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Culture Paper Rubric Partner 1

History (2 Pages, 40 Points)

General Summary of Nations History /10
Major Historical Periods & Events /10
Major Historical People, Leaders /10
Colonized and/or Independence /10
Government (1 Page, 20 Points)
Type of Government, Capital City, Rights /5
Leaders Name, Elections, Branches, Parties /5
National Symbols, National Anthem /5
Military Information /5
Demographics (1 Page, 20 Points)
Nationalities, ethnic groups/races /5
Languages Spoken, Religions practiced /5
Population, population density, population growth rate /5
Median Age, Life Expectancy, Literacy Rate /5
Total Points


Culture Paper Rubric partner 2

Geography (2 Pages, 40 Points)
Absolute (GPS), Relative Location /10
Continent, Total land/water size /5
Major Physical Features /10
Major Tourist Attractions /5
Climate /5
Famous Plants and Animals /5
Economy (1 Page, 20 Points)
Major Industries, Common Jobs, Unemployment Rate /10
Famous Crops, Famous Products /5
Major Exports, Type of Energy Used, Amount of Tourism /5
Culture (1 Page, 20 Points)
Food, Song, Dance, /5
Art, Architecture /5
Games, Clothing /5
Traditions, Celebrations /5
Total Points


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