Ryum aku B rac elet

converted by
Falc on E ye

Land B adge
S orc erer's Mark
Moon P otpourri
S igm a Drive
A warenes s Note
T om e of Ignoranc e
Repris al Chain

| Fixed Ches t |

Ches t K ey X 3 on 3rd Floor

T he Orb of Darknes s on 7th floor

B eas tiary
E nem ies

LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| Rainy S is ters 1 | 44| 110 | 193 | A B | W K | A B | A B | A B | NL| NL| 1-2F *RO|
| Rainy B rothers 1 | 44| 110 | 193 | A B | A B | A B | W K | A B | NL| NL| 1-2F *RO|
| S ourc e B as alt | 45| 170 | 44 | RS | | | | | W K | | 1-2F |
| Ins olent B as alt | 45| 190 | 25 | RS | | | W k| | | | 1-2F |
| Cons tanc y Relic | 46| 240 | 246 | RF| W K | | | RF| | | 1-2F |
| Flattering Hablerie | 47| 240 | 246 | | RF| W K | | | RS | RS | 1-2F |
| Inviting Nyogo | 47| 358 | 174 | | W K | RF| NL| | | | 1-2F |
| Royal Danc er | 47| 282 | 210 | | | | | | | | 1-2F |
| Flowing S and | 47| 274 | 351 | | RF| RF| RF| RF| | | 3-4F |
| Rainbow T wins | 48| 250 | 149 | | | W K | A B | | RF| | 3-4F *RO|
| Dis m ayed P anzer | 48| 320 | 164 | RS | | | W K | RF| | | 3-4F |
| Dogm atic T ower | 48| 259 | 339 | | RF| | RF| | | | 3-4F |
| Red S igil | 48| 247 | 405 | RS | A B | W K | RS | RS | NL| | 3-4F |
| S hallow Okina | 49| 267 | 322 | | | | W K | | RF| NL| 3-4F |
| Furious Gigas | 50| 318 | 117 | | RF| | RF| | | | 3-4F |
| Mighty B eas t | 50| 364 | 127 | RF| | W K | | | W K | RF| 5-6F |
| Opulent Hand | 50| 430 | 236 | | | | | | NL| NL| 1-8F |
| Raindrop Mus ha | 51| 999 | 119 | | W K | A B | A B | A B | NL| NL| 5-6F *RO|
| Chaos Fuzz | 51| 341 | 133 | | RF| RF| RF| RF| RF| RF| 5-6F |
| W ild Drive | 51| 270 | 120 | NL| | RF| W K | | | | 5-6F |
| Im m oral S nake | 52| 269 | 148 | | | | | NL| W K | W K | 5-6F |
| Fail Gene | 52| 263 | 315 | RS | | W K | | W K | | | 5-6F |
| Mec c a Fort | 52| 240 | 151 | NL| | | W K | | | | 5-6F |
| A lm ighty B alanc er | 52| 210 | 567 | RS | RS | RS | RS | RS | W K | W K | 5-6F |
| Mind Dic e | 53| 312 | 155 | | RS | RS | RS | RS | W K | W K | 7-8F |
| Order Giant | 53| 470 | 87 | RS | | W K | RF| | | | 7-8F |
| T ruth P es c e | 53| 212 | 138 | | W K | A B | | | W K | NL| 7-8F |
| W ic ked T urret | 53| 455 | 201 | RS | | | | | | | 7-8F |
| Fierc e Cyc lops | 53| 221 | 397 | | A B | NL| | | | | 7-8F |
| P ower Cas tle | 54| 299 | 385 | RF| RS | | NL| W K | | | 7-8F |
| E legant Mother | 54| 250 | 455 | | | RS | | NL| | W K | 7-8F |
| J otun of P ower | 54| 321 | 203 | RF| | A B | W K | | | RS | 7-8F |
| Hell K night | 55| 520 | 153 | | | | | NL| | RS | 7-8F |
| Dom inating Mac hine | 55| 3000| 112 | | | | | NL| NL| RS | 7-8F |

B os s
LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| Dom inating Mac hine | 53| 3000| 300 | | | | | | NL| NL| 4F |
| S hadow Naoto | 55| 5400| ????| | RS | | | | NL| NL| 10F |

B onus B os s
LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| E xtrem e V es s el | 57| 4800| 3000| | | | | W K | NL| NL| 10F |
T ips

Dungeon Related
In order to open the door on B 6F, firs t you have to go find the Res earc h Card
on B 6F. A fter finding the Res earc h Card, you c an open a c ertain door bac k on
B 4F. Open that door and you'll enc ounter the Mini B os s (Dom inating Mac hine).
A fter defeating him , you s hould find a Leader c ard. W ith this c ard you c an
open the door on B 6F.

[6G] Heaven
Des c ription:

Num bers of Floors : 10

How to A c c es s : A utom atic

T reas ure Lis t

| Regular Ches t |

P eac h S eed
S oul Drop
Life S tone
S nuff S oul
Revival B ead
B alm of Life


converted by
Firec rac kers
Dry Ic e
B all of Lighting
T es la Coil
Cyc lone Magatam a
S m art B om b
Curs e P aper
Magic Mirror
A s s ault S ignal

Ches t K ey
V anis h B all
Hom unc ulus

Main Charac ter HP will be reduc ed.
Random E nem y E nc ounter

| Rare Ches t |

S om a
S oul Food


S trega Claw
A m ateras u Hitoe
T s ukuyom i Nos hi


E ye of Flam e
Ic e God Charm
Lightning God Charm
W ind God Charm

Furnac e V ow
Ic ic le V ow
Odoros hi V ow
Hurric ane V ow
A ngel's Feather
Fallen A ngel's Feather

B laze P in
B lizzard P in
S torm P in

Gas Mas k
Frozen Ros e
B old B all
S akuran Hat
P itc h P ipes
Dis guis e Mas k

P ower B elt
Crow's Charm
T ails m an
S peed S trap
Maneki Neko
Falc on E ye

E arth B adge
S orc erer's Mark
A m ateras u Fob
Moon P otpourri

S igm a Drive
Om ega Drive
A warenes s Note
B les s ed Hand
T om e of Ignoranc e

B eas tiary
E nem ies

LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| P erpetual S and | 55| 161 | 263 | RS | W K | | | | | | 1F |
| P rim e Magus | 56| 364 | 472 | | RS | RS | | RS | | | 1-2F |
| Finic ky P apillon | 56| 187 | 331 | | | | | | | | 1-2F |
| Growth Relic | 56| 126 | 282 | RS | | | | | | | 2F |
| Dark E agle | 57| 312 | 197 | | W K | | | NL| | | 2F |
| B rave Fort | 57| 368 | 173 | | A B | | | | | W K | 2F |
| Mythic al Gigas | 57| 344 | 94 | | | | | | NL| NL| 2F |
| Ras h P anzer | 58| 284 | 113 | RS | | | | W K | | | 2F |
| Raindrop Cas tle | 58| 399 | 309 | RS | A B | A B | A B | W K | | NL| 2-4F *RO|
| Maniac al B ook | 58| 383 | 411 | | | W K | | W K | | | 2-4F |
| K iller Drive | 59| 126 | 282 | RS | | | | | | | 3-4F |
| A pos tate T ower | 59| 286 | 286 | | | | A B | W K | | | 3-4F |
| Carnal S nake | 59| 234 | 137 | | | W K | | | | | 3-4F |
| Curs e Dic e | 60| 400 | 271 | RS | RF| RF| RF| RF| W K | W K | 3-5F |
| Regal Mother | 60| 228 | 386 | | A B | | | | | | 3-5F |
| Luxury Hand | 60| 200 | 200 | NL| NL| NL| NL| NL| NL| NL| 1-9F |
| P hantom Lord | 61| 279 | 469 | | | A B | W K | A B | W K | NL| 3-5F |
| Dry Dixie | 61| 265 | 439 | | W K | | | A B | RS | RS | 5F |
| Rec kles s Okina | 61| 322 | 354 | | | | | | W K | NL| 5F |
| Devoted Cupid | 62| 297 | 354 | | | NL| | W K | | | 5-7F |
| A ngry T able | 62| 345 | 270 | RF| RF| RF| RF| W K | | | 5-7F |
| Light B alanc e | 62| 333 | 363 | | | | | | NL| NL| 5-7F |
| Chaos Cyc lops | 63| 587 | 318 | | | | RF| | NL| NL| 5-7F |
| S tas is Giant | 63| 456 | 96 | RS | | | | W K | | | 6-7F |
| Green S igil | 63| 444 | 424 | | | | A B | | W K | W K | 6-7F |
| B los s om Nyogo | 63| 205 | 188 | | | W K | RF| | | | 6-7F |
| Revelation P es c e | 63| 256 | 149 | | | RS | | | W K | | 6-7F |
| Convic tion S word | 64| 320 | 125 | | | | RS | W K | | | 8-9F |
| Natural Danc er | 64| 325 | 230 | | | W K | RS | | | | 8-9F |
| J otun of B lood | 65| 394 | 158 | | A B | | W K | | | W K | 8-9F |
| Intrepid K night | 65| 562 | 140 | RS | | | W K | | NL| NL| 8-9F |
| Rain W ind Mus ha | 65| 694 | 126 | | RF| A B | RF| A B | | | 8-9F *RO|

converted by
| Minotaur IV | 66| 424 | 143 | | | | | | | | 8-9F |
| Hallow T urret | 66| 776 | 146 | RF| | W K | | | W K | RS | 8-9F |

B os s
LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| W orld B alanc e | 63| 1356| 999+| | | | | | NL| NL| 7F |
| K uni No S agiri | ??| 8500| ????| | | | | | NL| NL| 10F |

B onus B os s
LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| Los t Okina | ??| 4008| ????| NL| | NL| | | NL| NL| 10F |

T ips

T o Defeat the Luxury Hand, you have to rely on 3 m ethods .

1.A void his phys ic al attac k, s o that will be knoc ked down, then
follow with an A ll-Out A ttac k.
2.Us ing a break s pell, then s tart us ing elem ent to dam age it.
3.Us ing a S pell with A lm ighty P roperty.

[6I] Magats u Inaba
Des c ription:

Num bers of Floors : Magats u Inaba = 3

Magats u Mandala = 6

How to A c c es s : On Dec em ber 5th

On Dec em ber 5th Y ou will have to inves tigate about the s pring inc ident.
Firs t go to S hopping Dis tric t North and S peak with the Hous ewife near the
S hrine. Y ou are given the c hoic e to as k them about the "s pring inc ident"
(1s t Choic e) and then "Have you s een any s us pic ious pers on" (2nd Choic e).
Make s ure you as k all the NP C with both ques tion. Next talk to the Old Man
bes ides her. W alk to the north end of S hopping Dis tric t North and you'll s ee
a m an wearing a Gas m as k. A s k him both ques tions . T hen find the S alary
Man near Ris e. Go bac k to S hopping Dis tric t S outh and s peak with Fem ale S tudent
near Y os uke. T hen the old lady near the pos t light. Next go to J unes and s peak
with the Fem ale S tudent. Next go to the S am egawa Flood P lain and s peak with
the S m iling Man and then the old m an at the very wes t s ide of the S am egawa
Flood P lain. W hen its done, you'll be autom atic ally go to A iya Res taturant.
E ventally Y ou, Y os uke and Naoto will walk outs ide and have a dis c us s ion on who
the real c rim inal is . P ic k the right one to unloc k the dungeon.(P ic k it wrong
one three tim es and you will s ee the bad ending ins tead.)
B eas tiary

Magats u Inaba
E nem ies
LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| A gitating Hablerie | 66| 238 | 280 | | W K | | | | | | 1F |
| J upiter E agle | 67| 296 | 229 | | | | W K | A B | | | 1-2F |
| Fic kle P apillon | 67| 280 | 100 | | | | | W K | | NL| 1-2F |
| Infinite S and | 67| 196 | 197 | | | | W K | | | | 2F |
| V ehem ent Idol | 68| 301 | 487 | | W K | | | | NL| W K | 1-2F |
Magats u Mandala
E nem ies
LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| Free B am bino * | 66| 254 | 170 | | RS | RS | RS | RS | NL| NL| 1-3F |
| Great K ing | 68| 359 | 199 | RS | | | | W K | RF| RF| 1-3F |
| Fanatic T ower | 69| 325 | 422 | RS | | | W K | NL| NL| NL| 1-3F |
| A m orous S nake | 69| 268 | 183 | | | W K | | | RF| W K | 1-3F & 6F|
| P is til Mother | 69| 293 | 483 | | | RF| W K | | | | 1F |
| K ing Cas tle | 69| 350 | 243 | NL| | | | | W K | W K | 1F |
| Glorious Hand ** | 70| 9999| 288 | RS | | | | | | | 1-3F |
| Y earning P ot | 70| 298 | 230 | | A B | | | | W K | RF| 1-3F |
| Nem ean B eas t | 70| 362 | 155 | | | | | | | | 1-3F |
| S leeping T able | 71| 255 | 60 | RF| W K | | | | NL| NL| 2-3F |
| V aluing Nyogo | 72| 283 | 206 | | A B | W K | | | | | 2-5F |
| B attle W heel | 72| 278 | 194 | RS | | | | | NL| W K | 2-3F |
| J udgem ent S word | 72| 388 | 139 | RS | W K | NL| | | | | 4-6F |
| Harem Danc er | 73| 368 | 294 | | NL| | | | NL| NL| 4-5F |
| Happy Gene | 73| 193 | 354 | | | | | | W K | W K | 4-6F |
| B rilliant Cyc lops | 73| 324 | 285 | | | | | A B | NL| NL| 6F |
| Noble S eeker | 74| 238 | 634 | NL| RF| | | W K | | | 6F |
| E arnes t Carothy | 74| 420 | 629 | | | | | | W K | W K | 6F |
| S laughter Drive | 74| 311 | 150 | | | | W K | | | | 6F |
| Conc eited P anzer | 75| 270 | 254 | NL| | | | | | | 6F |
| P hantom K ing | 75| 600 | 122 | | | | | | W K | NL| 4-6F |
| S pas tic T urret | 75| 330 | 429 | | A B | | W K | | NL| NL| 6F |
| Minotaur III | 75| 290 | 234 | | RF| | A B | W K | | | 6F |
| Minotaur II | 75| 451 | 583 | RF| A B | | W K | A B | | | 6F |
| Minotaur I | 75| 357 | 310 | | W K | | RF| A B | | | 6F |
| Harm ony Giant | 77| 305 | 128 | | | | | RF| | | 6F |

* Free B am bino is s um m oned by Great K ing

** W hen you analys e the Glorious Hand his HP appears to be 999,

but the ac tual HP is 9999.

[6J ] Y om ots u Hiras aka
Des c ription:

Num bers of Floors : 10

How to A c c es s : On Marc h 20th

T rue E nding path only. Firs t you have talk to all of the S oc ial
Links (One with the Maxed Ranking). Onc e it's done, you'll autom atic ally
given the option to go hom e, s elec t the 2nd c hoic e "No".

Next vis it the J une's Food Court and exam ine the elevator.

converted by
It'll give you the c hoic e to go hom e again. S elec t the 2nd
c hoic e "No". T hen exam ine the elevator again and pic k the firs t
c hoic e "I got s om e unfinis h m atters ." to vis it the food c ourt.

A fter this c uts c ene. Go to the Riverbed and s peak to Dojim a and then
Nanako. Nanako will give you a s um m ary on what you did on your firs t day.

Next, head to the V elvet Room . Igor will give you the Orb of Clarity. If this
is your s ec ond playthrough, Igor will als o give you the Inviation Card
whic h allows you to fight the S ec ret B os s .

Now go to S hopping Dis tric t S outh, and s peak to the gas s tation
worker (Its really c los e to the entranc e). Y ou'll then as k him a
s eries of ques tion. K eep talking to him , until you have m ade the
right c hoic es . he'll reveal his true idenity. Y ou c an now ac c es s
Y om ots u Hiras aka.

B eas tiary
E nem ies
LV HP S P P H Fi Ic E l W i Li Da Loc ated
| W rathful B ook | 76| 382 | 445 | | | | | | RF| RF| 1F |
| Divine Mother | 76| 415 | 200 | | W K | A B | A B | W K | | | 1F |
| Crazy T wins | 76| 444 | 169 | A B | W K | | | | W K | NL| 1-2F |
| P ure P apillon | 76| 305 | 511 | | | | | | | | 1-3F |
| P rim itive Idol | 77| 338 | 523 | | | | | | | | 2-3F |
| E m peror B eetle | 77| 274 | 231 | RS | | | W K | | | | 2-3F |
| S ilent Nyogo | 77| 430 | 179 | | | | | | | | 2-3F |
| Grudge T ower | 78| 358 | 475 | | A B | W K | | | | | 3-4F |
| Mis tres s P ot | 78| 385 | 218 | RF| W K | W K | W K | W K | RF| RF| 3-4F |
| P hantom Hero | 78| 325 | 438 | | W K | | | | RF| W K | 3-4F |
| Grand Magus | 79| 409 | 644 | RS | RS | W K | RS | W K | | W K | 3-4F |
| Grac ious Cupid | 79| 262 | 252 | | | | | | | | 4-5F |
| Doom S word | 79| 437 | 149 | | | W K | | | NL| W K | 4-5F |
| E ternal E agle | 79| 395 | 262 | | RS | W K | | | | | 5-6F |
| Moon Okina | 80| 345 | 383 | RS | | RF| W K | | | | 5-6F |
| J otun of Grief | 80| 345 | 383 | RS | | | | W K | W K | NL| 5-6F |
| Next Gene | 80| 625 | 339 | W K | A B | A B | A B | A B | | | 5-6F |
| B erzerk T urret | 80| 854 | 174 | RS | | | W K | | | | 6F |
| S toic S nake | 81| 345 | 259 | RS | W K | | | | | | 6-7F |
| P tarm igan P anzer | 81| 521 | 120 | | | | | | | | 6-7F |
| Rebellious Cyc lops | 81| 308 | 428 | | | W K | NL| | | | 6-7F |
| A c heron S eeker | 81| 223 | 208 | | A B | A B | A B | A B | W K | | 7F |
| B rilliant K ing | 81| 246 | 256 | RS | | | | | NL| NL| 7-8F |
| Ram page Drive | 81| 385 | 169 | | | | W K | RS | | | 7F |
| E l Dorado B eas t | 82| 408 | 94 | | | W K | | | NL| NL| 7-8F |
| Neo Minotaur | 82| 5100| 379 | RS | W K | | | | | | 6-8F |
| Rec koning Dic e | 82| 500 | 189 | | RF| RF| RF| RF| | | 8F |
| V oid Giant | 82| 822 | 133 | | NL| NL| NL| NL| NL| NL| 8F |
| Heartles s Mac hine | 83| 100 | 130 | RS | RS | RS | RS | RS | | | 8F |

[P DS ] B OS S Lis t

*A ny S kill with a * highlighted is a unique s kill for B os s es only.

*T he rec om m ended level that I s ugges t fighting bos s es is a Level near

the B os s level. S om ewhere c los e or higher.

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| ??? | ??| ????| ???| | | | | | | |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills : |
| Found at:??? on A pril 11 |

T here's is nothing you c an do in this battle.

Y ou aren't s uppos e to win anyway.

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| S hadow Y os uke | 3| 300| 200| S tr | | | W eak| | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :*W ind of Oblivion, P ower Charge |
| Found at:T wis ted S hopping Dis tric t on A pril 15 |

Rec om m ended P ers onas : Izanagi

T his is your firs t real bos s . J us t keep us ing Zio to knoc k him down.
If your HP gets low us e the healing item s you have.

Y ukiko's Cas tle

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Chie's S hadow | 6| 1000| 500| S tr | | | | W eak| Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :Green W all, Mazio, *B ottom les s J ealous ly |
| Found at: Y ukiko's Cas tle 2F |

Rec om m ended P ers onas : Izanagi

S witc h Y os uke to direc t c om m and. A nd us e Garu to knoc k her down.

T hen us e A ll-out attac k. A fter this Chie will c as t green wall on
hers elf whic h protec ts her agains t wind attac ks . Y ou s hould then go
for an all phys ic al attac k. W hen Chie is about to los e her s hield s he
will c as t Mazio whic h c an knoc k down Y os uke, s o m ake s ure you have Y os uke
guard when this happens .

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| A venger K night | 11| 430| 87| S tr | | | | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :S kewer,P ois onous S kewer |
| Found at:Y ukiko's Cas tle 5F |

Rec om m ended P ers onas : Izanagi

T he A venger K night has very high attac k power, whic h c an kill your party
m em bers ins tantly. S o the firs t thing to do is c as t T arunda with your
Main Charac ter to lower his attac k power. Y ou c an als o c as t Rakunda to
lower his defens e, A fter that keep s pam ing m agic and try to keep your
HP full and vic tory s hall be yours . If you don't have any of thos e s kills

converted by
I s ugges t keeping the Main c harac ter HP high or have him guard often to
prevent him from be killed in a s ingle blow.

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Y ukiko's S hadow | 15| 1050| 800| | A bs | | | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :A gi, S um m on, A s s ault Dive, Matarunda, *Rondo of T rem ble |
| *B urn to A s hes , W hite W all, Double Fangs |
| Found at:Y ukiko's Cas tle 8F |

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| P rinc e Charm ing | 14| 850| 450| | | W eak| | S tr | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :Diaram a, S ukaja, *T eller V oic e, Life Drain, S ukukaja, |
| Cleave |
| Found at:Y ukiko's Cas tle 8F |

Rec om m ended P ers onas : Obariyon , S enri

B efore you s tart this battle, I highly rec om m end you to bring a fire
im m une P ers ona. A nyways Y ukiko does n't do anything s erious until s he los e
a bit of health firs t. S he s tarts by only c as ting A gi on your party m em bers .
Nothing too Dangerous , but if s he does target Chie it'll do s om e dam age. W hen
her health drops down about 20% Y ukiko's S hadow will s um m on a s m all S hadow,
"P rinc e Charm ing ". T his whole battle c an be finis h without defeating P rinc e
Charm ing, I s ugges t you foc us your priorities on Y ukiko. K eep P rinc e Charm ing
knoc ked down by c as ting an Ic e S pell on it, then us e that extra turn to do s om e
extra dam age on Y ukiko. W hen Y ukiko los t about 35% of her HP or s o s he will
begin to c as t this nas ty attac k all fire s pell "B urn to A s hes ". T his c an kill
Chie ins tantly, and knoc k her down (if s he's not guarding).

****B onus B os s ****
Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| Contrarian K ing | 17| 1600| 500| | A bs | | | Null| Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :Red W all, K ill Rus h, Hys teria s lap, Ram page, Matarunda |
| Found at:Y ukiko's Cas tle 8F (A fter Clearing Dungeon) |

Rec om m ended P ers onas : P ers ona with the S kill T arunda and Media.

T his is the bonus bos s for Y ukiko's Cas tle. T he K ing appears to be not all
m enac ing , his attac ks often m is s your party m em bers . T ry to have a P ers ona
that has the ability "T arunda" s o you c an lower his attac k power. B ec aus e
if your level is low, "Ram page" c an kill your entire party ins tantly.

T he S team y B ath Hous e

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Daring Gigas | 24| 928| 100| | | | | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :T arukaja, Rebellion, P ower Charge, S ingle S hot, Counter, |
| S harp S tudent |
| Found at:T he S team y B ath Hous e 7F |

T he Daring Gigas is not a m enac ing foe. T he gigas only have attac ks
that c an hit one party m em ber at a tim e, however his high c ritic al
rate c an be dangerous . T ry to have a party m em ber that foc us on phys ic al
attac ks and tried to knoc k him down with a c ritic al. B ec aus e all out
attac k works pretty well on him . Make s ure you us e the guard c om m and
on your Main Charac ter when the Giga c as t P ower Charge.

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| S hadow K anji | 25| 2000| 1000| | | | | | Null| Null|
| --------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills : P ower Charge, S wift S trike, Dead E nd, *Roars of W raith |
| *Fantaic al S park,*Forbidden Murm ur, T etrakar, S pirit Drain |
| Found at:T he S team y B ath Hous e 11F |

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Nic e Guy | 24| 800| 700| | S tr | A bs | | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :Clos edi, Heat Ris er, W hite W all, Diaram a, Dia, T arukaja |
Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| T ough Guy | 24| 800| 700| A bs | S tr | | | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :Dekaja, Ram page, K ill Rus h |
Rec om m end P ers onas : P ers onas with the S kill Dekaja, T arunda.

K anji's B os s battle c an be quite annoying bec aus e of the two extra

helpers . I s ugges t you take c are of T ough Guy firs t bec aus e he is the
eas ies t one to get rid off OR you c an go after Nic e Guy bec aus e of his
s upport abilities . J us t m ake s ure you have Y os uke c as t Dekaja every tim e
when K anji rec eives a boos t. A fter you have taken c are of the helpers you
c an go s traight for K anji. One thing to m ake s ure of, have your Main c harac ter
us e the guard c om m and when K anji us e P ower c harge. B ec aus e his S wift S trike c an
random ly kill your Main Charac ter ins tantly (If he got hit 3 tim es in row)
if his K anji's attac k power has been buffed.

Nels on's S trategy

Rec om m ended Level 3X

Get rid of Nic e Guy firs t, bec aus e of his s upport s kills .
T hen after that jus t foc us on K anji and leave T ough Guy

****B onus B os s ****

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Intolerant Offic er | 27| 3000| 1000| | | | W eak| | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :Garula, B ufula, S ingle S hot, P ois onus A rrow |
| Found at:T he S team y B ath Hous e 11F (A fter Clearing Dungeon) |

T he B onus B os s is quite eas y s im ply bec aus e of his weaknes s towards

lighting. J us t bring in K anji and us e Zio attac ks on him and knoc k
him down. T ried to us e all out attac ks as m uc h as you c an and the
battle s hould be over fairly quic k.

Marukyu S tripteas e

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| A m orous s nake | 33| 999| 148| | W eak| | | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :S tagnant A ir,V irus W ave,Mind S lic e,Life Drain,S harp S tudent|
| Found at:Marukyu S tripteas e 7F |

T he A m orous S nake is ac utally a really eas y bos s battle es pec ially if

you figure out his weaknes s quic k enough and exploit them . B ut if you keep
battle on too long, the S nake will try to us e S tagnant A ir follow by a V irus
W ave to pois on your entire party. J us t m ake s ure you keep your HP High.

*Galac tic P unt W orks .

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| S hadow Ris e | 35| 2800| 800| | | | | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :A gi,Maragi,Mind S lic e, A gilao, Fire B reak, Ic e B reak |
| *S uprem e Ins ight |
| Found at:Marukyu S tripteas e 11F |

S hadow Ris e does not have any nas ty attac ks , s o jus t keep c as ting
m agic s pells on her bec aus e they do the bes t dam age. A s s he los e
about 60% of a her HP s he'll us e a s kill c alled S uprem e Ins ight. W hen
that happens you c an't hit her with any of your s kills . J us t try to
s tay alive for another 3 turns and a c uts c ene will happen. Overall
quite eas y.

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| S hadow T eddie | 35| 5000| 1500| | | | | | Null| Null|

converted by
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :Ic e B reak, Mind Charge, Mabufula, Heat W ave, Marakunda, |
| Dekunda, Foolis h W his per, B ufudyne,*Ultra c harge,* Nihil Hand |
| *Nullity Guidanc e |
| Found at:Marukyu S tripteas e 11F |
Rec om m end P ers ona: Unic orn
Ic e Im m une P ers onas .

W ell the good news is , your party will be fully rec overed before
the fight. I highly rec om m end you to bring an ic e im m uned P ers ona
(Unic orn works ). S hadow T eddie likes to us e Mind Charge then follow
with Mabufula. T his m ake the battle alot m ore c onvenient without
having to worry about his ic e attac ks . If you do have Y ukiko in your
party, m ake s ure you have her to us e the guard c om m and everytim e when
T eddie us e his Charge. E ventally after T eddie s uffered s om e HP los s ,
he will us e a s kill c all Ultra Charge, then follow with another attac k
c alled Nihil Hand on his next turn. T he Nihil Hand c an be c om pletely
nullifed when you us e the Guard c om m and. S o jus t take the opportunity
to s trike T eddie when he us e his Charge S kill and Guard when he is
going to c as t Nihil Hand. A fter this , T eddie's pattern c hanged a bit.
He'll will us e Marakunda to lower your defens e and follow with Heat W ave
on his next turn whic h c an s erious ly hurt your party. T eddie's pattern
will then go in a random order from his previous patterns .

****B onus B os s ****

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Mom entary Child | 37| 4500| 1000| | | W eak| | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills : Ram page, Deathbound, Herc ulean S trike, A s s ault Dive, |
| Rebellion,T arukaja |
| Found at:Marukyu S tripteas e 11F (A fter Clearing Dungeon) |

Firs t m ake s ure you bring in an Ic e Us er in your party s uc h as Chie or T eddie.

T hen have them exploit the bos s 's weaknes s and keep on us ing A ll-out attac ks .
J us t m ake s ure you heal your party every tim e he c as t his Herc ulean S trike on
your party. Overall a really eas y bos s .

V oid Ques t

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| K illing Hand | 37| 800| 100| | | | | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills : S um m on (A lm ighty Hand) |
| Found at:V oid Ques t 7th Chapter |

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| A lm ighty Hand | 40| 284| 238| S tr | | | | W eak| | |

Not m uc h of a pus hover, the K illing Hand is weak agains t fire. However
the K illing Hand will s um m on A lm ighty Hand for help on his firs t turn. Y ou
c a knoc k the two of them down and us e all out attac ks . B ut I s ugges t you
aim for A lm ighty Hand firs t bec aus e of his s upporting abilities
(Healing and S tatus boos t). Onc e you defeated A lm ighty Hand, foc us all
your attac ks on the K illing Hand.

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Mits uo the Hero | 45| 1400| 1000| | | | | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills : * A T T A CK , * MA GIC , * IT E M |
| Found at:V oid Ques t Las t Chapter (10F) |

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| S hadow Mits uo | 45| 4000| 1000| | | | | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills : Devil's S m ile, Ghas tly W ail,Megidola,A rm Chopper, Dekaja, |
| (A ny E lem ent)-W all , (A ny E lem ent)-Dyne, |
| Found at:V oid Ques t Las t Chapter (10F) |

T his bos s battle c an be rather annoying depending on your s ituation.

Firs t you will have to fight "Mits uo the Hero" a bit 8bit vers ion
of Mits uo. Mits uo c an s elec t 2 c om m and per every turn, whic h he'll will
be either attac k or item (Caus e E xhaus tion on target). S o m ake s ure
you us e all your buff s kills to m ake this battle m uc h eas ier.

Onc e the 8bit vers ion of Mits uo is defeated, you'll fight Mits uo's
S hadow. Mits uo S hadow will try nullify your boos t and attac k
your party with a dyne s pell of a c ertain elem ent. If he happens
to knoc k your party m em ber down, Mits uo will c as t Megidola whic h
will c aus e roughly around 180 to 200 dam age to your entire party,
s o watc h out. Mits uo als o has a pattern of c as ting Devil's S m ile
on one turn follow by Ghas tly W ail to kill your party m em bers ins tantly
if they have the fear s tatus .

E ventally Mits uo will us e a s kill to res urrec t his 8bit c ounterpart,

it requires him to us e this s kill3 tim es , but it c an be prevented if you
knoc k down Mits uo by doing enough dam age to Mits uo. If he res urrec ts
8 bit Mits uo, you'll have to defeat the 8bit vers ion again before you c an do
any further dam age to Mits uo's S hadow.

****B onus B os s ****

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| E s c apis t S oldier | 45| 4000| 1000| | | | | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills : S tagnant A ir, Mind S lic e, Crazy Chain, A rm Chopper,Mudoon,|
| Foul B reath, B lade of Fury |
| Found at:V oid Ques t Las t Chapter (10F) |

T his bos s is s im ilar to the Giant S oldier of S teel that you enc ounter
in V oid Ques t. E xc ept the E s c ape S olider takes large dam age ins tead
of 1 to 2. T he bos s is n't really m enac ing, bec aus e his phys ic al attac ks
c an only hurt one party m em ber at a tim e. J us t m ake s ure you keep your
m ain c harac ter alive for the whole battle and you s hould be fine.

S ec ret laboratory

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Dom inating Mac hine| 53| 3000| 300| | | | | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills : P ower Charge, Herc ulean S trike, S elf-Des truc t |
| Found at:S ec ret laboratory B 6F |

T he Dom inating Mac hine has a repeating pattern of c as ting P ower Charge
then follow with a Herc ulean S trike. S o m ake s ure you bring in a us er
that c an c as t Mediaram a to keep your HP high or a null phys ic al P ers ona.
W hen his HP is down to 25% he'll s elf Des truc t in 3 turns (Don't worry, you
will s till get exp even when he s elf des truc ts ). Overall not to diffic ult.

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Naoto's S hadow | 55| 5400| ???| | S tr | | | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :*E lem ent Zero, Heat Ris er, *Muting Ray , Debilitate , |
| *Gargarian E yes ,B rave B lade ,A ny E lem ent-Dyne, Ma-A ny E lem ent-dyne|
| Found at:S ec ret laboratory B 9F |

Naoto will s tarts this battle with only phys ic al attac ks and m aybe
Muting ray (Dam age both HP ,S P and c aus e S lienc e). Her pattern will
s tarts to c hange after los ing 30% of her HP , s he will s tart to c as t
E lem ent Zero to nullify all your elem ental res is tanc es . Naoto will
then c as t an attac k-all elem ent attac k (whic h c an be any elem ent) on
your party m em bers . If s he happens to get ONE MORE s he will c as t Heat
Rais er on hers elf (A ll B oos t). T his battle is extrem ely eas y
If you have Magic m irrors or the s kill Makarakan, bec aus e Naoto
likes to exploit your c harac ter's weaknes s (E xam ple: If s he dis c overed
Y ukiko is weak to fire, Naoto will then c as t only B ufu S pells ).

****B onus B os s ****

converted by
Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| E xtrem e V es s el | ??| 4887| ???| | | | | W eak| Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills : P ower Charge, God Hand, Mind Charge, Rebellion, |
| V irus W ave, Cruel A ttac k, A ny E lem ent-Dyne, Ma- A ny E lem ent- Dyne |
| Found at:S ec ret laboratory B 9F (A fter Clearing) |

B efore you s tart this battle, bring in a pers ona that c an us e wind
abilities . T his battle is really eas y if you keep exploiting his
weaknes s to wind and pull an all out attac k on it. T he bos s does n't
have any s erious attac ks , but if he us e P ower c harge and god hand together,
it will kill your one of your c harac ters ins tantly. S o watc h out for
that. A nd try to Guard on your next turn whenever he us e Mind Charge.

Heaven P aradis e
Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| W orld B alanc e | 63| 1356| 999+| | | | | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :A gidyne, Garudyne, B ufudyne, Ziodyne, Mind Charge |
| Found at:Heaven P aradis e 7th Heaven |

T his bos s only has a pattern of us ing Mind Charge then a Dyne
s pell of a c ertain elem ent, us ually killing a s ingle c harac ter
at a tim e. If you brought in a P ers ona with the s kill Makarakan
you s hould able to take down this bos s in about 3 turns by reflec ting
m agic at him . If not look for Magic Mirrors in your inventory. If
you don't have any Magic Mirrors or the s kill Makarakan, I s ugges t
you try to keep your m ain c harac ter alive, and have your party m em bers
attac k him .

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| K uni No S agiri | ??| 8500| ????| | | | | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :*Quad Coverage, S uper S pirit Drain, *Uns haken J us tic e |
| *Makara B reak, A ny-E lem ent Dyne, Ma-A ny E lem ent-Dyne |
| Found at:Heaven P aradis e 10th Heaven |

T his bos s battle requires you bring P ers onas that are at leas t im m une
to c ertain elem ents (Reflec t would be bes t). A nyways K uni No S agiri
will c as t a Dyne s pell of a c ertain elem ents at you. s om etim es he
would drain MP from you. A ls o the bos s would nullify your Makarakan
and S tatus boos t onc e in a while. W hen he los e 25% of its HP ,he'll then
c as t Quad Coverage whic h boos t a c ertain elem ent of his attac k by 4 tim es .
Have your party guard until you figure out what elem ent he will c as t.
Onc e you figure out, s witc h to a pers ona that that nulls that elem ent.
T hen attac k him with full forc e of the s am e elem ent. It'll do 4x tim es
the dam age on the bos s . If you don't have a m atc hing pers ona with you,
I s ugges t you us e the s kill Makarakan or the item Magic Mirror.
K uni No S agiri will s tay with this pattern until he los e 75% of his
HP . K uni No S agiri will s tart a new pattern by m ind c ontrolling your
party. S witc h to a pers ona that is either im m une to phys ic al and
keep your HP high until you regain c ontrol of your party. He'll then c as t
Uns haken J us tic e nearly every turn (Does about 200 dm g to your entire
party). Foc us on A ttac king him and heal your party often.

****B onus B os s ****
Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| Los t Okina | ??| 4008| 500| Null| | A bs | | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :Mus tard B om b, S uper S pirit Drain, Matarunda, Megidola |
| A ny-E lem ent Dyne, Ma-A ny E lem ent-Dyne, Makarakam |
| Found at:Heaven P aradis e 10th Heaven (A fter Clearing) |

Los t Okina is im m une to P hys ic al attac ks , you will have to rely on m agic
attac ks to defeat him . I rec om m end you to bring a P ers ona with a Dyne s pell
(A nd don't bring T eddie unles s you want him to be the healer, B ec aus e
the bos s is im m une to ic e). T his bos s us ually c as t a dyne s pell of a random
elem ent and eventally he'll try to S lienc e your party. J us t m ake s ure you
brought item s that c an c ure S lienc e. I s ugges t you to us e Mind Charge then
attac k him with a Dyne s pell. He als o us es S pirit Drain, s o you m ight have to
us e your expens ive S P rec overy item to defeat him .

Magats u Inaba

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Fac e of Dis order | 70| 600| 124| | | | | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :S um m on |
| Found at:Magats u Mandala 3rd W orld |

Really eas y bos s fight. Fac e of Dis order will either c all a friend
for help, or jus t attac k you. T he tric k to this battle is that you
have to kill them all at the s am e tim e, if you don't they will c all
another Fac e of Dis order, dragging the bos s m uc h longer then it s uppos e
to be.

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| E nvious Giant | 75| 3333| 3333| | S tr | S tr | A bs | S tr | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :Megidolaon, Hyper Counter, T entarafoo |
| Found at:Magats u Mandala 6th W orld |

T his bos s is alm os t a pus hover, but you have to keep your HP
high bec aus e of his Megidolaon s pell. T he bos s has s trong m agic al
res is tanc es , however his phys ic al defens e is not s o great. S o
us e your s tronges t phys ic al attac ks on him (S uc h as God Hand with
P ower Charge).

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| ??? | 73| 4200| ????| | | | | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills : Heat Ris er, Mudoon, V orpal B lade, Devil S m ile, Ziodyne |
| Ghas tly W ail, Ma-A ny E lem ent-Dyne, Dekaja |
| Found at: Magats u T own T hird Floor |
NOT E : T o prevent s poilers , I have blanked out the nam e of this bos s .

??? is n't all too tough, he s tarts the battle by c as ting s tatus boos t
on him s elf then c as ting V orpal B lade right after. If you c arry a P ers ona
that is im m une to phys ic al attac ks , this bos s is going to be a joke. A ls o
onc e in a while ??? will c as t a dyne s pell on your party.

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| A m enos agiri | 75| 8000| ????| | | | | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :Megidola, God's J udgem ent, A gneyas tra, Mind Charge |
| Fool's W his per, S ukukaja, Dekaja, Dekunda, T arukaja, *Quake |
| Ma-A ny E lem ent Dyne, (A ll S tatus Down type S kill),Fog of Confus ion|
| *Nebula Oc ulus , Gargarian E yes |
| Found at: Magats u T own T hird Floor |

A m enos agiri has lower defens e then the previous bos s , s o he'll go down m uc h
quic ker, however A m enos agiri has two turns on every attac k m aking him
a m uc h m ore fears om e opponent. A m enos agiri us ually c as t a dyne s pell of
s om e s ort follow by a m ove c alled God's J udgem ent (Cuts HP in half (Light
E lem ent) or a phys ic al attac k. If A m enos agiri us es the s kill Quake it will
be follow with the s pell the Fog of Confus ion. Y ou c annot hit at A m enos agiri
when the Fog of Confus ion is ac tivated. During this phas e you will have to wait
till he c om e bac k up. T he bos s will then c as t Mind Charge, and will s tart to
c as t s tatus boos t on him s elf. Quic kly debuff him , and guard on your next turn,
bec aus e he'll us e his eye las er attac k whic h c an ins tantly wipeout your
entire party if you do not guard. K eep this pattern until he is defeated.

Y om ots u Hiras aka

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Neo Minotaur | 78| 4240| 100| | | | | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :Ram page |

converted by
| Found at: Y om ots u Hiras aka T hird Floor |
T his bos s is really eas y, his defens e is really low, s o anything
you c as t on him c an eas ily do over 500 dam age on him . If you are
having s om e s erious trouble with him , us e a P ers ona that is im m une to
phys ic al attac ks .

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| S leeping table | 82| 2000| 2000| | | | | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :Devil's S m ile, Maham aon ,Megidolaon,Maragidyne,Ghas tly W ail|
| Found at: Y om ots u Hiras aka S ixth Floor |

T he s leeping T able relies on ins tant kill attac ks to defeat your party.
His HP is n't too high, s o you c an take him down before anything he c an
do anything s erious . Make s ure you c ure your fear s tatus to prevent
yours elf or your party from being ins tant kill by Ghas tly W ail.

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Izanam i | 90| 3500| ----| | | | | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :A ny E lem ent-Dyne, Ma-A ny E lem ent Dyne, Megidolaon, |
| Mind Charge, S tagnant A ir, Fool's W his per, Ham aon |
| Found at: Y om ots u Hiras aka Nineth Floor |

Izanam i is not too dangerous , s he us ually c as t a dyne s pell on your (Or

an alm ighty s pell) entire party whic h does up to a total of 200 to 300 dam age
depending on the c harac ter. J us t m ake s ure you guard her attac ks right after
s he us e Mind Charge. K eep your HP high and you s hould take her down in no tim e.
W hen her HP reac h 0, s he will not die until 4 turns later. A fterwards a
c uts c ene will oc c ur with the protagonis t.

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Izanam i Okam i | 90| 8000| ----| | | | A bs | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :A ny E lem ent-Dyne, Ma-A ny E lem ent Dyne, Megidolaon, |
| Dekaja, A ny S tatus down s kills , Debilitate, A gneyas tra |
| Mind Charge, S tagnant A ir, Fool's W his per, *Fury of Y as ogam i |
| P ower Charge, *K uro Ikazuc hi, *E nd of the W orld, Gargarian E yes |
| *S um m ons to Y om i, *Devil's J udgem ent, *T hous and Curs es |
| Found at: Y om ots u Hiras aka Nineth Floor |

Izanam i Okam i is really s im ilar to her firs t form , ins tead of having one
turn, s he now has two turns m aking her m ore devas ting. I rec om m end you
to have the s kill Debilitate (Lower A im , Def and A tk)to m ake her les s
dangerous . If you are playing on E xpert Mode, i rec om m end you to guard
often bec aus e her s kills c an kill your entire party ins tantly if you're
not keeping your guard. One note, m ake s ure you guard at all tim es when
s he us e S tagnant A ir or Mind Charge, bec aus e one of her attac ks will ins tant
kill a c harac ter if they have any s tatus alim ents on. W hen you bring her
HP to 0, s he will s lowly elim inate your party. Leading a c ut s c ene for you
to unloc k Izanagi no Okam i. Us e the s kill Myriad T ruths to finis h her off
onc e and for all.

E xtra B os s
Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| T he Reaper | 85| 5000| 12000| | | | | | Null| Null|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| S kills :Mind Charge, Megidola, Megidolaon, Ham aon, Maham aon, |
| Mudoon, A ny E lem ent-B reak, A ny E lem ent-Dyne, V orpal B lade, |
| S uper S pirit Drain, Myriad A rrows , V ile A s s ault |
| Found at: 2nd P laythrough (Random ly on Red T reas ure Ches t) |

Make s ure you're are fighting the Reaper at a dec ent level. B ec aus e you c an
enc ounter him really early in the gam e when you open a treas ure c hes t (W hen it
gives you the option to, then T he Reaper is ins ide.) W ell T he Reaper will s tart
the battle by c as ting a break s kill of s om e s ort to kill your res is tanc e.
T he reaper will m os t likely to s pam an alm ighty s pell on you whic h c an wipe out
your party really quic k if you're under leveled. E ven though its your 2nd
playthrough, and that you c an us e your pers ona from the c om pendium , I wouldn't
rec om m end fighting him till you're at leas t lv 50.

