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Your Amazing Body: The Circulatory System

Blood, fluids, gases, and nutrients are continually traveling around your
body in a network called the circulatory system. This network includes
much more than just your blood vessels: Vitally important organs such as
the heart, lungs, liver, and even your brain are all part of the circulatory
system. One reason the body needs a healthy circulatory system is to
maintain homeostasis, a perfect balance of temperature, hormone levels,
and other things which help the body maintain an even keel. Within your
circulatory system, dioxygen (O2) is distributed to cells and organs while
carbon dioxide (CO2) is removed.
Using the information in the paragraph above, answer the following
questions about the circulatory system:
1. How does the circulatory system help the body stay in perfect

2. Which organs are part of the circulatory system?

3. Which gas must be removed from the blood?

4. Without a healthy circulatory system, can the body be healthy?

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