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Name: ____Emily Bryant____________ _Date __Feb.

23, 2017__________

T.P.R. (Total Physical Response) Lesson Plan

Content Area: Math

WIDA ELP Standard(s): The language of Math: Shapes

State standard, grade-level expectation & evidence outcomes: Pre- Kindergarten:

Standard 4: Students can: a. Identify and describe shapes (squares, circles, triangles,
rectangles (CCSS: K.G)

Topic/Focus: Math/Geometry Shapes and Movement

ESL Level: Level 1 (This lesson plan is designed for beginners only, they are NOT expected to
talk. They show what they know through gestures.)

Objectives: After the lesson on shapes, students will be able to physically respond to
four vocabulary words and 3 commands regarding shapes.

Target Vocabulary:

Commands Vocabulary words

Look Shapes
Make Triangle
Point to Rectangle
Go to Square
Trace Circle

Materials AND Realia Needed: (What pictures AND realia items do you need to teach
each word and command?)

Pictures of each Shape on either flash cards or brightly drawn out on a white,
blank sheet of paper
Doritos (triangle)
Oreos/Round cookie (circle)
crackers (rectangle)
Paper Plates (circle),

Anticipatory Set: (What will you do to get them excited about the activity? Will you
sing or use a puppet or show pictures or show objects?)
I will show authentic pictures of objects that students see on an everyday basis, these
pictures will be of objects in either a triangle, circle, or rectangle shape. Example a
clock=circle, house is can be a rectangle.
Direct Instruction/Modeling/Demonstration: (Look at my example and outline step-by
step what you will say and do to teach them the words and commands.)
Include how you will remove support (for scaffolding) as they acquire the vocabulary.

1) I will give the cue/command to look at the shapes. Then I will show three slides of
the different shapes of authentic/everyday life objects that have the shapes of
circle, triangle, and rectangle.

I will emphasize the sides of the shape in PowerPoint, I might draw each shape on
the white board.

2) Then I will give cue/command Make a triangle and demonstrate making a

triangle shape using our hands.

3) I repeat triangle 3 times- first time using hand gestures, second holding up Dorito
chip, and third point to triangle drawn on board.

4) Repeat triangle, then I say Trace a circle while demonstrating through hand
motions and tracing a circle in the air.

5) I repeat circle 4 time: First- Trace a circle Second- circle while holding up
Oreo, Third- tracing circle on board.

6) Repeat triangle again, triangle with gesture, then circle with gesture,

7) Then Ill say circle with no gesture and triangle with no hand gesture

8) Repeat again, with gestures, and add rectangle. Point to rectangle

9) Ill point to door, and walk over and trace outline rectangular door shape

10) Repeat rectangle three times 1- Pont to door, 2- rectangle of cracker, 3- rectangle
of shape on board

11) I will repeat steps 2-10 several times; introducing Make, triangle, trace,
circle, Point to, rectangle. in the same way, repeating each word multiple
times and modeling the gestures, watching that students imitate with and without
providing support.

12) Once students have master the vocabulary, have students stand up and move to
shape that is called out around the room.

Checking for Understanding: (What will you watch for to make sure they understand?)
1) Students will make correct hand gestures when giving vocabulary words with or
without scaffolding
2) Students will hold up correct object, depending on shape, when given vocabulary
3) Students will be able to move to right part of room when told shape

Write down three physical ways students will demonstrate their understanding of
commands and vocabulary being practiced:

1. Making a triangle hand gesture & holding up Dorito chip

2. Pointing to the door as rectangle & holding up cracker

3. Tracing a circle in the air, and holding up Oreo

4. Moving/navigating to right shapes around the room

Play a game (or other extension activity): (Describe the game. What are the students
doing? What is the teacher doing?)

Students will listen for vocabulary word. Once they hear and understand the vocab the
will navigate towards that shapes placed around the room. If needed I will add hand
gestures but take them away. The game is to move as quick as they can from shape to
shape based on what they hear spoken to them.

Evaluation: (How will the teacher know that each child understood the words? What
task will they do? What will the teacher watch for? Where will she write it down? What
will she do if they get some wrong?)

Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding through correct use of hand
gestures, movement around the room during game time, and by holding up the right food

Closure: (How will you finish the lesson and connect it to the main idea?)

The students will make each gesture when I say the command in order to review terms
one last time.
You will teach a TPR lesson to a small group of ED 434 students (5 to a group) on Thursday
2/23. Please prepare a lesson plan (see Canvas) along with materials needed to teach the
lesson. You will provide an electronic version of your lesson on Canvas for others to access.

After you teach your TPR lesson, please submit a reflection (approximately 250 words) that
addresses the following question. Be sure to cite at least 2 of your peers' feedback by name.

1. What went well in this lesson?

One aspect that I feel went well from my lesson is the repetition part of my vocabulary
words (shapes) and the gestures that went along with each shape. I also feel that having
pictures of everyday objects that represent shapes of a circle, rectangle, and triangle
might help students relate the vocabulary shape words to things that they have already
seen, thus making shapes more authentic/ recognizable. Other than those two things, I
honestly wish my lesson would have gone a lot better than it did. I found it harder than I
had originally thought it would be, because I was unsure in knowing how to correctly
instruct my students in simple English terms. In other words, this lesson seemed rather
challenging for me because I felt unsure of how much instruction to use in English to
students who may not even understand the English instructions I was giving. Should I
just use short phrases to students do not understand English, and if so how do you
instruct students to do something while continuing to smoothly flow through a lesson?
Furthermore, I did not hit many aspects of my planned out lesson. It seems that I have a
thoroughly planned out lesson, and then when I get up in front of the class I somehow
forget my lesson.

2. What would you change if you were to teach this lesson again? Why?

If I was to change parts of my lesson, I would be more confident in my own lesson. I

think that my lack in confidence is a huge part of my problem, for I am hesitant when
giving instructions and do not hit many of the main points that I want to when teaching.
Another thing I would change is at the end of my lesson I would find a way to make a
connection for students on why learning shapes is important for their everyday lives or
for feature purposes. Furthermore, for my lesson I would have maybe had my props all
ready to go before even beginning my lesson, that way it would have ran smoother from
the beginning.

3. What lessons from this experience of being a student in other students' TPR lessons
and from teaching this lesson will you be able to use when you work with ELLs in your
placement and in your own classroom

There are many aspects that I plan to use from this experience to help work with ELLs in my
own placement and future classroom. One thing that I feel like would be beneficial to use
when working with my ELLs in my field placement is models and physical objects that
students that the students can see and relate to. I believe that using a model or even a
picture helps to solidify their understanding of what is being discussed. In other words,
providing an example of something that the student can relate to helps them remember and
link the vocabulary word to things that they already know and already have a pre existing
understanding of. Furthermore, use of tone and intonation would be helpful when working
with the students at my field placement as well. The students that I work have a pretty good
understanding of English already, but still including intonation ques to help them in reading or
in things that they arent quite sure of might help them connect or figure out what is being

Planning for my future ELLs I believe, that reputation, relatable models, and physical
gestures will be greatly beneficial. Body gestures is something that occurs in most
languages, thus using body gestures is something that the students already have experience
in and can help link their understanding to what is being said in English. As for relatable
models students can draw connections to what is being spoken about and this can further
help them to remember the English vocabulary words.

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