Nam e Lv HP S P P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Margaret | 85| 15000| ----| W ill Change bas ed on HP | Null| Null|
| Found at: Heaven P aradis e, on 2nd P laythrough, on the true ending |
| Route after c learing the B onus B os s on Heaven P aradis e. |

P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark S kills

| 100% to 85% HP | | | | | | Null| Null| A ttac k |
| -----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 80% to 0%HP T urn 1| | A bs | | | | Null| Null| Ragnarok, *Meltdown |
| -----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 80% to 0% HP T urn2| | | A bs | | | Null| Null| Nibilheim ,*Coc ytus P ain|
| -----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 80% to 0% HP T urn3| | | | A bs | | Null| Null| T hunder Reign,*Narukam i|
| -----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 80% to 0% HP T urn4| | | | | A bs | Null| Null| P anta Rhei,*Divine W ind|
| -----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 80% to 30%HP T urn5| Null| Null| Null| Null| Null| Null| Null| Mind Charge |
| -----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 80% to 30%HP T urn6| S tr | S tr | S tr | S tr | S tr | Null| Null| Megidolaon |
| -----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 50% HP and Lower | | | | A bs | | Null| Null| Morning S tar |
| -----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 50% HP and Lower | | | | A bs | | Null| Null| Diarahan, A ttac k |
| -----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 30% to 0%HP T urn 5| Null| Null| Null| Null| Null| Null| Null| P ower Charge |
| -----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 30% to 0%HP T urn 6| S tr | S tr | S tr | S tr | S tr | Null| Null| E ight S hip Hop |
| -----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 50 T urns | | | | | | Null| Null| Megidolaon 9999 Dm g |
*Margaret's Unique elem ent s kills

Margaret is not as diffic ult as E lizabeth from P ers ona 3, s im ply bec aus e you
c an fight her with your entire party, and Margaret does not have double turn,
and her pattern is m ore predic table . A nyways before you s tart the battle,
m ake s ure you do not equip the om nipotent orb at all c os t.(S he will us e her
9999 Dam age A ttac k, killing your P arty ins tantly.)Y ou'll als o need to have a
P ers ona with the ability E ndure S oulif you're going to need m ore then 50 turns
to defeat her. If not, tried to equip the Unfinis hed T es tim onial (A gift from
Nanako whic h allow you to endure onc e). B ec aus e every 50 turns or s o s he'll
c as t Megidolaon whic h does 9999 dam age on your party. T o s tart things out,
Margaret has a really s trange pattern. Her HP will determ ine what kinds of
attac ks s he'll be us ing. W hen her HP is at 100% to 80%, s he will only us e
P hys ic al A ttac ks on you, s o try to equip a null P hys ic al P ers ona. W hen her HP
reac hes below 80%, her attac k pattern will c hange again. Margaret will now us e
E lem ental attac ks on you. It goes by the pattern of ;
Fire > Ic e > E lec tric ity > W ind

W hen s he finis h c as ting all 4 elem ents , s he will us e Mind Charge, follow with
an alm ighty attac k the next round. S he'll keep repeating this pattern until
her HP reac hes below 40%. W hen s he gives her s peec h, s he will us e Morning
s tar on your entire party then heal her entire HP . Repeating the patterns of
her attac ks when her HP were full. W hen gets her HP down to 30% this tim e,
s he won't heal hers elf anym ore but rather c as t the s kill E ight S hip Hop every
turn and after. Make s ure you c an defeat her within 50 to 100 turns or els e
its gam e over.

converted by
_____ _ _ ___ _ _ __ _
/ ___(_) | | / _ \ | | (_) (_) | (_)
\ `--. _ __| | ___ / /_\ \ ___| | _ ___ ___| | _ _ ___ ___
`--. \ | / _` | / _ \ | _ | / __| __| \ \ / / | __| | / _ \/ __|
/\__/ / | (_| | __/ | | | | (__| | _| | \ V /| | | _| | __/\__ \ (S ec tion 5]
\____/| _| \__,_| \___| \_| | _/\___| \__| _| \_/ | _| \__| _| \___| | ___/


[P S A 1] P art T im e J obs
In P ers ona 4 you c an apply for jobs by looking at the bill
board at S hopping Dis tric t, North . Certain S oc ial Link events allow
your c harac ter will to work in plac es that aren't in bill board (J unes )
E ac h job offers a higher s alary as your c harac ter bec om es m ore s killed with it.

| E nvelopes c ons truc tor |
A vailable: A pril 23

Requirem ent: Diligenc e

Inc reas e: Diligenc e
W here: In your own Room . E xam ine the W orkdes k.

Daily S alary

*S alary is determ ine by your Dilgenc es Rank.

| Rank 1| Rank 2| Rank 3| Rank 4| Rank 5|
| ----------------------------------|
| 1000 Y | 1500 Y | 2000 Y | 3000 Y | 5000 Y |

*T here's is a 60% c hanc e to prom pt you to a s elec tion of c hoic es

that determ ines your pac e of working. If you c hoos e to c orrec t pac e,
your earnings will be tripled. If you s elec t the wrong c hoic e, your
s alary is reduc ed 40%.
| T rans lator |

A vailable A pril 23
Requirem ent: K nowledge LV 2
Inc reas e: E xpres s ion

W here: In your own Room . E xam ine the W orkdes k.

Daily S alary

*S alary is determ ine by your E xpres s ion Rank.

| Rank 1| Rank 2| Rank 3| Rank 4| Rank 5|
| ----------------------------------|
| N/A | 2000 Y | 3000 Y | 4000 Y | 5000 Y |

*T here's is a 60% c hanc e to prom pt you to a s elec tion of c hoic es

that determ ines your pac e of working. If you c hoos e to c orrec t pac e,
your earnings will be tripled. If you s elec t the wrong c hoic e, your
s alary is reduc ed 50%.
| Origam i c rane folder |

A vailable A pril 23

Requirem ent: Diligenc e

Inc reas e: Unders tanding

W here: In your own Room . E xam ine the W orkdes k.

| Rank 1 ~ 5|
| ----------|
| N/A |

| A s s is tant day c are c aretaker |

A vailable A pril 23
Requirem ent: Unders tanding
Inc reas e: Unders tanding
W here: Go to the bus s top at the S hopping Dis tric t, S outh.
It'll give you the option to reac h to your job.

W hen:Monday, Friday and S aturday only

Daily S alary
*S alary is determ ine by your Unders tanding Rank.

| Rank 1| Rank 2| Rank 3| Rank 4| Rank 5|
| ----------------------------------|
| 4000 Y | 5000 Y | 6000 Y | 8000 Y | 10000Y |
Notes :T em peranc e S oc ial Link S tarts on your 2nd day.

| Hos pital J anitor |

A vailable May 25th

Requirem ent: Diligenc e Lv 3
Inc reas e: Courage
W here: On evenings , leave the hous e.

W hen:W ednes day,T hurs day and Friday only

Daily S alary
*S alary is determ ine by your Diligenc e Rank.

| Rank 1| Rank 2| Rank 3| Rank 4| Rank 5|
| ----------------------------------|
| 4000 Y | 5000 Y | 5000 Y | 6500 Y | 8000 Y |

converted by
Notes :Devil S oc ial Link S tarts on your 2nd day.

| T utor |

A vailable May 25th

Requirem ent: Unders tanding LV 5
Inc reas e: E xpres s ion
W here: On evenings , leave the hous e.

W hen:T ues day,T hurs day and S aturday only

Daily S alary
| Rank 5|
| -------|
| 10000 Y |
Notes : T ower S oc ial Link Rank Up

[P S A 2] Fis hing
S taring on May 2nd, you you c an go to the Riverbed for fis hing.
T he higher the level of Diligenc e, the m ore c hanc e you're allow
to fis h (Up to 5 tim es ). A ny fis h you c atc h c an be traded for item s
from the old m an.

T he tec hnique for fis hing, is to pres s X (O for J P ver) as s oon as

the fis h hook s inks . T hen you have to rapidly pres s X B utton
then the s quare button when the fis h is alm os t c aught.

T he weather c ondition will affec ts what fis h will appear.

T he old m an's prize will c hange eac h m onth.
W here to get Fis h B ait
In order for you to fis h, you'll need to obtain s om e Fis h B ait. T he old m an in
the Riverbed will provide you with s om e Fis h bait on your firs t attem pt at
fis hing. A fter that you'll have to get fis h bait by trading the old m an with
c ertain fis h as prize or at c ertain tim es at hom e when c ooking, depending on
how you m ade your food c an turn it into fis h bait. T here is als o a wom an near
Doujim a res idenc e that gives you fis h bait when you s peak to her.

Fis h T ypes
Here are the types of fis h you c an c atc h, the weather c ondition
with determ ine what types of fis h will appear on that day.
W eather: Clear
Inaba T rout
A m ber S eem a
Red Goldfis h
Genji A yu

W eather: Cloudy
Inaba T rout
A m ber S eem a
Red Goldfis h
Genji A yu
Huge Fis h (S tarting Novem ber)
Guardian (S tarting Novem ber)
W eather: Rain
Inaba T rout
A m ber S eem a
Red Goldfis h
Genji A yu
Huge Fis h (S tarting Novem ber)
Guardian (Requires E xc es s Fis hing S et)

Fis h E xc hange
T itanium Club = Inaba T rout X 2
Falc on E ye = A m ber S eem a X 3
Ches t K ey = Genji ayu
3X Fis h Feed = Red Goldfis h

J une
Duc hes s = Inaba T rout X 3
Land B adge = Huge Fis h
Ches t K ey = A m ber S eem a
3X Fis h Feed = Genji ayu

J uly
B ath Lid = Huge Fis h
B les s ed Hand = A m ber S eem a X 4
Ches t K ey = Red Goldfis h X 2
3X Fis h Feed = Inaba T rout

A ugus t P rize
Cutie A c tion = Red Goldfis h X 6
Red B attle Clothes = Huge Fis h X 2
Ches t K ey = Genji ayu X 2
3X Fis h Feed = Inaba T rout
S eptem ber
S teel S lippers = A m ber S eem a X 8
S tylis h Underwear = Guardian
Ches t K ey = Red Goldfis h X 2
3X Fis h Feed = Genji A yu X 2
Oc tober
T itanium W renc h = Huge Fis h X 4
E agle E ye = Huge Fis h X 3
Ches t K ey = Inaba T rout
3X Fis h Feed = Red Goldfis h

Novem ber
Red-Leaf Gus oku = Genji A yu X 10
Chain B ead = Red Goldfis h X 6
Ches t K ey = Inaba T rout
3X Fis h Feed = Red Goldfis h

Dec em ber
Mus as hi B am boo S word = Guardian X2
Uzum e Clothes = Huge Fis h X 3
Ches t K ey = Genji A yu X 2
3X Fis h Feed = Red Goldfis h X 2

[P S A 3] S hopping T V

S tarting at May 22nd you c an watc h the s hopping network

and order produc ts and s o on every s unday. However unlike
P ers ona 3, you are now given the c hoic e of whic h produc ts to

*T here is nothing for s ale in S hopping T V after Novem ber 20.

May 22
A dios S hoe , S lim m ing Food X 2 = 5980 Y en
Medic ial S et, Medic ine X 5 = 2980 Y en
May 29
S teel P anier , S lim m ing Food X 2 =11800 Y en
B all of Lighting X 2 Ches t K ey X 2 = 4980 Y en
J une 5th
J ingi Fundos hi , S lim m ing Food X 2 = 11800 Y en
(Fis h) Inaba T rout , A m ber S eem a X 2 = 2980 Y en
J une 12th
Fire S uppres s or , Herbal P ill x 2 = 4980 Y en
B alm of Life , Curs e P aper X 2 = 2980 Y en
J une 19th
P ower B elt , Herbal P ill X 2 = 4980 Y en
Huge Fis h , Ic e Cube X 4 = 9800 Y en

converted by
J une 26
Myth-like S word , Herbal P ill x 2 = 9800 Y en
P urified S alt X 2 , S egaki Ric e X 2 = 3980 Y en
J uly 3
A rm ada B us tier , Giant Candy X 2 = 20800 Y en
P eac h S eed X 30 , S oul Drop X 10 = 2980 Y en
J uly 10
J uly 17
P urple s uit , Giant Candy X 2 = 20800 Y en
Diam ond S hield X 2 , Heavy S oup = 8800 Y en
J uly 24
K itc hen K nife , Giant Candy X 2 = 7800 Y en
S ec ond Maid X 24 , Dr.P epper Neo = 7800 Y en
J uly 31
Maneki Neko , Giant Candy X 2 =7980 Y en
S m art B om b X 2 , S upers onic X 2 = 6980 Y en
A ugus t 7
P aladin A rm or , Herbal P ill X 2 = 20800 Y en
K itc hen K nife , Myth-Like S word = 12800 Y en
A ugus t 14
W ood B at , Longevity S upplem ent X 2 = 14000 Y en
S egaki Ric e X 6 , P urifed W ater X 4 = 8800 Y en
A ugus t 21
A ugus t 28
T hief's Dagger , Longevity S upplem ent X 2 = 20800 Y en
Inferno J ade X 2 , T hunder J ade X 2 = 12800 Y en
S eptem ber 4
Drape of enc hantm ent , Heavy S oup X 2 = 21800 Y en
Ches t K ey X 2 , T V -m erc ial S eal X 5 = 12800 Y en
S eptem ber 11
W ind Dem on's Claw , Heavy S oup X 2 = 27800 Y en
Inaba T rout X 4 , Dry Ic e = 6980 Y en
S eptem ber 18
Chain of Retaliation , Heavy S oup X 2 = 21800 Y en
S om a , P urified W ater X 2 = 14800 Y en
S eptem ber 25
Death S c udetto , W as abi J elly X 2 = 28800 Y en
S lim m ing Food, Ultim ate X 8 Odd Mors el X 8 = 5980 Y en
Oc tober 2
P ink B attle Fatigues , W as abi J elly X 2 = 29800 Y en
Red Goldfis h X 2 , Fis h B ait X 10 = 9800 Y en
Oc tober 9
Nic e S hoes , W as abi J elly X 2 = 29800 Y en
Huge Fis h X 3 Dry Ic e X 4 = 19800 Y en
Oc tober 16
Red B attle Fatigues , S lim m ing Food, Ultim ate X 2 = 29800 Y en
P hys ic al Mirror X 3 Magic Mirror X 3 = 19800 Y en
Oc tober 23
Innoc ent A s s as s in , S lim m ing Food, Ultim ate X 2 = 29800 Y en
Ches t K ey X 2, T V -m eric al S eal X 5 = 6800 Y en
Oc tober 30
Novem ber 6
Novem ber 13
S ac red S pring B rac elet , Diet Food, Ultim ate X 2 = 19800 Y en
Nic e S hoes , Red B attle Fatigues = 19800 Y en
Novem ber 20
A ngel S kirt , S lim m ing Food, Ultim ate X 2 = 59800 Y en
S om a , A m rita S oda X 4 = 19800 Y en

[P S A 4] Reques ts
General T ips
- Reques ts are now no longer m ade from the V elvet room . In P ers ona 4
you will need to find NP Cs that will as k you to do a favor for them .
W hic h us ually involves getting an item from defeating the s hadows
(Mos t Ques t item s will not drop until you have ac c ept the reques t firs t)
T here are reques t that are s im ply as eas y as finding the right NP C.
T he Fox in the S hrine will als o m ake reques ts for you, when c om pleted it
s hall inc reas e the Herm it S oc ial Link level. Magaret als o as k for fus ion
reques t whic h c an inc reas e the E m pres s S oc ial Link rank.

Q1. A c quire A ngel S tatue
S tarting Date: May 2nd

In your own c las s room 2-2, talk to the girl in groups of two. T he
"T im id Fem ale S tudent", s he will as k you for an A ngel S tatue
whic h is found by defeating the A venger K night in Y ukiko's Cas tle 6-7 Floor.

Reward: Ches t K ey X 3.
Q2. A c quire a Dem on S tatue
S tarting Date: May 2nd

In the 2nd floor of the Clas s room B uilding. Near the Calligraphy Room there's
this "S hady S tudent". He wants you to ac quire a Dem on S tatue whic h is found
in Y ukiko's Cas tle by defeatiny the Magic al Magus on 6-7 Floor.

Reward: Dokudam i T ea~ 3

Q3. T he Girl on the Rooftop
S tarting Date: A pril 25th

In your c las s room 2-2, there's a m ale s tudent s tanding by the window, s peak
to him . He wants to know the hobbies of the girl on the roof. Go to roof and
s elec t the 2nd option when s peaking to girl. B ec aus e you're only allow to
s elec t one c hoic e per day, you'll have to repeat it three tim es and pic king
the 2nd option only. Onc e you're finis h, s peak to the m ale s tudent again, to
c laim your reward.

Reward: Goho-m
Q4. A c quire a Ritz W ire
S tarting Date: May 2nd

Go to the 1s t floor of the P rac tic e B uilding. T here is a Male S tudent

bes ide the S c ienc e Room , he will as k you if you c an find him the Ritz
W ire. T he Ritz wire is found by defeating the Heat B alanc e on Y ukiko
Cas tle 6-7 Floor.

Reward: Olym pic T ape

Q5. A c quire Mori Ranm aru S hoc hu
S tarting Date: May 2nd
Go to the S am egawa Flood P lain, and talk to the m an on the far wes t.
He'll as k you to find a wine nam ed "Mori Ranm aru". T he wine c an be
found ins ide of Y os uke's Dungeon by c hec king the barrels .

converted by
Reward: 4000 Y en

Q6. I W is h for Love
S tarting Date: May 6th
A fter Meeting Fox("K its une") for the firs t tim e at the S hrine. From now
you c an vis it him for ques ts . Firs t take the reques t by vis iting the s hrine.
T hen talk to the girl at the s c hool lobby. W ait till the next day, the
s am e girl c an be found on the 2nd floor on the Learning B uilding. Choos e
the firs t option "I read it". Com e bac k the next day and find her at the
s am e loc ation. T alk to her again. W hen this is finis h , report to Fox
for your Herm it S oc ial Link.

Reward:Herm it S oc ial Link Rank UP

Q7. Des k Refurbis hing
S tarting Date: May 18th

In your s c hool, at the P rac tic e B uilding 2F. T here is a girl "Hom ely
S tudent" loc ated at the end c orner near the B iology Lab. T he s tudent
wants a Fitting B oard to fix her des k. T he Fitting B oard c an be found
ins ide of Y ukiko Cas tle by defeating the Laughing T able on the 6-7 floor.

Reward: Royal J elly X 5

Q8. B ook E xc hange
S tarting Date: May 23rd

Go to S hopping Dis tric t S outh and talk to the m an s taring in front

of the book s tore. He'll as k you for a P eac h S eed for exc hange.
T he P eac h S eed (the item that rec overs 10HP ) c an be eas ily found at
Y ukiko's Cas tle. ***T eddie als o give you s om e at the s tart of the gam e.
Reward: T he Gentle W ay

Q9. A c quire an Old K ey
S tarting Date: J une 5th
Go to S am egawa Flood P lain, and s peak with the Old W om an near the
s tairc as e. S he apparently wants an Old K ey. T he Old K ey c an be
found by defeating the B ribed Fuzz at the S team y B ath Hous e
(1s t to 2nd Floor).

Reward: K nowledge & Courage up

Q10. E xtrac urric ular A c tivities
S tarting Date: May 18th

In the 2nd Floor of the Learning B uilding. Find the His tory teac her
"Ms . S ofue". S he's loc ated near at the s tairc as e near Clas s room 2-3.
S he wants you to find her the "S us pic ious P ole" W hic h is drop by the
T ranc e T wins at Y ukiko Cas tle (3rd to 5th Floor)
Reward: P uls ating S tone x2
Q11. A c quire Coal
S tarting Date: J une 5th

Go to s hopping Dis tric t, North and s peak with the Loud Old Man near the
s hrine. He wants s om e Coal for his S auna.T he Coat is found by defeating
c an be found by defeating S elfis h B as alt at S team y B athhous e (7-8 Floor)

Reward: 15000 Y en
Q12. Des k Refurbis hing P art 2
S tarting Date: J une 7th
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #7

A t s c hool, on the P rac tic e B uilding 2F. T here is a girl "Hom ely
S tudent" loc ated at the end c orner near the B iology Lab (S am e girl from
Ques t 7). T he s tudent wants a Reflec ting B oard to fix her des k. T he
Reflec ting B oard c an be found by defeating the Crying T able on S team y B ath
Hous e (9-10F).
Reward: S nuff S oul X 2
Q13. I W is h I Didn't Crave for S nac ks
S tarting Date: A fter May 6th
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #6

Firs t vis it the S hrine to get the reques t from K its une. Next go
to S hopping Dis tric t S outh, there s hould be a "S lim Lady" s tanding
in the m iddle of the road. T alk to her, next find Chie and as k her about
s nac ks . Y ou'll get the Meat Gum from her. Now go find the s am e lady again.
T alk to Fox when finis h.
*Note : Chie will not give you the Meat Gum during Inves tigation Days .

Reward:Herm it S oc ial Link rank up.

Q14. P leas e Feed the Cat
S tarting Date: J une 3rd
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #8

T alk to the m an s taring at the book s hop. He'll as k you if you c an

feed the c at at the S am egawa Flood P lain. In order to feed the c at you
m us t find fis h for him . E ither you c an go fis hing or you c an buy fis h
from T anaka on J une 5th.
Reward: T he P unk W ay

Q15. A c quire a Crooked Cros s
S tarting Date: J une 7th
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #1
In your own c las s room (2-2) talk to the girl in the groups of two
(s am e one from Ques t 1). s he will as k you for a Crooked Cros s , whic h is
found by defeating T ranquil Idol on S team y B ath Hous e (7 to 8 Floor)
Reward: Ointm ent X 3

Q16. A c quire a Horn
S tarting Date: J une 9th
Go to s hopping dis tric t, S outh and s peak with the hous ewife near the
S hiroku S tore. S he'll as k you for a Grand horn whic h c an be
found by defeating the Grave B eetle at S team y B ath Hous e (9-10F)
Reward: 18000 Y en
Q17. P leas e Find My Y ounger T win
S tarting Date: J une 9th - Novem ber 17th

Go to s hopping Dis tric t, S outh and look a girl with orange hair.
Choos e the firs t option to lis ten to her reques t. S he wants you to
find her twin s is ter. S he is found on S am egawa flood plain, at the very wes t
end near the s hrine. A fterwards , find the older twin in S hopping Dis tric t,
S outh and talk to her.

Reward: Goho-m X 5

Q18. Carbon Copy
S tarting Date: J uly 13th - Novem ber 17th
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #17
Go to Riverbed and s peak with the Orange Hair girl(T he s am e girl from the
previous ques t) S he'll as k you for a Flower B rooc h , this c an be found by
defeating the S oul Danc er in Marukyu S tripteas e (1-3F)
Reward: E m ergenc y K it X 3
Q19. A c quire a S ilver Lum p
S tarting Date: J une 30th
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #4

Go to the 1s t floor of the P rac tic e B uilding. T here is a Male S tudent

bes ide the S c ienc e Room (s am e pers on from Ques t 4), he will as k you if you

converted by
c an find him the s om e S ilver Lum p. S ilver Lum p is found by defeating the
S ilver Dic e on Marukyu S tripteas e (7-10F)

Reward: Uplifting Radio X 2

Q20. W e W is h Our Dog W ould Return
S tarting Date: A fter May 6th
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #13
Go to s hrine and s peak with Fox. Now go find the dog at the Riverbed and
s peak to him . W ait another day, you c an find the s am e dog at S hopping
Dis tric t, North, s peak with him and pic k the third Choic e "T alk to it gently"
Now wait another day again, you c an find the dog at the Riverbed. S peak with
him again and pic k the T hird c hoic e. T he s am e dog c an be found at the Riverbed.
Repeat this pattern twic e. Y ou'll now have a c hoic e to give him s om ething to
eat. Y ou need a beef s kewer whic h c an be brought at the S ouzai Dogaku
(S hop right bes ide the billboard). Report bac k to Fox when finis h.
*On Rainy Days , the dog is nowhere to be found.

Reward: Herm it S oc ial Link Rank UP

Q21. A c quire a Charm ed V eil
S tarting Date: J uly 12th
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #15

In your own c las s room , 2-2 talk to the girl in the groups of two.
T he "T im id Fem ale S tudent", (S am e pers on from Ques t 1 and 15)s he will as k
you for an Charm ed V eil whic h c an be found by defeating the Liberating Idol
on Marukyu S tripteas e (5-10F)

Reward: Ches t K ey X 5
Q22. A c quire Hard B oots
S tarting Date: J uly 3rd
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #14

T alk to the m an near the B ook S tore ( S am e pers on from Ques t 8 and 14)
He wants a pair of Hard B oots in exc hange for one of his books . In order
to get a pair of Hard B oots , you need 10 piec e of T hic k Hide and s ell
them to Daidara Metal works . W hen you have s old them all, purc has e the
Hard B oots . Now talk to him and agree with his offer.
T he T hic k Hide is found at S team y B athhous e by defeating the Danc ing Hand
(5 to 8 Floor)

Reward: Guide to P es ts (B ook) and 5000 Y en

Q23. W ho's the Riddle Mas ter?!
S tarting Date: A pril 18

Go to the third Floor of the s c hool and find the S tudent with the A fro
"Funky S tudent". S peak with him and pic k the firs t c hoic e to ac c ept his
c hallenge. T he ans wers are "Group A " (1s t Choic e) then "T hey're top
6 Flag c olors " (2nd Choic e)
* If you s elec t the wrong c hoic es , you'll have to c om e bac k
and s peak with him the next day.
Reward: Ches t K eys X 3

Q24.A c quire an E ternal Lam p
S tarting Date: A ugus t 22nd
Go to the Riverbed and s peak with the old m an. He wants a E verlas ting Lam p,
whic h c an be found by defeating the A m enti Raven in V oid Ques t (3 to 4 Floor)

Reward:30000 Y en
Q25. Feed the Cat
S tarting Date: J une 3rd
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #14

Find the c at at S am egawa Flood P lain and feed him with fis h every day.
T his is the s am e as Ques t 14 , exc ept you have to feed the Cat 7 tim es .

Reward: Heal J elly

Q26. I W is h I had Friends
S tarting Date: A fter May 6th
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #20

Firs t get the Reques t from Fox, then m ove to S am egawa Flood P lains .
T here is a boy that is s tanding near the entranc e. S peak to him and
pic k the firs t c hoic e "I don't want your m oney". A pparently he's
interes ted in c ollec ting s tic kers . He's ac tually looking the P rize S tic ker.
T he P rize S tic ker is found everytim e when you purc has e an item from T anaka
S hopping Network on every S unday. A fter giving the boy the s tic ker, the boy
will leave. On your next day, talk to the s am e boy again. T his tim e he want
a s tic ker for kids . Go bac k to your hous e and s peak with Nanako, and pic k
the firs t option to as k her about the s tic ker, then pic k the firs t option
again ("T hank you") Y ou s hall rec ieve a T ankirim an S tic ker. Go find the boy
at the s am e loc ation again tom orrow and give him the s tic ker. T hen c om e bac k
the next day and talk to boy again. A fter this report to Fox when finis hed.

If you are doing this ques t after Nanako is no longer

at hom e, you c an get the S tic ker by c hec king the fridge.

Reward: Herm it S oc ial Link Rank UP

Q27. A c quire s om e fas hionable dis es
S tarting Date: A ugus t 9th
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #22

S peak to the m an near the B ooks tore (S am e pers on from Ques t 25)
He'll as k you for three nic e c ontainers . T he c ontainers c an
be found by defeating the S ky B alanc e on Marukyu S tripteas e
(Floor 9 to 10).

Reward: Riddlem ania (B ook) and 10000 Y en

Q28. Carbon Copy, P art 2
S tarting Date: A ugus t 22nd - Novem ber 17th
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #18

T alk to the Girl on the Riverbed (the s am e girl from ques t 18).
S he as k for a Leaf P oc hette, whic h c an be found on V oid ques t by defeating
the B lind Cupid (3 to 4F)
Reward: Mega Leaf X 3

Q29. E xperim ent in T elepathy
S tarting Date: S eptem ber 5th - Novem ber 17th
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #28
T alk to the Girl on the Riverbed, s he's the s am e
girl from ques t 18 and 28. P ic k the 1s t Choic e in the c overs ation.

Reward: Dokudam i T ea X 5
Q30. I W is h My Life Had Meaning A gain
S tarting Date: A fter May 6th
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #26

Firs t unloc k the ques t by vis iting Fox at the s hrine. T hen go to the Center
of S hopping Dis tric t, North and s peak with the Haggard Man. Choos e the
option "W ant m e to m ake it?" (1s t Choic e) T hen he'll give you the
Unfinis hed Model. Y ou c an build the m odel at hom e on your worktable.
Repeat this for 4 days , and the m odel will be finis hed. Com e bac k and talk
to him again, and he will give you a unfinis hed m odel. Report to Fox
afterwards .
Reward: Herm it S oc ial Link Rank UP , Unfinis hed Model

Q31. E xtrac urric ular A c tivites , P art 2
S tarting Date: S eptem ber 20th
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #10
S peak to the His tory T eac her. S he is found in the 2nd floor s tairc as e
in the prac tic e building. S he'll as k you for the "Culurum a m etal", whic h c an
be found by defeating the S teel Mac hine in V oid Ques t (9 to 10 Floor)
Reward: Mys terious S c arab X 2
Q32. A c quire a Crys tal B all
S tarting Date: Oc tober 8th

converted by
Go to the third floor of the s c hool and find the Math T eac her. S he'll
as k you to find her a Crys tal B all. T he Crys tal B all c an be found by
defeating the Cons tanc y Relic in the S ec ret Laboratory (1 to 2 Floor)
Reward: 35000 Y en
Q33. A c quire Fine Coal
S tarting Date: Oc tober 9th
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #11

Go to s hopping Dis tric t, North and s peak with the Loud Old Man near the
s hrine (S am e pers on from Ques t 11). He wants Fine Coal for his S auna.
T he Fine Coal is found by defeating the P ower Cas tle on S ec ret Laboratory
Reward: 40000 Y en

Q34. A T es t of Literary Mem ory
S tarting Date: S eptem ber 26th
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #27
Go to S hopping Dis tric t, S outh and s peak with the m an near the book s hop.
A ns wer his ques tion. He as k if you have m em orize the book. P ic k the following
c hoic es . "J udo Medalis t Nam e", "How one s hould live as a punk", "2 P age per
pes t" and "Me". If you pic k the wrong c hoic e , you'll have to s peak to
him another day. (T here's als o a s ave point really near by, s o you c an
reload your s ave if you ans wer it wrong.)
Reward: B ook "W ho A m I?"

Q35. Des k Refurbis hing P art 3
S tarting Date: S eptem ber 30th
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #2
Go to the 2nd floor of the prac tic e building, and s peak with a c ertain
fem ale s tudent. S he as k you for 3 B urning S oul' Inc ens e. T he Inc ens es
c an be found by defeating the Gigas of S evere earthquake at the
S ec ret Laboratory on the 3rd to 4th floor.
Reward: B ead

Q36. I W is h I W as B etter at S peaking
S tarting Date: A fter May 6th
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #30
Firs t unloc k the ques t by vis iting Fox. Go to the s c hool roof and
talk to the girl on the far end. Firs t you will need a c ertain level of
Unders tanding before this works . Com e bac k the next day and find her on
the roof top again. S peak to her and pic k the firs t option "Do you need help
s peaking" then the firs t option again "Give her les s ons . (requires level 3
E xpres s ion). S he will leave. Com e bac k the next day again to find her
at the s am e s pot. S peak to her and pic k the firs t option (Y ou'll need
Courage Level 3) Report bac k to Fox when finis hed.

Reward:Herm it S oc ial Link Rank UP

Q37. A c quire a Hi-S peed gear
S tarting Date: Oc tober 8th

Go to the 1s t floor of the Learning B uilding in the s c hool. Look for a

a fem ale s tudent with glas s es . S he wants a High S peed Gear whic h c an
be found by defeating the Mac h W heel at S ec ret Laboratory (5 to 6
Reward: P hys ic al Mirror X 3

Q38. Graduation from elder s is ter
S tarting Date: Oc tober 9th - Novem ber 17th
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #28
Go to Riverbed and s peak to one of the twins . S he wants a branc h K atyus ha
whic h c an only be obtain by defeating the E legant Mother in S ec ret Laboratory
(B 7-8 Floor).
Reward: Chain B ead

Q39. A c quire a T raining S hell
S tarting Date: Oc tober 8th
Go to the 3rd floor of the s c hool and s peak to the P rinc ipal. He'll
as k you to get him s om e T raining S hells . T he T raining S hells are found
by defeating the W ic ked T urrets in the S ec ret Laboratory (5-6 Floor)
Reward: Unders tanding and Diligenc e UP

Q40. A T win's Independenc e
S tarting Date: Oc tober 31s t - Novem ber 17th
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #29
Go to the Riverbed, and s peak to the younger s is ter of the T wins .
T hen go to S hopping Dis tric t S outh and s peak to the older s is ter of the
twins . Repeat this twic e.

Reward: S uper S onic X 3

Q41. I wis h I Didn't Fear Cats
S tarting Date: A fter May 6th
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #14 & 36

Get the ques t by vis iting Fox at the s hrine. T hen travel to the S am egawa
Flood P lain and talk to this m an about a c at (s hould be the firs t c hoic e).
Find the c at that is near your hous e, (T he c at is only there if you have
finis h Ques t #14 firs t) Choos e the option "Follow m e". T hen on your next day
go to River and s peak with the m an again. Choos e the option "Let him s ee"
(s hould be the firs t Choic e). T he next day, go to S am egawa Flood P lain and
s peak to the m an again, he wants a c ute fis h as bait. B ring him "Red Goldfis h".
S peak to him the next day. Onc e this is done, go vis it Fox at the s hrine.

Reward: Herm it S oc ial Link Rank UP

Q42. I wis h My W allet W ould Return
S tarting Date: A fter May 6th
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #41
Get the ques t by vis iting Fox at the s hrine. T hen travel to the
S am egawa Flood P lain, and s peak with the W om an (W es t end near the S hrine).
Next, go to the Flood P lain and exam ine the bus hes near the s ign by the
s tairc as e , you'll rec eive a Round W allet. Go bac k to S am egawa Flood P lain
and talk to the W om an again. Next go to S hopping Dis tric t , North and exam ine
the bus hes near the S hrine. Y ou'll find a S quare W allet, go bac k to S am egawa
Flood P lain and s peak with the W om an. Onc e this is finis h, go vis it Fox at
the s hrine.
Reward: Herm it S oc ial Link Rank UP

Q43. T he Girl on the Rooftop P art 2
S tarting Date: Novem ber 22nd
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #3
S peak to one of the m ale S tudent in your c las s room (2-2), then go to
Heaven P aradis e and get the A nim al E nc yc lopedia by defeating the
P rim e Magus on the 1s t - 2nd floor.
Reward: Mokoi Doll

Q44. Des k Refurbis hing P art 4
S tarting Date: Novem ber 22nd
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #35

Go to the 2nd floor of the P rac tic e B uilding, and s peak with a c ertain
fem ale s tudent. (S am e girl from Ques t #35) T his tim e, s he wants a
Clas s y Lum ber , whic h c an be found by defeating the A ngry T able at
Heaven P aradis e (5th to 7th Floor).

Reward: Fire S ignal X 3

Q45. A c quire an Old Ore
S tarting Date: Novem ber 22nd
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #19

Go to the 1s t floor P rac tic e B uilding at the s c hool and s peak with
one of the m ale s tudent (s am e pers on from Ques t #4 and #19). T his tim e
he wants an Old Ore . T he Old Ore c an be found by defeating the
Revelation P es c e on the 6th floor of Heaven P aradis e.
Reward: Mental Radio

converted by
Q46. A c quire a Modes t Lam p
S tarting Date: Novem ber 22nd
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #24
Go to the S am egawa Flood P lain and s peak to the old m an.(S am e P ers on from Ques t
#24) T he Old Man wants a Modes t Lam p , whic h is found by defeating the
P hantom Lord at Heaven P aradis e (3rd to 6th Floor)
Reward: 45000 Y en

Q47. Riddle S enpai Returns !
S tarting Date: S eptem ber 2nd
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #23
Go to the third Floor of the s c hool and find the S tudent with the A fro.
S peak with him and pic k the firs t c hoic e. He'll as k you whic h is better
A Group or B Group , S elec t "Group A (1s t Choic e), next s elec t "Hum an m otion"
(2nd c hoic e). T hen "Group B " (2nd c hoic e) and pic k "Indefinite artic les
(2nd c hoic e).
* If you pic k the wrong c hoic es , you have to c om e bac k
and s peak with him the next day.

Reward: S nuff S oul

Q48. I W is h to S ee the S am egawa's Guardian
S tarting Date: A fter May 6th
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #42

Firs t, get the ques t by vis iting Fox at the s hrine. T hen m ake s ure you have
the fis h "Huge Fis h" in your inventory. If you c an't c atc h the Huge Fis h,
you c an purc has e it from S hopping Network on Oc tober 19. T hen go to
the Riverbed and s peak to the Old Man, He'll give you an A ngler S et.
W ith the A ngler S et you c an c atc h the Guardian at Rainy days (A ll day on
Dec em ber). Onc e you s uc c eed, the Old m an will prais e you. T hen vis it the
s hrine when finis h.

*Y ou c annot c atc h the Guardian without the A ngler S et.

*E ven though the las t day of rain is Novem ber 20. Y ou s till c an c atc h
Guardian in Dec em ber.

Reward: Herm it S oc ial Link Maxed.

Q49. Cat Needs Food B adly A vailable J une 3 Com plete Ques t 25
S tarting Date: J une 3rd
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #25
Go to S am egawa Flood plain, and s peak with the c at. It will gives you
the c hoic es to feed the Cat (A ny type of Fis h will do). Y ou need to feed him
a fis h everyday to a total of 20 tim es .A fter that c om e bac k the next day
and talk to the c at.
*** If you feed the Cat with Guardian, it will only takes 4 feeds to finis h
this ques t.
Reward: S om a
Q50. Revenge of Riddle S enpai!
S tarting Date: Novem ber 12th
RE QUIRE ME NT S : Com plete Ques t #47

Go to the third Floor of the s c hool and find the S tudent with the A fro.
S peak with him and pic k the firs t c hoic e. A ns wer his ques tion by
pic king "Group B " (2nd Choic e), then s elec t "T he way they're drawn"
(3rd c hoic e), next pic k "P rom ethium " (3rd c hoic e) and "Need"(2nd Choic e).
*If you pic k the wrong c hoic es , you have to c om e bac k and s peak with him
the next day.
Reward: Chewing S oul


_____ _ _ _ _ _
| ___| (_) | | | | (_) | |
| | __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ | | _ | | _ ___| | _
| __| / _` | | | | | '_ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \| __| | | | / __| __|
| | __| (_| | | _| | | | _) | | | | | | __/ | | | | _ | | ___| \__ \ | _
\____/\__, | \__,_| _| .__/| _| | _| | _| \___| _| | _| \__| \_____/_| ___/\__|
| | | |
| _| | _| (E quipm ent Lis t) [S ec tion 6]
Mos t equipm ent in P ers ona 4 c annot be found by defeating Mons ters
(exc ept for T he Reaper). In order to get new equipm ent, you need
to c ollec t m aterials from defeating m ons ters and s elling a s et
num ber of the m aterials bac k to the W eapon S hop before new s toc k
c an be bought. Oc c as ionally equipm ent c an be als o found in Rare
T reas ure Ches ts .
[P E S 1] W eapon Lis t
*W eapons are s orted by A ttac k P ower.
Main Charac ter
| Golf Club | A ttac k:42 | A c c urac y:93| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : Main Charac ter's Default W eapon |
| Mus as hi B am boo S word | A ttac k:42 | A c c urac y:98| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : E xperienc e X 1.5 |
| Found : T rade 2 Guardian at the Riverbed on Dec em ber |
| Im itation S word | A ttac k:53 | A c c urac y:92| Cos t:4800 |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara |
| Long S word | A ttac k:60 | A c c urac y:92| Cos t:10000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : B lac k Lam p(6) dropped by B lac k Raven |
| on Y ukiko's Cas tle (3-7F) |
| 5-Iron | A ttac k:71 | A c c urac y:95| Cos t:12000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S upple Metal(10) dropped by Magic al Magus on |
| Y ukiko's Cas tle (6-7F) |
| Iai K atana | A ttac k:78 | A c c urac y:98| Cos t:13600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : A gility +3 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Golden Cloth(10) dropped by P hantom Mage on |
| Y ukiko's Cas tle 6-7F |
| B as tard S word | A ttac k:88 | A c c urac y:92| Cos t:14000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : P owered Iron(6) Dropped by |
A utonom ic B as alt on S team y B ath Hous e (1-2F) |
| Zweihander | A ttac k:108| A c c urac y:95| Cos t:18000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : E nduranc e +1 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : P ure Iron Lum p(8) dropped by Iron Dic e on |
| S team y B ath Hous e (5-8F) |
| T itanium Club | A ttac k:130| A c c urac y:96| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : A gility +2 |
| Found : T rade 2 Inaba T rout at the Riverbed on May |
| Gothic S word | A ttac k:133| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:20000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Iron E yeball(6) dropped by Death S eeker on |
| Marukyu S tripteas e (1-4F) |

converted by
| Myth-Like S word | A ttac k:140| A c c urac y:80| Cos t:9800 |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at S hopping Network on J une 26 |
| S aber No.98 | A ttac k:145| A c c urac y:98| Cos t:24000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S ilver Lum p(4)dropped by S ilver Dic e on |
| Marukyu S tripteas e (7-10F) |
| E dge | A ttac k:152| A c c urac y:92| Cos t:27000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : S trength +3 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Nic e Ornam ent(6) Dropped by J us tic e S word |
on V oid Ques t (1-4F) |
| K age-Dac hi | A ttac k:172| A c c urac y:92| Cos t:30000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : HP +20 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Com pac ted Metal (10) Dropped by Monom aniac Fuzz |
| at V oid Ques t (7-9F) |
| A nglais e | A ttac k:186| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:31000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : B lade Metal(10) Dropped by A rdent Danc er at |
| V oid Ques t (7-9F) |
| Great S word | A ttac k:190| A c c urac y:84| Cos t:32000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : S trength +2 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : T ungs ten(10) Dropped by S teel Mac hine |
| at V oid Ques t (9F) |
| W ooden B at | A ttac k:200| A c c urac y:30| Cos t:14000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : S m all inc reas e in Critic al Rate |
| Found : S old at S hopping Network on A ugus t 14 |
| Gaia S word | A ttac k:200| A c c urac y:88| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Random ly c aus e any A lim ents |
| Found : Defeat the B onus B os s at V oid Ques t |
| Midare Ham on | A ttac k:210| A c c urac y:95| Cos t:36000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Ins olenc es S teel(4) Dropped by Ins olent B as alt |
| on S ec ret Laboratory (1-2F) |
| K akits ubata | A ttac k:218| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:37600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Iron Gear(6) Dropped by W ild Drive |
| on S ec ret Laboratory (5-6F) |
| Gardenia S word | A ttac k:220| A c c urac y:92| Cos t:38000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Rarely c aus es S lienc e |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Dam as c us (6) Dropped by Dom inating Mac hine |
| on S ec ret Laboratory (7-8F) |
| K rieg | A ttac k:230| A c c urac y:95| Cos t:40000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Flam e S teel (4) Dropped by B rave W heel |
| on Heaven P aradis e (2F) |
| Num ber One | A ttac k:240| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:42000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Luc k +1 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S ac rilege Iron (8) Dropped by A pos tate T ower |
| on Heaven P aradis e (2F) |
| Downpour S word | A ttac k:248| A c c urac y:50| Cos t:28000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : High inc reas e in Critic al Rate |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : 3rd B oy's T alc (1) Dropped by Rainy B rothers 3 A t |
| Marukyu S tripteas e(5-6F)Only appear on Rainy Days |
| K enka | A ttac k:248| A c c urac y:93| Cos t:42000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : P rim e S teel (4) Dropped by S tas is Giant |
| on Heaven P aradis e(6-7F) |
| Metal B at | A ttac k:250| A c c urac y:30| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : High inc reas e in Critic al Rate |
| Found : V is it Magaret after s eeing finis hing 50% Com m u |
| K ijintou | A ttac k:252| A c c urac y:98| Cos t:43600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : P latinium Reins (6) Dropped by Intrepid K night |
| on Heaven P aradis e(8-9F) |
| E l Caliente | A ttac k:302| A c c urac y:98| Cos t:50000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Diam on Canine (4) Dropped by A gitating Hablerie |
| on Magats u Inaba(1-2F) |
| S hic his ei-K en | A ttac k:310| A c c urac y:95| Cos t:52000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : B rilliant A rm or (6) Dropped by |
| B attle W heel on Magats u Mandala (2-3F) |
| Y ahiro S word | A ttac k:320| A c c urac y:96| Cos t:54000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : ??? |
| T rium ph | A ttac k:334| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:56000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Luc k + 5 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Oric halc um (4) Dropped by Giant S oldier of S olem n|
| on Magats u Mandala (6F) |
| T ajikarao S word | A ttac k:345| A c c urac y:85| Cos t:58000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Crown of T ruth (4) Dropped by Grugde T ower |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (3-4F) |
| Futs uno Mitam a | A ttac k:360| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:61600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Ripper Hors e (10) Dropped by J otun of Grief |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (5-6F) |
| S oul Crus her | A ttac k:378| A c c urac y:88| Cos t:61600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Rarely c aus es E xhaus tion |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S oul-Death S teel (10) Dropped by V oid Giant |
| at Y om ots u Hiras aka (8F) |
| T s ubaki Otos hi | A ttac k:390| A c c urac y:98| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|

converted by
| Other E ffec ts : S m all inc reas e in Critic al Rate |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y om ots u Hiras aka |
| B lade of T ots uka | A ttac k:408| A c c urac y:96| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : High inc reas e in Critic al Rate |
| Found : Dropped by the Reaper on 2nd P laythrough |

Y os uke Hanam ura

| Monkey W renc h | A ttac k:40 | A c c urac y:90| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : Y os uke's Default W eapon |

| Hunting Nata | A ttac k:48 | A c c urac y:96| Cos t:4000 |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara |
| K unai | A ttac k:55 | A c c urac y:95| Cos t:10000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Light Iron(6) Dropped by Magic Hand |
| on Y ukiko's Cas tle (3-5F) |
| P ois onous K unai | A ttac k:64 | A c c urac y:92| Cos t:11800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Rarely c aus es P ois on |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : P ois on Flower(4) Dropped by S ec ret B am bino |
| on Y ukiko's Cas tle (3-5F) |
| Reign S kinner | A ttac k:80 | A c c urac y:98| Cos t:18000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : + A ll ailm ents (High) |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : 4th Girl's T alc (1) Dropped by Rainy S is ter 4 |
| on S team y B ath Hous e (7-8F)(Rainy Days Only) |
| S killed S panner | A ttac k:83 | A c c urac y:86| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : S P +40 |
| Found : On T wis ted S hopping Dis tric t on May 1 |
| S antou | A ttac k:95 | A c c urac y:92| Cos t:18000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Gray S hac kles (6) Dropped by K iller T wins on |
| S team y B ath Hous e (9-10F) |
| K ozuka | A ttac k:112| A c c urac y:93| Cos t:22000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Hard Roc k(6) Dropped by Creation Relic |
| on Marukyu S tripteas e (1-4F) |
| Flying K unai | A ttac k:138| A c c urac y:98| Cos t:24000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : A gility +2 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Haori Iron(10) Dropped by V enus E agle |
| on Marukyu S tripteas e (5-8F) |
| K itc hen K nife Mats uyuki | A ttac k:140| A c c urac y:90| Cos t:11800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : S trength +10 |
| Found : S old at S hopping Network on J uly 24 and A ugus t 7 |
| K ris naga | A ttac k:146| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:25600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : S P +30 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S harp T horn(6) Dropped by Mighty Cyc lops |
| on Marukyu S tripteas e (9-10F) |
| Dagger | A ttac k:153| A c c urac y:93| Cos t:26900|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : S P +30 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S teel T horn(6) Dropped by Mad Cyc lops |
| on V oid Ques t (1-2F) |
| Y as hiori's Dagger | A ttac k:158| A c c urac y:88| Cos t:26400|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Rarely c aus es Confus ion |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : A lluring Lily(6) Dropped by A varic e B am bino |
| on V oid Ques t (7-8F) |
| Hors e Needle | A ttac k:168| A c c urac y:96| Cos t:28000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : A lloy S ignature(6) Dropped by B lue S igil |
| on V oid Ques t (5-6F) |
| T hief's Dagger | A ttac k:170| A c c urac y:74| Cos t:20800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at S hopping Network on A ugus t 28 |
| Rare Ches t at V oid Ques t |
| Y as him a | A ttac k:174| A c c urac y:98| Cos t:30000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : T rial Obs idian(10) Dropped by Leading Idol |
| on V oid Ques t (7-9F) |
| E n-Giri | A ttac k:188| A c c urac y:96| Cos t:32000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Rarely c aus es Fear |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Iron B arrel(4) Dropped by Dis m ayed P anzer |
| on S ec ret Laboratory (3-4F) |
| Fearful K unai | A ttac k:203| A c c urac y:92| Cos t:34000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S hining P late(6) Dropped by A lm ighty B alanc e |
| on S ec ret Laboratory (5-6F) |
| B loody K unai | A ttac k:216| A c c urac y:84| Cos t:37600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Inc reas es W ind A ttac ks by 25% |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : 1s t B oy's T alc (1) Dropped by E ldes t S on of |
| T he Rain B rothers on S ec ret Lab (1-2F *Rain Only)|
| Cas tilla K nife | A ttac k:222| A c c urac y:98| Cos t:38000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : E nduranc e +3 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : B lac k S heet(6) Dropped by W ic ked T urret |
| on S ec ret Laboratory (7-8F) |
| T itanium W renc h | A ttac k:233| A c c urac y:80| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : S trength +1 |
| Found : T rade 4 Huge Fis h at the Riverbed on Oc tober |
| K as uteirianaihu | A ttac k:238| A c c urac y:96| Cos t:40000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Reduc es Fire Dam age taken by 30% |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Flam e S c ale(4) Dropped by Finic ky P apillon |
| on Heaven P aradis e (1-2F) |
| Flying K atou | A ttac k:240| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:41600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Critic al rate UP (Med) |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : T reas ure Cloth(8) Dropped by P hantom Lord |

converted by
| on Heaven P aradis e (3-5F) |
| B as hou | A ttac k:252| A c c urac y:95| Cos t:43600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : P erpetual E dge (6) Dropped by Convic tion S word |
| on Heaven P aradis e (8-9F) |

| Fuum a K otarou | A ttac k:280| A c c urac y:98| Cos t:48000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Magic +5 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Nightm are S and (4) Dropped by Infinite S and |
| on Magats u Inaba (1-2F) |
| Hattori | A ttac k:311| A c c urac y:98| Cos t:52000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : A ll S tatus +3 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : K nowledge S taff (4) Dropped by Reform ed Okina |
| on Magats u Mandala (4-5F) |
| Militia Dagger | A ttac k:294| A c c urac y:96| Cos t:54000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Unthinkable Metal(4) Dropped by Happy Gene |
| on Magats u Mandala (4-6F) |
| B litz K nife | A ttac k:320| A c c urac y:86| Cos t:54000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Cruel T horn(6) Dropped by B rilliant Cyc lops |
| on Magats u Mandala (6F) |
| Ogre T ooth | A ttac k:336| A c c urac y:95| Cos t:57600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Mobius S and(4) Dropped by E ternal S and |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (1-2F) |
| Rappa | A ttac k:350| A c c urac y:96| Cos t:59600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S ephirot S taff(10) Dropped by Moon Okina |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (5-6F) |
| K as hin K oji | A ttac k:361| A c c urac y:96| Cos t:61600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Inflic t Random S tatus A lim ents |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : V engeanc e S teel (10) Dropped by Rec koning Dic e |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (8F) |
| Malakh | A ttac k:398| A c c urac y:98| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : High Inc reas e in P hys ic al E vas ion |
| Found : Dropped by the Reaper on 2nd P laythrough |

Chie S atonaka
| Leather S hoes | A ttac k:38 | A c c urac y:94| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : Chie's Default W eapon |
| P latform S neakers | A ttac k:45 | A c c urac y:98| Cos t:7600 |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara |
| P rotec t B oots | A ttac k:62 | A c c urac y:92| Cos t:11200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : E nduranc e +2 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Hard Horn (6) Dropped by B urning B eetle on |
| Y ukiko's Cas tle (6-7F) |
| S outhern B arbarian Footwear | A ttac k:75 | A c c urac y:92| Cos t:13600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : A gility +1 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Golden Dis h(6) Dropped by Heat B alanc e on |
| Y ukiko's Cas tle (6-7F) |
| P unk S hoes | A ttac k:92 | A c c urac y:92| Cos t:20000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : + Rage (Low odds ) |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : T ough Hide(6) Dropped by B ribed Fuzz on |
| S team y B ath Hous e (1-2F) |
| Hard B oots | A ttac k:108| A c c urac y:90| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : S trength +2 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : T hic k Hide(10) Dropped by Danc ing Hand on |
| S team y B ath Hous e (5-8F) |
| A dios S hoes | A ttac k:110| A c c urac y:82| Cos t:5980 |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : A gility +3 |
| Found : S old at S hopping Network on May 22 |
| K intabi Gus oku | A ttac k:125| A c c urac y:70| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : Rare Ches t at S team y B ath Hous e |
| S kill Greaves | A ttac k:133| A c c urac y:90| Cos t:25600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : A ll S tatus +1 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Rubbery objec t(6) Dropped by Mis s Gene on |
| Marukyu S tripteas e (1-4F) |
| Cowboy B oots | A ttac k:150| A c c urac y:92| Cos t:26800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S turdy Molar(6) Dropped by Forgotten Hablerie |
| on Marukyu S tripteas e (5-8F) |
| Heavy Heel | A ttac k:167| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:28400|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : W rought Lam p(6) Dropped by S onic Raven |
| on Marukyu S tripteas e (3-5F) |
| B is ham onten | A ttac k:182| A c c urac y:92| Cos t:31600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : J et B lac k S c ale(6) Dropped by Lus tful S nake |
| on V oid Ques t (1-4F) |
| Furinkazan | A ttac k:193| A c c urac y:98| Cos t:33200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Often c aus es E nervation |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : P latinum Crown(6) Dropped by Corrupt T ower |
| on V oid Ques t (1-2F) |
| S teel S lippers | A ttac k:199| A c c urac y:87| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : A ll S tatus +2 |
| Found : T rade 8 A m ber S eem a at the Riverbed on S eptem ber |
| B uc king B ronc os | A ttac k:205| A c c urac y:92| Cos t:35600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S tone Hide(4) Dropped by Cons tanc y Relic |
| on S ec ret Laboratory (1-2F) |

converted by
| S leipnir | A ttac k:218| A c c urac y:92| Cos t:35600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : A gility +5 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S tretc hy Objec t(6) Dropped by Fail Gene |
| on S ec ret Laboratory (5-6F) |
| A m am i Legs | A ttac k:220| A c c urac y:80| Cos t:32800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Often Reflec ts P hys ic al A ttac ks |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Zero S tone(1)Dropped by Rain S eeing Cas tle |
| on V oid Ques t (1-2F) (Rainy Days Only) |
| Four B eas ts | A ttac k:225| A c c urac y:95| Cos t:38000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Riveted Hide(10) Dropped by J otun of P ower |
| on S ec ret Laboratory (7-8F) |
| V am pire S hoes | A ttac k:243| A c c urac y:93| Cos t:41200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Crim s om Cover (4) Dropped by Maniac al B ook |
| on Heaven P aradis e (2-4F) |
| Mjolnir B oots | A ttac k:253| A c c urac y:92| Cos t:43600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Critic al Rate Up (Medium ) |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Curs ed S tone(6) Dropped by Curs e Dic e |
| on Heaven P aradis e (3-5F) |
| Nic e S hoes | A ttac k:260| A c c urac y:78| Cos t:28800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Inc reas e P hys ic al E vas ion |
| Found : S old at S hopping Network on Oc t 9 & Nov 13 |
| V idar Footwear | A ttac k:264| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:45200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : B loody Hide(8) Dropped by J otun of B lood |
| on Heaven P aradis e (8-9F) |
| Dem on B oots | A ttac k:296| A c c urac y:96| Cos t:50000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Mirac le S c ale(4) Dropped by Fic kle P apillon |
| on Magats u Inaba (1-2F) |
| Hero's Footwear | A ttac k:300| A c c urac y:92| Cos t:51200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Luc k +4 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S now S tone(4) Dropped by K ing Cas tle |
| on Magats u Mandala (1F) |
| S peed K ic k | A ttac k:310| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:52000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Magic +3 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : P rim e Hide(4) Dropped by P hantom K ing |
| on Magats u Mandala (4-6F) |
| Gigant Fall | A ttac k:325| A c c urac y:95| Cos t:55200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : P latinum Hide (10) Dropped by Minotaur I |
| on Magats u Mandala (6F) |
| P eerles s Heel | A ttac k:338| A c c urac y:92| Cos t:57600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Love S c ale(4) Dropped by P ure P apillion |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (1-3F) |
| J udgem ent B oots | A ttac k:349| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:59000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Death S entenc e (10) Dropped by E ternal E agle |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (5-6F) |
| S tellar's Greaves | A ttac k:362| A c c urac y:96| Cos t:61200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : S trength +5 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : T yrannic al Hide(10) Dropped by Neo Minotaur |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (7-8F) |
| Red-Leaf Gus oku | A ttac k:380| A c c urac y:70| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : A ll S tatus +2 |
| Found : T rade 10 Genji A yu at the Riverbed on Novem ber |
| Mos es 's Mirac le | A ttac k:412| A c c urac y:95| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : High inc reas e in Critic al Rate |
| Found : Dropped by the Reaper on 2nd P laythrough |

Y ukiko A m agi
| K yo S ens u | A ttac k:36 | A c c urac y:94| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : Y ukiko's Default W eapon |
| Noh Fan | A ttac k:74 | A c c urac y:95| Cos t:11200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara |
| S ilk Fan | A ttac k:85 | A c c urac y:92| Cos t:12400|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Cloth W ings (10) Dropped by Monopolizing c upid |
| on S team y B ath Hous e (1-2, 5-6 , 9-10F) |
| Fan of Mons oon Rain | A ttac k:89 | A c c urac y:96| Cos t:13800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Res is t S lienc e |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : 4th B oy's T alc (1) Dropped by Rainy B rothers 4 |
| on S team y B athhous e (1-2F)( Rainy Days Only) |
| S uzaku Feather | A ttac k:92 | A c c urac y:92| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : S P +50 |
| Found : Defeat the B onus B os s at Y ukiko's Cas tle |
| T es s eb | A ttac k:108| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:19600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : S trength +4 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : P as s ion Clas p (6) Dropped B y S oul Danc er |
| on Marukyu S tripteas e (1-4F) |
| Hanac hirus ato | A ttac k:123| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:21600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Glos s y Clas p (10) Dropped by K illing Hand |
| on Marukyu S tripteas e (5-10F) |
| Mas querade | A ttac k:134| A c c urac y:92| Cos t:23600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : T ortois e S hell (10) Dropped by Large B as alt |
| on Marukyu S tripteas e (7-8F) |

converted by
| Harlot's Merc y | A ttac k:140| A c c urac y:60| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : Rare c hes t at Marukyu S tripteas e |
| Madam 's Charm | A ttac k:145| A c c urac y:92| Cos t:25600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : + Confus ion (Medium Chanc es ) |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Devilis h Feather(6) Dropped by A m enti Raven on |
| V oid Ques t (3-4F) |
| Duc hes s | A ttac k:150| A c c urac y:80| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Often c aus es Confus ion |
| Found : T rade 3 Inaba T rout at the Riverbed on J une |
| Invers ion Fan | A ttac k:150| A c c urac y:92| Cos t:26800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Gazing Clas p(6) Dropped by Fate S eeker on |
| V oid Ques t (3-4F) |
| A m agyou Fan | A ttac k:162| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:28000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Often c aus es S lienc e |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : 2nd Girl's T alc (1) Dropped by Rainy S is ters 2 |
| on V oid Ques t (3-4F *Rain Days Only) |
| Magori-B lue | A ttac k:170| A c c urac y:93| Cos t:29600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : A zalea Cord(4) Dropped by Inviting Nyogo |
| on S ec ret Laboratory (1-2F) |
| Fic kle Madam | A ttac k:173| A c c urac y:95| Cos t:32400|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Rarely c aus es Furious |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Dogm a Clas p(6) Dropped by Dogm atic T ower on |
| S ec ret Laboratory (3-4F) |
| A kis am e Fan | A ttac k:180| A c c urac y:50| Cos t:32400|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Luc k +10 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : 3rd Girl's T alc (1) Dropped by Rainy S is ters 3 on |
| Marukyu S tripteas e (1-4F) (Rainy Days Only) |
| Ganar | A ttac k:186| A c c urac y:98| Cos t:32000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Fur Clas p(6) Dropped by E legant Mother |
| on S ec ret Laboratory (7-8F) |
| Courtes ia | A ttac k:208| A c c urac y:95| Cos t:36400|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : S P +10 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S m art Clas p (4) Dropped by P rim e Magus |
| on Heaven P aradis e (1-2F) |
| A doras ion | A ttac k:218| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:36400|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S c orc hing S c ale (4) Dropped by Carnal S nake |
| on Heaven P aradis e (3-4F) |
| Uhi Fan | A ttac k:220| A c c urac y:92| Cos t:44400|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : P rotec ts agains t E xhaus tion |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Rare Rainc oat (1) Dropped by Raindrop Cas tle |
| on Heaven P aradis e (2-4F) (Rainy Days Only) |
| S uzum us hi | A ttac k:235| A c c urac y:95| Cos t:40000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : B les s ed Dis h(10) Dropped by Light B alanc e |
| on Heaven P aradis e (5-7F) |
| Nobles s e Oblige | A ttac k:260| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:44400|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : God T ailfeather (4) Dropped by J upiter E agle |
| on Magats u Inaba (1-2F) |
| Hototogis u | A ttac k:272| A c c urac y:92| Cos t:46000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Magic +10 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Love Clas p (4) Dropped by Harem Danc er |
| on Magats u Mandala (4-5F) |
| S c arlet | A ttac k:278| A c c urac y:96| Cos t:47200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Golden Film (4) Dropped by Noble S eeker |
| on Magats u Mandala (6F) |
| K ac o Fugets u | A ttac k:293| A c c urac y:95| Cos t:50000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : + E nervation (Medium Odds ) |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Red-Gold Cord (4) Dropped by S ilent Nyogo |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (2-3F) |
| P ieta | A ttac k:300| A c c urac y:97| Cos t:51200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Merc iles s Cord(10) Dropped by E l Dorado B eas t |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (7-8F) |
| Y um e no Ukihas hi | A ttac k:328| A c c urac y:98| Cos t:56000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : P rotec ts agains t Confus ion |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Forbidden S c ale(10) Dropped by S toic S nake |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (6-7F) |
| B oundles s S ea | A ttac k:395| A c c urac y:98| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Often c aus es E xhaus tion |
| Found : Dropped by the Reaper on 2nd P laythrough |

K anji T ats um i
| Folding Chair | A ttac k:45 | A c c urac y:95| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : K anji's Default W eapon |
| Y as ogam i Des ks | A ttac k:92 | A c c urac y:90| Cos t:16000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara |
| Iron B oard | A ttac k:113| A c c urac y:92| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Magic +2 |
| Found : Defeat the B onus B os s at S team y B ath Hous e |
| S teel B oard | A ttac k:142| A c c urac y:90| Cos t:24400|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Heavy Iron Lum p(6) Dropped by Liberating Idol |
| on Marukyu S tripteas e (5-10F) |
| P hoton P late | A ttac k:158| A c c urac y:90| Cos t:28000|

converted by
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S teel Collar(6) Dropped by E ns laved B eas t |
| on Marukyu S tripteas e (5-8F) |
| Hard B oard | A ttac k:162| A c c urac y:92| Cos t:28800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Reduc es Fire Dam age taken by 20% |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Dependent Iron(6) Dropped by Dependent B as alt |
| on V oid Ques t (1-2F) |
| T hunder P late | A ttac k:172| A c c urac y:96| Cos t:30000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Inc reas es T hunder A ttac ks by 25% |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : E lec tric Roc k(6) Dropped by A lm ighty Hand |
| on V oid Ques t (3-4F) |
| P ower P late | A ttac k:180| A c c urac y:90| Cos t:31200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : S trength +3 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Chirping W ings (10) Dropped by B lind CUpid |
| on V oid Ques t (3-4F) |
| S uper-A lloy P late | A ttac k:192| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:33000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S uper-A lloy (4) Dropped by S c arlet T urret |
| on V oid Ques t (9F) |
| B ath Lid | A ttac k:198| A c c urac y:55| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : S om etim es c aus es Furious |
| Found : T rade 1 Huge Fis h at the Riverbed on J uly |
| Gorgon P late | A ttac k:205| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:35200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Res is t agains t Fear |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S ourc e Lum p (4) Dropped by S ourc e B as alt |
| on S ec ret Laboratory (1-2F) |
| S c utum | A ttac k:220| A c c urac y:90| Cos t:38000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Illus ionary S and (6) Dropped by Flowing S and |
| on S ec ret Laboratory (3-4F) |
| B arbarian S hield | A ttac k:235| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:40000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : HP +30 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : P latinum Lum p (10) Dropped by Chaos Fuzz |
| on S ec ret Laboratory (5-6F) |
| Golden P late | A ttac k:246| A c c urac y:96| Cos t:42000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Fixed Lum p (10) Dropped by Order Giant |
| on S ec ret Loboratory (7-8F) |
| Dem on S hield | A ttac k:252| A c c urac y:92| Cos t:43200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : E nduranc e +4 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : J et B lac k S teel (4) Dropped by Dark E agle |
| on Heaven P aradis e (2F) |
| Death S c udetto | A ttac k:260| A c c urac y:50| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Luc k +2 |
| Found : S old at S hopping Network on S eptem ber 25 |
| Rare Ches t at S ec ret Laboratory |
| Mega B uc kler | A ttac k:264| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:43200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Critic al Rate Up (Medium ) |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Divine B ark (6) Dropped by A ngry T able |
| on Heaven P aradis e (5-7F) |
| Oni-Gawara | A ttac k:280| A c c urac y:88| Cos t:48000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Heavy Chains (8) Dropped by Minotaur IV |
| on Heaven P aradis e (8-9F) |
| S ol B reaker | A ttac k:318| A c c urac y:96| Cos t:54000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Reduc es Fire Dam age by 10% |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Dignified Lum p (4) Dropped by Great K ing |
| on Magats u Mandala (1-3F) |
| P halanx | A ttac k:322| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:54800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S c aly Lum p (4) Dropped by A m orous S nake |
| on Magats u Mandala (1-3 & 6F) |
| A s turias | A ttac k:332| A c c urac y:96| Cos t:64000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Death Lum p (4) Dropped by Death Dic e |
| on Magats u Mandala (4-5F) |
| B lac k T ar | A ttac k:346| A c c urac y:92| Cos t:58800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Golden Chains (4) Dropped by Minotaur II |
| on Magats u Mandala (6F) |
| A egis S hield | A ttac k:357| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:58800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : E nduranc e +10 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : P latinum S hell (4) Dropped by E m peror B eetle |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (2-3F) |
| Dullahan | A ttac k:368| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:62000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Holy Gold Lum p (10) Dropped by Doom S word |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (4-5F) |
| Chris t Mirror | A ttac k:382| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:64000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : P latinum Gear (10) Dropped by Ram page Drive |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (7F) |
| P erun P late | A ttac k:432| A c c urac y:92| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Inc reas es T hunder A ttac ks by 25% |
| Found : Dropped by the Reaper on 2nd P laythrough |

T eddie
| S pikey P unc h | A ttac k:44 | A c c urac y:95| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : T eddie's Default W eapon |
| Mewling Claw | A ttac k:154| A c c urac y:86| Cos t:26000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : A gility +4 |
| Found : S old at Daidara |

converted by
| B ear Claws | A ttac k:161| A c c urac y:78| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Counter P hys ic al A ttac ks (Low Chanc es ) |
| Found : Defeat the B onus B os s at Marukyu S tripteas e |
| Drunken Fis t | A ttac k:172| A c c urac y:98| Cos t:30000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : S om etim es c aus es Confus ion |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S hiny S c ale (6)Dropped by W him s ic al P apillon |
| on V oid Ques t (5-6F) |
| Cutie A c tion | A ttac k:180| A c c urac y:95| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : S trength +5 |
| Found : T rade 6 Red Goldfis h at the Riverbed on A ugus t |
| Fuum a B undou | A ttac k:190| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:27800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at S hopping Network on S eptem ber 11 |
| T yphoon Crow | A ttac k:200| A c c urac y:70| Cos t:32800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Often c aus es Fear |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : 2nd B oy's T alc (1) Dropped by Rainy B rothers 2 |
| V oid Ques t (7-8F *Rainy Days Only) |
| A ir B reak | A ttac k:205| A c c urac y:95| Cos t:36800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Often c aus es Fear |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S harp P rem olar(4) Dropped by Flattering Hablerie |
| on S ec ret Laboratory (1-2F) |
| P ois on Claws | A ttac k:218| A c c urac y:84| Cos t:37200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Often c aus es P ois on |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : V enom ous Fang(6) Dropped by Im m oral S nake |
| on S ec ret Laboratory (5-6F) |
| Mail Dus ter | A ttac k:232| A c c urac y:92| Cos t:40000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Guard S tationery (10) Dropped by T ruth P es c e |
| on S ec ret Laboratory(7-8F) |
| A s s ault S pike | A ttac k:240| A c c urac y:93| Cos t:41200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Claw of Myth (4) Dropped by Mythic al Gigas |
| on Heaven P aradis e (2F) |
| Gehenna Claw | A ttac k:254| A c c urac y:92| Cos t:43600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : T hirs ty Claw (6) Dropped by Dry Dixie |
| on Heaven P aradis e (6F) |
| Chain Claw | A ttac k:271| A c c urac y:87| Cos t:46000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : B lade T horn (8) Dropped by Chaos Cyc lops |
| on Heaven P aradis e (6-7F) |
| S trega Claw | A ttac k:300| A c c urac y:74| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : Rare c hes t on Heaven P aradis e |
| P ure A s s as s in | A ttac k:300| A c c urac y:75| Cos t:29800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : + P ois on (Med Odds ) |
| Found : S old at S hopping Network on Oc tober 23 |
| Needle S pike | A ttac k:322| A c c urac y:86| Cos t:54800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Often c aus es Furious |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Queen's Nail(4) Dropped by P is til Mother |
| on Magats u Mandala (1F) |
| S eiryu Claw | A ttac k:334| A c c urac y:95| Cos t:56800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S ilver Claw (4) Dropped by Change Relic |
| on Magats u Mandala (4-5F) |
| J akots u Claw | A ttac k:345| A c c urac y:95| Cos t:58800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S trength Claw (4) Dropped by Minotaur III |
| on Magats u Mandala (6F) |
| P latinum Claws | A ttac k:358| A c c urac y:96| Cos t:60000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : E nduranc e +3 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Forc e Roc k (4) Dropped by P rim itive Idol |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (2-3F) |
| T he Ripper | A ttac k:365| A c c urac y:92| Cos t:62000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : B loody T horn (10) Dropped by Rebellious Cyc lops |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (6-7F) |
| S hitis ei J akots u | A ttac k:371| A c c urac y:96| Cos t:62800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Magic +4 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Mys terious E ye (10) Dropped by A c heron S eeker |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (7F) |
| S pirit Fang | A ttac k:406| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Reduc es Magic Dam age by 30% |
| Found : Dropped by the Reaper on 2nd P laythrough |

Naoto S hirogane
| Nanbu 2 | A ttac k:80 | A c c urac y:95| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : Naoto's Default W eapon |
| P eac em aker | A ttac k:180| A c c urac y:98| Cos t:32800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Raging B ull | A ttac k:220| A c c urac y:88| Cos t:32800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| S teel B arrel (2) Dropped B y Ras h P anzer |
| on Heaven P aradis e (2F) |
| A lgeron | A ttac k:230| A c c urac y:85| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : A ll S tatus +5 |
| Found : Defeat the B onus B os s at S ec ret Laboratory |
| Crim s om Dirge | A ttac k:240| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:42000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Fixing B olt(6)Dropped by K iller Drive on |
| on Heaven P aradis e (3-4F) |

converted by
| .44 A nac onda | A ttac k:246| A c c urac y:94| Cos t:43200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : J udgem ent S hot(6)Dropped by HA llow T urret |
| on Heaven P aradis e (8-9F) |
| Chrom e Heart | A ttac k:275| A c c urac y:95| Cos t:46800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : S om etim es c aus es S lienc e |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Orb of Love(4)Dropped by Y earning P ot |
| on Magats u Mandala (1-3F) |
| J ovian T hunder | A ttac k:290| A c c urac y:98| Cos t:49200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Gold S ignature (4) Dropped by P urple S igil |
| on Magats u Mandala (2-3F) |
| J ovian T hunder | A ttac k:301| A c c urac y:98| Cos t:50000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Luc k +3 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : T hunder B ead (4) Dropped by J otun of E vil |
| on Magats u Mandala (4-5F) |
| Cam el Red | A ttac k:310| A c c urac y:98| Cos t:52800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Golden B arrel (4)Dropped by Conc eited P anzer |
| on Magats u Mandala (6F) |
| From Zero | A ttac k:325| A c c urac y:96| Cos t:56000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : S m all inc reas e in Critic al Rate |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : P rophec y Orb (4)Dropped by W rathful B ook |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (1F) |
| K is s of A thena R | A ttac k:342| A c c urac y:95| Cos t:58800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : S om etim es c aus es Confus ion |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : P ure W hite B ead (10) Dropped by Grac ious Cupid |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (4-5F) |
| J udge of Hell | A ttac k:360| A c c urac y:96| Cos t:62800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : S om etim es c aus es Confus ion |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : B ull's -E ye S hot (10) Dropped by B erzerk T urret |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (6F) |
| Magats u K iba | A ttac k:370| A c c urac y:74| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Often c aus es Fear |
| Found : Rare c hes t at Magats u Mandala |
| B lac k Hole | A ttac k:406| A c c urac y:96| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Inflic ts A ll A ilm ents (High) |
| Found : Dropped by the Reaper on 2nd P laythrough |

[P E S 2] A rm or Lis t

Unis ex A rm or
| Chain Mail | Defens e:34 | E vade:8 | Cos t:3000 |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara |
| K evlar V es t | Defens e:58 | E vade:10| Cos t:6800 |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Ches t at Y ukiko's Cas tle 5F |
| Materials : Mous tac he Fiber(6) Dropped by P os itive K ing at |
| Y ukiko's Cas tle (3-5F) |
| S urvival Guard | Defens e:62 | E vade:12| Cos t:7200 |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : E nduranc e +1 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : W onder Cloth(8) Dropped by T ranc e T wins |
| at Y ukiko's Cas tle (3-5F) |
| Metal J ac ket | Defens e:78 | E vade:3 | Cos t:12800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : B ronze Reins (6) Dropped by A venger K night at |
| Y ukiko's Cas tle (6-7F) |
| Hard A rm or | Defens e:156| E vade:16| Cos t:28000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Reduc es P hys ic al Dam age by 10% |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Fas hionable Dis h(6) Dropped by S ky B alanc e |
| at Marukyu S tripteas e (9-10F) |
| Haikara S hirt | Defens e:194| E vade:20| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Inc reas es E xp by 1.5X |
| Found : T rade 1 Guardian at the Riverbed on S eptem ber |
| T alis m an Cape | Defens e:210| E vade:3 | Cos t:42000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Inc reas es Magic E vas ion |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : B us hy Fur (4) Dropped by Mac h W heel |
| at S ec ret Laboratory (5-6F) |
| Godly Robe | Defens e:375| E vade:15| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : A ll S tatus +10 |
| Found : Dropped by T he Reaper (2nd P laythrough only) |

Male A rm or
| P retty S uit | Defens e:22 | E vade:15| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : T eddie's Default A rm or |
| T -S hirt | Defens e:26 | E vade:12| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : Main Charac ter's Default A rm or |
| Long T -S hirt | Defens e:28 | E vade:10| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : Y os uke's Default A rm or |
| S kull T -S hirt | Defens e:28 | E vade:12| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : K anji's Default A rm or |
| Gentlem an's T ux | Defens e:60 | E vade:24| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : HP +50 |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y ukiko Cas tle |
| J ingi Fundos hi | Defens e:72 | E vade:23| Cos t:11800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : HP +10 |
| Found : Rare Ches t at S team y B ath Hous e |
| S old at S hopping Network on J une 5 |

converted by
| Lion Fac e Hanten | Defens e:78 | E vade:16| Cos t:14400|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : S trength +1 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| P ower S tring(6) Dropped by B ronze Dic e |
| on Y ukiko's Cas tle (5-7F) |
| K nifeproof Coat | Defens e:86 | E vade:8 | Cos t:16800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : E nduranc e +2 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| P roof of S pirit (6)Dropped by Daring Gigas |
| on S team y B ath Hous e (3-8F) |
| Doum aru | Defens e:94 | E vade:12| Cos t:17800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Firm Cloth(6) Dropped by P urs uing P es c e |
| on S team y B ath Hous e (3-4F) |
| A m ekaku | Defens e:98 | E vade:40| Cos t:32000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : A gility +10 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Zero S teel(1) Dropped by Rain Light Mus ha |
| on V oid Ques t (5-6F) |
| Mandala Clothes | Defens e:100| E vade:55| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : E xperienc e P oints X 1.5 |
| Found : Given from V elvet Room when finis hing 100% of |
| S oc ial Link E vents |
| S uic idal B reas tplate | Defens e:114| E vade:4 | Cos t:21600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : P rotec t agains ts Rage |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S harp Horn(4) Dropped by Grave B eetle |
| on S team y B ath Hous e (9-10F) |
| P urple S uit | Defens e:116| E vade:23| Cos t:20800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Random ly Reflec ts P hys ic al A ttac ks |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Marukyu S tripteas e |
| S old at S hopping Network on J uly 17 |
| A m e-Otoko | Defens e:120| E vade:5 | Cos t:26000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : HP +100 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Zero B oard(1) Dropped by Rain Leg Mus ha |
| on Marukyu S tripteas e (7-8F *Rainy Days Only) |
| B lac k S tone Mail | Defens e:132| E vade:11| Cos t:24000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Idle S tone Iron(6) Dropped by Idle B as alt |
| on Marukyu S tripteas e (1-4F) |
| K night S c ale | Defens e:142| E vade:8 | Cos t:25600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S heet Metal(6) Dropped by A rc ane T urret |
| on Marukyu S tripteas e (9-10F) |
| P late Mail | Defens e:161| E vade:3 | Cos t:29800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Golden Horn(6) Dropped by S trength B eetle |
| on V oid Ques t (5-6F) |
| P aladin A rm or | Defens e:166| E vade:4 | Cos t:20800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : + E vade P hys ic al (Low) |
| Found : Rare Ches t at V oid Ques t |
| : S old at S hopping Network on A ugus t 7 |
| P as s ion S weats | Defens e:190| E vade:18| Cos t:34000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : + A uto T arukaja (P ower) |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : P roof of Fight(10) Dropped by B eas tly Gigas |
| on V oid Ques t (9) |
| K urito-odos hi | Defens e:206| E vade: 4| Cos t:36800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Dem on Collar (4) Dropped by Mighty B eas t |
| on S ec ret Laboratory (5-6F) |
| Niagra Clim ber | Defens e:210| E vade: 3| Cos t:38400|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : + A uto-Rakukaja |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : 1s t Girl's T alc (1) Dropped by Rainy S is ters 1 |
| on S ec ret Laboratory (1-2F) |
| Red B attles uit | Defens e:216| E vade:26| Cos t:29800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Reduc es P hys ic al Dam age by 20% |
| Found : T rade 2 Huge Fis h at the Riverbed |
| S old at S hopping Network on Oc tober 16 |
| Rare Ches t at S ec ret Laboratory |
| Hurric ane Coat | Defens e:228| E vade:18| Cos t:40000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Reduc e wind dam age by 20% |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : B lac k Reins (4) Dropped by Hell K night |
| on S ec ret Laboratory (7-8F) |
| A m am us ha A rm or | Defens e:236| E vade:3 | Cos t:41200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : P rotec ts agains t Dizzy |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Dropped by Rain Drop Mus ha on S ec ret Laboratory |
| Dragon S c ale | Defens e:245| E vade:11| Cos t:42800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : P orc elain S tatue (4) Dropped by Growth Relic |
| on Heaven P aradis e (2F) |
| T s ukiyom i Nos hi | Defens e:254| E vade:26| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : A ll S tatus +5. |
| Found : Rare c hes t at Heaven P aradis e |
| S tylis h K im ono | Defens e:258| E vade:15| Cos t:45800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : P rac tic al Cloth(10) Dropped by Rec kles s Okina |
| on Heaven P aradis e (5F) |
| Orac le Gown | Defens e:270| E vade:17| Cos t:47200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : HP +40 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Orac le T extile(6) Dropped by Revelation P es c e |
| on Heaven P aradis e (6-7F) |
| A m eagari-K es s higai | Defens e:280| E vade: 8| Cos t:48000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Reduc es P hys ic al Dam age by 30% |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Material Dropped by Rain W ind Mus ha on |
| Heaven P aradis e (8-9F Rainy Days Only) |
| Nubatam a S uit | Defens e:280| E vade:32| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : Rare c hes t at Magats u Inaba & Magats u Mandala |

converted by
| 1000-S tud Coat | Defens e:287| E vade: 4| Cos t:49200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Calm Marble (6) Dropped by V ehem ent Idol |
| on Magats u Inaba (1-2F) |
| Mikagura's V es t | Defens e:308| E vade:14| Cos t:53200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : P rotec ts agains t E nervation |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Form idable P roof(4) Dropped by Im m ortal Gigas |
| on Magats u Mandala (4-5F) |
| S urc oat | Defens e:315| E vade:12| Cos t:54000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Diam ond S heet (6) Dropped by Harm ony Giant |
| on Magats u Mandala (6F) |
| S onidori W ear | Defens e:315| E vade:32| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : S P +100 |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y om ots u Hiras aka |
| Opera Coat | Defens e:325| E vade:19| Cos t:56000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Dem on Cloth(10) Dropped by P hantom Hero |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (4-5F) |
| Loric a Ham ata | Defens e:340| E vade:11| Cos t:58000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Unknown B arrel(10) Dropped by P tarm igan P anzer |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (6-7F) |
| Full J in-B aori | Defens e:350| E vade:10| Cos t:60000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : P yroxene Fiber(10) Dropped by Heartles s Mac hine |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (8F) |

Fem ale A rm or
| T ank T op | Defens e:25 | E vade:14| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : Chie's Default A rm or |
| Lac e B lous e | Defens e:25 | E vade:14| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : Y ukiko's Default A rm or |
| Gothic S hirt | Defens e:30 | E vade:10| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : Naoto's Default A rm or |
| Com bat Dres s | Defens e:60 | E vade:4 | Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Inc reas es evas ion on Fire |
| Found : Rare Ches t on Y ukiko's Cas tle |
| Miori S hirt | Defens e:60 | E vade:40| Cos t:22400|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : + A uto S ukukaja (A im , E vade) |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Curious Line(1) Dropped by Cloudgirl P ot |
| S team y B ath Hous e(3-4F Rainy Days Only) |
| S teel P anier | Defens e:75 | E vade:22| Cos t:11800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : S P +20 |
| Found : Rare Ches t on S team y B ath Hous e |
| S old at S hopping Network on May 29 |
| Charm Robe | Defens e:78 | E vade:18| Cos t:15200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Magic +1 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Magic Cros s (4) Dropped by Laughing T able |
| at Y ukiko's Cas tle (5-7F) |
| B attle Cam is ole | Defens e:84 | E vade:15| Cos t:11800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Rare Ches t on S team y B ath Hous e |
| Materials : K arm a Lam p (6) Dropped by V ic ious Raven |
| at S team y B ath Hous e (5-6F) |
| Zero K os ode | Defens e:108| E vade:3 | Cos t:28000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Magic E vas ion (High) |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Zero Cloth(1) Dropped by Rain W heel |
| at Marukyu S tripteas e (3-4F) (Rainy Days only) |
| Hard B olero | Defens e:115| E vade:12| Cos t:21200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S m ooth Fabric (10) Dropped by W ondrous Magus |
| at S team y B athhous e (9-10F) |
| A rm ada B us tier | Defens e:118| E vade:25| Cos t:20800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Magic +5 |
| Found : Rare Ches t on Marukyu S tripteas e |
| S old at S hopping Network on J uly 3 |
| Fes tival of W ind & Rain | Defens e:120| E vade:3 | Cos t:31200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : P hys ic al E vas ion UP |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : |
| W olf T unic | Defens e:130| E vade:14| Cos t:24800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : T anned Hide(4) Dropped by P ers is tent Fuzz |
| on Marukyu S tripteas e (3-4,7F) |
| A c tion V es t | Defens e:144| E vade:6 | Cos t:24800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S teel Reins (10) Dropped by Cham pion K night |
| on Marukyu S tripteas e (9-10F) |
| Charm Drape | Defens e:167| E vade:24| Cos t:24800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : E nduranc e+5 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : A nguis h S tone(6) Dropped by A nguis h B as alt |
| on V oid Ques t (5-6F) |
| B reeze T utu | Defens e:188| E vade:14| Cos t:32600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Reduc es W ind Dam age by 20% |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Light S tring(4) Dropped by P latinum Dic e |
| on V oid Ques t (7-9F S um m oned by Leading Idol) |
| Divine B lous e | Defens e:204| E vade: 8| Cos t:35600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Reduc es W ind Dam age by 20% |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : P roof of P as s ion(6) Dropped by Furious Gigas |
| on S ec ret Laboratory (3-4F) |
| P eac h B attles uit Defens e:211| E vade: 4| Cos t:29800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|

converted by
| Other E ffec ts : P hys ic al E vas ion UP (Low) |
| Found : Rare Ches t at S ec ret Laboratory |
| S old at S hopping Network on Oc tober 2 |
| Uni Haori | Defens e:222| E vade:8 | Cos t:39000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : P rotec ts agains t Confus ion |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : ??? |
| Invinc ible Mini | Defens e:232| E vade: 8| Cos t:40000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : P ower Roc k(8) Dropped by P ower Cas tle |
| on S ec ret Laboratory (7-8F) |
| Mythos Rope | Defens e:240| E vade:16| Cos t:42000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Golden S and(6) Dropped by P erpetual S and |
| on Heaven P aradis e (1F) |
| A m ateras u's K im ino | Defens e:251| E vade:29| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Reflec t P hys ic al A ttac ks (Med Odds ) |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Heaven P aradis e |
| Lan Ling W ang | Defens e:255| E vade:15| Cos t:44000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Mink Fur(6) Dropped by Regal Mother |
| on Heaven P aradis e (3-5F) |
| Rune Dres s | Defens e:270| E vade:14| Cos t:44000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : A ll S tatus +4 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : A yanis hiki(10) Dropped by B los s om Nyogo |
| on Heaven P aradis e (6-7F) |
| E lint Duffle | Defens e:274| E vade: 8| Cos t:48800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Hem p Cloth(6) Dropped by Natural Danc er |
| on Heaven P aradis e (8-9F) |
| A ngel S kirt | Defens e:284| E vade:25| Cos t:59800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Reduc e P hys ic al Dam age by 20% |
| Found : Rare Ches t on Magats u Inaba and Magats u Mandala |
| S old at S hopping Network on Novem ber 20 |
| K ikus yu A was e | Defens e:285| E vade:12| Cos t:50000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Royal B los s om (6) Dropped by Free B am bino |
| on Magats u Mandala (1-3F) |
| S hinra Robe | Defens e:304| E vade:12| Cos t:50000|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Ogurum a B roc ade(6) Dropped by V aluing Nyogo |
| on Magats u Mandala (2-5F) |
| S pirit Cape | Defens e:310| E vade:19| Cos t:54400|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : P rotec ts agains t P ois on |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Uzum e Clothes | Defens e:310| E vade:33| Cos t:N/A |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : HP +100 |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y om ots u Hiras aka |
| Mizuha A rm or | Defens e:314| E vade:12| Cos t:54800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Flam e S heet(4) Dropped by S pas m atic T urret |
| on Magats u Mandala (6F) |
| Y om i S leeves | Defens e:324| E vade:18| Cos t:56800|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : K lein B ottle(4) Dropped by Mis tres s P ot |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (1-3F) |
| E m ery Meis en | Defens e:338| E vade:14| Cos t:59600|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Unknowable Fiber(10) Dropped by Next Gene |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (5-6F) |
| Haten Robe | Defens e:352| E vade:10| Cos t:61200|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : None |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S ilver S tring(10) Dropped by B rilliant K ing |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (7-8F) |

[P E S 4] A c c es s ory Lis t
Default A c c es s ories
| W ris t W atc h |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : None |
| Found : Main Charac ter's Default A c c es s ory |
| P lain Ring |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : None |
| Found : Y os uke's Default A c c es s ory |
| A lum inum B adge |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : None |
| Found : Chie's Default A c c es s ory |
| Hair B and |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : None |
| Found : Y ukiko's Default A c c es s ory |
| S ilver Loc ket |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : None |
| Found : K anji's Default A c c es s ory |
| B ear's E ars |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : None |
| Found : T eddie's Default A c c es s ory |
| S piral P ierc e |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : None |
| Found : Naoto's Default A c c es s ory |
| Ribbon |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : None |
| Found : Ris e's Default A c c es s ory |

P aram eter UP A c c es s ories

converted by
----------S trength--------------
| Headband |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : S trength +1 |
| Found : S old at Daidara on A pril 16 |
| P ower B elt |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : S trength +2 |
| Found : Rare Ches t at S team y B ath Hous e |
| P ower Robe |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : S trength +3 |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Marukyu S tripteas e |
| Foc us Chim aki |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : S trength +4 |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Heaven P aradis e |
| Fes tival Drum |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : S trength +5 |
| Found : S old at Daidara |
| Materials : W indc utter Cloth (10) Dropped by S hallow Okina |
at S ec ret Laboratory (3-4 F) |
| P ower Mus c le |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : S trength +10 |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Magats u Mandala |
-----------Magic ----------------
| Lizard Charm |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Magic +1 |
| Found : S old at Daidara |
| Materials : Idea P aper(1) Dropped by Calm P es c e at |
| Y ukiko's Cas tle (1F) |
| Crow Charm |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Magic +2 |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y ukiko's Cas tle |
| B at Charm |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Magic +3 |
| Found : Rare Ches t at V oid Ques t |
| B lac k Cat Charm |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Magic +4 |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Heaven P aradis e |
| W itc h's Charm |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Magic +5 |
| Found : S old at Daidara |
| Materials : S ilver S ignature(10) Dropped by Red S igil at |
| S ec ret Laboratory (3-4F) |
| Magic al T ranc e |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Magic +10 |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Magats u Mandala and Y om ots u Hiras aka |

----------E nduranc e-------------
| A m ulet |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : E nduranc e +1 |
| Found : S old at Daidara on A pril 16 |
| T ails m an |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : E nduranc e +2 |
| Found : Rare Ches t at S team y B ath Hous e |
| Guard A m ulet |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : E nduranc e +3 |
| Found : S old at Daidara |
| Materials : Hard T horn(10) Dropped by Fierc e Cyc lops at |
| S ec ret Laboratory (7-8F) |
| Iron Charm |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : E nduranc e +4 |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Heaven P aradis e |
| God of P rotec tion's Ros ario |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : E nduranc e +5 |
| Found : S old at Daidra |
| Materials : S olid T horn (10) Dropped by Cyc lops of Indignation |
| at S ec ret Laboratory (3-5F) |
| Defens e E s s enc e |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : E nduranc e +10 |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Magats u Mandala |
----------A gility---------------
| Feather S trap |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : A gility +1 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Mous tac he Fiber(10) Dropped by P os tive K ing at |
| Y ukiko's Cas tle (5-7F) |
| Guard A m ulet |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : A gility +2 |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y ukiko Cas tle and S team y B ath Hous e |
| Flight S trap |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : A gility +3 |
| Found : Rare Ches t at V oid Ques t |
| S wift Hors e S trap |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : A gility +4 |
| Found : Rare Ches t at S ec ret Laboratory |
| P egas us S trap |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : A gility +5 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : Mental T hread(10) Dropped by Mind Dic e at |
| S ec ret Laboratory (7-8F) |
| S peed S tar |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : A gility +10 |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Magats u Mandala |
-----------Luc k-----------------
| Luc ky Coin |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Luc k +1 |
| Found : S old at Daidara on A pril 16 |
| Rabbit's Foot |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Luc k +2 |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y ukiko Cas tle and S team y B ath Hous e |

converted by
| S ilver S poon |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Luc k +3 |
| Found : Rare c hes t at Marukyu S tripteas e |
| Maneki Neko |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Luc k +4 |
| Found : S hopping Network on J uly 31 |
| Rare Ches t at S ec ret Laboratory and Heaven P aradis e |
| W ooden E bis u |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Luc k +5 |
| Found : S old at Daidara |
| Materials : Y ellow Cord(10) Dropped by Royal Danc er at |
S ec ret Laboratory (1-2F) |
| Luc ky S even |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Luc k +10 |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Magats u Mandala |
------------A ll-----------------
| W ind and water B rac elet |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : A ll S tatus +1 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : B ronze Harnes s (10) Dropped by Conques t K night at |
| Y ukiko's Cas tle (6-7F) |
| K im yaku B rac e |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : A ll S tatus +2 |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Marukyu S tripteas e and V oid Ques t |
| B lood V es s el B rac elet |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : A ll S tatus +3 |
| Found : Rare Ches t at S ec ret Laboratory and Heaven P aradis e |
| S oul fountain B rac elet |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : A ll S tatus +4 |
| Found : S hopping Network on Novem ber 13 |
| Rare Ches t at Magats u Mandala |
| K otau Dragon B rac elet |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : A ll S tatus +5 |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : T orrent Gear(10) Dropped by S laughter Drive at |
| Magats u Mandala (6F) |
| God's Love |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : A ll S tatus +10 |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y om ots u Hiras aka |
------------HP ------------------
| V igor Fob | Cos t:12000 Y en|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Maxim um HP by 10% |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : B ig Inc is or (10) Dropped by Lying Hablerie |
| On Y ukiko Cas tle 1s t Floor |
| Life Fob |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Maxim um HP by 20% |
| Found : |
| A m ateras u Fob |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Maxim um HP by 30% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at V oid Ques t, Heaven P aradis e and |
| Y om ots u Hiras aka |
------------S P ------------------
| Raven P otpourri | Cos t:12000 Y en|
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Maxim um S P by 10% |
| Found : Idea P aper(10) Dropped by Calm P es c e at |
| Y ukiko's Cas tle (1F) |
| S oul P otpourri |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Maxim um S P by 20% |
| Found : |
| Moon Reading P otpourri |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Maxim um S P by 30% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at V oid Ques t, Heaven P aradis e and |
| Y om ots u Hiras aka |

E lem ental A c c es s ories
A ttribute P rotec tion
| Fire P in |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Reduc e Fire Dam age taken by 10% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y ukiko's Cas tle and S team y B ath Hous e |
| Flam e P in |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Reduc e Fire Dam age taken by 20% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Marukyu S tripteas e and V oid Ques t |
| B laze P in |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Reduc e Fire Dam age taken by 30% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Heaven P aradis e |
| T atarano B rooc h |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Reduc e Fire Dam age taken by 40% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Magats u T own |
| K aguts uc hi B rooc h |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Reduc e Fire Dam age taken by 50% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y om ots u Hiras aka |
------------Ic e-----------------
| Ic e P in |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Reduc e Ic e Dam age taken by 10% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y ukiko's Cas tle and S team y B ath Hous e |
| S now P in |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Reduc e Ic e Dam age taken by 20% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Marukyu S tripteas e and V oid Ques t |
| B lizzard P in |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Reduc e Ic e Dam age taken by 30% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Heaven P aradis e |
| B rooc h of Hail |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Reduc e Ic e Dam age taken by 40% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Magats u T own |

converted by
| K uraokam i's B rooc h |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Reduc e Ic e Dam age taken by 50% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y om ots u Hiras aka |
--------E lec tric ity-------------
| B rooc h of Lighting |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Reduc e E lec tric Dam age taken by 10% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y ukiko's Cas tle and S team y B ath Hous e |
| S park P in |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Reduc e E lec tric Dam age taken by 20% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Marukyu S tripteas e and V oid Ques t |
| V olt P in |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Reduc e E lec tric Dam age taken by 30% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Heaven P aradis e |
| B rooc h of Odoros hi |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Reduc e E lec tric Dam age taken by 40% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Magats u Mandala |
| T akefuts u P in |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Reduc e E lec tric Dam age taken by 50% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y om ots u Hiras aka |
------------W ind----------------
| B rooc h of W ind |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Reduc e W ind Dam age taken by 10% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y ukiko's Cas tle and S team y B ath Hous e |
| B rooc h of Gale |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Reduc e W ind Dam age taken by 20% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Marukyu S tripteas e and V oid Ques t |
| B rooc h of S torm |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Reduc e W ind Dam age taken by 30% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at S ec ret Laboratory and Heaven P aradis e |
| Gale P in |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Reduc e W ind Dam age taken by 40% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Magats u T own |
| S hinatobe's B rooc h |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Reduc e W ind Dam age taken by 50% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y om ots u Hiras aka |
A ttribute attac k
* S tac k with B oos t S pells
| Fire V ow |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Fire A ttac k by 10% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y ukiko's Cas tle |
| Flam e V ow |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Fire A ttac k by 20% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at S team y B ath Hous e |
| Oath of B laze |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Fire A ttac k by 30% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at S ec ret Laboratory |
| Oath of Inferno |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Fire A ttac k by 40% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Heaven P aradis e |
| Oath of K agu-ts uc hi |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Fire A ttac k by 50% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y om ots u Hiras aka |
------------Ic e-----------------
| Ic e V ow |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Ic e A ttac k by 10% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y ukiko's Cas tle |
| S now V ow |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Ic e A ttac k by 20% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Marukyu S tripteas e and V oid Ques t |
| B lizzard V ow |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Ic e A ttac k by 30% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at V oid Ques t |
| Ic ic le V ow |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Ic e A ttac k by 40% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Heaven P aradis e |
| K uraokam i V ow |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Ic e A ttac k by 50% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y om ots u Hiras aka |
--------E lec tric ity-------------
| Oath of Lighting |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e E lec tric A ttac k by 10% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y ukiko's Cas tle |
| Oath of T hunders torm |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e E lec tric Dam age by 20% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Marukyu S tripteas e and V oid Ques t |
| Oath of Nakam i (S ound God) |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e E lec tric Dam age by 30% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at V oid Ques t |
| V olt V ow |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e E lec tric Dam age by 40% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Heaven P aradis e |
| T akefuts u V ow |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e E lec tric Dam age by 50% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y om ots u Hiras aka |
------------W ind----------------
| W ind V ow |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e W ind Dam age by 10% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y ukiko's Cas tle |

converted by
| T yphoon V ow |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e W ind Dam age by 20% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Marukyu S tripteas e |
| S torm V ow |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e W ind Dam age by 30% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at V oid Ques t and S ec ret Laboratory |
| Gale V ow |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e W ind Dam age by 40% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Heaven P aradis e and Magats u Mandala |
| S hinatobe V ow |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e W ind Dam age by 50% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Magats u T own |
A ttribute E vas ion
| Fire S uppres s or |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e evas ion on Fire attac ks |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y ukiko's Cas tle, S team y B ath Hous e and |
| S ec ret Laboratory |
| E ye of Flam e |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Large inc reas e in evas ion on Fire attac ks |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Heaven P aradis e and Magats u Mandala |
------------Ic e-----------------
| Ic e S uppres s or |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e evas ion on Ic e attac ks |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y ukiko's Cas tle, V oid QUes t Hous e and |
| S ec ret Laboratory |
| E ye of Ic e |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Large inc reas e in evas ion on Ic e attac ks |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Magats u T own and Magats u Mandala |
--------E lec tric ity-------------
| V olt S uppres s or |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e evas ion on E lec tric attac ks |
| Found : Rare Ches t at S team y B ath Hous e and |
| Lighting God's E ye |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Large inc reas e in evas ion on E lec tric attac ks |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Heaven P aradis e and Magats u Mandala |
------------W ind----------------
| W ind S uppres s or |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e evas ion on W ind attac ks |
| Found : Rare Ches t at S team y B ath Hous e and S ec ret Laboratory |
| W ind God's E ye |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Large inc reas e in evas ion on W ind attac ks |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Heaven P aradis e |
| A ngel's Feather |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e S uc c es s of Ham a |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Rare Ches t at S team y B ath Hous e |
| Materials : Crys tal of Light(10) Dropped by Devoted Cupid on |
| Heaven P aradis e (5-7F) |
| Fallen A ngel's Feather |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e S uc c es s of Mudo |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Rare Ches t at S team y B ath Hous e and S ec ret Laboratory |
| Materials : B lac k S ignature(10) Dropped by Green S igil on |
| Heaven P aradis e (6-7F) |
----------P hys ic al--------------
| Falc on E ye |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e evas ion on P hys ic al attac ks |
| Found : T rade 3 A m ber S eem a at the Flood P lain on May |
| Rare Ches t at Y ukiko's Cas tle |
| E agle E ye |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Large inc reas e in evas ion on P hys ic al attac ks |
| Found : T rade 2 Huge Fis h at the Flood P lain on Dec em ber |
S tatus P rotec tion
| Dis infec tant |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Reduc e the c hanc e of P ois on |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Rare Ches t at Y ukiko's Cas tle, S team y B ath Hous e and |
| V oid Ques t |
| Materials : B eard Fiber (10) Dropped by E gotis tic al K ing |
| on S team y B athhous e (7-8F) |
| Gas Mas k |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Null P ois on |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Heaven P aradis e and Y om ots u Hiras aka |
| B uddha of S erenity |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Res is t Confus ion |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Rare Ches t at S team y B ath Hous e and V oid Ques t |
| Materials :S afety A ngle (10) Dropped by A dam ant B eetle |
| at Marukyu S tripteas e (7-8F) |
| S akuran Hat |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Null Confus ion |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Heaven P aradis e and Magats u Mandala |
| S afety B elt |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Res is t Dizzy |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Rare Ches t at S ec ret Laboratory |
| Materials : Ruinous Crown (10) Dropped by Fanatic T ower |
| on Magats u Mandala (1-3) |
| A larm Cloc k |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Null Dizzy |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y om ots u Hiras aka |
| Cool B eads |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Res is t Rage |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Rare Ches t at Y ukiko's Cas tle |
| Materials : Quiet B onquet(10) Dropped by B loom ing B am bino |

converted by
| at Marukyu S tripteas e (7-8F) |
| Frozen Ros e |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Null Rage |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Heaven P aradis e and Magats u Mandala |
| Diguis e Mas k |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Res is t S lienc e |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Rare Ches t at Heaven P aradis e |
| Materials : Dec orative S tone(4) Dropped by T ranquil Idol on |
| S team y B ath Hous e (7-8F) |
| Mas k of T ruth |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Null S lienc e |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Heaven P aradis e |
| K id's Hac him aki |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Res is t E nervation |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Rare Ches t at Marukyu S tripteas e |
| Materials : Guard Cloth(10) Dropped by P rotec tive Rexy |
| on V oid Ques t (9F) |
| Y oung P itc h P ipe |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Res is t E nervation |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y om ots u Hiras aka |
| B ravery V es s el |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Res is t Fear |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Rare Ches t at S team y B ath Hous e & V oid Ques t |
| Materials : B rave Lum ber (10) Dropped by Crying T able |
| at S team y B athhous e (9-10F) |
| S pirit P earl |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Null Fear |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Heaven P aradis e & Magats u Mandala |
| Healthy Rec ipe |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Res is t E xhaus tion |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Rare Ches t at V oid Ques t |
| Materials : P aleogrpah (10) Dropped by S purious B ook |
| on V oid Ques t (3-4F) |
| P rotec tion of Good Health |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Null E xhaus tion |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Magats u Mandala |
| B ook of the V oid |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Null Rage, Fear, S ilenc e, E nervation, and Confus ion |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Magats u Mandala and Y om ots u Hiras aka |
| B ook of E lim ination |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Rec over S tatus A lim ents twic e as fas t |
| Found : |
| B ook of Innoc enc es |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Rec over S tatus A lim ents after a T urn |
| Found : Rare Ches t at V oid Ques t and Magats u Mandala |
| Land B adge |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Rec over 2% HP every turn |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| T rade Huge Fis h at the Flood P lain on Dec em ber |
| Materials : Life Collar (10) Dropped B y Nizam B eas t |
| on S team y B ath Hous e (3-6F) |
| E arth S eal |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Rec over 4% HP every turn |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Rare Ches t at Heaven P aradis e |
| Materials : Ill W ill Claw (10) Dropped B y Crazy T wins |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (1-2F) |
| Mage Mark |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Rec over 3 S P every turn |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Rare Ches t at V oid Ques t |
| Materials : Magic Cloth (10) Dropped B y *P hantom Mas ter |
| on S team y B ath Hous e(3-4F)*S um m oned by P urs uing P es c e|
| T aois t B adge |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Rec over 6 S P every turn |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Materials : S ilver Fox Fur (10) Dropped by Divine Mother |
| on Y om ots u Hiras aka (1-2F) |
| S age B adge |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Rec over 7 S P every turn |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Magats u Mandala |
| P atient Collar |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : P rotec t us er from Death onc e |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Marukyu S tripteas e , V oid Ques t and |
| Heaven P aradis e |
| B les s ed Hand |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e the effec t of healing s pells by 1.5x |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Marukyu S tripteas e and V oid Ques t |
| S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| T rade 4 A m ber S eem a at the Riverbed on J uly |
| Materials : A c tivated Felt (10) Dropped by E arnes t Carothy |
| on Magats u Mandala (6F) |
| P rophec y of Rebirth |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Revive us er with Full HP upon death |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Magats u Mandala and Y om ots u Hiras aka |
Other A c c es s ories
| Chakra Ring |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : A ll S P S kill us age is reduc e 50% |
| Found : Defeat the B onus B os s at Heaven P aradis e |
| Rudra Ring |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : A ll HP S kill us age is reduc e 50% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Magats u Mandala and Y om ots u Hiras aka |
| A warenes s Note |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Canc el enem y initiative |
| Found : Rare Ches t at S team y B ath Hous e, S ec ret Laboratory and |
| Heaven P aradis e |
| S igm a Drive |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Reduc e c hanc e of being Critic al attac k |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Rare Ches t at S ec ret Laboratory and Heaven P aradis e|
| Materials : : P latinum Fur (10) Dropped by Nem ean B eas t |
| on Magats u Mandala (1-3F) |
| Om ega Drive |

converted by
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : High Inc reas e in Critic al Rate |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Heaven P aradis e and Magats u Mandala |
| B rac elet of B arbaric God |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Reduc e enem y ac c urac y by Half |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Magats u Mandala |
| Com plete God's W all |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts :Reduc e Dam age taken by 50% but E vas ion is dis abled|
| Found :Rare Ches t at Magats u Mandala |
| Revenge Ring |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Repel P hys ic al A ttac ks by 10% |
| Found : S old at Daidara (Materials Needed) |
| Rare Ches t at V oid Ques t |
| Materials : : S elfis h Ornam ent(10) Dropped by S elfis h B as alt |
| at S team y B ath Hous e (7-8F) |
| Chains of Retaliation |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Repel P hys ic al A ttac ks by 15% |
| Found : S hopping Network on S eptem ber 18 |
| Rare Ches t at S ec ret Laboratory |
| Ghos t Mas k of Revenge |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Repel P hys ic al A ttac ks by 20% |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Y om ots u Hiras aka |
| Cat Hair |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Inc reas e Magic E vas ion |
| Found : Rare Ches t at Magats u Mandala |
| Om ni P otent Orb |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Other E ffec ts : Null A ll attac ks exc ept A lm ighty |
| Found : Dropped by the Reaper on 2nd P laythrough (Low) |
Main Charac ter Only A c c es s ories
| P ortrait Medal |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : S trength +5 |
| Found : T alk to Nanako after Getting the Highes t m ark of the |
| c las s on the firs t s c hool s em es ter. (Firs t T es t) |
| P aper A rm band |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : A ll S tatus +5 |
| Found : T alk to Nanako after Getting the Highes t m ark of the |
| c las s on the firs t s c hool s em es ter.(S ec ond T es t) |
| B ead Ring |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Magic E vas ion |
| Found : T alk to Nanako after Getting the Highes t m ark of the |
| c las s on the S ec ond s c hool s em es ter. (Firs t T es t) |
| P artial A ward |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : P rotec t us er from Death onc e |
| Found : Chec k the Cus hion that Nanako always s it on after |
| Getting the top m ark of the s ec ond s c hool s em es ter. |
| Reader K ing |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Magic +10 |
| Found : Read all the books found in the gam e , then s peak with |
| the m an near the B ooks tore. |
| Mac ho Medal |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Res is t P hys ic al A ttac ks |
| Found : S pend tim e with all the Guys on Chris tm as . |
| Fluffy Muffler |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Res is t Ic e A ttac ks |
| Found : S pend tim e with Chie on Chris tm as . |
| Leather K eyc hain |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Res is t Fire A ttac ks |
| Found : S pend tim e with Y ukiko on Chris tm as . |
| S ilver B angle |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : S P +50% |
| Found : S pend tim e with Ris e on Chris tm as . |
| Handm ade W atc h |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e the c hanc e of c aus ing S tatus E ffec ts . |
| Found : S pend tim e with Naoto on Chris tm as . |
| Rugged Ring |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e the E ffec t of Rec overy Magic . |
| Found : S pend tim e on the Chris tm as E vent with A i E bihara. |
| Fanc y Mini-Car |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e the S uc c es s of Mudo. |
| Found : S pend tim e on the Chris tm as E vent with Y um i Ozawa. |
| Hand-knit Mitten |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e the S uc c es s of Ham a. |
| Found : S pend tim e on the Chris tm as E vent with A yane Mats unaga.|
[P E S 4] Item Lis t
Cons um able Item s
*Legend for below
Loc ation where they c an be found

D = Dungeon Ches t
Q = Ques t
R = Rare Ches t
S = S hop
T = T anaka S hopping Network
K = K its une
F = T rade for Fis hing
M = Dropped from Mons ters
O = Other m ethods
C = Convers ation at J unes
Nam e Found E ffec t

P eac h S eed D Rec over 20 HP For one P ers on.

Medic ine DS Rec over 50 HP For one pers on.
Ointm ent DS R Rec over 100HP For one pers on.
Heal J elly DS Rec over 200HP For one P ers on.
Life S tone D Rec over 30%HP For one P ers on.
B ead D Rec over 100%HP For one P ers on.
V alue Medic ine S Rec over 50 HP For all party m em bers .
E m ergenc y K it S Rec over 100 HP For all party m em bers .
Mega Leaf DT Rec over 200 HP For all P arty m em bers
Chain B eads D Rec over 100%HP For all party m em bers .
S oul Drop DK Rec over 10 S P For one pers on.
S nuff S oul DK T Rec over 50 S P For one pers on.
Chewing S oul DT Rec over 100S P For one P ers on.
S oul Food R Rec over100%S P For one P ers on.
S om a RT Rec over 100% HP and S P on all P arty Mem bers .
W ind God's Feather O Rec over 100% HP and S P when the Main Charac ter is K O
Revival B ead DS Revive a s ingle ally with 50% HP .
B alm of Life DS Revive a s ingle ally with 100%HP .

converted by
Dokudam i T ea DQT S Cure P ois on.
Mouth W as h DS Cures S ilenc e.
Royal J elly DQS Cures E nervation & E xhaus tion.
S edative DS Cures Confus ion, Rage and Fear.
S tim ulant DS Cures Dizzy & Down.
Hiranya DS Cures all S tatus for one pers on.
A m rita S oda DS Cures all s tatus for everyone .
V anis h B all DS E s c ape from Mons ters .
Goho-m DS Q E s c ape from Dungeon.
Ches t K ey DFT M Open Rare Ches ts .
Fis h B ait FO Us e to Catc h fis h.
A ttac k Mirror D Reflec t P hys ic al A ttac k For one P ers on.
Magic Mirror D Reflec t Magic al A ttac k For one P ers on.
Fire S ignal D B oos t A ttac k P ower for all party m em bers .
S uper S onic D B oos t S peed for all party m em bers .
Diam ond S hield D B oos t Defens e for all party m em bers .
P urified W ater D Nullifies S tatus Up effec ts on one E nem y.
P urified S alt D Nullifies S tatus Down effec ts on one pers on.
Firec rac kers D Fire Dam age of 50 on one enem y.
Inferno J ade D Fire Dam age of 150 on one enem y.
S an-zun T am a D Fire Dam age of 50 on one enem y.
Ic e Cube D Ic e Dam age of 50 on one enem y.
B lizzard J ade D Ic e Dam age of 150 on one enem y.
Dry Ic e D Ic e Dam age of 50 on all enem ies .
P inwheel D W ind Dam age of 50 on one enem y.
Gale J ade D W ind Dam age of 150 on one enem y.
Y as hic hi D W ind Dam age of 50 on all enem ies .
B all of Lighting D E lec tric ity Dam age of 50 on one enem y.
T hunder J ade D E lec tric ity Dam age of 150 on one enem y.
T es la Coil D E lec tric ity Dam age of 50 on all enem ies .
B om bing B alloon D A lm ighty Dam age of 100 on all enem ies .
S egaki Ric e DT Cas t Ham aon.
Curs e P aper DT Cas t Mudoon.
Odd Mors el D Rec over 100 HP For one pers on (+Fear).
Ranc id Gravy D Rec over 100 HP for one pers on (+S lienc e).
J unes 's B ento C Rec over 100 HP for one pers on.
B eef S killet DX C Rec over 100%HP For one P ers on.
A m agi Moc hi C Rec over 100%HP For one P ers on.
S nac k S am pler C Rec over 100 HP for one pers on.
Calorie Magic C Rec over 25 HP for one pers on.
Meat Gum CQ Rec over 25 HP for one pers on.
S pec ial Croquette S Rec over 50 HP for one pers on.
B eef Croquette S Rec over 25 HP for one pers on.
B eef S kewer S Rec over 50 HP for one pers on.
P otelong O Rec over 100%HP For one P ers on.
Ribbon Naporin S Rec over 10 HP for one pers on.
Ribbon Citron S Rec over 10 S P for one pers on.
Dr. P epper NE O S Rec over 5 S P for one pers on.
B on J uic e S Rec over 5 S P for one pers on.
Y as o Zenzai S Rec over 5 S P for one pers on.
Red Goldfis h FT Rec over 10 HP for one pers on.
A m ber S eem a FT Rec over 50 HP for one pers on.
Inaba T rout FT Rec over 100 HP for one pers on.
Huge Fis h FT Rec over 100%HP for one pers on.
Nus hi S am F Rec over 100%S P for one pers on.
Mys terious S c arab Q Rec over 100%S P for one pers on.
Diet Food (Ultim ate) T Rec over 50 HP for one pers on.
Diet Food (Real) T Rec over 50 HP for one pers on.
Heavy S oup T Rec over 50 HP for one pers on.
Herbal P ill T Rec over 50 HP for one pers on.
Longevity S upplem ent T Rec over 50 HP for one pers on.
Mus c le Drink T Rec over 100 HP for one pers on.
B ooks
From B ook S tore
T he Man's Life S eries
| T itle : A Great Man |
| P ric e : 1500 Y en |
| Found : S old at B ook S tore on A pril 20th |
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Courage |
| T itle : Forever Mac ho |
| P ric e : 1500 Y en |
| Found : S old at B ook S tore on J une 1s t |
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Courage |
| T itle : Man of His tory |
| P ric e : 1500 Y en |
| Found : S old at B ook S tore on J uly 15th |
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Courage |
| T itle : Man-God |
| P ric e : 1500 Y en |
| Found : S old at B ook S tore on A ugus t 24th |
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Courage |
| T itle : Farewell to Man |
| P ric e : 1200 Y en |
| Found : S old at B ook S tore on Oc tober 9th |
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Courage |
T he T im id T eac her S eries
| T itle : Off T oday |
| P ric e : 1500 Y en |
| Found : S old at B ook S tore on May 7th |
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Unders tanding |
| T itle : S hort on Cas h |
| P ric e : 1500 Y en |
| Found : S old at B ook S tore on J une 28th |
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Unders tanding |
| T itle : Changing Careers |
| P ric e : 1500 Y en |
| Found : S old at B ook S tore on A ugus t 5th |
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Unders tanding |
| T itle : S ens ei's Friends |
| P ric e : 1500 Y en |
| Found : S old at B ook S tore on S eptem ber 20th|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Unders tanding |
| T itle : T he Final Les s on |
| P ric e : 1500 Y en |
| Found : S old at B ook S tore on Novem ber 1s t |
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Unders tanding |

B ooks from Ques ts and E vents
| T itle : T he O-Cha W ay |
| Found : S port Club E vent A ugus t 10 |
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e K nowledge and E xpres s ion |
| T itle : T he Gentle W ay |
| Found : Finis h Ques t No.8 |
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e K nowledge and E xpres s ion |
| T itle : T he Divine W ay |
| Found : S um m er E vent on A ugus t 21 |
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e K nowledge and E xpres s ion |
| T itle : T he Ram en W ay |
| Found : Given by A iya's Owner |
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e K nowledge and E xpres s ion |
| T itle : T he P unk W ay |
| Found : Finis h Ques t No.14 |
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e K nowledge and E xpres s ion |
| T itle : Guide to P es ts |
| Found : Finis h Ques t No.22 |
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e K nowledge and Courage |
| T itle : W itc h Detec tive |
| Found : S port Club E vent May 29 |
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Unders tanding and Diligenc e|
| T itle : Fun with Num bers |

converted by
| Found : S port Club E vent on J uly 15, J uly 17|
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Unders tanding and Diligenc e|
| T itle : Riddlem ania |
| Found : Finis h Ques t No.27 |
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e Unders tanding and Diligenc e|
| T itle : W ho A m I? |
| Found : Finis h Ques t No.34 |
| E ffec ts : Inc reas e K nowledge and Diligenc e |
_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/ ___| | (_) | | | | (_) | |
\ `--.| | ___| | | | | _ ___| | _
`--. \ | / / | | | | | | / __| __|
/\__/ / <| | | | | | ___| \__ \ | _ (S kill Lis t)
\____/| _| \_\_| _| _| \_____/_| ___/\__| [S ec tion 7]

[P S S 1] P ers ona S kills

Magic S kill
* S kills highlighted with a s tar c annot be trans fered to another P ers ona during
P ers ona Fus ion.

| Fire E lem ent |
| Nam e | Cos t | Des c ription |
| A gi | S P :4 | W eak Fire Dam age to 1 Foe |
| A gilao | S P :8 | Medium Fire Dam age to 1 Foe |
| A gidyne | S P :12 | High Fire Dam age to 1 Foe |
| Maragi | S P :10 | W eak Fire Dam age to all enem ies |
| Maragion | S P :16 | Medium Fire Dam age to all enem ies |
| Maragidyne | S P :22 | High Fire Dam age to all enem ies |
| *Ragnarok | S P :48 | V ery High Fire Dam age to 1 Foe |
| Meltdown *V ery High Fire Dam age to 1 Foe. (Margaret Only) |

| Ic e E lem ent |
| Nam e | Cos t | Des c ription |
| B ufu | S P :4 | W eak Ic e Dam age to 1 Foe |
| B ufula | S P :8 | Medium Ic e Dam age to 1 Foe |
| B ufudyne | S P :12 | High Ic e Dam age to 1 Foe |
| Mabufu | S P :10 | W eak ICe Dam age to all enem ies |
| Mabufula | S P :16 | Medium Ic e Dam age to all enem ies |
| Mabufudyne | S P :22 | High Ic e Dam age to all enem ies |
| *Nifiheim | S P :48 | V ery High Ic e Dam age to 1 Foe |

| W ind E lem ent |
| Nam e | Cos t | Des c ription |
| Garu | S P :4 | W eak W ind Dam age to 1 Foe |
| Garula | S P :8 | Medium W ind Dam age to 1 Foe |
| Garudyne | S P :12 | High W ind Dam age to 1 Foe |
| Magaru | S P :10 | W eak W ind Dam age to all enem ies |
| Magarula | S P :16 | Medium W ind Dam age to all enem ies |
| Magarudyne | S P :22 | High W ind Dam age to A ll enem ies |
| *Ragnarok | S P :48 | V ery High W ind Dam age to 1 Foe |
| God's V oid W ave *V ery High W ind Dam age to 1 Foe. (Margaret Only) |

| E lec tric ity E lem ent |
| Nam e | Cos t | Des c ription |
| Zio | S P :4 | W eak E lec Dam age to 1 Foe |
| Zionga | S P :8 | Medium E lec Dam age to 1 Foe |
| Ziodyne | S P :12 | High E lec Dam age to 1 Foe |
| Mazio | S P :10 | W eak E lec Dam age to all enem ies |
| Mazionga | S P :16 | Medium E lec Dam age to all enem ies |
| Maziondyne | S P :22 | High E lec Dam age to A ll enem ies |
| *T hunder Reign | S P :48 | V ery High E lec Dam age to 1 Foe |
| Light E lem ent |
| Nam e | Cos t | Des c ription |
| Ham a | S P :8 | Low Chanc e of Ins tant kill on 1 foe |
| Ham aon | S P :15 | Medium Chanc e of Ins tant kill on 1 foe |
| Maham a | S P :18 | Low Chanc e of Ins tant kill on all enem ies |
| Maham aon | S P :34 | Medium Chanc e of Ins tant kill on all enem ies |
| *God's J udgem ent| S P :48 | Light E lem ent A ttac k that reduc e 1 foe 50% HP |
| *S am s ara | S P :44 | V ery High Chanc e of Ins tant K ill on all enem ies |

| Dark E lem ent |
| Nam e | Cos t | Des c ription |
| Mudo | S P :8 | Low Chanc e of Ins tant kill on 1 foe |
| Mudoon | S P :15 | Medium Chanc e of Ins tant kill on 1 foe |
| Mam udo | S P :18 | Low Chanc e of Ins tant kill on all enem ies |
| Mam udoon | S P :34 | Medium Chanc e of Ins tant kill on all enem ies |
| *Die for Me! | S P :44 | V ery High Chanc e of Ins tant K ill on all enem ies |

| A lm ighty E lem ent |
| Nam e | Cos t | Des c ription |
| Megido | S P :18 | Medium Dam age on all enem ies . |
| Megidola | S P :32 | High Dam age on all enem ies . |
| Megidolaon | S P :60 | V ery High Dam age on all enem ies . |
| *B lac k V iper | S P :64 | E xtrem e High Dam age on one enem y. |
| *Morning S tar | S P :72 | E xtrem e High Dam age on all enem ies . |

| S tatus A ilm ents |
| Nam e | Cos t | Des c ription |
| P ulinpa | S P :5 | Caus e Confus ion on 1 Foe. |
| T entarafoo | S P :12 | Caus e Confus ion on A ll enem ies . |
| Devil's T ouc h | S P :5 | Caus e Fear on 1 Foe. |
| Devil's S m ile | S P :12 | Caus e Fear on A ll E nem ies . |
| P ois m a | S P :5 | Caus e P ois on on 1 Foe. |
| P ois on Mis t | S P :12 | Caus e P ois on on A ll E nem ies . |
| B alzac | S P :5 | Caus e Rage on 1 Foe. |
| V aliant Danc e | S P :12 | Caus e Rage on A ll E nem ies . |
| E nervation | S P :5 | Caus e E nervation on 1 Foe |
| Old One | S P :12 | Caus e E nervation on A ll E nem ies . |
| Makajam | S P :5 | Caus e S lienc e on 1 Foe. |
| Foolis h W his per | S P :12 | Caus e S lienc e on A ll E nem ies . |
| S oul B reak | S P :5 | Caus e E xhaus tion on 1 Foe. |
| A nim a Freeze | S P :12 | Caus e E xhaus tion on A ll E nem ies . |
| Foul B reath | S P :5 | Inc reas e A ilm ent s us c eptibility on 1 Foe. |
| S tagnant A ir | S P :8 | Inc reas e A ilm ent s us c eptibility on all enem ies . |

P hys ic al S kill
| S ingle Hit (S ingle T arget) |
| Nam e | Cos t | Des c ription |
| Cleave | HP :5% | S m all Dam age on 1 Foe. |
| B as h | HP :6% | S m all Dam age on 1 Foe. |
| S onic P unc h | HP :8% | S m all Dam age on 1 Foe. |
| A s s ault Dive | HP :10%| S m all Dam age on 1 Foe. |
| S ingle S hot | HP :8% | S m all Dam age on 1 Foe. |
| S kewer | HP :5% | S m all Dam age on 1 Foe. |
| Muzzle S hot | HP :9% | S m all Dam age on 1 Foe.(+S lienc e *Random ) |
| Cell B reaker | HP :10%| S m all Dam age on 1 Foe.(+E nervation *Random ) |
| S kull Crac ker | HP :9% | S m all Dam age on 1 Foe.(+Confus ion *Random ) |
| P ois onous S kewer| HP :9% | S m all Dam age on 1 Foe.(+P ois on *Random ) |
| P ower S las h | HP :14%| Medium Dam age on 1 Foe. |
| Dead E nd | HP :14%| Medium Dam age on 1 Foe. |
| B lac k S pot | HP :16%| Medium Dam age on 1 Foe. |
| Mighty S wing | HP :16%| Medium Dam age on 1 Foe. |
| Cruel A ttac k | HP :14%| Medium Dam age on 1 Foe. |
| P ois on A rrow | HP :18%| Medium Dam age on 1 Foe.(+P ois on *Random ) |
| Gigantic Fis t | HP :18%| High Dam age on 1 Foe. |
| Heaven's B lade | HP :25%| High Dam age on 1 Foe. |
| V ile A s s ault | HP :18%| High Dam age on 1 Foe. |
| Rais ing Drizzle | HP :21%| High Dam age on 1 Foe. |
| God's Hand | HP :22%| V ery High Dam age on 1 Foe. |

converted by
| P rim al Forc e | HP :22%| V ery High Dam age on 1 Foe. |
| B rave B lade | HP :20%| V ery High Dam age on 1 Foe. |
| Multiple Hits |
| Nam e | Cos t | Des c ription |
| Double Fangs | HP :8% | 1-2 hits of S m all Dam age on 1 Foe. |
| T win S hot | HP :10%| 1-2 hits of S m all Dam age on 1 Foe. |
| Hys teric S lap | HP :9% | 1-2 hits of S m all Dam age on 1 Foe. +Confus ion *Random |
| A rm Chopper | HP :9% | 1-2 hits of S m all Dam age on 1 Foe. +Fear *Random |
| K ill Rus h | HP :10%| 1-3 hits of S m all Dam age on 1 Foe. |
| B rain S hake | HP :12%| 1-3 hits of S m all Dam age on 1 Foe +E xhaus tion *Random |
| T orrent S hot | HP :16%| 2-3 hits of Medium Dam age on 1 Foe. |
| A tom S m as her | HP :16%| 1-2 hits of Medium Dam age on 1 Foe. +Fear *Random |
| T em pes t S las h | HP :18%| 1-2 hits of Large Dam age on 1 Foe. |
| S wift S trike | HP :12%| 1-2 hits of S m all Dam age on all enem ies . |
| Minc ing S lic e | HP :16%| 1-2 hits of Medium Dam age on 1 Foe. +Fear *Random |
| A kas ha A rts | HP :22%| 1-2 hits of Large Dam age on all enem ies . |
| A rrow Rain | HP :20%| 2 hits of Large Dam age on all enem ies . |
| Ram page | HP :12%| 1-3 hits of S m all Dam age on all enem ies . |
| A eon Rain | HP :18%| 1-3 hits of Medium Dam age on all enem ies . |
| Myriad A rrows | HP :22%| 1-3 hits of Large Dam age on all enem ies . |
| A gneyas tra | HP :24%| 1-3 hits of Large Dam age on all enem ies . |
| B lade of Fury | HP :18%| 2-4 hits of Medium Dam age on all enem ies . |
| Has s ou T obi* | HP :25%| 8 Hits of s m all dam age on all enem ies . |

| A ttac k A ll |
| Nam e | Cos t | Des c ription |
| Gale S las h | HP :12%| S m all dam age on all enem ies . |
| Herc ulean S trike| HP :16%| Medium dam age on all enem ies . |
| Heat W ave | HP :16%| Medium dam age on all enem ies . |
| Mind S lic e | HP :14%| Medium dam age on all enem ies . +Confus ion *Random |
| S eal B om b | HP :14%| Medium dam age on all enem ies . +S lienc e *Random |
| Crazy Chain | HP :14%| Medium dam age on all enem ies . +Rage *Random |
| Navas Nebula | HP :18%| Medium dam age on all enem ies . +E xhaus tion *Random |
| Mus tard B om b | HP :18%| Medium dam age on all enem ies . +E nervation *Random |
| V ic ious S trike | HP :18%| High dam age on all enem ies . |
| DeathB ound | HP :20%| High dam age on all enem ies . |
| V orpal B lade | HP :25%| High dam age on all enem ies . |
| V enom Zapper | HP :21%| High dam age on all enem ies . +P ois on *Random |
| V irus W ave | HP :21%| High dam age on all enem ies . |
| P ralaya * | HP :25%| V ery high dam age on all enem ies .*Random ly c aus e Death|

Rec overy and Other S kill
| Healing |
| Nam e | Cos t | Des c ription |
| Dia | S P :3 | Rec over a s m all A m ount of HP on 1 A lly. |
| Diaram a | S P :6 | Rec over a m edium A m ount of HP on 1 A lly. |
| Diarahan | S P :18 | Rec over A ll HP on 1 A lly. |
| Media | S P :7 | Rec over a s m all A m ount of HP on A ll A llies . |
| Mediaram a | S P :12 | Rec over a m edium A m ount of HP on A ll A llies . |
| Mediarahan | S P :30 | Rec over A ll HP on A ll A llies . |
| S alvation | S P :40 | Rec over A ll HP and S tatus on A ll A llies . |
| Rec arm dra | HP :99%| Rec overs entire ally HP , leaving the us er's HP to 1.|
| Rec arm | S P :8 | Res urrec t a s ingle ally with 50% HP . |
| S am arec arm | S P :18 | Res urrec t a s ingle ally with Full HP . |
| S tatus Rec overy |
| Nam e | Cos t | Des c ription |
| P atra | S P :3 | Cures the S tatus Confus ion, Fear and Rage on 1 A lly. |
| Me P atra | S P :6 | Cures the S tatus Confus ion, Fear and Rage on party. |
| Re P atra | S P :3 | Cures the s tatus faint and down on 1 ally. |
| P os um undi | S P :3 | Cures P ois on on a s ingle ally. |
| Clos edi | S P :3 | Cures S lienc e on a s ingle ally. |
| Nervundi | S P :3 | Cures E nervation and E xhaus tion on a s ingle ally. |
| E nergy S hower | S P :18 | Cures E nervation and E xhaus tion on all allies . |
| A m rita | S P :12 | Cures all s tatus on the entire party. |
| S tatus E ffec ts and Mis c . |
| Nam e | Cos t | Des c ription |
| T arunda | S P :12 | Dec reas e A tk & Mag P ower for 3 turns for one enem y. |
| Matarunda | S P :24 | Dec reas e A tk & Mag P ower for 3 turns on all enem ies . |
| S ukunda | S P :12 | Dec reas e A im & E vade for 3 turns for one enem y. |
| Mas ukunda | S P :24 | Dec reas e A im & E vade for 3 turns on all enem ies . |
| Rakunda | S P :12 | Dec reas e A tk & Mag Defens e for 3 turns on one E nem y. |
| Marakunda | S P :24 | Dec reas e A tk & Magic Defens e for 3 turns on all foes .|
| T arukaja | S P :12 | Inc reas e A tk & Mag P ower for 3 turns for one A lly. |
| Matarukaja | S P :24 | Inc reas e A tk & Mag P ower for 3 turns on all A llies . |
| Rakukaja | S P :12 | Inc reas e A tk & Mag Defens e for 3 turns for one ally. |
| Marakukaja | S P :24 | Inc reas e A tk & Mag Defens e for 3 turns on all allies .|
| S ukukaja | S P :12 | Inc reas e Hit & E vade rate for 3 turns for one A lly. |
| Mas ukukaja | S P :24 | Inc reas e Hit & E vade rate for 3 turns for all allies .|
| Heat Ris er | S P :30 | Inc reas e A ll S tatus for 3 turns on one ally. |
| Debilitate | S P :30 | Dec reas e A ll S tatus for 3 turns on one enem y. |
| Dekunda | S P :10 | Null all S tatus down effec ts . |
| Dekaja | S P :10 | Null all S tatus Up effec ts . |
| P ower Charge | S P :15 | Double A ttac k power for the next attac k us ed. |
| Mind Charge | S P :15 | Double Magic power for the next m agic us ed. |
| Rebellion | S P :5 | Inc reas e Critic al Rate on a s ingle ally. |
| Revolution | S P :?? | Greatly inc reas e Critic al Rate on a s ingle ally. |
| Red W all | S P :18 | Gain Res is tanc e agains t Fire attac ks for 3 turns . |
| W hite W all | S P :18 | Gain Res is tanc e agains t Ic e attac ks for 3 turns . |
| B lue W all | S P :18 | Gain Res is tanc e agains t E lec attac ks for 3 turns . |
| Green W all | S P :18 | Gain Res is tanc e agains t W ind attac ks for 3 turns . |
| Fire B reak | S P :15 | Canc el Fire Res is tanc e on target. |
| Ic e B reak | S P :15 | Canc el Ic e Res is tanc e on target. |
| W ind B reak | S P :15 | Canc el W ind Res is tanc e on target. |
| E lec t B reak | S P :15 | Canc el E lec Res is tanc e on target. |
| T etrakam | S P :36 | Reflec t P hys ic al attac ks . |
| Makarakam | S P :36 | Reflec t elem ental attac ks . |
| T etrabreak | S P :18 | Canc el any T etrakam effec t. |
| Makarabreak | S P :18 | Canc el any Makarakam effec t. |
| T etraja | S P :24 | P uts a barrier from Ins tant kill attac ks . |
| T rafuri | S P :24 | A llows you to es c ape from battle. |
| T raes to | S P :18 | A llows you to leave the dungeon. |

P as s ive S kills

| E lem ent Res is tanc es |
| Nam e | Des c ription |
| E vade P hys ic al | Inc reas e E vade in P hys ic al. |
| T rue-E vade P hys ic al | High E vade in P hys ic al. |
| Res is t P hys ic al | Reduc e P hys ic al Dam age. |
| Null P hys ic al | Null A ll P hys ic al Dam age. |
| Repel P hys ic al | Reflec t P hys ic al attac ks to E nem ies . |
| A bs orb P hys ic al | A bs orb P hys ic al attac ks . |
| E vade Fire | Inc reas e E vade in Fire A ttac ks . |
| T rue-E vade Fire | High E vade in Fire A ttac ks . |
| Res is t Fire | Reduc e Fire Dam age. |
| Null Fire | Null Fire A ttac ks . |
| Repel Fire | Reflec t Fire A ttac ks to E nem ies . |
| A bs orb Fire | A bs orb Fire A ttac ks . |
| Res is t Ic e | Reduc e Ic e Dam age. |
| Repel Ic e | Reflec t Ic e A ttac ks to E nem ies . |
| Null Ic e | Null Ic e A ttac ks . |
| A bs orb Ic e | A bs orb Ic e A ttac ks . |
| Res is t W ind | Reduc e W ind Dam age. |
| Null W ind | Null W ind A ttac ks . |
| A bs orb W ind | A bs orb W ind A ttac ks . |
| Repel Ic e | Reflec t W ind A ttac ks to E nem ies . |
| Res is t T hunder | Reduc e T hunder Dam age. |
| Null T hunder | Null T hunder A ttac ks . |
| Repel T hunder | Reflec t T hunder A ttac ks to E nem ies . |
| A bs orb T hunder | A bs orb T hunder A ttac ks . |
| Res is t Light | Inc reas e im m unity to Ham a. |
| Null Light | Null Ham a A ttac ks . |
| Repel Light | Reflec t Light A ttac ks to E nem ies . |
| Res is t Dark | Inc reas e im m unity to Mudo. |
| Null Dark | Null Mudo A ttac ks . |
| Repel Dark | Reflec t Dark A ttac ks to E nem ies . |
| A ngelic Grac e | Inc reas e dodge rate of all elem entals exc ept A lm ighty. |

| S tatus Res is tanc e |
| Nam e | Des c ription |
| Res is t P ois on | Res is t agains t P ois on. |
| Res is t Confus ion | Res is t agains t Confus ion. |
| Res is t Dizzy | Res is t agains t Dizzy. |
| Res is t E xhaus tion | Res is t agains t E xhaus tion. |

converted by
| Res is t Old | Res is t agains t Old. |
| Res is t Rage | Res is t agains t Rage. |
| Res is t S lienc e | Res is t agains t S lienc e. |
| Res is t Fear | Res is t agains t Fear. |
| Null P ois on | Null P ois on. |
| Null Confus ion | Null Confus ion. |
| Null Dizzy | Null Dizzy. |
| Null E xhaus tion | Null E xhaus tion. |
| Null Old | Null Old. |
| Null Rage | Null Rage. |
| Null S lienc e | Null S lienc e. |
| Null Fear | Null Fear. |
| Uns haken W ill | Null all s tatus ailm ents . |

| E ndure |
| Nam e | Des c ription |
| S urvive Light | 50% Chanc e of s urviving Ham a leaving only 1 HP . |
| S urvive Dark | 50% Chanc e of s urviving Mudo leaving only 1 HP . |
| E ndure Light | S urvive Ham a leaving only 1 HP . |
| E ndure Light | S urvive Mudo leaving only 1 HP . |
| E ndure | HP returns to 1 when it reac h to 0. Only work onc e. |
| E nduring S oul | Res tore full HP when HP reac h to 0. Only work onc e. |

| B oos t |
| Nam e | Des c ription |
| Fire B oos t | Inc reas e Fire Dam age by 25%. |
| Fire A m p | Inc reas e Fire Dam age by 50%. |
| Ic e B oos t | Inc reas e Ic e Dam age by 25%. |
| Ic e A m p | Inc reas e Ic e Dam age by 50%. |
| W ind B oos t | Inc reas e W ind Dam age by 25%. |
| W ind A m p | Inc reas e W ind Dam age by 50%. |
| E lec B oos t | Inc reas e E lec Dam age by 25%. |
| E lec A m p | Inc reas e E lec Dam age by 50%. |
| Ham a B oos t | Inc reas e s uc c es s of Ham a. |
| Mudo B oos t | Inc reas e s uc c es s of Mudo. |
| Confus ion B oos t | Inc reas e the s uc c es s of Confus ion. |
| P ois on B oos t | Inc reas e the s uc c es s of P ois on. |
| E xhaus tion B oos t | Inc reas e the s uc c es s of E xhaus tion. |
| S lienc e B oos t | Inc reas e the s uc c es s of S lienc e. |
| Fear B oos t | Inc reas e the s uc c es s of Fear. |
| Rage B oos t | Inc reas e the s uc c es s of Rage. |
| Old B oos t | Inc reas e the s uc c es s of Old. |
| A lim ent B oos t | Inc reas e the s uc c es s of s tatus alignm ents . |

| Rec overy |
| Nam e | Des c ription |
| Regenerate 1 | Rec over 2% HP every turn in battle. |
| Regenerate 2 | Rec over 4% HP every turn in battle. |
| Regenerate 3 | Rec over 6% HP every turn in battle. |
| Invigorate 1 | Rec over 3 S P every turn in battle. |
| Invigorate 2 | Rec over 5 S P every turn in battle. |
| Invigorate 3 | Rec over 7 S P every turn in battle |
| Cool B reeze | Res tore 8% of HP and S P after battle. |
| V ic tory Cry | Res tore all HP and S P after battle. |
| S peedy Rec overy | Rec overing from bad s tatus is reduc ed by half. |
| Ins ta-Heal | Rec overing from bad s tatus takes only one turn. |
| Other |
| Nam e | Des c ription |
| A uto-T arukaja | A utom atic ally have T arukaja c as ted on. |
| A uto-Rakukaja | A utom atic ally have Rakukaja c as ted on. |
| A uto-S ukukaja | A utom atic ally have S ukukaja c as ted on. |
| A uto-Mataru | A utom atic ally have Matarukaja c as ted on. |
| A uto-Maraku | A utom atic ally have Marakukaja c as ted on. |
| A uto-Mas uku | A utom atic ally have Mas ukukaja c as ted on. |
| Counter | Random ly reflec t 10% P hys ic al dam age bac k. |
| Heavy Counter | Random ly reflec t 15% P hys ic al dam age bac k. |
| Hyper Counter | Random ly reflec t 20% P hys ic al dam age bac k. |
| Growth 1 | Gain 1/4 of the E X P for not partic ipating in battle. |
| Growth 2 | Gain 1/2 of the E X P for not partic ipating in battle. |
| Growth 3 | Gain all E X P for not partic ipating in battle. |
| S harp S tudent | Inc reas e Critic al Rate. |
| A pt P upil | Lower the Chanc e of getting hit by c ritic als . |
| A lertnes s | Dec reas e enem y preem ptive attac k rate. |
| Divine Grac e | Rec overy power is doubled. |
| A rm s Mas ter | Reduc e the c os t of phys ic al s kills by half. |
| S pell Mas ter | Reduc e the c os t of m agic s kills by half. |
| A li Danc e | Reduc e the attac k power and hit rate of enem ies . |
| Divine P illar | Reduc e dam age taken by 50%, but c an't evade. |

[P S S 2] P arty Mem ber's S kill lis t

T his lis t will c over all the s kills of your P arty Mem bers .

Y os uke Hanam ura
P ers ona T ype
Nam e S tarting Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| J iraiya | 4 | | | | W eak| Res | | |
| S us ano | S am e as B efore| | Res | | | Null| | |

S kills
Default S kills
S trike
Learned S kills
S ukukaja Level 6
Dekaja Level 10
S onic P unc h Level 14
Magaru Level 18
T entarafoo Level 23
Garula Level 29
Diaram a Level 34
Mahagarula Level 40
W ind B oos t Level 44
W ind B reak Level 49
Garudyne Level 53
Mas ukukaja Level 60
Magarudyne Level 64
B rave B lade Level 69
W ind A m p Level 73

Chie S atonaka

P ers ona T ype

Nam e S tarting Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| T om oe | 6 | | W eak| Res | | | | |
| S uzuka Gongen | S am e as B efore| | | Null| | | | |
Follow UP A ttac k
Galac tic P unt
Des c ription: Chie will kic k a s ingle enem y out of the s c reen, killing it
ins tantly.

S kills
Default S kills
S kewer
T arukaja
Learned S kills
B ufu Level 7
S kull Crac ker Level 11
Mabufu Level 14
Ram page Level 20
A s s ault Dive Level 22
Counter Level 24
Gales las h Level 29
B ufula Level 33
Ic e B oos t Level 36

converted by
B lac k S pot Level 38
Counters trike Level 43
Heat Drive Level 46
P ower Charge Level 52
High Counter Level 61
Flying S om ers ault Level 67
God Hand Level 70
A gneyas tra Level 74

Y ukiko A m agi

P ers ona T ype

Nam e S tarting Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| K onohana-S akuya | 15 | | Res | W eak| | | | |
| A m ateras u | S am e as B efore| | Null| W eak| Res | | | |

Follow UP A ttac k
Fan A s s ault

S kills
Default S kills
A gi
Me P atra
Learned S kills
Media Level 16
A gilao Level 21
Rec arm Level 26
Fire B reak Level 30
Diaram a Level 33
Maragion Level 39
Mediaram a Level 43
Fire B oos t Level 45
A gidyne Level 51
Diarahan Level 55
S am arec arm Level 59
Mediarahan Level 65
Maragidyne Level 68
S alvation Level 74
Fire A m p Level 76

K anji T ats um i
P ers ona T ype
Nam e S tarting Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| T ake-Mikazuc hi | 25 | | | | Res | W eak| | |
| Rokuten-Ma | S am e as B efore| | | | Null| | | |

S kills
Default S kills
K ill Rus h
Learned S kills
E lec B oos t Level 27
Dead E nd Level 34
Cruel A ttac k Level 38
Mazionga Level 40
Mighty S wing Level 44
T hunder B reak Level 48
Ziodyne Level 54
V ile A s s ault Level 58
Matarukaja Level 60
Maziodyne Level 67
P rim al Forc e Level 73
E lec A m p Level 75

T eddie (J P V ers ion A K A K um a)
P ers ona T ype
Nam e S tarting Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| K intoki-Douji | 35 | | | Res | W eak| | | |
| K am ui | S am e as B efore| | | Null| W eak| Res | | |

S kills
Default S kills
Mediaram a
B ufula
E nergy S hower
Learned S kills
T raes to Level 36
Mabufula Level 38
Ic e B oos t Level 40
Matarukaja Level 42
Ic e B reak Level 44
Diarahan Level 49
B ufudyne Level 54
Marakukaja Level 58
A m rita Level 61
S am arec arm Level 63
Mabufudyne Level 67
Mediarahan Level 70
Ic e A m p Level 72

Naoto S hirogane
P ers ona T ype
Nam e S tarting Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| S ukuna-Hikona | 55 | | | | | | Res | Res |
| Y am ato-T akeru | S am e as B efore| | Res | | | | Null| Null|

S kills
Default S kills
T em pes t S las h
Ham aon
Learned S kills
Mind Charge Level 56
V enom Zapper Level 58
Mudo B oos t Level 64
Ham a B oos t Level 66
Mam udoon Level 68
Maham aon Level 70
V orpal B lade Level 73
Megidolaon Level 75
Ris e K ujikawa
P ers ona T ype

Nam e S tarting Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Him iko | 34 | | | | | | | |
| K anzeon | S am e as B efore| | | | | | | |
S kills
Default S kills

converted by
Hi-A nalyze | S how enem y's s kills
Learned S kills
T hird E ye (L43)| T he c urs or will now s how what attac ks are effec tive.
HP Healing W ave (L63)| Rec over 5% HP after B attle
Certain E s c ape (L72)| E s c ape are gurantee exc luding the bos s etc .
Relaxing W ave (L77)| Rec over 5% S P after B attle
Com m u S kills
T reas ure Radar (S oc ial Link 3) | S how the loc ations of all treas ures
E nem y Radar (S oc ial Link 6) | S how the loc ation of all enem ies .
W eaknes s S c an (S Oc ial Link 10)| S how enem y weaknes s at the s tart of B attle.

_____ _ _ _ _
/ ___| (_) | | | | (_) | |
\ `--. ___ ___ _ __ _| | | | _ _ __ | | _____
`--. \/ _ \ / __| | / _` | | | | | | '_ \| | / / __|
/\__/ / (_) | (__| | (_| | | | | ___| | | | | <\__ \ [S ec tion 8]
\____/ \___/ \___| _| \__,_| _| \_____/_| _| | _| _| \_\___/ (S oc ial Links )

In P ers ona 4 the S oc ial Links S ys tem is bac k. T he A rc ana

will inc reas e in ranks by m aking friends with a c ertain
A rc ana. E ac h tim e you attend a S oc ial Link, it will inc reas e
the friends hip by 2 points , W hen you bring in a m atc hing arc ana
its 3 points .

| S oc ial Link lis t|

[P S L01] - Inves tigation T eam - Fool

[P S L02] - Y os uke Hanam ura - Magic ian
[P S L03] - Y ukiko A m agi - P ries tes s
[P S L04] - Margaret - E m pres s
[P S L05] - K anji T ats um i - E m peror
[P S L06] - Nanako Doujim a - J us tic e
[P S L07] - Ris e K ujikawa - Lovers
[P S L08] - Chie S atonaka - Chariot
[P S L09] - Ryoutarou Doujim a - Hierophant
[P S L10] - Fox - Herm it
[P S L11] - Naoto S hirogane - Fortune
[P S L12] - K ou Ic hijou & Dais uke Nagas e - S trength
[P S L13] - Naoki K onis hi - hangm an
[P S L14] - His ano K uroda - Death
[P S L15] - E ri Minam i - T em peranc e
[P S L16] - S ayoko Uehara - Devil
[P S L17] - S hu Nakajim a - T ower
[P S L18] - T eddie - S tar
[P S L19] - A i E bihara - Moon
[P S L20] - Y um i Ozawa & A yane Mats unaga - S un
[P S L21] - S eekers of T ruth - J udgem ent
N/A - W orld

[P S L01] Fool`s A rc ana
| Inves tigation T eam |
Rank 1: S c enario on A pril 17
Rank 2: S c enario on A pril 30
Rank 3: S c enario on May 18
Rank 4: S c enario on J une 6
Rank 5: S c enario on J uly 10
Rank 6: S c enario on J uly 10
Rank 7: S c enario on J uly 27
Rank 8: S c enario on Oc tober 6
Rank 9: S c enario on Novem ber 6
Rank10: S c enario on Dec em ber 3

[P S L02] Magic ian A rc ana
| Y os uke Hanam ura |
| Mon | T ue | W ed | T hur | Fri | S at | S un | Rain |
| ------------------------------------------------|
| O | - | - | O | O | O | O | X |

Loc ation
W eekdays : Learning B uilding 2F
Holidays & S undays : J unes
A c tivation
A utom atic
Other Notes
Las t day to attend the S oc ial Link is Novem ber 27 (E ven though Nov 27 is
the las t day you c an s till rais e the c om m u by hanging out on S undays )
Max S oc ial Link Item : B uddy's B andage
| P oints needed to Rank UP |
Rank 1: 0
Rank 2: 0
Rank 3: 2
Rank 4: 3
Rank 5: 4
Rank 6: 4
Rank 7: 6
Rank 8: 6
Rank 9: 4
Rank10: 8

Ranking level 1 to 2
Y os uke: S orry about that. Y ou know m e, i'm infam ous around here.

Friends hip P oints Inc reas em ent

(W ithout Matc hing P ers ona) (W ith)
W /O W
1. It m us t be tough. +3 +3
2. Y ou're bragging about it? - -
3. W hy are you infam ous ? - -

Ranking level 2 to 3
Y os uke: W ait a m inute... A m I s tarting to s ound like T eddie?
W /O W
1. He's s ounding like you too. - -
2. T eddie's c ute +1 +2
3. Hm m , you're looking hairer. +3 +3
Y os uke: Looks like s om eone got m y addres s . I get a lot of s pam .
W /O W
1. Y ou don't bloc k them ? - -
2. W hy, not c hange adres s es ? - -
3. E h, what c an you do. - -
Ranking level 3 to 4
Y os uke: P hew, i'm beat... i am not the c om plaints departm ent...
W /O W
1.T hat m us t be hard. +1 +1
2.Don't s train yours elf. +1 +2
3.Y ou're inc redible. +2 +3
Y os uke:I have to do what i c an...
W /O W
1.T hat's the s pirit! +2 +3
2.Don't get too exc ited. - -
3.W hat c an you doc ? - -

Ranking level 4 to 5
Y os uke: S o...? Y ou keep the goods under your futon?

W /O W

converted by
1.Of c ours e. +3 +3
2.Huh? +3 +3
3.W hat, don't you? +2 +3
Y os uke: S o, you ever invited a girl in here?

W /O W
1.I have. +2 +3
2.I haven't. +2 +3
3.I will S oon . +3 +3
Ranking level 5 to 6

Y os uke: B ut hey, I'm glad you were there! T hanks .

W /O W
1.No P roblem . +3 +3
2.T ell m e next tim e! +? +3
3.It was fun. +? +3
Y os uke: S o... there's no need to bother with outs iders .
W /O W
1.Y ou're right. +3 +3
2.Man, you're m ature. +? +3
3.No need to hold bac k. +2 +2

Ranking level 6 to 7
T hey s tarted to badm outh S aki-s enpai

W /O W
1.S hut up! - -
2.Calm down m an... (Level 3 Unders tanding Required)- -
3.I feel bad for S aki-s enpai - -
Y os uke: I jus t blurted out a bunc ha c rap, huh?

W /O W
1.Y ou were jus t ups et. - -
2.Feel better now? - -
3.I know how it is . - -

Ranking level 7 to 8

Y os uke: B ut then...
W /O W
1.S he dum ped you? - -
2.S he died? - -
Y os uke I'm s orry... S aki-s enpai. I'm s orry... Main Charac ter.

W /O W
1.J us t take it s low. - -
2.I unders tand. - -
3.Don't apologize. - -
(Only A vailable if you pic k the P ic k the 3rd Choic e then the 1s t
Choic e on the Rank 6 to 7)
Main Charac ter... I think i'm all c ried out...
W /O W
1.P at his head. - -
2.Hug him . - -
3.Leave him be. - -

Ranking level 8 to 9
Y os uke is s m iling s adly...
W /O W
1.Cheer Up. +2 +2
2.S till s ad about S aki-s enpaid? - -
3.B e a m an. S tand up s traight. - -
Y os uke: J us t being born, living your life... B efore you know it,
you're already s pec ial to s om eone.
W /O W
1.Y ou're right. +3 +3
2.T hat's not true. +? +3
3.I don't get it. +? +3

Ranking level 9 to 10
Y os uke:I like you for that, and I'm proud of you... B ut I
gues s I was jealous at the s am e tim e.

W /O W
1.I didn't know. - -
2.It c an't be helped. - -
3.I gues s ? - -
W ill hitting Y ous uke m ake you and him equal...?

W /O W
1.Hitting you won't do that. - -
2.T hen let's get equal - -

[P S L03] P ries tes s A rc ana
| Y ukiko A m agi |
| Mon | T ue | W ed | T hur | Fri | S at | S un | Rain |
| ------------------------------------------------|
| O | O | O | O | - | - | R | X |

Loc ation
W eekdays : Learning B uilding 1F (Lobby near the B illboards )
Holidays & S undays : hopping Dis tric t , S outh

A c tivation
A utom atic on May 17th

Other Notes
Las t day to attend the S oc ial Link is Novem ber 27 (E ven though Nov 27 is
the las t day you c an s till rais e the c om m u by hanging out on S undays )
Max S oc ial Link Item : S hrine Charm

| P oints needed to Rank UP |
Rank 1: 0
Rank 2: 0
Rank 3: 2
Rank 4: 2
Rank 5: 4
Rank 6: 5
Rank 7: 6
Rank 8: 7
Rank 9: 8
Rank10: 8

Ranking level 1 to 2
Y ukiko: S ens ei rec om m ended this book to m e bec aus e it has details on
a bunc h of different job lic ens es ...
W /O W
1. Going to apply for one? +2 +3
2. S ens ei? +2 +2
Y ukiko: I was thinking s om ething along the lines of an interior
dec orator... what you think?
W /O W
1. S ounds good. +3 +3
2. W hat's that? +2 +?
3. Y our dec ide. - -

Ranking level 2 to 3
Y ukiko: E ven eggs c om e in s o m any varieties ...

W /O W
1. Making dinner at the inn? +2 +3
2. On a errand? +2 +2
Y ukiko: S o i'm going to get s om e prac tic e while i c an!
W /O W
1. Good luc k. +3 +3
2. T here's no point. - -
3. A ny other s kills ? - -
Y ukiko: W -W

converted by
W /O W
1. Count m e in! (Level 4 Courage Required) +3 +3
2. I don't m ind. +2 +2
3. i dunno. - -

Ranking level 3 to 4

For s om e reas on, an unus ually pungent s m ell hangs in the air.
W /O W
1. Let's E at! (Level 3 Courage Required) +3 +3
2. Hold on, m y s tom ac h... +2 +2
3. Have you tried it? +2 +2
Y ukiko looks s ad...
W /O W
1. T here's always next tim e. +3 +3
2. T his won't c ut it - -
3. Can I tos s this ? - -
Y ukiko: Um m ... I'm s orry to drag you around...
W /O W
1. Its okay. +2 +2
2. It was fun. +3 +3
3. J us t don't feed m e. +2 +2
Ranking level 4 to 5
Y ukiko: T hen the furniture departm ent. I want to look at the des k.
T hos e and the lam ps ...
W /O W
1. W hat's all this for? +2 +3
2. Can you c arry all that? - -
Y ukiko: T hos e people are from s om e T V s tation. T hey wanted to
c over the A m agi Inn.
W /O W
1. S ounds good to m e. - -
2. Y ou s aid no? - -
Y ukiko: ...I'd feel better about leaving.
W /O W
1. A re you s erious ? - -
2. T hats S elfis h. - -
Ranking level 5 to 6
Y ukiko: I wrote down everything I need, s o this s houldn't take that long.
W /O W
1. W hat are you m aking? - -
2. Gotten any better yet? +2 +2
Y ukiko: B ut it's not turning out quite like it does in the book, even
though I'm following the direc tions .
W /O W
1.G et s om eone to teac h you. - -
1. K eep prac tic ing. +2 +3
2. W ant m e to teac h you? - -
Y ukiko: A re they that worried about m y c ooking...?
W /O W
1. Y ou're pretty bad. - -
2. If you s tarted a fire... - -
3. T hey c are about you. +3 +3
Ranking level 6 to 7
Y ukiko: Onc e I leave this town... I won't be able to c om e here again,
will I...?
W /O W
1. Y ou're not c om ing bac k? - -
2. Y ou're really leaving? - -
Y ukiko: T hey all have the wrong idea... I'm really s orry...
W /O W
1. It's okay. ? +3
2. T hey're not m is taken. ? +3
Ranking level 7 to 8
Y ukiko: I'm s orry, I have to go.
W /O W
1. A n interview? - -
2. Y ou're going to be on T V ? - -
Y ukiko: W -W as I s c ary?

W /O W
1. Y eah you were. ? ?
1. Y ou were c ool. +3 +3
2. Y ou s hould've s aid m ore. +2 +3

Ranking level 8 to 9
Y ukiko: A re you going to wis h for s om ething, Main Charac ter-kun?

W /O W
1. For everyone... ? +3
2. For m e. ? +2
3. For you... ? +3
4. It's a S ec ret. - -

Y ukiko: I-is it okay... for m e to as k...?
W /O W
1. Y ou're m y c las s m ate - -
2. Y ou're m y friend. - -
3. I really like you. (Lovers Relations hiP )

Ranking level 9 to 10
Lovers Relations hip
Y ukiko: Um m , s orry... I don't know what to talk about...
W /O W
1. T he futon good with you? - -
2. T he s ofa good with you? - -
3. T he floor good with you? - -
Y ukiko: T hat's why... I'm going to s tay here. B y m y own will.
W /O W
1. T hat's good. - -
2. Did you think it over? - -
3. Good luc k. - -

Y ukiko: It's a c harm from that s hrine... T o protec t you.
W /O W
1. T hank you. - -
2. Y ou'll protec t m e. - -
Friends Relations hip
Y ukiko: T hat's why... I'm going to s tay here. B y m y own will.

W /O W
1. T hat's good. - -
2. Did you think it over? - -
3. Good luc k. - -
Y ukiko: It's the c harm from that s hrine... T o protec t you.
W /O W
1. T hank you. - -
2. Relying on the gods ? - -
[P S L04] E m pres s 's A rc ana
| Margaret |
| Mon | T ue | W ed | T hur | Fri | S at | S un | Rain |
| ------------------------------------------------|
| O | O | O | O | O | O | O | O |
Loc ation
E veryday: V elvet Room

A c tivation
S tarting from May 19, enter the V elvet Room to ac c es s the E m pres s 's
S oc ial Link. (Level 3 K nowledge is required)

Other Notes
T o inc reas e the S oc ial Link Rank, you m us t finis h eac h of Margaret's
reques t.

converted by
*Make s ure you s ee the s kill before you m ake the fus ion. B ec aus e
the s kill you inherit is not gurantee, s o you have to s witc h bac k
and forth till you s ee the s kill.
Max S oc ial Link Item : S piral B rooc h

Reques t No.1
Make a Ippon-datara(Herm it) with the S kill S ukukaja

Required Lv 17
P os s ible Fus ions
(T em peranc e) S ylph(S ukukaja) X (J us tic e) A rc hangel

(Death) Ghoul(LV 10:S ukukaja) X (Fool) Obariyon

Reques t No.2
Required Lv 24
Make a Matador(Death) with the S kill Maham a

P os s ible Fus ions

(Hierophant) A nzu (LV 19:Maham a) X (Hanged-m an) B erith

(J us tic e)P ower X (E m peror) Oberon X (Hierophant) A nzu

Reques t No.3
Required Lv 31
Make a Gdon(S un) with the S kill Ram page

P os s ible Fus ions

(Herm it) Ippon-datara (LV 21:Ram page) X (Death) Matador
(Chariot)A res (LV 28:Ram page)X (Hierophant) S hiis a
Reques t No.4
Required Lv 32 A nd when Cros s Fus ion is A vailable (J uly 20)
Make a Neko-s hogun(S tar) with the s kill B ufula

P os s ible Fus ions

1s t S tep

(E m peror) K ing Fros t X (Magic ian) Hua P O = (S trength)K us i Mitana

2nd S tep

S elec t Cros s Fus ion

(Chariot)A ra Mitam a X (S trength) K us i Mitam a X
(P ries tes s ) S aki Mitam a X (T em peranc e) Nigi Mitam a
Reques t No.5
Required Lv 38 A nd when S tar Fus ion is A vailable (J uly 20)
Make a B lac k Fros t(Fool) with the s kill A uto-S ukukaja
1s t S tep

(Hierophant) A nzu(LV 20:A uto-S ukukaja) X S ylph or (T em peranc e) A ps aras

= (Magic ian) J ac k Fros t(A uto-S ukukaja)
2nd S tep

(Magic ian) P yro J ac k

(Magic ian) J ac k Fros t(A uto-S ukukaja)
(E m peror) K ing Fros t
(Magic ian) P ixie
(Death) Ghoul

Reques t No.6
Required Lv 40

Make a Y atagarus u(S un) with the s kill Megido

1s t S tep

(T ower) T ao T ie (Megido)~ (S un) Cu S ith ? (Chariot) A res (Megido)

2nd S tep
(Chariot) A res (Megido) ~ Fool B lac k Fros t
Reques t No.7
Required Lv 49 A nd when S tar Fus ion is A vailable (J uly 20)

Make a Y ats ufus a(Hanged-Man) with the s kill Mediaram a

(E m peror) T hoth(LV 47: Mediaram a) ~ (Hanged m an) Orthrus ~
(Hanged m an) Makam i ~ (S un) Naras im ha ~ (Herm it) Mothm an

Reques t No.8
Required Lv 50
Make a Ganes ha(S tar) with the s kill T etrakam

(Fool) Dec arabia (T etrakarn) ~ T ower (Cu Chulain)

Reques t No.9
Required Lv 67

Make a T rum peter(J udgem ent) with the s kill Mind Charge
(Death)Matador ~ (Death)W hite Rider ~ (Hierophant)Dais oujou
~ (E m peror)P abils ag x(Hanged m an)T aown ~ (T ower)T aotie(LV 38:Mind Charge)

[P S L05] E m peror's A rc ana

| K anji T ats um i |

| Mon | T ue | W ed | T hur | Fri | S at | S un | Rain |
| ------------------------------------------------|
| - | - | O | O | - | O | O | X |
Loc ation
W eekdays : P rac tic e B uilding 1F
Holidays & S undays : S hopping Dis tric t, North
A c tivation
S tarting from J une 9th, go to the s c hool, on Learning B uilding 2F, there's
a fem ale s tudent loc ated near the m iddle S tairc as e. S he'll m ention about
K anji T hreatening people. A fter you have s poken to her. Go find K anji
at P rac tic e B uilding 1F. S peak to him and pic k the firs t c hoic e "Y es I do."
to ac tivate the S oc ial Link.

Other Notes
Las t day to attend the S oc ial Link is Novem ber 27 (E ven though Nov 27 is
the las t day you c an s till rais e the c om m u by hanging out on S undays )
Max S oc ial Link Item : Cute S trap

| P oints needed to Rank UP |

Rank 1: 0
Rank 2: 0
Rank 3: 2
Rank 4: 2
Rank 5: 4
Rank 6: 6
Rank 7: 4
Rank 8: 5
Rank 9: 6
Rank10: 6

Ranking level 1 to 2
K anji: S he's always apologizing for m e. S he's been s prouting

converted by
m ore and m ore white hairs ...
W /O W
1.A pologize to her. +2 +3
2.Y ou jus t need to c hange. +3 +3
3.T hat's what kids do. +2 +2

Ranking level 2 to 3
K anji: ... ...
W /O W
1.Get ahold of yours elf. - -
2.Let's hurry. - -
3.W hat happened? - -
K anji: S orry. Looks like it was no big deal...
W /O W
1. T hat's good. - -
2. I don't blam e you. - -
3. Y ou wus s . - -
K anji's Mother: He's always had trouble getting along with people.
He didn't have any friends like you before.
W /O W
1.B ec aus e of his hobbies ? - -
2.B ec aus e of his looks ? - -
3.B ec aus e of his attitude? - -
Ranking level 3 to 4
K anji: Ughh... W hen you m et Ma at the Hos pital... S he s ay
anything about m e?
W /O W
1.P lenty . +3 +3
2.Nothing in partic ular. +2 +2
3.I forget. - -
K anji: Oh, uhh... I'm gonna go now.
W /O W
1.V iolenc e is n't the ans wer. +2 +3
2.I'll go with you. +3 +3
K anji: Oh... A nyways , s orry "bout dragging you into this ...
W /O W
1. T oo bad that you didn't find it. - -
2. T hat was boring. - -
3. you're giving him a new one? +2 +3
Ranking level 4 to 5
K anji: E r...
W /O W
1.J us t tell him the truth. - -
2.T his old m an here m ade it. - -
K anji: Hah, he s aid I'm c ool...
W /O W
1.It was pretty am azing. +3 +3
2.Don't get c oc ky. ? +2
Ranking level 5 to 6
K anji: S trange s ituation I got m ys elf into, ain't it?
W /O W
1.Its good for you. - -
2.Y ou're not happy? - -
3.Looks like a pain... - -

Ranking level 6 to 7
K anji: T hat okay with you "big bro"?
W /O W
1.Don't c all m e bro. ? +3
2.Y eah go ahead. ? +3
3.I want to learn too. +3 +3
K anji: T here's s om ething els e I gotta c onfront too, ain't there?
W /O W
1.Y our weak heart. - -
2.Y our pas t. - -
3.I'm drawing a blank. - -
Ranking level 7 to 8
P olic e Offic er: ... Com e with m e.
W /O W
1.On what c harges ? - -
2.K anji didn't do anything. ? +3
3.Y ou got a warrant? +3 +3
P olic e Offic er: Hm ph, s o you adm it it. Not a s hread of rem ors e, either.
W /O W's a m is unders tanding. - -
2.He was jus t being nic e. - -
P olic e Offic er: W hat a load of... T here's no way you're getting m e
to beleive that.
W /O W
1.B elieve it! ? +3
2.T he truth is the truth. ? +2
3.T ell him , K anji. +3 +3
Ranking level 8 to 9
K anji: Its the firs t tim e I went on m y own... W ell, I had a lot
to tell him .
W /O W
1.T ell him ? +2 +2
2.W hy didn't you go before? +2 +3
3.How was it? +3 +3
K anji: A s long as there's s om eone like that s not-nos ed kid to ac c ept
m e, I ain't afraid of nothing!
W /O W
1.Good for you. +3 +2
2.Find m ore of them . +2 +3
3.Y our own s elf? - -

Ranking level 9 to 10
No Choic es available.

[P S L06] J us tic e's A rc ana
| Nanako Dojim a |

| Mon | T ue | W ed | T hur | Fri | S at | S un | Rain |
| -------------------------------------------------|
| N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | O |
*Nanako's s c heldule is determ ine on rather you finis h the dungeon
or not, whenever you have Dojim a around, you c annot ac c es s Nanako's
S oc ial link.
Loc ation
E veryday: Y our hous e ( Night tim e Only)

A c tivation
A utom atic on May 3rd.

Other Notes
Las t day to attend S oc ial Link is E nd of Oc tober

Rank 3 to 4 = Requires Lv 3 E xpres s ion

Rank 5 to 6 = Requires Lv 5 E xpres s ion
Max S oc ial Link Item : Fam ily P hoto

| P oints needed to Rank UP |

Rank 1: 0
Rank 2: 3
Rank 3: 6
Rank 4: 9
Rank 5: 10
Rank 6: 12
Rank 7: 9
Rank 8: 6
Rank 9: 10
Rank10: 12

Ranking level 1 to 2
Nanako is fidgeting.
W /O W
1. W hat's wrong? +1 +2
2. Go ahead and as k. +2 +3
Nanako: A re you an only c hild?
W /O W

converted by
1. T hat's right +3 +3
2. Nope (P rom pts you to Ques tion 3)
(If you pic k the 2nd c hoic e from the las t ques tion)

Nanako: Hm m m ... T hen do you have a little s is ter?

W /O W
1. I do. - ?
2. I don't. ? ?
3. I have you. +3 +3
Ranking level 2 to 3
Nanako: Dad'll be dis appointed.
W /O W
1. I'll go buy s om e. +3 +3
2. Lets go buy s om e together. +3 +3
3. He'll live. - -
Nanako looks s ad.
W /O W
1. I am s orry. - -
2. Hear her out. (Required Lv 3 E xpres s ion) - -
3. It's not Nanako's fault. (Required Lv 3 E xpres s ion)+3 +3

Ranking level 3 to 4 (Required Lv 3 E xpres s ion)

Nanako is nodding her head c heerfully.
W /O W
1.W hy all thes e ques tions ? - -
2.Is there anything els e? +2 +3
Nanako: W hat happens to a pers on when they die?
W /O W
1. T hey dis appear. - -
2. T hey go to heaven. +3 +3
3. I don't know +1 +2
Nanako: W hy do bad people do bad things ?
W /O W
1. T hey have no c hoic e. - -
2. B ec aus e they enjoy it. - -
3. I don't know. +1 +2
Nanako: A re bad people m ore im portant to Dad than i am ?
W /O W
1. T hat's not true - -
2. He's protec ting everyone. - -
3. He's protec ting you. +1 +2
Ranking level 4 to 5
Nanako: W hat do they m ean by "real"?
W /O W
1. Related to you by B lood. - -
2. A pers on you love a lot. +3 +3
3 .A lways by your s ide. +2 +3
Nanako: Daddy does n't c om e hom e bec aus e I'm not his "real"
W /O W
1. Did he s ay that? +3 +3
2. T hat's not true. - -
3. Y ou have m e. +2 +2
W hat s hould you do?
W /O W
1. T alk with her. +2 +3
2. P ut her to bed. - -
3. Lis ten to her talk.(Requires Lv3 Unders tanding)+3 +3

Ranking level 5 to 6
Nanako looks likes s he's about to c ry...
W /O W
1. A s k what happened. - -
2. S wear to it. +1 +2
Nanako: He c an't c om e, huh?
W /O W
1. He'll c om e. +2 +3
2. I don't know. - -
3. I'll as k him with you. +3 +3
Ranking level 6 to 7
Ryoutarou: W hat's gotten into her...?
W /O W
1. Let's go look for her. - -
2. Let's leave her alone. - -
Ryoutarou: S he'll lis ten to you...
W /O W
1. T hat's not true. - -
2. W hy? - -
3. Okay. - -
Nanako: B ig bro...
W /O W
1. W hy'd you c om e here? - -
2. Let's go hom e. +3 +3
3. Y our dad's worried. - -
Nanako: Is he going to throw m e away, too...?
W /O W
1. He has n't forgotten. - -
2. He won't abandon you. - -
3. Don't worry. - -

Ranking level 7 to 8
Nanako: W hat s hould I do...? T he T eac her is will yell at m e.
W /O W
1. I'll help you look for it. +3 +3
2. Nothing you c an do now. - -
Nanako: W hy did Dad s top s m iling...?
W /O W
1. He's Lonely too. +3 +3
2. B ec aus e you're lonely. +3 +3

Ranking level 8 to 9
Nanako: B ig bro... I love m y Dad.
W /O W
1. I know. +2 ?
2. He loves you, too. +3 +3
3. W hat about m e? - -
Nanako: ...I feel s orry for him , los ing s om eone he loves .
W /O W
1. He s till has you. +2 +3
2. S he's not los t. +2 +3
3. I feel s orry for you too. +2 +3
W hat would you do?
W /O W
1. T alk to Nanako. +2 +3
2. P ut her to bed. - -
3. P lay with her. +3 +3
Ranking level 9 to 10
Nanako: B ig B ro, c an you m ake m e a s alad?
W /O W
1. S ure thing. +2 +3
2. I think... +1 ?
3. I eat s alad for breakfas t! - -
Nanako: Y ou're m y fam ily, too, s o... Let's work hard together!
W /O W
1. Don't s train yours elf. +1 +2
2. Let's do it. +3 +3
3. B ut I'm not your Mom ... +1 +2
[P S L07] Lover's A rc ana
| Ris e K ujikawa |
| Mon | T ue | W ed | T hur | Fri | S at | S un | Rain |
| ------------------------------------------------|
| - | - | - | - | O | O | O | X |
Loc ation
W eekdays : Clas s room B uilding 1F
Holidays & S undays : hopping Dis tric t , S outh
A c tivation
A utom atic on J uly 23rd
Other Notes
Las t day to attend the S oc ial Link is Novem ber 27 (E ven though Nov 27 is
the las t day you c an s till rais e the c om m u by hanging out on S undays )

Max S oc ial Link Item : S igned P hoto


converted by
| P oints needed to Rank UP |

Rank 1: 0
Rank 2: 0
Rank 3: 2
Rank 4: 4
Rank 5: 6
Rank 6: 6
Rank 7: 6
Rank 8: 8
Rank 9: 6
Rank10: 9

Ranking level 1 to 2
Ris e: B ut it's a little em barras s ing to s how up alone, you know?

W /O W
1.W hy? O +2
2.S o you don't eat out? +2 +3
3.J us t order takeout. +3 +3
Ranking level 2 to 3
Ris e: It'll take tim e to get bac k, s o let's walk around quic k!
W /O W
1.Y ou c om e here often? +3 +3
2.Can't you s hop in Inaba...? ? +3
3.W hat are you looking for? ? +3
Ranking level 3 to 4
Ris e is worried...
W /O W
1. Y ell. ? -
2. Call the polic e. ? +3
3. Grab her hand and run. +3 +3
Ris e looks des perate...
W /O W
1.Go along with her. +3 +3
2.Deny it. ? -
Ris e: I'm s orry... Lying about m arrying you and all...
W /O W
1.I don't m ind. +3 +3
2.Lying is wrong. - -
3.It... It was a lie? ? +3
Ranking level 4 to 5
Ris e: S enpai, have you ever thought that you're pus hing yours elf
too far, or that you were jus t ac ting...?
W /O W

1. A ll the tim e. +3 +3
2. S om etim es ... +2 +3
3. Not really. ? +2
Ris e: Y ou're with m e right now bec aus e i am Ris ette, yeah?
W /O W
1. T hat's right. - -
2. No. ? +3
3. I'm don't know. +3 +3
Ranking level 5 to 6
Inoue: A fan letter c am e, you s ee...
W /O W
1.Give it to her yours elf. - -
2.Does s he even need them ? - -
3.W hy s o interes ted in her? - -
Ris e: T o think i trus ted him ... I feel betrayed!
W /O W
1. T hat's not nic e. - -
2. He's worried about you. - -
3. Y ou're really quitting? - -
Ris e: I gave up on being Ris ette. I c an't m eet her expec ations ...
W /O W
1. Having s ec ond thoughts ? +2 +3
2. T his was your dec is ion. - -
3. S he'll unders tand. (Requires LV 5 Unders tanding)+2 +3
Ris e: Does n't that s ound fun? H-How about it? Haha...Ha...
W /O W
1. S ounds great. +2 +3
2. If you're s erious ... +3 +3
3. I c an't dec ide that now. - -

Ranking level 6 to 7
Ris e: ... S he was c ute, s o i figured s he would s ell.
W /O W
1. S he's c ute huh?. - -
2. J ealous ? - -
3. T hat's good is n't it? - -
Ris e: Y ou like having s uc h a c ute underc las s m an, right? I'm
an ex-idol, after all.
W /O W
1. I'm happy. +1 +2
2. I'm m is erable. - -
3. T hat part does n't m atter. +2 +3
Ris e looks helples s ...
W /O W
1. Cheer her up. +2 +3
2. Move c los er to her. +3 +3
3. Laugh it off. (Requires LV 5 Courage) +3 +3
Ranking level 7 to 8
Ris e: S enpai... I... I don't know why I'm c rying...
W /O W
1. Y ou m us tn't c ry! - -
2. Cry all you want. - -
...Y ou s ens e this is an im portant m om ent. T here's no turning bac k.
W /O W
1. Hold her. (Lovers Relations hip)
2. S tand there. - -
Ranking level 8 to 9
Ris e: A nd yet... I felt s o angry about it... W hy do you think that is ?
W /O W
1. Y ou regret leaving. ? +3
2. Y ou're s elfis h. ? +3
3. Ris ette is Ris e, too. +3 +3

Ranking level 9 to 10
Lovers Relations hip
Ris e: I'll as k the m an him s elf! S o-where do you hide them ! ?
W /O W
1. W hat do you m ean? - -
2. Y ou want to s ee?. - -
3. I don't have any. - -
Friends Relations hip
No Choic e available

[P S L08] Chariot's A rc ana
| Chie S atonaka |
| Mon | T ue | W ed | T hur | Fri | S at | S un | Rain |
| ------------------------------------------------|
| O | O | - | O | - | O | - | X |

Loc ation
W eekdays : S c hool Roof
Holidays & S undays : S hopping Dis tric t, North

A c tivation
A utom atic on A pril 18th

Other Notes
Las t day to attend the S oc ial Link is Novem ber 27 (E ven though Nov 27 is
the las t day you c an s till rais e the c om m u by hanging out on S undays )
Max S oc ial Link Item : W ris tband

| P oints needed to Rank UP |

converted by
Rank 1: 0
Rank 2: 0
Rank 3: 3
Rank 4: 3
Rank 5: 4
Rank 6: 4
Rank 7: 6
Rank 8: 5
Rank 9: 6
Rank10: 10

Ranking level 1 to 2
Chie: S till, now's the tim e to train right?
W /O W
1. Right +3 +3
2. For what? - -
Chie: ... No?
W /O W
1. I'm c ool with it. +2 +3
2. I gues s s o... +1 +2
3. W hat a pain. - ?

Ranking level 2 to 3
Chie: B ut m e, i totally los e itc kinda funny, huh?

W /O W
1. It's Cute (Requires LV 3 Courage) +3 +3
2. Its very fem inine. +2 +3
3. It's hilarious +2 +2
Ranking level 3 to 4
Chie: W -W ell...
W /O W
1. E xac tly. - -
2. None of Y our bus ines s . +2 +2
3. Quit bragging on her(Requires LV 3 Courage) +3 +3
W hat S hould you do?
W /O W
1. Crac k a joke +2 +3
2. B adm outh about T akes hi +2 +2
3. Hold Chie's hand (Requires Courage) +3 +3

Ranking level 4 to 5
Chie: Mm m m ... T he m eat and ric e jus t flow through m y veins ...

W /O W
1.W olfing it down, huh? +2 +3
2.Looks delic ious . +3 +3
3.Y ou look s o happy. +3 +3
Chie: I hope s he's not s training hers elf. Makes you worry, huh?

W /O W
1.I'll look out for her. +3 +3
2.Y ukiko is n't that weak. +2 +3
3.I worry m ore for you. +3 +3

Ranking level 5 to 6
Chie: W hat c owards , ganging up on the weak like that!
W /O W
1.E xac tly. +3 +3
2.It's eat or be eaten. - -
Chie: W e'll grab'em and m ake them apologize! Right, Leader?
W /O W
1.Of c ours e. +3 +3
2.Let the polic e handle it. - -
3.W hat a pain. - -
Ranking level 6 to 7
T hings aren't looking good...
W /O W
1. Hold Chie bac k.(requires LV 4 Courage) - -
2. Fight them yours elf. - -
Chie: I c harged in by m ys elfc Caus ed you troublec
W /O W
1. It's not T rouble. +2 +2
2. I'm us ed to it. - -
3. J us t think next tim e. - -

Ranking level 7 to 8
Chie: I feel like I m is s ed the point...
W /O W
1. T here's s till tim e. ? +3
2. T hat's the firs t s tep. +3 +3
3. It's hard to fac e yours elf. ? +3

Ranking level 8 to 9
T hings aren't looking good...
W /O W
1. Let Chie do her thing. - -
2. S hield Chie. - -
3. Fight with Chie. - -
Chie: ...W as that s tupid of m e?
W /O W
1. It all turned out okay. +2 +3
2. Y ou protec ted that kid. +3 +3
3. T hat was rec kles s . ? -
W hat to do?
W /O W
1. W ill you be m y girlfriend? (Lovers Relations hiP )
2. I'm c ounting on you. - -

Ranking level 9 to 10
Lovers Relations hip
Chie: Oh w-well, how did the room you had bac k hom e look?
W /O W
1. It was c leaner. - -
2. It was m es s ier. +3 +3
3. It was about the s am e. +2 +3
Chie: I was thinking... m aybe both of us together...
W /O W
1. T hat s ounds good. +3 +3
2. Y ou're on your own. ? -
W hat s hould you do?
W /O W
1.E m brac e. - -
2.Do nothing. - -
Chie: W h-W hat am I s aying...?
W /O W
1. Don't worry. - -
2. T hat jus t like you Chie. - -

Friends Relations hip

Chie: we are always team m ates c that's it!

W /O W
1.Certainly - -
2.W e c an be m ore than that - -
[P S L09] Hierophant's A rc ana
| Ryoutarou Dojim a |
| Mon | T ue | W ed | T hur | Fri | S at | S un | Rain |
| -------------------------------------------------|
| N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | O |

Dojim a 's S oc ial Link is only available at night tim e.

However his appearanc e is determ ine by the c urrent dungeon.
If its finis hed, Dojim a gets his days off and you c an s pend
tim e with him . B ut whenever Dojim a is available, you c annot
ac c es s Nanako's S oc ial Link.
E veryday: Y our hous e
A c tivation
T alk to Dojim a s tarting from May 6th
Other Notes
Las t day to do attend S oc ial Link is Novem ber 3rd
Rank 1 to 2 = Requires Lv 2 E xpres s ion

converted by
Rank 3 to 4 = Requires Lv 3 E xpres s ion
Rank 4 to 5 = Requires Lv 4 E xpres s ion
Max S oc ial Link Item : Coffee Mug

| P oints needed to Rank UP |
Rank 1: 0
Rank 2: 0
Rank 3: 4
Rank 4: 4
Rank 5: 6
Rank 6: 6
Rank 7: 5
Rank 8: 5
Rank 9: 6
Rank10: 8

Ranking level 1 to 2 (requires LV 2 E xpres s ion)

Dojim a: S o... W hat have you been doing after s c hool?
W /O W
1.Hanging with Friends . +1 +2
2.Club m eetings . - -
3.W orking. +3 +3
4.Nothing. - -
Dojim a: B ut its not as if we have m uc h in c om m on... exc ept for the m urders .
W /O W
1.Do you s till s us pec t m e? - -
2.Not good at talking? +1 +2
3.T ell m e about yours elf. +2 +3
Dojim a: Y ou're m ore lika a very young brother to m e then a s on.
W /O W
1.T hat's s tretc hing it. +3 +3
2.S hould i c all you big bro? +2 +3

Ranking level 2 to 3
Dojim a: W hen is always , huh...?
W /O W
1.W hy not play with her? - -
2.I feel s orry for her. - -
3.Not good with kids ? - -

Dojim a: P lus ... I'm not fit to be her fam ily.
W /O W
1.W hy? - -
2.Fit or not, you're fam ily. +2 +3
3.I don't get it. +2 +3
Ranking level 3 to 4 (Requires lv 3 E xpres s ion)
Dojim a: A ll we've got is ins tant, though. How do you take it?
W /O W
1.B lac k +2 +3
2.W ith c ream . +3 +3
3.Cream and s ugar. +2 +3
4.S urpris e m e. ? +3
Dojim a: Go watc h T V with Nanako. I'll bring it to you when it's ready.
W /O W
1.Y ou don't have to do that. +2 +3
2.T hank you. +1 +2
Ranking level 4 to 5 (Requires lv 4 E xpres s ion)
Dojim a: Oh...S orry, I was n't talking about you.
W /O W
1.Looking for s om ething? ? -
2.Can I help? +2 +3
3.W orking at hom e? +1 +2
Dojim a: Its Late. Go to S leep
W /O W
1.A re you okay? +2 +3
2.W hat was that about? +1 +2
3.B ut Nanako? +2 +3

Ranking level 5 to 6
Dojim a: Let's s top there.
W /O W
1.Let's not. +1 +2
2.E ven if its about fam ily? +1 +2
3.T hen let's go outs ide. +2 +3
Dojim a: I don't need a private life to do that. ...Nanako will unders tand.
W /O W
1.Y ou're right. - -
2.Is that what s he wants ? - -
3.T hat's jus t an exc us e. - -

Ranking level 6 to 7
Dojim a: I c an do that anytim e.
W /O W
1.W hen is 'anytim e'? - -
2.T his is m ore im portant, huh? +1 +2

Ranking level 7 to 8
Dojim a: S orry, but m y hands are full here.
W /O W
1.W orking at hom e again? - -
2.B uying a new c ar? ? -
3.W ant s om e c offee? +2 +3
Dojim a: Do you unders tand why?
W /O W
1. B ec aus e of Nanako. +1 +2
2. B ec aus e her killer's loos e. +1 +2
3. B ec aus e you're a c oward.(LV 5 Courage Required)+3 +3

Ranking level 8 to 9
Dojim a: E r... S orry about m aking you go along with this . today.
W /O W
1. I don't m ind. ? +2
2. It was fun. +2 +3
3. A s k m e next tim e. +1 +2
Dojim a: T hat's why I us ed revenge as an exc us e to s pend tim e away from her...
W /O W
1. W as it hard? +3 +3
2. Do you regret it now? +1 +2
2. Y ou've s top running? +2 +3

Ranking level 9 to 10
Dojim a: T his is your pers onal m ug. W rite your nam e on it later.
W /O W
1. T hank you. +2 +3
2. W hat am I us ing now? +1 +2
3. My nam e? T hat's okay. +2 +3
Dojim a: Main Charac ter, take c are of Nanako.
W /O W
1. Go get'em . +3 +3
2. B e c areful. +3 +3
3. Leave it to m e. +3 +3
[P S L11] Herm it`s A rc ana
| Fox |

| Mon | T ue | W ed | T hur | Fri | S at | S un | Rain |
| ------------------------------------------------|
| O | O | O | O | O | O | O | O |
Loc ation
E veryday: T he S hrine at S hopping Dis tric t, North
A c tivation
A utom atic on May 5th

Other Notes
Herm it's A rc ana is inc reas e everytim e you have finis h a
E m a Reques t.

Rank 1: Cleared Ques t 6

Rank 2: Cleared Ques t 13
Rank 3: Cleared Ques t 20
Rank 4: Cleared Ques t 26
Rank 5: Cleared Ques t 30
Rank 6: Cleared Ques t 36

converted by
Rank 7: Cleared Ques t 41
Rank 8: Cleared Ques t 42
Rank 9: Cleared Ques t 48

Max S oc ial Link Item : Gratitude E m a

Fox Rec overing Calc ulator
In P ers ona 4 your c harac ters no longer get tired. B ut
however your HP does n't fully rec over unles s you go hom e
and res t. B ut s tarting in May 5th you c an as k the
fox for healing. B ut beware it c an be really expens ive.
Rec over per every 1 S P

Com m u Rank| Y en Needed|

LV 1 | 60
LV 2 | 55
LV 3 | 50
LV 4 | 45
LV 5 | 40
LV 6 | 35
LV 7 | 30
LV 8 | 25
LV 9 | 20
LV 10 | 15
T he c alc ulator works really s im ple, lets s ay our entire
party is m is s ing 300 S P and your S oc ial Link level with
Herm it is at Lv 1 it'll c os t you 300 X 60 = 18000 Y en to get
a full rec overy from Fox. B ut s ay its at at Lv 9 the total
is reduc ed to 6000 Y en (300 x 20 = 6000 Y en).

[P S L11] Fortune`s A rc ana
| Naoto S hirogane |

| Mon | T ue | W ed | T hur | Fri | S at | S un | Rain |
| ------------------------------------------------|
| O | O | O | - | - | O | O | X |
Loc ation
W eekdays : Y as ogam i High, Learning B uilding 1F (Right S ide)
Holidays & S undays : S am egawa Flood P lain

A c tivation
S tarting from Oc tober 21, Firs t talk to Naoto, then go to
S hopping Dis tric t , North and find the m an in a blac k (Near
A iya). T alk to him and pic k the firs t c hoic e. (Y ou m us t
have Maxed K nowledge). Go bac k to the s c hool and find
Naoto, you m us t have m axed c ourage to s tart the S oc ial
Other Notes
Y ou m us t us e everyday pos s ible if you want to m ax Naoto's
S oc ial Link. B ec aus e there is only a m onth to do it. S o m ake
s ure you pic k all the c orrec t c hoic e and bring a m atc hing A rc ana.

Las t day to attend the S oc ial Link is Novem ber 27 (E ven though Nov 27 is
the las t day you c an s till rais e the S oc ial Link by hanging out on S undays )

Max S oc ial Link Item : Detec tive B adge

| P oints needed to Rank UP |
Rank 1: 0
Rank 2: 0
Rank 3: 0
Rank 4: 3
Rank 5: 5
Rank 6: 6
Rank 7: 8
Rank 8: 8
Rank 9: 4
Rank10: 8

Ranking level 1 to 2
Naoto: I'd c halk it up as a prank.
W /O W
1. Really? - -
2. I'm s till worried about you. - ?
3. T hat's no fun. +2 +3
Naoto: ......
W /O W
1. W hat happened? - -
2. Y ou don't need to go hom e? - -
3. A thief in a s leuth's hous e? - -
Naoto: I don't know about thos e, but m y belongings aren't of any partic ular
value, s o...
W /O W
1. Y ou s hould be c areful. +2 +3
2. W ho would want your s tuff? ? -
3. Rem em ber that c ard...? +3 +3
Ranking level 2 to 3
Naoto is Holding a s ealed letter...
W /O W
1. A c hanllenge for a duel? +3 +3
2. A love letter? - ?
3 T hat c ard bus ines s again...? +2 +3
Naoto: How m is leading... A s ealed letter at a tim e like this ...
W /O W
1. Y ou won't read it? - -
2. W hat if it's from a guy? - -
3. W hat'll you do with it? - -

Ranking level 3 to 4
Naoto is holding a c ard.
W /O W
1. A nother Love Letter? - -
2. Is it a guy this tim e? - -
3. T hat "Card" A gain? +3 +3
Naoto: I haven't the tim e to was te on this ...
W /O W
1. T hat's right. - -
2. W hy s o unc om fortable? - -
3. Running from a c hallenge? - -
Naoto: B ut... to ignore it only m akes m e angry!
W /O W
1. Good luc k. +2 +3
2. Let's c atc h him together. +3 +3

Ranking level 4 to 5
***T his Ques tion only will appear when Nanako is no longer well.

Naoto: *s igh* W hat s hould I do...?

W /O W
1. S oak it. --
2. B urn it. +2 +3
3. E at it. --
Naoto: "E ating letters with a red fac e"...? T his is ...
W /O W
1. A riddle. --
2. A m ailbox. +2 +3
3. A goat. --
Naoto: Gram pa had this ? W hy did he keep it...?
W /O W
1. W hat was that? --
2. Good, you got it bac k. +2 +3
Naoto: I, er... I think I'll let this play out... A nd, um m ,
if pos s ible...
W /O W
1. I gues s I'll help. +2 +3
2. Lets do it. +3 +3
3. Y ou're on your own. (Revers e)
Ranking level 5 to 6
Naoto: W hy you, though...?
W /O W
1. B ec aus e I looked reliable. +2 +3
2. B ec aus e we looked 'c los e. - +3
3. B ec aus e I looked us eles s . +2 +3
Naoto: W hen the bank c los e, the fruit tree grows . B y the large s even
at the third is the s pot I c hos e...
W /O W

converted by
1. 7 and 3 o'c loc k, m aybe...? - -
2. T he phras ing is s us pic ious . - -
3. T he num bers are im portant. +3 +3
Naoto: ......
W /O W
1. I'm glad you're a girl. (Lovers Flag 1)
2. Y our gender does n't m atter. +3 +3
3. Nothing you c an do. - -

Ranking level 6 to 7
Naoto: P erhaps the "m inus " part is im portant...
W /O W
1. Maybe it's a m ath problem . - ?
2. Chec k the other c ards again? - ?
3. S ubtrac t '40' and '4'? +3 +3
Naoto: I feel that... I'm undergoing a c hange.
W /O W
1. Y ou'll s till be you. - -
2. P eople c hange. - -
3. Don't be afraid. +3 +3

Ranking level 7 to 8
Naoto: W e m ay be able to c atc h him in the ac t.

W /O W
1. Y ou s eem happy. ? +3
2. Don't put yours elf at ris k. +2 +3
3. I feel kinda s ad. +3 +3
T he Man brandis hed a K nife.
W /O W
1. P rotec t Naoto . (Lovers Flag 2)
2. Run with Naoto. ? ?
3. Fight bac k. ??
***T his Ques tion only will appear if you pic k the firs t c hoic e
of the previous ques tion.
Naoto: W hy...! ?
W /O W
1. B ec aus e I love you. (Lovers Relations hip)
2. B ec aus e we're friends . (Friends )
Ranking level 8 to 9
Naoto: A plac e I'd be fond of...?
W /O W
1. S om ewhere bright. ? ?
2. S om ewhere high. +3 +3
3. S om where quiet. - -
Naoto: Next, what I "c an't s tand" to do. T here are s everal pos s ibilities ,
W /O W
1. Cooking. - -
2. E xerc is ing. --
3. T hrowing things away? +3 +3

Ranking level 9 to 10
Lovers Relations hip
Naoto: J udging by the pos ition of your T V , you regularly watc h the Midnight
Channel from ...
W /O W
1. Is it that Interes ting? - -
2. W hy don't you s it down? - -
3. I c an't relax... - -
Naoto: D-Do you find the pitc h of m y voic e s trange?
W /O W
1. W hatever you prefer. - -
2. I like it higher. (P ic k T his c hoic e if you want Naoto to)
(dres s as a girl for Chris tm as E vent. )

Naoto: I...I, I keep us ing the word "*I" Do you find that s trange?*

*T rans lation Note: T he "I " that Naoto us e, is s uppos e to

be for boys .
W /O W
1. Naoto I love you. - -
2. **"I" W ould be nic e. (P ic k T his c hoic e if you want Naoto to)
(dres s as a girl for Chris tm as E vent. )
**T rans lation Note: More form al "I" us ed m ore c om m only by girls .
Friends Relations hip
Naoto: W hat about you?
W /O W
1. It was a c inc h. - -
2. It was exc iting. - -
3. I was about to give up. - -
Naoto: Now you're m y as s is tant!
W /O W
1. Leave it to m e! --
2. I want a prom otion. - -
3. Y ou're MY as s is tant. - -
[P S L12] S trength's A rc ana
| K ou Ic hijou & Dais uke Nagas e |
| Mon | T ue | W ed | T hur | Fri | S at | S un | Rain |
| ------------------------------------------------|
| O | O | O | - | - | O | O | X |

Loc ation
W eekdays : Y as ogam i High, Learning B uilding 1F (Right S ide)

A c tivation
S tarting from A pril 19, vis it the head offic e and s peak to K ing Moron.
T his will give you the option to join c lubs . A fter that find the S port Club
by the W es t E xit of the Learning B uilding. It'll give you the option
to enter either the B as ketball Club (K ou) or the S oc c er Club (Dais uke).
Other Notes
I rec om m end taking the B as ketball Club over the S oc c er c lub if you're
going for a Max s oc ial Link file, bec aus e the B as ketball Club's S oc ial
Link take les s days to rank up. A lthough the c hart s hows that S oc c er Club
requires les s points to rank up, there is very little c hoic es in S oc c er Club
that it end up taking m ore days .
Max S oc ial Link Item :(K ou) Letter to K ou
(Dais uke) S pike B rus h.

| P oints needed to Rank UP |

Rank 1: 0
Rank 2: 0
Rank 3: 6
Rank 4: 6
Rank 5: 6
Rank 6: 4
Rank 7: 0
Rank 8: 5
Rank 9: 7
Rank10: 6


| P oints needed to Rank UP |

Rank 1: 0
Rank 2: 0
Rank 3: 4
Rank 4: 2
Rank 5: 3
Rank 6: 2
Rank 7: 4
Rank 8: 0
Rank 9: 6
Rank10: 6
B as ketball Club

converted by
Ranking level 1 to 2
K ou: Hey Main Charac ter, A iya or J unes ? Y ou dec ide.
W /O W
1. A iya ? +3
2. J unes +3 +3
3. Let's go hom e ? +2
K ou: W ell, I do like m e s om e s weets ...
W /O W
1. I'm jealous . +1 +2
2. not happy about it? - -
3. S ounds like a pain... - -
K ou: Y ou like s weets , Main Charac ter? W ant m e to get you s om e, too?
W /O W
1. S ure. +1 +2
2. T hat's okay. +1 +2

Ranking level 2 to 3
Dais uke: ...I want you to help him out
W /O W
1. W hat do you m ean? - -
2. J us t tell m e how. +3 +3
Dais uke: S he c alls it "barbaric "
W /O W
1. T hat's s uc ks . - -
2. B ut it's jus t a s port... +1 +2
3. I c an s ee that. +1 +2
Dais uke: S o... I want you to help him out
W /O W
1. E as ier s aid than done. ? ?
2. Leave it to m e. +3 +3
3. W hat c an I do? +2 +2
Ranking level 3 to 4
K ou: J us t the other day I was greeting people at one of thos e
high s oc iety gatherings . Can you im agine? Me at one of thos e things ?
W /O W
1. It's hard to im agine. +1 +2
2. I c an s ee that. +1 +2
K ou tries to s ound c heerful...
W /O W
1. T hat's good for you. +1 +2
2. Cheer up, m an. +1 +2
3. ...... - -
Ranking level 4 to 5
K ou: Hey. P rac tive over already?
W /O W
1. It's been over for hours . - -
2. Y ou've got s om e nerve... +3 +3
3. S om ething wrong? +2 +2
K ou: B ut m e, I'm feeling like I've s unk to the bottom of
the oc ean
W /O W
1. Get a grip, m an. - -
2. Y ou jus t need a res t. +2 +2
3. Let's go do s om ething fun. +2 +3

Ranking level 5 to 6
Dais uke: Hey, Main Charac ter, what's his problem ? Is he s ic k or s om ething?
W /O W
1. Y ou c ould s ay that... - -
2. It's S om ething els e. - -
Dais uke: Right?
W /O W
1. Y ou're right. +3 +3
2. A real gam e? Im pos s ible... ? +2
3. W e gotta s ave K ou. +2 +2
Dais uke: I got s om e dirt on a bunc h of other guys too, s o we s hould
have no problem getting together a full team .
W /O W
1. Y ou're quite a s trategis t. . +2 +2
2. Is n't that blac km ail...? +2 +2
3. W hat about yours elf? +2 +2

Ranking level 6 to 7
K ou: S hould I jus t leave?
W /O W
1. Y ou're thinking too m uc h. - -
2. Did they s ay anything? - -
K ou: Y eah, the orphanage.
W /O W
1. W hat for? - -
2. P lanning to run away? - -
K ou: I was thinking m aybe I'd as k about m y real parents .
W /O W
1. A nd onc e you know? - -
2. Y ou going to m eet them ? - -
3. I'll go with you. - -

Ranking level 7 to 8
Dais uke: I'm kinda worried...
W /O W
1. A bout what? - -
2. Let's c atc h up to him . +3 +3
K ou: W hat are you two doing here?
W /O W
1. Y ou alright? +3 +3
2. Find anything out? +3 +3
K ou: I have no one...
W /O W
1. T hat's not true - -
2. W hat do you m ean? - -

Ranking level 8 to 9
K ou: A nd now that I don't have to wear that m as k anym ore... I gues s
it's tim e to s tep off the s tage.
W /O W
1. Y ou going to leave? - -
2. W hat do you m ean? - -
3 Don't jum p to c onc lus ions . +2 +3
K ou: ...W hat do you think?
W /O W
1. It was s tored well? - -
2. T he letter was s wapped? ? ?
3. It W as written rec ently? +2 +3
K ou: How "bout you? W anna go for a dip?
W /O W
1. No way. - -
2. I better get hom e. - -
Ranking level 9 to 10
K ou: S tudying, les s ons , and all that c rap... I think I'm gonna keep doing
it all.
W /O W
1. Is n't that a bit m uc h? - -
2. Y ou c an do it m an. - -
Dais uke: D-Dude... W e c an't take this ...!
W /O W
1. Return it to K ou. - -
2. A c c ept it. - -

S oc c er Club

Ranking level 1 to 2
S oc c er P layer: Hey "Main Charac ter". T ear down the goals and c lean up
before you leave, alright?
W /O W
1.Got it (Unders tanding UP ) - -
2.J unes - -

Dais uke: S till, it went pretty fas t with three people.

W /O W
1.T hanks for the help. +1 +2
2.I didn't as k you to do it. - -

Ranking level 2 to 3

A utom atic

Ranking level 3 to 4
Dais uke: W hatever...Girls are a pain in the as s , right, Main Charac ter?

converted by
W /O W
1.Right on. +1 +2
2.T hat's not true. - -
3.Quit s howing off. - -

Ranking level 4 to 5
K ou is als o beam ing like it's all thanks to him ...

W /O W
1.T hanks guys . +2 +2
2.I'm jus t getting warm ed up. +2 +3

Ranking level 5 to 6
K ou: I have to do s om e fam ily s tuff today, though. W ould next tim e be okay?

W /O W
1.No P roblem ? +2
2.A nything for you guys . (Requires LV 4 Unders tanding) +3 +3
3.Long as it's not a has s le. ? ?
Ranking level 6 to 7
Dais uke:I have to do the c las s rec ord today s o don't want to wait for m e.
W /O W
1.If you s ay s o. - -
2.It's okay, I'll wait. - -
K ou: T ell you what, we'll talk over m apo ric e. My treat!
W /O W
1.S ounds good. +2 +3
2.Y ou treated las t tim e. - -
K ou: Y ou think it c ould be related...?
W /O W
1.Could be. +2 +3
2.Maybe not... - -
3.W hat are we talking about? - ?
K ou: W hat do you think?
W /O W
1.W e've got a problem . +2 +3
2.It's Dais uke's problem - -
K ou is looking at you expec tantly...
W /O W
1.Count m e in. +2 +3
2.Count m e out. - -

Ranking level 7 to 8
T heir quarrel s tarts to es c alate...
W /O W
1.S top them +2 +3
2.S tay quiet and watc h. - -
3.P rovoke them . - -
Dais uke: Y ou got that! ? It's MY life! you guys have nothing to do with it.
W /O W
1. Y es we do! - -
2. ...... - -
K ou: Y ou c an be pretty s inc ere when you want to, Dais uke.
W /O W
1. T hat's his c harm . +3 +3
2. Y ou think? - -
Ranking level 8 to 9
I wonder if s he's as s tuc k in the pas t as I am ...
W /O W
1. Could be. ? +3
2. Doubt it. ? ?
3. I don't know. ? +3
Ranking level 9 to 10
No Choic es available.

[P S L13] Hangm an's A rc ana
| Naoki K onis hi |

| Mon | T ue | W ed | T hur | Fri | S at | S un | Rain |
| ------------------------------------------------|
| O | O | O | O | - | - | - | X |

Loc ation
W eekdays : Learning B uilding 1F
Holidays : S hopping Dis tric t, North (Really north end near the Liquor S tore)
A c tivation
S tarting from J une 8th , you'll s ee a c uts c ene with Naoki for the firs t
tim e. A fter this event , you c an find him at the firs t floor in
the learning B uilding. S peak with Naoki and c om e bac k the next
day to talk to him again. Repeat this 3 tim es to ac tivate his S oc ial Link.
Max S oc ial Link Item : J unes Rec eipt

| P oints needed to Rank UP |

Rank 1: 0
Rank 2: 0
Rank 3: 0
Rank 4: 4
Rank 5: 4
Rank 6: 4
Rank 7: 4
Rank 8: 4
Rank 9: 6
Rank10: 6

Ranking level 1 to 2
Naoki: I us ually eat here a lot bec aus e it's s o c los e to our plac e,
but for s om e reas on, I haven't eaten here rec ently.
W /O W
1. T oo bus y? +2 +3
2. T ired of the food? +3 +3
3. B ec aus e of the m urder? +2 +2
Naoki: I m ean... what exac tly is an "adm irable life." anyway?
W /O W
1. Contributing to s oc iety. +2 +3
2. Making your parents happy. +3 +3
3. Leave s om ething behind. - -
4. I don't know. +3 +3

Ranking level 2 to 3
Naoki is laughing like he's having a good tim e...
W /O W
1. A s k him to tell another s tory. +3 +3
2. T ell your own tale of failure. +2 +3
3. T ell an A m eric an joke. +3 +3
Naoki is biting his lip...
W /O W
1. I'll go tell them off. +3 +3
2. Y ou not s aying anything? +3 +3
3. Let the gos s ipers gos s ip. - -

Ranking level 3 to 4
Naoki looks dis tres s ed...
W /O W
1. T alk bac k to the lady. (Requires Lv4 Courage)+3 +3
2. Flatter the lady. (Requires Lv4 E xpres s ion) +3 +3
3. K eep quiet. - -
Naoki: I'm s orry... It's a little awkward to be around m e, huh?
W /O W
1. Its not your fault. +3 +3
2. Let's forget about it. - -
Ranking level 4 to 5
Naoki: ... ...
W /O W
1. T hat's a good idea. +3 +3
2.Let's forget about it. - -
Naoki: ... I have to do it.
W /O W
1. Good luc k Naoki. - -
2. Y ou got other c hoic es . - -
3. Y ou s hould think it over. - -

Ranking level 5 to 6
Naoki: T hey got all s us pic ious of m e s uddenly. I was n't expec ting

converted by
that at all.
W /O W
1. I wouldn't have, either. - -
2. J us t forget about them . - -
3. Don't worry them too m uc h. - -
Naoki: A m i really that pitiable...?
W /O W
1. Y eah, you are. - -
2. Y ou're not the only one. +3 +3
3. I don't what they m ean. +2 +3

Ranking level 6 to 7
Naoki: I wanted to apologize for that.
W /O W
1. I don't m ind. +3 +3
2. Las t tim e? +2 +3
Naoki: How do I get out from that...? W hat would be bes t for m e, for
S is ...? I jus t don't know.
W /O W
1. T ake your tim e. - -
2. T ake ac tion. +2 +3

Ranking level 7 to 8
Naoki: Ironic is n't it...?
W /O W
1. T hey're trying to be kind. - -
2. Charge'em extra. - -
Naoki: Y os uke-s an s ure is nos y. Oh wait, s o are you...
W /O W
1. Don't lum p m e in with him . +2 +3
2. W e c an't jus t ignore you. +3 +3

Ranking level 8 to 9
Naoki: B ec aus e I was n't able to c ry like the ac tors on T V . I thought
that m aybe I didn't ac tually like S is ...
W /O W
1. T hat's not true. ? +3
2. P eople are different. +3 +3
3. Y ou're jus t inept. +2 +3
Naoki: S he m us t've wanted to live m ore, huh?
W /O W
1. Y eah, I am s ure of it. - -
2. I don't know. - -
3. Live for her s ake. - -
Naoki: Naoki is biting his lip...
W /O W
1. It was out of your hand. - ?
2. S he c an hear you. +2 +3
3. J us t let it all out, Naoki.(Requires LV 5 Unders tanding)+3 +3

Ranking level 9 to 10
Naoki: Its all thanks to you.
W /O W
1. I didn't do anything. +3 +3
2. T hat's right. B e grateful. +2 +3


[P S L14] Death's A rc ana
| His ano K uroda |

| Mon | T ue | W ed | T hur | Fri | S at | S un | Rain |
| ------------------------------------------------|
| H | H | H | H | H | H | O | X |

H = Holidays

Loc ation
W eekdays : Flood P lain
Holidays : Flood P lain

A c tivation
W hen you reac h Devil's S oc ial Link up to rank 4, you'll s ee an event with
His ano. A fter this , you c an find her at the Flood P lain on S undays (Or Holidays )
talk to her to s tart the S oc ial Link.
Max S oc ial Link Item : Old Fountain P en


| P oints needed to Rank UP |
Rank 1: -
Rank 2: -
Rank 3: -
Rank 4: -
Rank 5: -
Rank 6: -
Rank 7: -
Rank 8: -
Rank 9: -
Rank10: -

Ranking level 1 to 2

His ano: Haha, he was a hands om e m an.

W /O W
1. W ho are you talking about? +3 +3
2. S o he didn't look like m e? +3 +3
3. S top s taring at m e. +3 +3
His ano:Do i look like Death to you?
W /O W
1. Y es you c an. - -
2. No, you don't. - -
3. T his is s tupid. - -

Ranking level 2 to 3
His ano: W atc hing the river here with you, like this brings bac k m em ories ...
W /O W
1. Of W hat? +3 +3
2. W hat about the river? +3 +3
His ano: ...I was happy bac k then.
W /O W
1. I'm J ealous . +3 +3
2. W hat about now? +1 +2
His ano: He went to Heaven... and i will s urely go to Hell.
W /O W
1. T hat's not true. +3 +3
2. Don't torture yours elf. +3 +3
Ranking level 3 to 4
His ano:My hus band's ts uki m einic hi is today, and I've jus t c om e
bac k from vis ting his grave.
W /O W
1. T s uki Menic hi? +1 +2
2. T hat m us t have been tough. +1 +2
3. Don't be depres s ed. +1 +2
His ano: For thos e trying to reac h the gods , and to the fam ilies of thos e
people, death c an be an ally.
W /O W
1. T hat m ay be true. - -
2. I don't think s o. - -
3. I don't really know. - -
His ano: Y ou don't quite unders tand it yet, do you?

W /O W
1. I don't get it. - -
3. I think I unders tand. - -
Ranking level 4 to 5
His ano: It m us t be boring, lis tening to this old bag's s tories ...

W /O W
1. It's ac tually interes ting. +3 +3
2. I'm jus t killing tim e. +3 +3
His ano: E nough about m e. I want to hear s om ething from you. T ell m e anything.

W /O W
1. T alk about s c hool. +3 +3
2. T alk about the m urders . - ?
3. T alk about girls . +3 +3

converted by
His ano: B ut... I do not want to s ee you anym ore.

W /O W
1. W hy not? - -
2. I'm hurt. - -
3. B ut I want to s ee you. - -

Ranking level 5 to 6
His ano: B eing nonc om m ittal... floating around, never dec iding to
be one thing nor another. Can a m an unders tand that?
W /O W
1. I get it. +3 +3
2. I don't get it. +3 +3
His ano: B ut I wanted to write m y reply s o badly, s o I would grow
im patient and read it c arefully, over and over.
W /O W
1. W hat were they about? - -
2. Letters ? How inc onvenient. +1 +2

*If you want to trigger the next rank in the S oc ial Link, you
have to talk to the Old Man Daidara (W eapon S hop) (S elec t the T alk
c om m and) and get Hus band's Letter.

Ranking level 6 to 7
W hat s hould you do?
W /O W
1. Read them . - -
2. W ait for His ano. - -
His ano: I'm s ure he never im agined that the "His a-s an" he loved would
s om e day wis h to s ee him dead...
W /O W
1.W hat does it m ean? - -
2.Y ou didn't like it. - -
His ano: T hat was his punis hm ent. P unis hm ent for forgetting m e...
W /O W
1. T hat's a c ruel tale - -
2. T hat m us t've been tough - -
3. ...... - -

*If you want to trigger the next rank in the S oc ial Link, you
have to talk to the Old Man Daidara (W eapon S hop) (S elec t the T alk
c om m and) and get His ano's Letter.

Ranking level 7 to 8
His ano: I m us t ac c ept that...
W /O W
1. T ake your tim e. +3 +3
2. Hang in there. +3 +3
Ranking level 8 to 9
His ano: I didn't want to ac c ept that he had died all by him s elf, not
rem em bering m e, leaving m e behind...
W /O W
1. I unders tand the feeling. +3 +3
2. T hat's s elfis h. +3 +3
3. I don't unders tand. +3 +3
His ano: Haha... B ut it's too late now, is n't it?
W /O W
1. I gues s s o. +3 +3
2. No, it is n't. +3 +3

Ranking level 9 to 10
His ano: A t firs t, I turned them down bec aus e I didn't want to leave
the plac e I was born in, but...

W /O W
1. T hey kept ins is ting? +3 +3
2. W hat about your hus band? +3 +3
His ano: I'd feel that... our s tory has n't truly ended...

W /O W
1. Has n't it? - -
2. I'll treas ure it. - -
His ano: ...Do you have s om eone you love?
W /O W
1. I do. - -
2. I don't. - -
3. I'm not too s ure. - -
[P S L15] T em peranc e's A rc ana
| E ri Minam i |

| Mon | T ue | W ed | T hur | Fri | S at | S un | Rain |
| ------------------------------------------------|
| O | - | - | - | O | O | - | X |

Loc ation
W eekdays : B us S top on S hopping Dis tric t , S outh
Holidays : B us S top on S hopping Dis tric t , S outh
A c tivation
S tarting from May 2nd, go to S hopping Dis tric t North and look for the
bulletin board. A pply for the A s s is tant dayc are c aretaker J ob. W hen the
J ob is available, go to S hopping Dis tric t S outh and exam ine the B us
S top to reac h to the Dayc are J ob. Y ou m us t take the job twic e before
the S oc ial Link s tarts .
| P oints needed to Rank UP |

Rank 1: 0
Rank 2: 0
Rank 3: 2
Rank 4: 2
Rank 5: 4
Rank 6: 3
Rank 7: 4
Rank 8: 6
Rank 9: 4
Rank10: 13

Ranking level 1 to 2
E ri: E ..Do you like c hildren?
W /O W
1.Y eah, i like kids . - -
2.I am on the fenc e. +1 +2
3.I hate kids . +3 +3
E ri: I don't hate him , but...
W /O W
1.Do you like him ? - -
2.Y ou have problem s with him ? - -

Ranking level 2 to 3
E ri: I gues s he wants to s ee his father.
W /O W
1. P robably. +1 +2
2. I don't know. +2 +2
E ri: *s igh* He's s o inc ons iderate...
W /O W
1. Do you love Y uuta? - -
2. Do you love your hus band? - -

Ranking level 3 to 4
E ri: I s hould have known better than to try. W e're not related,
s o there's nothing I c an do about itE
W /O W
1. S o, Y uuta c an't love you - -
2. S o, you c an't love Y uuta? - -
E ri: Does n't that m ake you feel better? Is n't that a wonderful idea?
W /O W
1. Y ou're right... +3 +3
2. It's a boring idea. - -
3. It's not a good idea - -
E ri: Hones tly, though... I jus t want to go bac k to the c ity.
W /O W
1. W hy don't you go bac k? - -
2. W hy don't you take Y uuta? - -
3. J us t let it go. +1 +2
E ri: P leas e, don't tell Y uu-kun... Or the other m others .
W /O W

converted by
1. I won't. - -
2. W hy would I? - -

Ranking level 4 to 5
Y uuta: ...Is s he m ad at m e?
W /O W
1. S he's angry. - -
2. S he's not angry. - -
3. J us t apologize, Y uuta. - -
Y uuta: ......
W /O W
1. S he does n't hate you. - -
2. J us t give it tim e. - -
3. B e a better kid, then. - -

Ranking level 5 to 6
Y uuta: ...I've never s een P hoenix Ranger Featherm an R.
W /O W
1. W hy not? - -
2. Y ou s hould watc h it. - -
Y uuta: ...S he's always watc hing T V .
W /O W
1. S he won't let you watc h it? - -
2. Have you as ked to watc h it? - -
E ri: *huff* *huff* I'm s orry I'm late...
W /O W
1. No problem . - -
2. Y uuta was lonely. - -
3. A pologize to Y uuta, not m e. - -
E ri: I don't know what a c hild wants ...
W /O W
1. Featherm an R. +1 +3
2. Money. - -
3. A loving m other. - -

Ranking level 6 to 7
Y uuta: Y ou told her I liked P hoenix Ranger Featherm an R, huh?
W /O W
1. I m ight have. - -
2. I didn't. - -
3. T ell who? - -
Y uuta: I-In return for her gift! ?
W /O W
1. A nything would. - -
2. J us t be a good boy. - -
3. T hink of it yours elf. - -

E ri: I wonder if he's afraid of m e.
W /O W
1. Maybe. - -
2. He's not afraid of you. - +2
3. Y ou're both afraid. +2 +3
E ri: He m us t hate the fac t I'm here.
W /O W
1. Y ou c an't help it. - -
2. T hat's not true. +2 +3

Ranking level 7 to 8
Ms . Nakam ura: Oh, who is this ? He s eem s a bit young to be your hus band.
W /O W
1. I'm a day c are as s is tant. - -
2. I'm (Main Charac ter's nam e). - -
3. A c tually, I am her hus band. - -
E ri: If only... If only he was a m ore s tudious c hild...
W /O W
1. It's not his fault. - -
2. Grades aren't a fac tor. - -
3. It's your own fault. - -

Ranking level 8 to 9
E ri: I'm s orry about the other day. W ere you hurt?
W /O W
1. I'm fine. +1 +3
2. I'm not that weak. +? +3
Y uuta: ...S or...ry...
W /O W
1. Don't s weat it. - -
2. I c an't hear you. - -
3. Hitting is bad okay? - -
E ri: He's ac tually a s weet boy...
W /O W
1. Y eah he is . +1 +3
2. Y ou're a doting parent now. +? +3
E ri: ...W hat took m e s o long, huh?
W /O W
1. Y eah. ? +3
2. It never too late. +3 +3

Ranking level 9 to 10
E ri: S o, today's the las t day he'll be here. W hen Y uuta's done with
s c hool, we'll s pend tim e together at the hous e.
W /O W
1. Its for the bes t. +1 +3
2. I'll be lonely here. +3 +3
[P S L16] Devil's A rc ana
| S ayoko Uehara |
| Mon | T ue | W ed | T hur | Fri | S at | S un | Rain |
| ------------------------------------------------|
| - | - | O | O | O | - | - | X |

Loc ation
W eekdays : Leave the hous e during night tim e, it'll give you the
the option for the T utor J ob.

A c tivation
S tarting from May 25, A pply for the Hos ptial J anitor J ob.
(Requires Lv3 Diligenc es )

Max S oc ial Link Item : Hos pital ID

| P oints needed to Rank UP |
Rank 1: 0
Rank 2: 0
Rank 3: 0
Rank 4: 3
Rank 5: 3
Rank 6: 4
Rank 7: 2
Rank 8: 6
Rank 9: 6
Rank10: 3

A vailable May 2
A c tivation:T ake the Cleaning part tim e job twic e.

Ranking level 0 to 1
S ayoko: Don't worry, no one'll s ee...
W /O W
1.S top it! - -
2.I'm not interes ted - -
3.If you ins is t. - -

Ranking level 1 to 2
S ayoko: W ould you like to s tudy with m e? P erhaps a s ubjec t that
they don't teac h in s c hool, if you c atc h m y drift...?
W /O W
1.W hat do you m ean? +1 +2
2.I'm not interes ted. +1 +2
3.P leas e, by all m eans . - -

Ranking level 2 to 3
S ayoko: ... S o why are you working at a job like this ?
W /O W

converted by
1.For the m oney. +2 +3
2.T o be c los er to you. +1 +2
3.T o have s om ething to do. +1 +2
S ayoko: S peaking of whic h... S ay, do you have a girlfriend?
W /O W
1.I do. +1 +2
2.I don't. - -
3.Right in front of m e. +1 +2
4.W hy do you as k? --
S ayoko: ... Do you s ee what i'm getting at?
W /O W
1.Oh, yes . - -
2.No... +1 +2
3.S top it! +2 +3

Ranking level 3 to 4
Old lady in blac k: Do you work here?
W /O W
1. Only part tim e... - -
2. I'm a high s c hool s tudent. - -
Old lady in blac k: B ut i won't be c om ing bac k here anym ore...
W /O W
1. W hat were you here for? - -
2. W hy are you wearing blac k? - -
3. W e s hould m eet again. - -
S ayoko: ... Don't as k what happened here.
W /O W
1. ...Okay. +1 +2
2. I'd rather not know. +1 +2
3. ...I c an't s tay in here. +1 +2
S ayoko: T hey only need m e when they're m y patients ... in the end,
they all leave m e.
W /O W
1. T hat's jus t how it is . - -
2. It's good they get better. - -
3. W hy don't you s witc h jobs ? - -

Ranking level 4 to 5
S ayoko: T hat was the firs t tim e anyone ever c alled m e a "S lutty bitc h"
to m y fac e...
W /O W
1. W hat happened? - -
2. Its like a s oap opera. +1 +2
S ayoko: *s igh* T he other nurs e were jus t watc hing with thes e s tupid
s m irks on their fac es .
W /O W
1. T hat c an't be helped. - -
2. I wis h I'd s een it. - -
S ayoko:W hat am I living for...?
W /O W
1. Com fort her. (Requires Lv 5 Unders tanding) +3 +3
2. Cheer her up. +1 +2
3. K eep quiet. - -
Ranking level 5 to 6
S ayoko is n't s aying anything...
W /O W
1. Did s om ething happen? - -
2. A re you not feeling well? - -
3. A re you done here? - -
S ayoko: W hat am I doing...?
W /O W
1. Don't blam e yours elf. - -
2. It c ouldn't be helped. - -
3. T hink about what you did. - -
S ayoko s eem s to be torm enting hers elf.
W /O W
1. W atc h her s liently. - -
2. S ay s om ething to her. - -

Ranking level 6 to 7
S ayoko looks a bit pale. S he als o s eem s to be very tired.
W /O W
1. Y ou s hould get s om e res t... +1 +2
2. Hang in there. +2 +3

Ranking level 7 to 8
A utom atic rank up.
Ranking level 8 to 9
Middle-aged nurs e: W e're going to be needing this room , s o c an you
get all your c leaning s upplies out of here?
W /O W
1. Is there an em ergenc y? - -
2. A t this tim e of night? - -
S ayoko: I was jus t a little wobbly...
W /O W
1. Overworking, I hear? - -
2. It's im portant to res t. - -
W hat s hould you do...?
W /O W
1. P hys ic ian, heal thys elf. - -
2. Can you help anyone now? - -
3. Don't do it all yours elf. - -
S ayoko: Otherwis e... I'd never be able to fac e him again...
W /O W
1. W ould 'he' want that? - -
2. Y ou're doing it for yours elf. - -
3. Y ou're jus t running away. - -

Ranking level 9 to 10
S ayoko: I wanted to s ay goodbye.
W /O W
1. Goodbye? - -
2. T ake c are... - -


[P S L17] T ower's A rc ana
| S hu Nakajim a |

| Mon | T ue | W ed | T hur | Fri | S at | S un | Rain |
| ------------------------------------------------|
| - | O | - | O | - | O | - | X |

Loc ation
W eekdays : Leave the hous e during night tim e, it'll give you the
the option for the T utor J ob.

A c tivation
S tarting from May 25, A pply for the T utor J ob. (Requires Lv5 Unders tanding)

Max S oc ial Link Item : T es t Res ults

| P oints needed to Rank UP |
Rank 1: 0
Rank 2: 0
Rank 3: 2
Rank 4: 6
Rank 5: 3
Rank 6: 5
Rank 7: 5
Rank 8: 4
Rank 9: 4
Rank10: 0

Ranking level 0 to 1
S hu: If I think you're inadequate, I'll have you replac ed im m ediately.
Rem em ber that.
W /O W
1. Nic e to m eet you. - -
2. Don't worry about m e. - -
3. W ow, you're a little pric k. - -

converted by
Y ou feel Confident that you s hould teac h him :
W /O W
Math (E xpres s ion UP , K nowledge UP ) - -
E nglis h (E xpres s ion UP , K nowledge UP ) - -
P E (Diligenc e UP , E xpres s ion UP , K nowledge UP ) - -

Ranking level 1 to 2
S hu: ...If I get into a good c ollege... A m i really "S et"?
W /O W
1. Of c ours e. - -
2. I don't know. - -
3.I don't think s o. - -
S hu: ...Do you know what that m eans ?
W /O W
1. S ure I do. +1 +2
2. No, W hat? - -
S hu: Huh... T im e's already up. W e were s till in the m iddle of
that las t ques tion...
W /O W
1. W ait until next tim e. - -
2. I'll s tay and help you. (Requires LV 5 Diligenc e) +1 +2

Ranking level 2 to 3
S hu: W hat do you think of your s c hool?
W /O W
1. It's fun. - -
2. It's S tric t. +1 +2
3. it's boring. +2 +3
S hu: ... ...
W /O W
1. I'm a trans ferred s tudent too. - -
2. W ell, it is the c ountrys ide. +2 +3
3. Make friends with him . - -

Ranking level 3 to 4
S hu: ... T hey don't get what it m eans to learn at all.
W /O W
1. T hat's jus t how it is . +1 +2
2. T hat's not true. - -
S hu: T hat P lac e...
W /O W
1. It's the law. - -
2. Y ou don't have to go. - -
3. Y ou're not the only one. (Inc reas e Courage) +2 +3
Ranking level 4 to 5
S hu: Is there any bullying at your s c hool?
W /O W
1. Y es , there is . - -
2. No, there is n't. +1 +2
3. Not that I know of... - -
S hu: Maybe that's not the s am e thing as bullying.
W /O W
1. J us t ignore them . - -
2. P ut s om e effort into it. +2 +3
3. Leave it to m e. - -
S hu: It s eem s that I've been talking to you about things that
really aren't relevant to m y s tudies ...
W /O W
1. It not like you. +1 +2
2. I don't m ind. (Inc reas e Unders tanding) +1 +2

Ranking level 5 to 6
S hu: *S igh*
W /O W
1. W re they a pain in the as s ? - -
2. Didn't you join in? - -

S hu: ... T hey're all s tupid.

W /O W
1. Y ou're jus t at that age. - -
2. T hat's not true. - -

S hu: Um ... Y ou only c om e here bec aus e you're being paid to, right?
W /O W
1. Of c ours e. - -
2. T hat's jus t one reas on. +1 +2
3. T hat's not it. +3 +3

Ranking level 6 to 7
S hu: ... I wis h I was a genius .
W /O W
1. W ork hard, and you c an be. - -
2. Y ou're already are one. - -
3. J us t Give up now. - -

S hu: Let's c hange the s ubkec t to s om ething els e, W hat's up?

W /O W
1. T he other day at s c hool...(Inc reas e E xpres s ion) - -
2. A bout thes e m urders ...(Inc reas e E xpres s ion) +1 +2
3. W hat I like in a girl is ...(Inc reas e Courage) +2 +3

Ranking level 7 to 8
S hu: Is it pos s ible for anyone to be all thos e things ? Do you
know anyone like that?
W /O W
1. I do. - -
2. Nope. - -
3. T his guy. +2 +3
S hu: ...E very tim e I have that dream , the pers on gets one c ar c los er
to m e.
W /O W
1. Y ou m us t be tired. - -
2. Y ou m us t be pos s es s ed. - -
S hu s uddenly looks torm ented
W /O W
1. A s k him , what he's worried about. +1 +2
2. Cheer him up. +2 +3
3. Leave him alone. - -

*T he next tim e you vis it T ower, you autom atic ally will go hom e ins tead.

Ranking level 8 to 9
S hu: T m y birthday, I forgot...
W /O W
1. Happy birthday. - -
2. Don't forget next tim e. - -
S huu looks s ad...
W /O W
1. Have a grand c elebration. - -
2. Have a m odes t c elebration. - -
Firs t, you need...
W /O W
1. Cake. -> J unes - -
2. P res ents . - -
3. Gues ts . - -
(P ic k Firs t Choic e in las t Ques tion)
W ell...its look like the only plac e you c an order it.
W /O W
1. J unes . - -
S huu begins to s ob...
W /O W
1. S oothe him . - -
2. W ait for him to c alm down. - -
S hu begins to c ry again.
W /O W
1. Com fort him . - -
2. K indly reas on with him . - -
3. S ternly s c ole him . - -
Ranking level 9 to 10
S hu: T hank you for rec ongnizing... "m e." I wouldn't have been able
to talk to Mom if you hadn't.
W /O W
1. I am proud of you. +1 +3
2. No, it's all you. +3 +3

[P S L18] S tar`s A rc ana
| T eddie |
A c tivation

converted by
A utom atic on J une 24th

Rank 1: E vent on J une 24

Rank 2: Clear Marukyu S tripteas e
Rank 3: E vent on J uly 26
Rank 4: Clear V oid Ques t
Rank 5: E vent on S eptem ber 8
Rank 6: E vent on Oc tober 7
Rank 7: E vent on Oc tober 11
Rank 8: E vent on Oc tober 30
Rank 9: Clear Heaven P aradis e
Rank10: E vent on Dec em ber 5 ( Mus t go for Norm al or T rue E nding P ath)


| A i E bihara |

| Mon | T ue | W ed | T hur | Fri | S at | S un | Rain |
| ------------------------------------------------|
| - | - | O | O | O | - | R | X |

Loc ation
W eekdays : Learning B uilding 1F (Lobby)

A c tivation
A ttend the S trength S oc ial Link, until it reac hes Rank 4. Y ou'll s ee
a c uts c ene involving A i. From now on you c an find A i at the S c hool
Lobby. T alk to her, s he'll as k you if wanted to s kip c las s with her.
(Y ou need a LV 3 Courage in order to s kip c las s es ). A c c ept her reques t
on the next day, s he'll as k you to s kip c las s es on lunc h break.

Other Notes
Y ou`ll have to be c areful with A i, bec aus e pic king the wrong
c hoic es c an ins tantly bring her to Revers e.

Max S oc ial Link Item : Com pac t

| P oints needed to Rank UP |

Rank 1: 0
Rank 2: 0
Rank 3: 4
Rank 4: 4
Rank 5: 4
Rank 6: 0
Rank 7: 4
Rank 8: 8
Rank 9: 8
Rank10: 6

A vailable S trength Rank 4

Ranking level 1 to 2
A i: Hm m m , does n't look like they've gotten anything new in.
I already have all of this ...

W /O W
1.why do you buy s o m uc h? - -
2.W e'll have to c om e bac k. +2 +3
3.S top c om plaining - -
A i:B uy m e an ic e latte.

W /O W
1.S ure. - -
2.B uy it yours elf. +3 +3
3.Let's s pit one. +1 +1
A i: T hey s hould get rid of all s ales people and put in vending
m ac hines . P res s a button, and out c om es your c lothes .

W /O W
1.S ounds like a good idea. - -
3.T hat'd be kind of boring. - -

Ranking level 2 to 3
A i: W hat s hould we do ins tead?

W /O W
1. Com e s hopping with m e. +2 +2
2. Let's jus t c hill. +2 +3
3. W hy are we here again...? - -
A i: Looking at it from your pers pec tive, I'd s ay you got pretty luc ky.
W /O W
1. I apprec iate it - -
3. Not exac tly... - -
A i rejec ted him without a s ec ond thought...
W /O W
1. Can't you be nic e? - -
2. Y ou c oulda talked to him ... - -
3. T hat was downright c ruel... (Revers e)
4. A re looks everything? - -

Ranking level 3 to 4
T he Convers ation is getting m ore and m ore vulgar...

W /O W
1. S top them . S port Club +2 +3
3. Ignore them . S port Club +2 +2

A i: .......

W /O W
1. Did you Hear them ? - +3
2. Hey, Let's go. +3 +3

Ranking level 4 to 5
A i: T h-thank you for that, las t tim e...
W /O W
1. W hat are you talking about? +2 +2*
2. Y ou're welc om e. +2 +2*
3. I didn't do m uc h. +2 +2

*S port Club B onus

A i: Do you think m aybe I'm his type? O-Or do you think he hates ...
people like m e?

W /O W
1. He probably does . ? -*
2. Have a little c onfidenc e. +2 +2
3. I wouldn't know - -*
4. ... ... +2 +2
A i: A ll I need you to do is ... as k him what's his type. T hat's it.
W /O W
1. No problem . - -
2. Not gonna happen! (Revers e)

Ranking level 5 to 6
A i: B ut if I c an't be loved, T hen what's the point! ?
W /O W
1. T ry to c alm down. - -
2. Com e over here... - -
3. I'll Hear you out. - -
A i: It's not like I have any other redeem ing qualities ...
W /O W
1. Y ou're s till young. - -
2. He jus t does n't know you. - -
3. I'll yell at him later. - -
*T his part is im portant it'll branc h into two different routes
depending on your c hoic e. If you pic k to be her boyfriend, you
will eventually break up as your s oc ial rank inc reas es .

A i: Haha, jus t kidding

W /O W
1. I'll be your boyfriend. (T em porary lovers )*
2. ...... (Goes to Ques tion 4.) - -
A i: Hey... W hy don't you and I jus t go out?
W /O W
1. S ounds good. (T em porary lovers )*
2. A re you s ure about that? (Lover's Flag)

*If you pic k the c hoic e that m akes you T em porary Lovers , you'll only
end up as friends in the end.

converted by
*Norm al Route

Ranking level 6 to 7
A i: I'm s orry. I don't m ean to keep m aking you hang out with m e...

W /O W
1. I don't m ind. +3 +3
2. A bout tim e you s aid it. +2 ?
A i: I wonder W hy...?
W /O W
1. B ec aus e we're friends . +3 +3
2. Y ou have a c rus h on m e. +3 +3
3. B ec aus e I'm s pec ial to you. ? +3

Ranking level 7 to 8 *Norm al

A i: He was jus t... a norm al, good guy. I gues s W hat I felt was
a kind of a fleeting thing.
W /O W
1. Happens all the tim e. +3 +3
2. Y ou c an be s o c ruel. ? +3
3. A re you okay with that? ? ?

Ranking level 8 to 9 *Norm al

T hings don't look good... Y ou feel A i is in danger.

W /O W
1. Help Her. - -
2. S ee what Happens . - -
A i: Uh... S orry, was that unnec es s ary?

W /O W
1. T hank you. +3 +3
2. A re you all right? +3 +3
3. T hat was rec kles s of you. +3 +3

Ranking level 9 to 10 *Norm al

W hat will you do?
W /O W
1. A c c ept it. (Lovers Relations hip)
2. Rejec t her. - -

*T em porary Lovers Route

Ranking level 6 to 7
A i: Hey, why don't you pic k out s om e c lothes for m e? W hat do you
think I'd look good in?
W /O W
1. Cute Clothes ? +3
2. S exy Clothes . +2 +3
3. Cas ual Clothes . - -
A i: Is n't that right, Main Charac ter?
W /O W
1. Y ep. +2 +3
2. W e are? ? ?
A i: ...Do you think I'm pretty?
W /O W
1. Of c ours e you are. +3 +3
2. Not really. ? ?
3. W hat's wrong? ? -

Ranking level 7 to 8
A i: Main Charac ter... Do you love m e?
W /O W
1. Of c ours e. +3 +3
2. W hat's wrong? (Repeat Ques tion)
A i: Y ou need m e, right?
W /O W
1. Naturally... +3 +3
2. Do I really have to s ay it? (Repeat Ques tion)

Ranking level 8 to 9
A i: I think we need to... break up.
W /O W
1. W hy? - ?
2. I don't want that. - -
3. Y ou're being s elfis h. - -
A i: I'm s o worthles s ...
W /O W
1. T hat's not true. +2 +3
2. T hen let's find your value. ? +2
3. Y ou dec ide your own worth. ? +3
A i: I'm s ure you'll eventually hate m e... and then you'll leave m e.

W /O W
1. I'm not going anywhere. - -
2. W ell, that c ould happen... - -
3. Y ou c an't live in fear. - -
A i: Is there any way... that we c ould jus t be friends ?
W /O W
1. S ure. +3 +3
2. I knew the whole tim e. ? +3
3. W e need tim e apart. (B roken)

Ranking level 9 to 10
A i: S till... I'm not good at being alone. I know it's a lot to as k,
but... will you s tay by m y s ide?

W /O W
1. Of c ours e I will. - -
2. I'll do m y bes t... - -
3. Y ou're s trong enough now. - -

[P S L20] S un`s A rc ana
| Y um i Ozawa & A yane Mats unaga |

| Mon | T ue | W ed | T hur | Fri | S at | S un | Rain |
| ------------------------------------------------|
| O | O | - | - | O | - | - | O |
Loc ation
W eekdays : Y as ogam i High, P rac tic e B uilding 1F, Dram a Club or Mus ic Club.
Y as ogam i High, Learning B uilding 2F.

A c tivation
S tarting from A pril 25, Y ou c an join either the Dram a c lub or
the Mus ic Club. If you join the Dram a Club (Y um i Ozawa) will
be your offic ial S un A rc ana S oc ial Link and if you join the Mus ic
Club then its A yane Mats ugana.

Other Notes
T he S un S oc ial Link, is one of the few S oc ial Links that is available
on raining days , s o take advantage of that tim e period to rank it up.

Max S oc ial Link Item : A nnotated S c ript (Dram a)


| P oints needed to Rank UP |

Rank 1: 0
Rank 2: 0
Rank 3: 2
Rank 4: 2
Rank 5: 6
Rank 6: 8
Rank 7: 6
Rank 8: 7
Rank 9: 0
Rank10: 5



converted by
| P oints needed to Rank UP |

Rank 1: 0
Rank 2: 0
Rank 3: 2
Rank 4: 2
Rank 5: 4
Rank 6: 6
Rank 7: 6
Rank 8: 6
Rank 9: 4
Rank10: 6

Y um i Ozawa (Dram a Club)

Ranking level 1 to 2
T he line began...
W /O W
1.W hat tem pts m e is not... (Goes to Ques tion 3) - -
2.W hat c raze m e is not... (Goes to Ques tion 2) - -
3.W hat taunts m e is not... (Goes to Ques tion 3) - -

T hen it went...
W /O W
1.T he light of the m oon... - -
2.T he light of the s tar... - -
3.T he light in the s ea... - -
Y um i: ...B ut i do want us to take it s erious ly, s o give it
s hot okay?
W /O W
1.I'll give it m y all! +3 +3
2.I'm not in the m ood. - -
Ranking level 2 to 3
Y um i: Huh...? Oh, er...what s hould i do? W e're S till..
W /O W
1. Hurry, go s ee her. - -
2. W ant m e to c om e with you? - -
Y um i: W h-W hen did you get here! ? W ere you lis tening to m e?
W /O W
1. Y eah, I heard. - -
2. W hat are you talking about? - -
Y um i is trem bling with anger...
W /O W
1. Com fort her. - -
2. Don't s ay anything. - -
Ranking level 3 to 4
Y um i: ...W as I wrong when I s aid that?
W /O W
1.Y eah. - -
2.No. +2 +3
3.It was how you s aid it. +2 +2
Y um i: ...A nywhere but at hom e.
W /O W
1.Is s om ething wrong? +2 +3
2.Y our fam ily will be worried? - -
3.I'll help. +2 +2
Y um i: J us t forget about this , okay?
W /O W
1.Okay. +2 +3
2.I c an't forget. +3 +3

Ranking level 4 to 5
Y um i: Main Charac ter-kun... W hy are you...?
W /O W
1.I was worried about you. +2 +2
2.J us t pas s ing by. +2 +3
3.I got hurt. +2 +2
Y um i: S he's pus hing hers elf too far. S he's s o s tupid.
W /O W
1.It m us t've been tough. - -
2.S he's your parent. - -
3.Y ou s hould s upport her. - -
Y um i:Its all bec aus e of m y parents . T hey're both holding m e
bac k.
W /O W
1.It c an't be helped. - -
2.S top ac ting like a c hild. - -
3.T ake c are of yours elf, too. +2 +2
Y um i:It's not like you have anything do with what's happening
in m y life.
W /O W
1.Y es I do. +3 +3
2.T hat's right i don't. +2 +2
Ranking level 5 to 6
Y um i: ... I jus t c am e from Dad's --that m an's room ...
W /O W
1.Did you m ake up with him ? - -
2.A re you taking c are of him ? - -
3.How is your m other? +2 +2
Y um i: ...W hy do i have to go through all of this ? W hy m e! ?
W /O W
1.It jus t bad Luc k. - -
2.Its your fault. - -
3.Y ou're not the only one. - -
Ranking level 6 to 7
Y um i: ... He's s o s tupid
W /O W
1.He's a great father. ? ?
2.He's a kind father. +3 +3
3.He's a s tupid father. - -
Ranking level 7 to 8
Y um i:T here's .... jus t s om ethings i jus t don't unders tand.
W /O W
1.Gentlely enc ourage her. +3 +3
2.Cry together. ? +3
3.Rem ain S lient. ? -
Ranking level 8 to 9
Y um i is not doing good.
W /O W
1.W hat's wrong? - -
2.Its already over. - -
3.Let's leave. - -
Y um i s eem s to be enduring the tragedy.
W /O W
1.Gentlely s ay her nam e. ? -
2.E m brac e her. ? -
3.Rem ain S lient. ? -
Y um i: I am good at s om ething... B ut what of kind of thing?
W /O W
1.T hink about it s lowly. ? +3
2.Y ou're always c heerful. ? +3
3.T he things that c an be done. ? +3

Ranking level 9 to 10
Y um i: I'll turn around, s o if you're going to rejec t m e, jus t leave
the room . T hat way, I won't have to s ee you go...
W /O W
1. Hug her. (Lovers Relations hip)
2. Leave. - -

(If you pic k the Firs t Choic e earlier.)

Y um i: P ic turing it... It's kind of em barras s ing, huh?
W /O W
1. Is it? ? ?
2. W hat'd you im agine? ? ?
3. I haven't even begun. ? -

A yane Mats unaga (Mus ic Club)

Ranking level 0 to 1
A yane: Do you have any ques tions , S enpai?
W /O W

converted by
1. W here does the c lub play? - -
2. Is there any dram a here? - -
3. Do you have a boyfriend? (Requires Courage) - -
Cleanup looks like a big tas k for jus t one pers on...
W /O W
1. Help out. (Inc reas e Unders tanding) - -
2. W atc h. - -
Ranking level 1 to 2
A yane: I wis h I had as m uc h talent as you.
W /O W
1. E ffort is what m atters . +1 +2
2. Y ou do have talent.(Requires Unders tanding) +2 +3
3. Maybe you s hould give up. - ?
Cleanup looks like a big tas k for jus t one pers on...
W /O W
1. Help out. (Inc reas e Unders tanding) +2 +3
2. W atc h. (Inc reas e Diligenc es ) +1 +2

Ranking level 2 to 3
A yane: I think I'll s tic k around and prac tic e. I was out s o long
, I didn't even touc h m y trom bone.
W /O W
1. Y ou want m e to help? +2 +2
2. Forget about it today. +3 +3
A yane: ...Not that I'll be in it, but s till...
W /O W
1. Y ou don't want to go? - -
2. T hey won't let you go? - -
A yane: B ec aus e there are lots of other things I c an do for the c lub.
S c heduling, ac c ounting, c leaning up...
W /O W
1. T hat's a great attitude. +1 +2
2. Is that what you want? - -

Ranking level 3 to 4
A yane: S hoot... I s till c an't play the part I was m es s ing up las tim e.
W /O W
1. Can you prac tic e at hom e? - -
2. Can it wait until tom orrow? - -
3. W hy don't you give up?(Requires Lv 3 Courage)+3 +3
A yane: It'd be nic e to be able to play outs ide, but I'd em barras s m ys elf
if I went alone...
W /O W
1. Outs ide? (Unders tanding, E xpres s ion UP ) ? -
2. W ant m e to help out?(Unders tanding, E xpres s ion UP )+3 +3
3. A lright, follow m e.(Requires Courage)(E xpres s ion) +3 +3
A yane: Oh... I'm dis trac ting you from your own prac tic e, aren't I...
W /O W
1. Y ep. ? -
2. No, you're not. (Requires Lv 3 Unders tanding) +3 +3
3. J us t hang in there. (Diligenc e UP ) +2 +2

Ranking level 4 to 5
A s the others leave, A yane s tays engros s ed in her prac tic e...
W /O W
1. T alk to her - -
2. Leave her alone. - -
A yane: I c an't... I c an't do it...
W /O W
1. Don't worry, you c an do it.(Inc reas e E xpres s ion) +2 +3
2. B ut who els e is there? (Inc reas e Courage) - -
3. Its okay to m es s up.(Requires Lv 3 Unders tanding)+3 +3

Ranking level 5 to 6
A utom atic Rank UP .

Ranking level 6 to 7
T he other m em bers are rem aining s ilent...
W /O W
1. S tic k up for A yane. (E xpres s ion UP ) - -
2. K eep quiet. - -
A yane is weeping...
W /O W
1. Com fort her. (E xpres s ion UP ) - -
2. P at her on the head. - -
3. Hold her. ? +3
Ranking level 7 to 8
W hat s hould you do...?
W /O W
1. Reveal youir feelings for her. (Lovers relations hip)
2. Change the s ubjec t. - -

Ranking level 8 to 9 Lovers Route

A yane looks at the ground nervous ly.
W /O W
1. W anna go grab s om e food? ? +3
2. wanna go out and have fun? ? +3
3. W anna c om e to m y hous e? (Requires Courage) +3 +3

Ranking level 9 to 10 Lovers Route

A utom atic Rank UP .


Ranking level 8 to 9 Non-Lovers Route

A utom atic Rank UP .

Ranking level 9 to 10 Non-Lovers Route

A utom atic Rank UP .

[P S L21] J udgem ent's A rc ana
| S eekers of T ruth |

A c tivation:Go for Norm al E nding P ath

Rank 1: S c enario on Dec em ber 3

Rank 2: S c enario on Dec em ber 4
Rank 3: S c enario on Dec em ber 4
Rank 4: S c enario on Dec em ber 5
Rank 5: S c enario on Dec em ber 5
Rank 6: S c enario on Dec em ber 6
Rank 7: S c enario on Dec em ber 7
Rank 8: S c enario on Dec em ber 7
Rank 9: Clear Magats u T own
Rank10: Clear Magats u T own


______ _ _ _
| ___ \ | | (_) | |
| | _/ /__ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ __ _ | | _ ___| | _
| __/ _ \ '__/ __| / _ \| '_ \ / _` | | | | / __| __|
| | | __/ | \__ \ (_) | | | | (_| | | | ___| \__ \ | _
\_| \___| _| | ___/\___/| _| | _| \__,_| \_____/_| ___/\__| (P ers ona Lis t)

[S ec tion 9]

*W hen Fus ing T he default s kill for the P ers ona's m ight look different
in the ac tual gam e bec aus e of the S kill Inheritanc e.
A ls o a new feature in P ers ona 4, is the Fus ion Forec as t, when fus ing
a P ers ona on raining days , the P ers ona will random ly rec eive a s kill.
If you're luc ky you c an even fus e a Lv 30 P ers ona with the s kill V ic tory

A m ount of P ers ona's you c an c arry.

Lv 1 = 6 P ers onas .
Lv 20 = 8 P erons as .
Lv 25 = 10 P ers onas .
Lv 30 = 12 P ers onas .

Lis t Organize by A rc ana

| A rc ana Nam e | S earc h Code|
| Fool | [P 4A RC01] |
| Magic ian | [P 4A RC02] |
| P ries tes s | [P 4A RC03] |

converted by
| E m pres s | [P 4A RC04] |
| E m peror | [P 4A RC05] |
| Hierophant | [P 4A RC06] |
| Lovers | [P 4A RC07] |
| Chariot | [P 4A RC08] |
| J us tic e | [P 4A RC09] |
| Herm it | [P 4A RC10] |
| Fortune | [P 4A RC11] |
| S trength | [P 4A RC12] |
| Hangedm an | [P 4A RC13] |
| Death | [P 4A RC14] |
| T em peranc e | [P 4A RC15] |
| Devil | [P 4A RC16] |
| T ower | [P 4A RC17] |
| S tar | [P 4A RC18] |
| Moon | [P 4A RC19] |
| S un | [P 4A RC20] |
| J ugdem ent | [P 4A RC21] |
| W orld | [P 4A RC22] |

Fool A rc ana [P 4A RC01]
* In order to fus e the s tronges t P ers ona of eac h A rc ana, you m us t m axed out the
s oc ial link level firs t.

*T here is m ore then a s ingle c om binations for m aking eac h P ers ona exc ept the
ones that are c reated from S pec ial Fus ion.

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Izanagi | 1 | | | | S tr | W eak| | Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Zio,Cleave, Rakukaja |
| Learned S kills : Rakunda(3) T arukaja (5) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Fool)Y om ots u-s hikom e x (Fool)Obariyon |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| Y om ots u-s hikom e | 7 | | W eak| S tr | | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : P ois m a,S kewer, E vil T ouc h |
| Learned S kills : S ukunda(9)Mudo(10)Ghas tly W ail(11) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Fool)Izanagi x (Fool)Obariyon |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Obariyon | 13 | S tr | S tr | | | | | |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------
| Default S kills : S onic P unc h,T arukaja,Dekaja |
| Learned S kills :S lienc e B oos t(15)Res is t P hys ic al(17)S ingle S hot(18)|
| P os s ible Com binations :(Hierophant)Om oikane x (Magic ian) Orobas |
| X (E m pres s ) S enri |
| Or (Fool) Izanagi x (Chariot) S lim e x (S trength) K us hi Mitam a |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Legion | 21 | | S tr | S tr | | | W eak| S tr |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills :T entarafoo, Mudo,E vil S m ile |
| Learned S kills :Ram page(23), Confus ion B oos t(24), |
| Foul B reath(25), S urvive Light(26)) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Fool) Obariyon x (Fool) Os es |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Os e | 31 | S tr | | | | Null| W eak| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills :P ower S las h,Minc ing S lic e, P ower Charge |
| Learned S kills :P ois on Mis t(33), P ois on B oos t(34), |
| A uto-S ukukaja(35), S urvive Light(36) |
| P os s ible Com binations : (Fool) Dec arabia x (Fool) S hiki-ouji |
| (E m peror)K ing Fros t x(P ries tes s )High P ixie x(S trength) Raks has a|
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| B lac k Fros t | 38 | A bs | A bs | | | | | Refl|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills :Maragion, B ufula, Ic e B oos t, |
| Learned S kills :Mind Charge (40) Marakunda(41), Fire A m p(42), |
| A gidyne(43),Mudoon(44) |
| P os s ible Com binations : Magic ian P yro J ac k |
| Magic ian J ac k Fros t |
| A vailable on J uly 20 E m peror K ing Fros t |
| Magic ian P ixie |
| Death Ghoul |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Dec arabia | 46 | W eak| Null| | Null| S tr | Null| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------
| Default S kills :A gidyne, Matarunda, T etrakarn |
| Learned S kills :E vade P hys ic al(48), Megidola(50), Fire A m p(51) |
| Res is t P hys ic al(52) |
| P os s ible Com binations : (E m peror)S etanta x (P ries tes s ) Ganga x |
| (S trength) Hanum an |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| S hiki-ouji | 56 | Null| Null| | W eak| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------
| Default S kills :Navas Nebula, Matarunda, Revolution, |
| Learned S kills :A pt P upil(58), Growth 2(59), Null P hys ic al(62) |
| P os s ible Com binations : T ower Cu Chulain x E m pres s Gorgon x |
| Hangedm an Y ats ufus a |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Loki | 64 | | W eak| A bs | | | | Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : B ufudyne,B as h, Rakus ha |
| Learned S kills : Ic e B oos ter(66)Hyper Counter(67) Mabufudyne(68)|
| Null Fire(69) Nibihelm (70) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Lovers )Is htar x(E m pres s )Is is x(S un)Horus |
| OR (Lovers Is htar) x (Fool) S hiki-ouji x (Hangedm an) V as uki |
| * MA X Com m u Needed |
Magic ian A rc ana [P 4A RC02]
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| P ixie | 2 | | W eak| | | S tr | | Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Dia,P atra |
| Learned S kills : Zio(3) Me P atra(4)T rafuri(8) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Magic ian) Orobas x (Magic ian) J ac k Fros t|

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Orobas | 8 | | S tr | W eak| | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : A gi, Hys teric S lap, Dekaja |
| Learned S kills :Dodge Ic e(10),Res is t Dizzy(11),S harp S tudent(12)|
| P os s ible Com binations :(Fool) Izanagi x (S trength) S andm an |
| OR (Chariot) S lim e x (T em peranc e) A ps aras | |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| J ac k Fros t | 16 | | W eak| Null| | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mabufu, Ic e B reak, Me P atra |
| Learned S kills : Ic e B oos t(18), B ufula(19), Dodge Fire(20), |
| Mind Charge(25) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Hierophant) Om oikane X (T em peranc e)S ylph|
| Or Chariot E ligor x S trength T itan |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| K ahaku (A K A Hua P o) | 25 | | Null| W eak| | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : A gilao,Re P atra,Rakukaja |
| Learned S kills : Fire B reak(26)Makajam a(27)Dodge Ic e (29) |
| Fire B oos t(30) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Chariot)E ligor x(T em peranc e) Nigi Mitam a|

converted by
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| P yro J ac k | 32 | | A bs | W eak| | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : A gilao, T arunda |
| Learned S kills : Mas ukukaja(34), Maragion(36), Guard Mas ter(37) |
| Res is t Ic e(38) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Chariot) A res x (T em peranc e) Mithra |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Dis | 39 | | Refl| | | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Maragion, Diaram a, Dekunda, |
| Learned S kills : Dodge Ic e(41), Marakunda(42), A gidyne(43), |
| Mind Charge(44) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(J us tic e) A rc hangel x (Fool) S hiki-ouji |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| Rangda | 47 | Refl| | W eak| | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Maragion, T entarafoo, |
| Learned S kills : A gidyne(49), Dodge Ic e(50), Mus tard B om b(51), |
| Repel P hys ic al(55) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Hierophant) Flauros x(T em peranc e)S eiryuu|
| OR (Hangedm an) Y ats ufus a x (E m pres s ) Gorgon x (E m peror) S etanta|

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| J inn | 62 | | A bs | | W eak| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : A gidyne, Fool's W his per, |
| Learned S kills : Res is t P hys ic al(65), Fire B oos t(66), |
| Null P hys ic al(67), V ariant Danc e(68) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(J us tic e) Dom inion x (Fool) S hiki-ouji |
| OR (Hangedm an) Hell B iker x (J us tic e) Dom inion x (S tar) Ganes ha|

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| S urt | 69 | | Refl| W eak| | Null| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : A gidyne, Deathbound, High Counter, |
| Learned S kills : Maragidyne(71), Ragnarok(74), |
| High Fire B oos t(75), Null Ic e(76) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(E m peror) B arong x (Moon) S eth |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Mada | 78 | | A bs | W eak| | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : A gidyne, Fire B oos t, Fool's W his per |
| Learned S kills : Maragidyne(81), E vade Ic e(82), |
| A ilm ent B oos t(83), High Fire B oos t(84) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(T em peranc e)Y urlungur x (Chariot) A tavaka|
| * MA X Com m u Needed |
P ries tes s A rc ana [P 4A RC03]

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| S aki Mitam a | 11 | | | S tr | | W eak| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Dia, B ufu, S ukunda, |
| Learned S kills : A lertnes s (13), Media(14), Null Rage(16) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(E m pres s ) T itania x (E m pres s ) Y aks ini |
| Or (Magic ian) Orobas x (Herm it) Forneus |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| S aras vati | 17 | | | Null| | W eak| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Media, Mabufu, P atra, |
| Learned S kills : Invigorate 2(19), Res is t Rage(20),Dekaja(21) |
| ,Null W ind(23) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(J us tic e) A rc hangel x (Hangedm an) B erith |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| High P ixie | 22 | | | W eak| Null| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mazio, S ukukaja, Me P atra |
| Learned S kills : Zionga(24), Invigorate 1(25), Dodge Fire(26), |
| T rafuri(27) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Hangedm an) B erith x (Death) Matador |
| Or (Moon) A ndras x (Hangedm an) B erith |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Ganga | 32 | | W eak| A bs | | | | W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : B ufula, Diaram a, Dekaja, |
| Learned S kills : Mind S lic e(34), Confus ion B oos t(35), |
| Mediaram a(36), E vade Fire(38) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Death) Ghoul x (Moon) A lraune |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| P arvati | 37 | | W eak| Null| | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Diaram a, S is ilidi |
| Learned S kills : Mediaram a(39), Mas ukukaja(40), Dodge E lec (41), |
| Divine Grac e(43) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Death) Matador x (Moon) A lraune |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| K ikuri-him e | 48 | | Null| | S tr | | | W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mediaram a, P os um undi, A gilao |
| Learned S kills : S am arec arm (50), Diarahan(52), Res is t Dark(53) |
| Divine Grac e(54) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(E m pres s ) Gorgon x (S un) Y atagaras u |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Hariti | 59 | | | Null| W eak| S tr | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Diarahan, B ufudyne, Mas ukukaja |
| Learned S kills : Mediarahan(61), A rrow Rain(62), S am arec arm (64) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Hangedm an)Hell B iker x(J us tic e) Dom inion|

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| T zitzim itl | 70 | | W eak| | | S tr | | Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Ziodyne, V irus W ave, Mus tard B om b |
| Learned S kills : S lienc e B oos t(71), Dekaja(72), |
| Regenerate 3(73), Repel E lec (77 |
| P os s ible Com binations :(J udgem ent) T rum peter x (E m pres s ) S kadi |
| Or (T ower) Cu Chulain x (Moon) S andalphon |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| S c athac h | 79 | | W eak| A bs | | Null| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mabufudyne, Garudyne, |
| Learned S kills : A m rita(81), Magarudyne(82), High Ic e B oos t(83),|
| High W ind B oos t(84) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(E m peror) Odin x (Herm it) A rahabak |
| * MA X Com m u Needed |

E m pres s A rc ana [P 4A RC04]

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| S enri | 9 | | Null| | W eak| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Dia, Makajam a, A gi, |
| Learned S kills : Dekunda(10), Media(11), T rafuri(14) |

converted by
| P os s ible Com binations :(E m pres s ) T itania x (E m pres s ) Y aks ini |
| Or (Magic ian) Orobas x (Herm it) Forneus |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Y aks ini | 18 | | W eak| Null| | | S tr | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mabufu, Im peris hable B lac k, Rakunda, |
| Learned S kills : S wift S trike(20), Ic e B oos t(21), B ufula(22), |
| A ttac k Mas ter(23) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Death) Ghoul x (S un) Cu S ith |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| T itania | 26 | | W eak| Null| | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Diaram a, Magaru |
| Learned S kills : Red W all(27), Garula(29), Regenerate 2(31), |
| Mind Charge(32) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Death) Mokoi x (S un) Gdon |
| Or (Hangedm an) Makam i x (E m peror) K ing Fros t |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Gorgon | 34 | | | Null| | | W eak| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : B ufula, Me P atra |
| Learned S kills : Crazy Chain(35), Null Confus ion(36), |
| Mabufula(38),Ic e B oos t(39) |
| P os s ible Com binations :Hierophant S hiis a x Moon A lraune |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| Gabriel | 44 | | S tr | | | | Null| W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mabufula, Mediaram a, ) |
| Learned S kills : E nergy S hower(45),S urvive Dark(47), |
| Heat W ave(48), Divine Grac e(50) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Fool) Os e x (S tar) Fuu-ki |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| S kadi | 52 | | W eak| A bs | | S tr | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mabufula, Iron Rain, |
| Learned S kills : B ufudyne(54), High Ic e B oos t(56), |
| Repel Ic e(57), Repel Fire(59), S pell Mas ter(60) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(S tar) Fuu-ki x (Fool) Dec arabia |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Mother Harlot | 61 | | | S tr | Refl| W eak| W eak| Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Maziodyne, Mam udoon, |
| Learned S kills : Mudo B oos t(62), Fool's ' W his per(63), |
| Res is t Fire(64), A ilm ent B oos t(65) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Hangedm an) Hell B iker x (S tar) Ganes ha |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| A lilat | 71 | | | Null| W eak| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Makarakarn, Mabufudyne, |
| Learned S kills : Regenerate 3(72), E vade P hys ic al(73), |
| Growth 2(74), A uto-Maraku(75) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(J udgem ent) T rum peter x (Hangedm an)V as uki|
| Or (Herm it) A rahabaki x (Fortune) Lac hes is |
| Or (Death) W hite Rider x(Hangedm an)T aown x(Hierophant)Dais oujou|

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Is is | 79 | | | Refl| W eak| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mediarahan, B ufudyne, T etrakarn, |
| Learned S kills : Cool B reeze(80), A bs orb Ic e(82), Mabufudyne(83)|
| S alvation(85), Null E lec (86) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Death) A lic e x (S un) Horus |
| Or (S un) A s ura x (Hangedm an) Y ats ufus a x (Hangedm an) V as uki |
| Or (S un) S parna x (T ower) Mara x (Hierophant) Hac him an |

E m peror A rc ana [P 4A RC05]

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Oberon | 12 | | S tr | | Null| W eak| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Zio, A rm Chopper |
| Learned S kills : Makajam a(13), Media(14), E lec B oos t(15), |
| Mazio(16), Dodge W ind(17) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Fool) Izanagi x (Magic ian) P ixie |
| X (S trength) S andm an |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| K ing Fros t | 22 | | W eak| A bs | | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : B ufula, Mabufu, Ic e B reak |
| Learned S kills : Rakukaja(23), Dodge Fire(24), Ic e B oos t(26), |
| Null Fire(27), A nim a Freeze(28) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Devil) Lilim x (Hierophant) A nzu |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| S etanta | 34 | | W eak| | Null| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Fatal E nd, Zionga, S harp S tudent, |
| Learned S kills : Heavy Counter(36), P ower Charge(38), |
| A uto-Maraku(39), Null Fire(40) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Fool) Obariyon x (Moon) A lraune |
| Or (S tar) Garuda x (S trength) S andm an |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Okuninus hi | 41 | | | | Refl| W eak| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Zionga, B lade of Fury, |
| Learned S kills : Heavy Counter(43), Mazionga(44), A pt P upil(45),|
| E lec B oos t(46), Null W ind(47) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(P ries tes s ) Ganga x (S tar) Fuu-ki |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| T hoth | 45 | | | | Null| W eak| Refl| W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills :Mazionga, Maham a, Megido, |
| Learned S kills :Mediaram a(47), Growth 2(48), Null S lienc e(49), |
| Ziodyne(51) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Moon) A lraune x (Fool) Dec arabia |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| P abils ag | 51 | | Null| W eak| | | W eak| Refl|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : V enom Zapper, Fools ' W his per, |
| Learned S kills : S tagnant A ir(53), S lienc e B oos t(54), |
| Mudoon(55), A rrow Rain(56) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Moon) A lraune x (Fool) S hiki-ouji |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| B arong | 65 | | | | Null| W eak| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Ziodyne, P ois on Mis t, Me P atra, |
| Learned S kills : Mas ukukaja(67), Invigorate 2(69), |
| Hyper Counter(71), Maziodyne(72) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Devil) B elphegor x (Fortune) Lac hes is |
| Or (J udgem ent) T rum peter x (J us tic e) T hrone x (T ower) T aotie |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Odin | 74 | | | Null| W eak| | | |

converted by
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Ziodyne, Magarudyne, |
| Learned S kills : High W ind B oos t(76), Regenerate 3(77), |
| Maziodyne(78), Mind Charge(80), P anta Rhei(81) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Moon) S andalphon x (S tar) Helel |
| Or (T ower) Mara x (Devil) B elial |
*Max Com m u needed. |

Hierophant A rc ana [P 4A RC06]

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Om oikane | 7 | | | W eak| S tr | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Zio, S ukunda, T arunda |
| Learned S kills :P ois on Mis t(8), Res is t W ind(9), Dodge Ic e(10), |
| Res is t P ois on(11), Res is t E lec (12) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Fool) Izanagi x (T em peranc e) A ps aras |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| A nzu | 15 | | W eak| | S tr | Null| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Garu, B ers erk, A lertnes s |
| Learned S kills : Magaru(17), Red W all(18), Maham a(19), |
| A uto-S ukukaja(20) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(T em peranc e)S ylph x (Fool)Y om ots u-s hikom e|

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| S hiis a | 21 | | W eak| S tr | | | | W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mazio, B ers erk, |
| Learned S kills : Rakukaja(22), Zionga(23), S lienc e B oos t(24), |
| Res is t Fire(25), Null Rage(26) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(P ries tes s )S aki Mita X (T em peranc e)Nigi Mitam a|

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Unic orn | 29 | | Null| | W eak| | | W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Zionga, Maham a, S is ilidi |
| Learned S kills : Dekunda(31),T rafuri(32),Rec arm (33),Mazionga(34)|
| P os s ible Com binations :(Chariot) E ligor x (S tar) Fuu-ki |
| Or (S trength) Oni x (Hangedm an) Y om ots u-ikus a |
| Or (P ries tes s ) Ganga x (T em peranc e) Nigi Mitam a |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Flauros | 36 | | Null| W eak| | S tr | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Fatal E nd, T arukaja, A gilao, |
| Learned S kills :Herc ulean S trike(38),A pt P upil(39), |
| Dodge Ic e(40), Crazy Chain(41) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(S tar) Fuu-ki x (Chariot) A ra Mitam a |
| Or (T em peranc e) S ylph x (Fool) S hiki-ouji |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Hokuto S eikun | 45 | | W eak| | Refl| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Zionga, E lec B oos t, Navas Nebula |
| Learned S kills : B lade of Fury(47), Res is t E xhaus tion(48), |
| Ziodyne(51) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Chariot) T riglav x (Lovers ) Leanan S idhe|

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Cerberus | 52 | | Refl| W eak| | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : A gidyne, Gigantic Fis t |
| Learned S kills : V ic ious S trike(53), Maragidyne(54), |
| Regenerate 2(55), High Fire B oos t(57), A uto-S ukukaja(58) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(S tar) Ganes ha x (T em peranc e) S eiryuu |
| Or (T ower) Cu Chulain x (Lovers ) Undine x (Fool) Dec arabia |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Dais oujou | 60 | | Null| | | | Null| W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Ham aon, Diarahan, Makarakarn |
| Learned S kills : E ndure Dark(63), Maham aon(64), Ham a B oos t(65), |
| S am s ara(67) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Lovers ) Raphael x (Chariot) K in-ki |
| Or (Hangedm an)Hell B iker x(S tar) Ganes ha x(Moon)Y am atano-oroc hi|

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Hac him an | 70 | | | Null| Null| | | W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Maziodyne, Makarakarn, Matarukaja |
| Learned S kills : E lec B reak(72), Dekunda(74), Revolution(75) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Death) W hite Rider x (Hangedm an) T aown x|
| (J udgem ent) A nubis |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| K ohryuu | 76 | | | | Refl| | Null| W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Ziodyne, Mediarahan, S am arec arm , |
| Learned S kills : Maziodyne(78), Mind Charge(79), |
| High E lec B oos t(80), S pell Mas ter(82) |
| P os s ible Com binations : T em peranc e B yakko |
| *Max Com m u needed. T em peranc e S uzaku |
| T em peranc e S eiryuu |
| A vailable on J uly 20 T em peranc e Genbu |

Lovers A rc ana [P 4A RC07]
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| Queen Mab | 25 | | | | Null| W eak| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Zionga, T entarafoo, Dekunda |
| Learned S kills : Rec arm (26), Dodge W ind(27), Mazionga(29), |
| Res is t Confus ion(30 |
| P os s ible Com binations :(T ower) T aotie x (Death) Ghoul |
| Or (Fool) Izanagi x (Chariot) S lim e x (Chariot) Nata T ais hi |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Undine | 33 | | W eak| A bs | | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Diaram a, B ufula, P os um undi |
| Learned S kills : Mabufula(34), Mediaram a(36), Ic e B oos t(37) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(T ower) T aotie x (Death) Matador |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| Leanan S idhe | 42 | | W eak| Null| | S tr | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mediaram a, Me P atra |
| Learned S kills : T entarafoo(43),Confus ion B oos t(44), |
| E nergy S hower(45, S am arec arm (46), Divine Grac e(47) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Death) S am ael x (S tar) Neko S hougun |
| Or (T ower) Cu Chulain x (J us tic e) V irtue |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Raphael | 53 | | | Refl| | | Null| W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Diarahan, Megidola |
| Learned S kills : Marakukaja(55), A m rita(56), Null Dizzy(57), |
| Mediarahan(59) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(T ower) Cu Chulain x (J us tic e) Dom inion |
| Or (J us tic e) Dom inion x (S un) Y atagaras u x (P ries tes s ) P arvati |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| Cyberle | 64 | | S tr | Null| W eak| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|

converted by
| Default S kills : Mediaram a, V ic ious S trike, Rec arm |
| Learned S kills : Myriad A rrows (67),S am arec arm (68),Mediarahan(70)|
| P os s ible Com binations :(J udgem ent) T rum peter x (J us tic e) T hrone |
| Or (Death) W hite Rider x (S tar) Ganes ha |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| Is htar | 71 | | | | Null| W eak| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mediarahan, S am arec arm , Crazy Chain |
| Learned S kills : Maziodyne(72), A m rita(75), S pell Mas ter(76), |
| A bs orb W ind(77), S alvation(78) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(J us tic e) Uriel x (J udgem ent) Mic hael |
| Or J udgem ent A nubis x (Devil) B elial x (P ries tes s ) Hariti |
| *Max Com m u needed. |

Chariot A rc ana [P 4A RC08]

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| S lim e | 2 | S tr | W eak| | | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : B as h, E vil T ouc h |
| Learned S kills : T arunda(3), Red W all(4), Fear B oos t(5), |
| Res is t P hys ic al(7) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Chariot) Nata T ais hi x (Chariot) E ligor |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Nata T ais hi | 6 | | S tr | | W eak| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : B as h, Rakunda, Dekunda, |
| Learned S kills : S onic P unc h(7), Dodge Ic e(8), Res is t Dizzy(9), |
| S oul B reak(10) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Chariot) E ligor x (Chariot) S lim e |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| E ligor | 12 | S tr | | | | W eak| | S tr |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : P ois onous S kewer, A gi, |
| Learned S kills : Maragi(13), A rm Chopper (14), Fire B oos t(15), |
| S oul B reak(16), Res is t E xhaus tion(17) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Magic ian) P ixie x (S un) Cu S ith |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| A ra Mitam a | 18 | S tr | | | W eak| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : A s s ault Dive, Rakunda |
| Learned S kills : T arukaja(20), S harp S tudent(21), B lue W all(22),|
| Dodge E lec (23) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Fool) Obariyon x (Hierophant) A nzu |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| A res | 25 | S tr | | | | W eak| Null| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Gale S las h, Counter |
| Learned S kills : Dodge W ind(27), Ram page(28), Dekaja(29), |
| P ower Charge(30) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(E m pres s ) Y aks ini x (Death) Matador |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| T riglav | 43 | S tr | | | W eak| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Heat W ave, Hi Counter |
| Learned S kills : Mas ukukaja(45), Mus tard B om b(46),Null Dizzy(47)|
| ,B lue W all(48), P ower Charge(49) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Hierophant) S hiis a x (Fool) S hiki-ouji |
| Or (E m pres s ) T itania x (S tar) Fuu-ki |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| K in-ki | 54 | Null| | | | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : V ile A s s ault, Hyper Counter, |
| Learned S kills :Gigantic Fis t(56), S eal B om bs (57),Revolution(59)|
| , P ower Charge(60) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(T ower) Cu Chulain x (S un) Y atagaras u |
| Or (Hangedm an) Y ats ufus a x (E m pres s ) Gorgon x (S un) Y atagaras u |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| T hor | 65 | S tr | | | A bs | W eak| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Ziodyne, Deathbound, Hyper Counter |
| Learned S kills : A rm s Mas ter(67),Maziodyne(68),Null P hys ic al(69)|
| *T hunder Reign(70) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(S un) J atayu x (S trength) Hanum an |
| Or (Hangedm an) T aown x (Hangedm an) Hell B iker x (Death) S am ael |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| A tavaka | 74 | Null| | W eak| | | Null| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Maham aon, Diarahan, A m rita |
| Learned S kills : B rave B lade(76), Megidolaon(77) Mind Charge(78)|
| ,A rm s Mas ter(81) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(T ower) Cu Chulain x (S un) A s ura |
| (S un) Horus x (T ower) Mara |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Futs unus hi | 80 | Null| | | | | | W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : P rim al Forc e, P ower Charge, Matarukaja, |
| Learned S kills : A pt P upil(82), Null Dizzy(83), A ri Danc e(84), |
| A rm s Mas ter(85), Divine P illar (86) |
| P os s ible Com binations : Chariot A tavaka |
| *Max Com m u needed. Chariot T riglav |
| Chariot K in-ki |
| A vailable on Chariot A res |
| J uly 20 S tar Neko S hougun |

J us tic e A rc ana [P 4A RC09]

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| A ngel | 4 | | | | | S tr | S tr | W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Garu, P atra, |
| Learned S kills : Ham a(5), S ukukaja(6), Regenerate 1(8), |
| Ham a B oos t(9) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Magic ian) P ixie x (S trength) S andm an |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| A rc hangel | 11 | | | | | | Null| W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Ham a, Double Fangs , P atra |
| Learned S kills : Media(12), Mus c le S hot(13), S harp S tudent(14), |
| S urvive Dark(15) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Chariot) S lim e x (E m pres s ) S enri |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| P rinc ipality | 19 | | | | | | Null| W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Ham a, T win S hot |
| Learned S kills : Maham a(21), Media(22), Res is t Confus ion(23), |
| S urvive Dark(24), T etraja(25) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Hierophant)A nzu x (Herm it) Ippon-datara |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| P ower | 27 | | S tr | | W eak| Null| | W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Ham a, T entarafoo, Maham a, |
| Learned S kills : Zionga(29), P ower S las h(30), Ham a B oos t(31), |

converted by
| S urvive Dark(32), Null Confus ion(33) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Hierophant) S hiis a x (Herm it) Lam ia |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| V irtue | 33 | | | W eak| Null| | Null| W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Old One, Maham a, P os um undi |
| Learned S kills : Fatal E nd(35), B lue W all(37), Ham a B oos t(38), |
| Res is t Dark(39) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Hierophant) Unic orn x (Herm it) Lam ia |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Dom inion | 38 | | | | Null| W eak| Refl| W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Ham aon, Zionga, |
| Learned S kills : Ham a B oos t(40), Res is t E xhaus tion(41), Mazionga(42),|
| S urvive Dark(43), Null Dark(44) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Death S am ael) x (T em peranc e) Genbu x |
| (Hierophant) S hiis a |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| T hrone | 49 | | A bs | | | | Null| W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Ham aon, A gidyne, Ham a B oos t, |
| Learned S kills : Mind Charge(51), Regenerate 2(53), |
| Res is t Dark(54), E ndure Dark(55) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(S tar) Ganes ha x (Herm it) Mothm an |
| (Hangedm an) Y ats ufus a x (E m pres s ) Gorgon x (T em peranc e) Mithra |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| Uriel | 61 | | Refl| | S tr | | Null| W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Maragion, Ham aon |
| Learned S kills : High Counter(63), A gidyne(64), E ndure Dark(65),|
| High Fire B oos t(66), Null Dark(67) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(S tar) Ganes ha x (Herm it) Mothm an |
| (Hangedm an) Y ats ufus a x (E m pres s ) Gorgon x (T em peranc e) Mithra |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Melc hizedek | 66 | | | | | | Null| W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mediarahan, Ham aon, A kas ha A rts |
| Learned S kills : Matarukaja(68), Maham aon(69), God's Hand(72) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(S tar) K artikeya x (Herm it) Nidhoggr |
| (Fool) S hiki-ouji x (Hangedm an) Hell B iker x (S un) Y atagaras u |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| S raos ha | 74 | | | | A bs | | Refl| W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Maham aon, B rave B lade, P ower Charge, |
| Learned S kills : Ziodyne(76), Ham a B oos t(78), Megidolaon(80), |
| S eraphim 's P rotec tion(81) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Hangedm an) V as uki x (Devil) B elial |

Herm it A rc ana [P 4A RC10]

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Forneus | 6 | | | S tr | W eak| | | Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : B ufu, S kewer, T arukaja, |
| Learned S kills : Rakunda(7), P ois m a(8), Dodge E lec (10) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Chariot) S lim e x (Death) Ghoul |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Ippon-datara | 17 | | S tr | | | | W eak| Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mudo, Maragi |
| Learned S kills : Mam udo(19), A gilao(20), Ram page(21), |
| Mudo B oos t(22) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Devil) Ukobac h x (T em peranc e) S ylph |
| Or (Death) Ghoul x (Fool) Obariyon |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| Lam ia | 26 | | S tr | | S tr | | | Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : P ois on Mis t, A gilao, S is ilidi |
| Learned S kills : P ois on B oos t(28), Null P ois on(29), |
| S oul B reak(30), Maragion(32) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Chariot) E ligor x (Death) Matador |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Mothm an | 33 | | S tr | W eak| Refl| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Zionga, V ariant Danc e |
| Learned S kills : Foul B reath(35), E lec B reak(36), Mazionga(37), |
| Rage B oos t(38) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Death) Ghoul x (Fool) Dec arabia |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Hitokoto-Nus hi | 41 | | W eak| Null| | Null| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Fools ' W his per,A uto-S ukukaja, P ois on A rrow |
| Learned S kills : Zionga(43), Res is t Fire(45), E lec B oos t(46), |
| A uto-Mas uku(47) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Death) Matador x (Fool) S hiki-ouji |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| K uram a T engu | 48 | | S tr | | W eak| A bs | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Garula, Marakunda, V ic ious S trike |
| Learned S kills : Growth 2(50), W ind B oos t(51), Red W all(52), |
| Res is t E lec (53) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(S un) Y atagaras u x (T em peranc e) S eiryuu |
| Or (T ower) Cu Chulain x (Hangedm an) Y ats ufus a |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Nidhoggr | 55 | | | W eak| | | W eak| Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mam udoon, E vil S m ile |
| Learned S kills : Ghas tly W ail(57), B ufudyne(58), |
| S tagnant A ir(59), Res is t P hys ic al(60), Ic e B oos t(61) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(J udgem ent)A nubis x(J us tic e)Dom inion x(S tar)Ganes ha|

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Nebiros | 63 | | Refl| | W eak| S tr | W eak| Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mam udoon, A gidyne, Dekaja, |
| Learned S kills : Mind Charge(65), Mudo B oos t(67),Null Light(69),|
| S pell Mas ter(70) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(S trength) S iegfried x (Devil) B elphegor |
| Or (T ower) Mara x (E m pres s ) Mother Harlot |
| Or (J udgem ent) T rum peter x (E m pres s ) Gabriel x (Fool)S hiki-ouji|

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| A rahabaki | 73 | Refl| W eak| W eak| | | Null| Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : V ic ious S trike, A uto-Maraku, Null Fear, |
| Learned S kills :A lertnes s (74), T etrakarn(76), Repel P hys ic al(80)|
| P os s ible Com binations :(E m peror) B arong x (Herm it) Nidhoggr x |
| (J us tic e) Melc hizedek |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Ongyo-ki | 83 | | | | Null| A bs | W eak| Null|

converted by
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Fools ' W his per, Ziodyne, Marakukaja |
| Learned S kills : A ilm ent B oos t(84), E lec A m p(85), Revolution(86)|
| , Divine P illar(87) |
| P os s ible Com binations : Chariot K in-ki |
| A vailable on J uly 20 Moon S ui-ki |
| S tar Fuu-ki |
| *Max Com m u needed. S trength Oni |

Fortune A rc ana [P 4A RC11]

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Fortuna | 35 | | Null| | W eak| Null| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Garula, Rakukaja |
| Learned S kills : Dodge E lec (37), Magarula(38),A uto-S ukukaja(39),|
| W ind B oos t(40) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Fool) Izanagi x(Magic ian) P ixie x Chariot) S lim e|
| OR (Chariot) S lim e x (T em peranc e) A ps aras x (P ries tes s ) S aras vati |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| Clotho | 44 | | | | | Refl| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Magarula, Crazy Chain, |
| Learned S kills : Navas Nebula(45), Makarakarn(47), |
| W ind B oos t(48), Garudyne(49), Null Old(50) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Magic ian)Dis x(Moon) A lraune x(T em peranc e) Mithra|
| (Hangedm an) Y ats ufus a x (E m pres s ) Gorgon x (J us tic e) V irtue |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Lac hes is | 51 | | | S tr | W eak| Null| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Garudyne, Marakukaja |
| Learned S kills : Rec arm (53), Makarabreak(54), A bs orb W ind(55), |
| Red W all(56), Res is t E xhaus tion(57) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(J us tic e) Dom inion x (Hangedm an)T aown x (Fool)Os e|
| Or (Hangedm an) Y ats ufus a x (Fool) B lac k Fros t x (J us tic e) V irtue |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| A nanta | 58 | S tr | | A bs | W eak| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mabufula, W hite W all, |
| Learned S kills : Mas ukukaja(59), B ufudyne(61), Green W all(62), |
| Invigorate 3(63), Null E xhaus tion(64) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Fortune)Fortuna x(Hangedm an)Hell B iker x|
| (Fool) S hiki-ouji |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| A tropos | 65 | | W eak| | | Null| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Garudyne, W ind B oos t |
| Learned S kills :Mind Charge(67), Magarudyne(68), E vade Fire(69),|
| High W ind B oos t(70) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Lovers )Is htar x(Hierophant)Hac him an x(S tar)Helel|
| Or (Fortune)Fortuna X (Fortune)A nanta X (Fortune)Lac hes is |
| Or (Death) W hite Rider x (J udgem ent) A nubis x (Herm it) Nidhoggr |
| Or (P ries tes s ) P arvati x (Magic ian) J inn X (J udgem ent) A nubis |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Norn | 72 | | | S tr | W eak| A bs | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Magarudyne, Garudyne, Diarahan, |
| Learned S kills : A uto-Mas uku(74), Invigorate 3(75), |
| High W ind B oos t(76), Ins tant Rec overy(77), Debilitate(79) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Fortune)Clotho x(Fortune)Lac hes is x(Fortune)A tropos |
| *Max Com m u needed. |
S trength A rc ana [P 4A RC12]

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| S andm an | 5 | | | | W eak| S tr | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Garu, P ulinpa |
| Learned S kills : S kull Crac ker(6), Confus ion B oos t(7), Dekaja(8)|
| T raes to(11) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Magic ian) P ixie x (J us tic e) A ngel |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| V alkyrie | 8 | S tr | | S tr | | W eak| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : B ufu, Cleave, Rakunda |
| Learned S kills : Media(10), A rm Chopper (11), Mabufu(12) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Chariot) S lim e x (S un) Cu S ith |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| T itan | 14 | S tr | | W eak| S tr | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mazio, S kull Crac ker, Dekunda |
| Learned S kills : Dodge Ic e(16), K ill Rus h(18), Res is t Fear(19) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Chariot) Nata T ais hi x (S un) Cu S ith |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Raks has a | 23 | S tr | | W eak| | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : K ill Rus h, B rain S hake, Counter |
| Learned S kills : Gale S las h(25), A ttac k Mas ter(26), |
| Dodge P hys ic al(27), P ower Charge(28) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Fool) Obariyon x (Herm it) Ippon-datara |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| K us i Mitam a | 28 | | | | W eak| Null| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Garula, Zionga, S oul B reak |
| Learned S kills : S urvive Light(31), S urvive Dark(32),T raes to(33)|
| E xhaus tion B oos t(34) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(S un) Cu S ith x (Moon) A lraune |
| Or (E m peror) K ing Fros t x (Magic ian) Hua P o |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Oni | 30 | S tr | W eak| | | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Fatal E nd, Counter, Cruel A ttac k |
| Learned S kills : Minc ing S lic e(32), Res is t P hys ic al(33), |
| E ndure(34), P ower Charge(35) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Hangedm an) Makam i x (Fool) Os e |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| Hanum an | 42 | S tr | | Null| W eak| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mighty S wing, Rakunda, Rec arm , |
| Learned S kills : B lade of Fury(44), Dodge W ind(46), E ndure(47),|
| P ower Charge(48) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Herm it) Lam ia x (Fool) S hiki-ouji |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| K ali | 50 | S tr | | Null| W eak| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : B ufudyne, Mudoon, |
| Learned S kills : Deathbound(52), Revolution(53), |
| Hyper Counter(54), P ower Charge(55) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Herm it) Lam ia x (Fool) S hiki-ouji |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| S iegfried | 63 | Null| | S tr | | W eak| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : A kas ha A rts , P ower Charge, Marakukaja, |
| Learned S kills : Hyper Counter(65), Regenerate 3(66), |

converted by
| Flying S om ers ault(68), God's Hand(70) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Hangedm an)Hell B iker x (Fool) S hiki-ouji|
| Or (E m pres s ) S kadi x (Fool) S hiki-ouji x (T ower) A baddon |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| Zaou Gongen | 90 | | Refl| | W eak| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Maragidyne, P ower Charge, God's Hand |
| Learned S kills : A nim a Freeze(92), E vade P hys ic al(93), |
| E nduring S oul(94), High Fire B oos t(95), V orpal B lade(96) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Herm it) A rahabaki x (Fool) S hiki-ouji |
| Or (Moon) S andalphon x (S un) A s ura |
| Or (Hierophant) Dais oujou x (S un) Horus |
| Or (Moon) B aal Zebul x (S un) Horus |
| Or (Magic ian) S urt x (T em peranc e) Y urlungu |
| *Max Com m u needed. |
Hanged-Man A rc ana [P 4A RC13]

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| B erith | 15 | | Null| | | W eak| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : S ingle S hot, Mudo, |
| Learned S kills : Maragi(16), Mudo B oos t(17), Green W all(18), |
| B rain S hake(19), Res is t Confus ion(20) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Death) Ghoul x (S trength) V alkyrie |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Y om ots u-ikus a | 22 | | | | | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Cell B reaker, Mabufu |
| Learned S kills : Old B oos t(24), Foul B reath(25), |
| P ois on Mis t(26), P ois on B oos t(27) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(S trength) V alkyrie x (Death) Matador |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Makam i | 27 | | Null| W eak| | S tr | W eak| Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : A gilao, S ukunda |
| Learned S kills : A uto-S ukukaja(29), Diaram a(30), |
| Res is t S lienc e(31), Dodge P hys ic al(32), Res is t Ic e(33) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(T em peranc e) A ps aras x (Moon) A lraune |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Orthrus | 39 | | Null| W eak| | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : A gilao, B lac k S pot |
| Learned S kills : Mas ukukaja(41), Fire B oos t(42), Maragion(44), |
| Null Ic e(45) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(T em peranc e) Nigi Mita x (Moon) A lraune |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| Y ats ufus a | 49 | | A bs | | | Refl| Null| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : A gidyne, Marakukaja, Fire B oos t |
| Learned S kills : Heat W ave(51), P ower Charge(52), |
| Dodge P hys ic al(53), Maragidyne(54), Mind Charge(55) |
| P os s ible Com binations : E m peror T hoth |
| Hangedm an Orthrus |
| A vailable on J uly 20 Hangedm an Makam i |
| S un Naras im ha |
| Herm it Mothm an |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| T aown | 56 | | W eak| | Null| | W eak| Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Iron Rain, Dekaja, Matarukaja |
| Learned S kills : Null Old(58), P ower Charge(60), |
| E vade P hys ic al(61), A bs orb Fire(62) |
| P os s ible Com binations : (T ower) Cu Chulain x (S tar) Neko S hougun|
| Or (Hangedm an) Y ats ufus a x (E m pres s ) Gorgon x (Lovers )Queen Mab|

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Hell B iker(A K A Hell's A ngel)| 66 | | Refl| | | | | W eak|
| --------------------------------------------------------------------
| Default S kills : A gidyne, Iron Rain, |
| Learned S kills : E ndure(68), Mudoon(69), Maragidyne(70), |
| A bs orb Fire(71), High Fire B oos t(73) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(J udgem ent) A nubis x (Fool) S hiki-ouji |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| V as uki | 71 | | | S tr | Null| | | W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Ham aon, V irus W ave |
| Learned S kills : Null P ois on(73), High Counter(74), |
| E vade W ind(75), Maham aon(76), Ziodyne(77) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Hierophant) Hac him an x (T ower) Mara |
| Or (Chariot) Futs unus hi X (T ower) A baddon |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| A ttis | 82 | | Null| | | Refl| | W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : A gidyne, A m rita, Mas ukukaja, |
| Learned S kills :E nduring S oul(84), S am arec arm (86), Mam udoon(88) |
| P os s ible Com binations : (S tar) Helel x (T ower) Mas akado |
| Or (J us tic e) Uriel x (S un) S parna x (Moon) B aal Zebul |
| *Maxed Com m u needed |
Death A rc ana [P 4A RC14]

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Ghoul | 9 | | W eak| Null| | | W eak| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : B as h, P ois m a |
| Learned S kills : S ukukaja(10), A ging(11), P ois onous S kewer(12), |
| Rakunda(13), P ois on B oos t(14)) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Hierophant) Om oikane x (E m pres s ) S enri |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Mokoi | 14 | | W eak| Null| | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : S onic P unc h, Hys teric S lap, Dekaja |
| Learned S kills : V ariant Danc e(15), Rage B oos t(16), |
| S oul B reak(18), E xhaus tion B oos t(19) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(T em peranc e) S ylph x (Hangedm an) B erith |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Matador | 24 | | W eak| | | | | Refl|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mam udo, S wift S trike, Dekunda, |
| Learned S kills : Mudo B oos t(26), Ram page(27), |
| A uto-S ukukaja(29), S urvive Light(30) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Hierophant) A nzu x (Hangedm an) B erith |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| S am ael | 36 | | | S tr | Null| W eak| | Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mudoon, Matarunda, P ois on Mis t |
| Learned S kills : Dekunda(38), Megido(39), Mudo B oos t(40), |
| S urvive Light(41) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(P ries tes s )S aki Mita x (Fool) S hiki-ouji |
| Or (Magic ian) Hua P o X (Lovers ) Queen Mab |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Mot | 46 | | | | Null| W eak| | Refl|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mudoon, E vil S m ile, T entarafoo |

converted by
| Learned S kills : S urvive Light(48), Ghas tly W ail(49), |
| Mudo B oos t(50) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(P ries tes s )S aki Mita x (Fool) S hiki-ouji |
| Or (Magic ian) Hua P o X (Lovers ) Queen Mab |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| W hite Rider | 58 | | Null| W eak| | | Null| Refl|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mudoon, Ham aon |
| Learned S kills : A gidyne(60), E vade Ic e(62), Maham aon(63), |
| Mam udoon(65), Ham a B oos t(66), Mudo B oos t(67) |
| P os s ible Com binations : (E m pres s ) Is is x (Chariot) A res |
| Or (Hangedm an) Hell B iker x (T em peranc e) S eiryuu |
| Or (T ower)Cu Chulain x (S tar)Neko S hougun x(Hangedm an)Y ats ufus a|

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| A lic e | 72 | | | | | | W eak| Refl|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mam udoon, Mudo B oos t, Dekunda |
| Learned S kills : E ndure Light(75), Megidola(76), |
| Mind Charge(77), Die for Me! (79) |
| P os s ible Com binations : (Herm it) Nebiros x (Devil) B elial |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Mahakala | 78 | | A bs | | Refl| | | Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : A gidyne, Myriad A rrows , P ower Charge |
| Learned S kills : Mind Charge(80), Maragidyne(82), Mam udoon(83), |
| High Fire B oos t(84) |
| P os s ible Com binations : Death Matador |
| Hierophant Dais oujou |
| E m pres s Mother Harlot |
| A vailable on J uly 20 Death W hite Rider |
| J udgem ent T rum peter |
| *Maxed Com m u Needed Hangedm an Hell B iker |

T em peranc e A rc ana [P 4A RC15]

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| A ps aras | 4 | | W eak| | | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : P atra, Dia, |
| Learned S kills : Rakunda(5), Me P atra(6), B ufu(7) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Magic ian) P ixie x (Fool) Izanagi |
| Or (Magic ian) P ixie x (Chariot) S lim e |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| S ylph | 11 | | | | W eak| S tr | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Garu, S ukukaja, Me P atra |
| Learned S kills : Regenerate 1(12), Media(13), Magaru(14) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Magic ian) P ixie x (Chariot) Nata T ais hi |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| Cai Zhi | 16 | | | | Null| W eak| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Zio, Mazio, Rakunda |
| Learned S kills : Makajam a(17), S lienc e B oos t(18), |
| Ram page(19), E lec B oos t(21) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Devil) Lilim x (Fool) Obariyon |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Nigi Mitam a | 23 | | | | W eak| Null| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Diaram a, Me P atra, Re P atra, |
| Learned S kills : Rec arm (25), Invigorate 2(26), Garula(28), |
| Res is t Old(29) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(S trength) T itan x (J us tic e) P rinc ipality|
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| Mithra | 31 | | | Null| W eak| | Null| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Maham a, S eal B om bs , |
| Learned S kills : T etrabreak(33), Ham aon(34), Dodge E lec (35), |
| Ham a B oos t(36), Null -(37) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(J us tic e) P ower x (S trength) Oni |
| Or (Magic ian) Hua P o x (Chariot) A res |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Genbu | 40 | | | Null| W eak| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mabufula, Marakukaja |
| Learned S kills : Regenerate 2(42), Makarabreak(43), |
| B lue W all(44), Res is t P hys ic al(45), E vade E lec (46) |
| P os s ible Com binations : (S un) Y atagaras u x (Herm it) Mothm an |
| Or (Devil) Lilim x (Fool) S hiki-ouji |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| S eiryuu | 47 | | W eak| | | Null| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mazionga, Matarunda |
| Learned S kills : Ziodyne(49), P ois on Mis t(50), E lec B reak(51), |
| E lec B oos t(52), Res is t E xhaus tion(53) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Hangedm an) Y ats ufus a x (E m pres s ) Gorgon |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| S uzaku | 54 | | Refl| W eak| | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Maragion, E nergy S hower |
| Learned S kills : Marakukaja(55), Res is t Ic e(58), |
| High Fire B oos t(59), A uto-Mas uku(60) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Magic ian) Dis x (Fool) S hiki-ouji |
| Or (J udgem ent)A nubis x(T em peranc e) S eiryuu x (J us tic e)Dom inion |
| Or (Devil) S uc c ubus x (Fool) S hiki-ouji |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| B yakko | 62 | | W eak| A bs | Null| | Null| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : B ufudyne, Deathbound, Hyper Counter |
| Learned S kills : A uto-S ukukaja(64), A m rita(66), |
| High Ic e B oos t(67), Mabufudyne(68) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Hangedm an) Hell B iker x (E m pres s ) S kadi |
| Or (T em peranc e)Genbu x (T em peranc e)S uzaku x (T em peranc e)S eiryuu|

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Y urlungur | 69 | | W eak| A bs | | S tr | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : V irus W ave, B ufudyne |
| Learned S kills : Growth 3(71), Mediarahan(72), S am arec arm (74), |
| Repel Light(75), |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Magic ian) P ixie x (Fool) Izanagi |
| Or (Magic ian) P ixie x (Chariot) S lim e |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| V is hnu | 73 | | W eak| Null| | | Null| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Megidolaon, A kas ha A rts , Mabufudyne |
| Learned S kills : Regenerate 3(75), God's Hand(76), |
| P ower Charge(78), S eraphim 's P rotec tion(79) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Hangedm an) A ttis x (E m pres s ) Is is |
| Or (S un) S parna x (Herm it) Nebiros |
| *Maxed Com m u Needed. |
Devil A rc ana [P 4A RC16]

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Ukobac h | 3 | | S tr | W eak| | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|

converted by
| Default S kills : A gi, S ukunda |
| Learned S kills : P ulinpa(4), Confus ion B oos t(5), Res is t Fire(6),|
| Fire B reak(7(7) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Devil) Lilim x (Devil) V etala |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Lilim | 10 | | | | | | W eak| S tr |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Zio, Mudo, A ging, |
| Learned S kills : Old B oos t(12), S ukukaja(13), Mudo(15) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Fool) Izanagi x (S un) Cu S ith |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| V etala | 19 | | W eak| | | S tr | | S tr |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Fools ' W his per, E vil T ouc h |
| Learned S kills : Life Drain(20), Foul B reath(21), |
| B rain S hake(22), Ghas tly W ail(23), Fear B oos t(24) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Fool) Obariyon x (S un) Cu S ith |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| Inc ubus | 28 | | | | | | W eak| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : A gilao, E vil S m ile, Mind S lic e, |
| Learned S kills : S tagnant A ir(30), S pirit Drain(32), |
| Ghas tly W ail(33) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(E m pres s )Y aks ini x(T em peranc e)Nigi Mitam a|

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| P azuzu | 37 | | | Refl| | | W eak| Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mudoon, Rakukaja, B ufula |
| Learned S kills : S tagnant A ir(39), A ilm ent B oos t(40), |
| Navas Nebula(41), Cool B reeze(42) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Hangedm an) Makam i x (S un) Gdon |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| S uc c ubus | 44 | | Refl| | | | W eak| Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : A gilao, Mudoon |
| Learned S kills : Maragion(46), Mudo B oos t(47), S pirit Drain(48),|
| Res is t Light(49), Invigorate 3(50) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(S un) Gdon x (Fool) Dec arabia |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Lilith | 53 | | | | Refl| | W eak| Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Ziodyne, Makarakarn |
| Learned S kills : Old One(54), Maziodyne(55), |
| E lec B reak(56), A ilm ent B oos t(57) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Hangedm an) Y ats ufus a x (S un) Y atagaras u |
| Or (E m peror) Okuninus hi x (J us tic e) T hrone |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| B elphegor | 61 | | | | A bs | | W eak| Refl|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Maziodyne, E vil S m ile |
| Learned S kills : Mas ukunda(63), Fear B oos t(64), Old One(65), |
| Old B oos t(66), High E lec B oos t(67) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Fool) Obariyon x (S un) Cu S ith |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| B elial | 68 | | | | | | | Refl|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mudoon, Myriad A rrows , |
| Learned S kills : A gidyne(69), E ndure Light(71), |
| High Fire B oos t (72),Maragidyne(73) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Lovers ) Raphael x (S un) J atayu |
| Or (Hangedm an) Hell B iker x (S un) Y atagaras u |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| B eelzebub | 81 | | A bs | Null| Refl| | W eak| Refl|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : A gidyne, Mabufudyne, Mind Charge |
| Learned S kills : P rim al Forc e(83), Mam udoon(84), |
| E ndure Light(85), Mudo B oos t(86), Megidolaon(87) |
| P os s ible Com binations : Devil B elial |
| Devil B elphegor |
| Moon B aal Zebul |
| A vailable on J uly 20 Moon S eth |
| Death Mot |
| *Maxed Com m u Needed Devil P azuzu |
T ower A rc ana [P 4A RC17]

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| T aotie | 35 | | | | | | | Refl|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Megido, Mind S lic e, Dekunda |
| Learned S kills : Confus ion B oos t(37), Mind Charge(38), |
| Null Old(40), T orrent S hot(41) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Hierophant)S hiis aa X (Chariot)A ra Mitam a X |
| (Herm it)Lam ia |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| Cu Chulain | 46 | S tr | | W eak| | Refl| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Magarula, Deathbound |
| Learned S kills : Matarukaja(47), Mind Charge(48), W hite W all(49)|
| , E ndure Dark(50), Garudyne(51) |
| P os s ible Com binations |

| (S tar) Neko S hougun x (T em peranc e) Mithra x (Fool) B lac k Fros t |

| (P ries tes s )P arvati x(T em peranc e) Mithra x (Fool) B lac k Fros t |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| A baddon | 55 | | Null| S tr | | | W eak| Refl|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Old One, Mudoon, A rrow Rain |
| Learned S kills : A gidyne(56), E ndure Light(57), T etrabreak(60), |
| Null P hys ic al(62) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(T ower)Cu Chulain x(S trength) Hanum an x(S un)Y atagaras u|

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Mara | 62 | | A bs | | | S tr | W eak| Refl|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : A gidyne, V enom Zapper |
| Learned S kills : P ower Charge(63), Makarakarn(64), |
| A bs orb P hys ic al(66), High Fire B oos t(67) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Fool)S hiki-ouji x (T em peranc e)S eiryuu x(S tar)Ganes ha|

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Mas akado | 69 | Null| Null| | W eak| | | W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Maham aon, T em pes t S las h, |
| Learned S kills : Myriad A rrows (71), Ham a B oos t(73), |
| A rm s Mas ter(74), E nduring S oul(76) |
| P os s ible Com binations : (Fortune) A nanta x(T ower) Cu Chulain x(E m peror)Odin|
| OR (J udgem ent) T rum peter x (S un) J atayu x (T ower)Cu Chulain |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Y os hits une | 75 | Null| S tr | | Refl| | Refl| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : B rave B lade, P ower Charge, Ziodyne, |
| Learned S kills : Heat Ris er(77), Repel E lec (78), |
| High E lec B oos t(79), Has s ou T obi(83) |
| Fus ion Forec as t: Make a Y os hits une on Dec 24 to have Debilitate|

converted by
| P os s ible Com binations : Hierophant Hac him an |
| T ower Mas akado |
| A vailable on J uly 20 E m peror Okuninus hi |
| Herm it Hitokotonus hi |
| Fool S hiki-ouji |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| S hiva | 80 | | | A bs | Refl| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Ziodyne, Magarudyne, E nduring S oul |
| Learned S kills : Maziodyne(82), S pell Mas ter(83), |
| Megidolaon(84), P ralaya(87) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Magic ian) Rangda x (E m peror) B arong |
| *Maxed Com m u Needed. |

S tar A rc ana [P 4A RC18]
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| K aiwan | 24 | W eak| | | | | | Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : T etrakarn, Cell B reaker, Mam udo, |
| Learned S kills : S tagnant A ir(26), Res is t Light(27), |
| Life Drain(28), S pirit Drain(29) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Devil) Lilim x (Death) Ghoul |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Neko S hougun | 32 | S tr | | | Refl| W eak| Null| Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Zionga, E lec B oos t, B lac k S pot, |
| Learned S kills : Mediaram a(34), Matarukaja(35), E vade W ind(36), |
| Divine Grac e(37) |
| P os s ible Com binations : Chariot A ra Mita |
| S trength K us i Mita |
| A vailable on J uly 20 P ries tes s S aki Mita |
| T em peranc e Nigi Mitam a |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Fuu-ki | 43 | | W eak| | | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Garula, T orrent S hot, High Counter |
| Learned S kills : E vade Fire(45), A pt P upil(46), |
| W ind B oos t(47), Null E xhaus tion(49) |
| P os s ible Com binations : (Magic ian) J ac k Fros t x (Moon) A lraune |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Ganes ha | 50 | | | | W eak| Null| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Garudyne, Mus tard B om b, Makarakarn |
| Learned S kills : P ower Charge(52), High Counter(54), E ndure(55),|
| Magarudyne(56) |
| P os s ible Com binations : (Fool) Dec arabia x (T ower) Cu Chulain |
| Or (Hangedm an)Y ats ufus a x (T em peranc e)Mithra x(Fool)B lac k Fros t|

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Garuda | 57 | | | | W eak| Refl| Refl| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Diaram a, Garudyne, A rrow Rain |
| Learned S kills : A m rita(60), High Counter(61), Repel W ind(62), |
| A uto-S ukukaja(63) |
| P os s ible Com binations : (T ower) Mara x (E m peror) Okuninus hi |
| Or (Devil) S uc c ubus x (Death) W hite Rider |
| Or (J udgem ent) T rum peter x (Herm it) Mothm an |
| Or (J udgem ent) A nubis x (Fool) S hiki-ouji x (Lovers ) Queen Mab |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| K artikeya | 67 | | | | Refl| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Maziodyne, A uto-Mataru |
| Learned S kills : Hyper Counter(68), Myriad A rrows (69), |
| Growth 2(70), P rim al Forc e(75) |
| P os s ible Com binations : (Magic ian) J ac k Fros t x (Moon) A lraune |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| S aturnus | 67 | | A bs | W eak| | Null| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : A gidyne, Maragidyne, High Fire B oos t |
| Learned S kills : E vade Ic e(77), Growth 3(79), S pell Mas ter(81) |
| P os s ible Com binations : (Magic ian) S urt x (Moon) S eth |
| Or (J udgem ent)T rum peter x(Hangedm an)Hell B iker x(J udgem ent)A nubis |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| Helel | 87 | S tr | Null| | | W eak| Null| Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Megidolaon, Maragidyne, God's Hand |
| Learned S kills : S alvation(88), Ins tant Rec overy(90), |
| Repel W ind(91), A rm s Mas ter(92), Morning S tar(94), |
| P os s ible Com binations :(T ower)S hiva x(P ries tes s )S c athac h X (S un)Horus |
| Or (Fool) Loki x (Hangedm an) V as uki x (Hangedm an) A ttis |

Moon A rc ana [P 4A RC19]
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| A ndras | 20 | W eak| | | | | | Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Media, Mazio, S ukukaja |
| Learned S kills : B lue W all(22), Regenerate 2(23), Zionga(24), |
| Dodge W ind(25) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Fool) Izanagi x (E m pres s ) S enri |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Nozuc hi | 27 | W eak| | | | | | Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : P ois on Mis t, A ging, A ilm ent B oos t, |
| Learned S kills : Zionga(29), Rakukaja(30), Null P ois on(31), |
| Null Old(32), |
| P os s ible Com binations :(E m peror) K ing Fros t x (E m pres s ) Y aks inil|

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Y am atano-oroc hi | 34 | | W eak| Null| Null| W eak| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mabufula, Garula, Red W all, |
| Learned S kills : Green W all(36), Res is t Old(38), Ic e B oos t(39) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(E m pres s ) Y aks ini x (Fool) Dec arabia |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| A lraune | 41 | | S tr | S tr | | W eak| | Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mediaram a, E nergy S hower, Old One, |
| Learned S kills : Makarakarn(43), Green W all(44), Null Old(45), |
| Old B oos t(46) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(E m pres s ) Gorgon x (Fool) B lac k Fros t |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Girim ehkala | 48 | Refl| | | | | W eak| W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : P ower Charge, Mighty S wing, P ois on Mis t |
| Learned S kills : Mam udoon(50), V enom Zapper(51), T etraja(52), |
| E ndure Light(53), Repel P hys ic al(56) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Hangedm an) Y ats ufus a x (Lovers ) Undine |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| S ui-ki | 57 | | W eak| A bs | Refl| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : B ufudyne, P ower Charge, V ic ious S trike, |
| Learned S kills : Regenerate 2(59), T etrabreak(60), |
| E nduring S oul(62) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Hangedm an) Hell B iker x (Lovers ) Undine |

converted by
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| S eth | 68 | | | Refl| W eak| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Magarudyne, Garudyne |
| Learned S kills : W ind B reak(71), Null Light(72), |
| High W ind B oos t(73), E vade E lec (74) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Devil) B elphegor x (Chariot) K in-ki |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| B aal Zebul | 77 | | W eak| A bs | | | | Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Mabufudyne, Mam udoon, Old One |
| Learned S kills : T entarafoo(78), Maziodyne(79), Mudo B oos t(80), |
| S tagnant A ir(82) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(E m pres s ) Is is x (E m peror) Odin |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| S andalphon | 84 | | | | | Null| Refl| W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Maham aon, S am arec arm , A m rita |
| Learned S kills : S eraphim 's P rotec tion(87), A gneyas tra(88), |
| E ndure Dark(89), Repel Dark(90) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(S tar) Helel x (J us tic e) S raos ha |
| Or (Magic ian) Mada x (J us tic e) S raos ha X (Hierophant) K ohryuu |
| *Maxed Com m u Needed. |

S un A rc ana [P 4A RC20]

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Cu S ith | 10 | | W eak| | | S tr | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Garu, P ulinpa, Rakukaja |
| Learned S kills : Growth 1(11), Magaru(13), W hite W all(14), |
| T raes to(15), |
| P os s ible Com binations :(Devil) Lilim x (Death) Ghoul |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Hou-ou | 20 | | | W eak| Null| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Garula, Maragi |
| Learned S kills : T win S hot(22), Growth 1(23), Dodge Ic e(25), |
| Fire B oos t(26), Maragion(27) |
| P os s ible Com binations : (Death) Ghoul x (Herm it) Ippon-datara |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| Gdon | 31 | | A bs | W eak| | | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : A gilao, Maragi, Fire B reak |
| Learned S kills : Growth 2(33), Maragion(34), Fire B oos t(35), |
| E vade Ic e(36) |
| P os s ible Com binations : (Chariot) Nata T ais hi x (Moon) A lraune |
| Or (Death) Matador x (Herm it) Lam ia |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Y atagaras u | 40 | | | W eak| | S tr | Null| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Marakukaja, S is ilidi, A gilao, |
| Learned S kills : Null Fear(43), Growth 2(44), Diarahan(45), |
| Cool B reeze(46) |
| P os s ible Com binations : (Chariot) E ligor x (Fool) S hiki-ouji |
| (Fool) B lac k Fros t x (Chariot) A res |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Naras im ha | 47 | S tr | W eak| | | | Null| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Ham aon, T em pes t S las h, |
| Learned S kills : Hi Counter(48), E vade W ind(49), Maham aon(51), |
| A uto-Mataru(53) |
| P os s ible Com binations : (Moon) A lraune x (Chariot) T riglav |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| T am Lin | 53 | S tr | S tr | | Null| | Null| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Ziodyne, Deathbound, High Counter, |
| Learned S kills : A uto-Maraku(54), P ower Charge(55), |
| High E lec B oos t(56), E vade P hys ic al(58), E nduring S oul(59) |
| P os s ible Com binations : S un Gdon |
| S un Hou-ou |
| A vailable on J uly 20 S un Naras im ha |
| S un Y atagaras u |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| J atayu | 61 | | | | W eak| A bs | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Garudyne, Null Confus ion |
| Learned S kills : A m rita(62), Growth 3(64), Repel E lec (65), |
| Magarudyne(66) |
| P os s ible Com binations : (Hierophant)Cerberus x(P ries tes s )K ikuri-him e|
| (T ower Cu Chulain x Hangedm an Y ats ufus a x Fool Dec arabia |
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| Horus | 68 | | W eak| | Null| | Refl| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Diarahan, Maham aon, Magarudyne, |
| Learned S kills : High W ind B oos t(70), Matarukaja(71), |
| A bs orb W ind(73) |
| P os s ible Com binations : (Hierophant)Hac him an x (Chariot)T hor |
| Or (Fool) S hiki-ouji x (Hangedm an) Hell B iker x (S tar) Ganes ha |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| S parna | 77 | | | | W eak| A bs | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Garudyne, Makajam a |
| Learned S kills : E vade Ic e(79), High W ind B oos t(80), |
| E vade Fire(82), High E lec B oos t(83) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(P ries tes s )Hariti x(T ower)Mara x(Moon)B aal Zebul|
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| A s ura | 86 | | Null| S tr | | W eak| Null| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Maragidyne, P rim al Forc e, Mas ukukaja |
| Learned S kills : Maham aon(88), Hyper Counter(89), |
| S pell Mas ter(90), Uns haken W ill(92) |
| P os s ible Com binations : (Magic ian) Mada x (Hangedm an) A ttis |
| Or (Lovers ) Is htar x (E m pres s ) Is is x (Moon) B aal Zebul |

J udgem ent A rc ana [P 4A RC21]
Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark
| A nubis | 59 | | | | | | Null| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Ham aon, Makarakarn, Mudoon, |
| Learned S kills : P ois on A rrow(60), Mus tard B om b(61), |
| Megidola(62), Maham aon(64), Ham a B oos t(65) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(J udgem ent)T rum peter x (J udgem ent)Mic hael|
| Or (Hierophant) A nzu x (S trength) T itan x (J us tic e)P rinc ipality|

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| T rum peter | 67 | | | A bs | Refl| | Refl| Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Megidola, Ziodyne, High E lec B oos t, |
| Mas ukukaja(68), Cool B reeze(69), Megidolaon(70), |
| Debilitate(73), Heat Ris er(74) |
| P os s ible Com binations : Death Matador |
| Death W hite Rider |

converted by
| A vailable on J uly 20 Hierophant Dais oujou |
| E m peror P abils ag |
| Hangedm an T aown |
| T ower T aotie |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Mic hael | 72 | S tr | Null| | | W eak| Null| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : V orpal B lade, Megidola, Ham aon |
| Learned S kills : Megidolaon(74), Maham aon(75), Repel Dark(76), |
| Heaven's B lade(79) |
| P os s ible Com binations :(J udgem ent)T rum peter x (J udgem ent)Mic hael|
| Or (Hierophant) A nzu x (S trength) T itan x (J us tic e)P rinc ipality|

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| S atan | 76 | | Refl| | | W eak| | Refl|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Megidolaon, Maragion |
| Learned S kills : Regenerate 3(77), E ndure Light(80), |
| B lac k V iper(81), Null W ind(82) |
| P os s ible Com binations :J udgem ent)Mic hael x(T ower)Y os hits une x (Chariot)T hor|
| Or (Hierophant) K ohryuu x (Chariot) T hor x (S trength) S iegfried |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Metatron | 83 | | Null| | | | Refl| W eak|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Maham aon, Heaven's B lade, |
| Learned S kills : Megidolaon(86), Repel Ic e(87), |
| Repel E lec (88), Repel Fire(89) |
| P os s ible Com binations : (T ower)Y os hits une x (Fortune)Norn x (Magic ian)S urt|
| Or (T ower) S hiva x (Death) Mahakala x (T ower) Y os hits une |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| A rdha | 90 | S tr | | Null| Null| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : P rim al Forc e, God's Hand |
| Learned S kills : Null Dizzy(92), Guard Mas ter(93), |
| Mediarahan(94), S eraphim Grac e(95), Null P hys ic al(96) |
| P os s ible Com binations : (T ower) S hiva x (P ries tes s ) P arvati |

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Luc ifer | 93 | S tr | | | | | W eak| Null|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : B ufudyne, B rave B lade, Mind Charge |
| Learned S kills : High Ic e B oos t(94), S pell Mas ter(95), |
| Repel Light(96), A bs orb E lec (98), V ic tory Cry(99) |
| P os s ible Com binations : Fortune A nanta |
| J udgem ent Mic hael |
| A vailable on J uly 20 J udgem ent Metatron |
| J udgem ent S atan |
| J udgem ent T rum peter |
| *Maxed Com m u Needed J udgem ent A nubis |

W orld A rc ana [P 4A RC22]

Nam e Lv P hy Fire Ic e E lec W ind Light Dark

| Izanagi No Okam i | 91 | S tr | S tr | S tr | S tr | S tr | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default S kills : Megidolaon,V ic tory Cry,S eraphim 's P rotec tion, |
| Mind Charge. |
| Learned S kills : A gidyne(92)B ufudyne(93)Garudyne(94)Ziodyne(95) |
| High Fire B oos t(96)High Ic e B oos t(97) High E lec B oos t(98) |
| High W ind B oos t(99) |
| P os s ible Com binations : Fool (I)zanagi |
| S trength (S a)ndm an |
| Chariot (Na)ta T ais hi |
| Moon (Gi)rim ehkala |
| A vailable on Fortune (N)orn |
| J uly 20 E m peror (O)kuninus hi |
| Hangedm an (O)rthrus |
| S tar (K a)rtikeya |
| S aw T rue E nding T em peranc e (Mi)thra |
| Required P ries tes s T zitzim itl |
| T ower Cu Chulain |
| Fool Legion |

_____ _ _ _____ _ _
/ ___| (_) | | | _ _| | | |
\ `--. _ __ ___ ___ _ __ _| | | | | | __ __ _ _ __ | | _____
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\____/| .__/ \___| \___| _| \__,_| _| \_/ | _| | _| \__,_| _| | _| _| \_\___/
| |
| _|
_ _____ ___
| | / __ \ | (_) |
__ _ _ __ __| | | / \/_ __ ___ __| | _| | _ ___
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\__,_| _| | _| \__,_| \____/_| \___| \__,_| _| \__| ___/

[S E CT ION 9] S pec ial T hanks and Credits


T o A tlus for Making P ers ona 4, without them , this guide wouldn't even
exis t in the firs t plac e.

A nyways S pec ial thanks to the japanes e wiki guide for P ers ona 4
http://p4.gkwiki2.c om /

P enguin K night for the A rc ana Chanc e and s om e of the

item and S oc ial Link trans lations and the P ers ona's lis t,
P enguin K night als o m ention the T rans lation on the pers ona c om es from
Zeruel in Gam efaqs .

T o fakeivy00 for m aking a S oc ial Link availability c hart.

T o all readers that have pointed out m is takes .

A rthellinus and DJ P ubba for P roviding the Fis h nam es and B ook nam es ,
whic h c om es from the Double J um p offic ial Guide.

B ec aus e alot of thos e infos c an't be s im ply found by playing the gam e.
A nyways m ore to c om e.

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