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Why are you writing this email?

With reference to our previous conversation, I

would like to let you know that

With reference to our telephonic conversation, I

would like to inform you / let you know that.

Thank you for your email regarding the changes

in / modification in the scope of work. Here are
some points I think we should look at before we
start the job.

I am writing to make a reservation/ make an

appointment/ to confirm my booking / to confirm
our meeting today/ to apply for the position of /
to enquire about the recent developments.

Just a quick note. I wish to invite you to this


This is an invite to join us in the team building


Hope you are doing well today. I just want to let

you know..

I heard you are not keeping well and have not

come to office. I just wanted to inform you about
the latest changes in the scope of work.. Hope
you feel better soon. Shall get in touch with you
when you are back.

Emailing a person who is not in constant touch

with you

1. Hope this email finds you well

2. Hope this email finds you in good health

3. Hope you had a great weekend

4. Heard you gave a lecture at ABC recently. Hope

that went well

5. I hope you are enjoying the season

6. I hope you are enjoying your stay at ABC

7. I trust you all are doing fine

8. I trust you are doing well

Ask for some information or making a request

Could you please let me know if you are attending

the conference today?

Could you please let me know if you will be

available tomorrow for a short meeting?
Could you possibly fix a meeting with the finance

Could you possibly help me arrange a meeting with

your Manager?

I would appreciate if you could please reply before

23rd August

Please let me know how much the whole

arrangement is going to cost us

This sounds great. Do let me know what I am

supposed to inform the dealers

That is not what I hoped for. What should I tell my


I would also like to know if you will provide

transport facility to and from the venue for the

I read your email. I was wondering if you could

come and see me next week.

There is a slight change in the schedule. Would you

mind coming a little early to help us rearrange the

Do you think you can connect me with John?

Get back to me as soon as possible

A simple letter of acknowledgement

Thank you for your enquiry about the new tools we

are using to do the analysis. One of us will contact
you tomorrow and give you a full detail on how we
are using this tool.

Thank you again for writing to us.

Thank you for checking in. I am glad that you are

curious about the information on the report. Could
you possibly let me know a good time to call you?

Looking forward to hear from you.

What is a good way to remind someone to reply

to your email?

This could be a little tricky. Sometimes, some people are very busy
and your email or your work is not a priority for them. Constant
reminders or a rude tone can tick people off. Sometimes we are
unaware that the recipient was not in town for a few days while we
were waiting for their reply. When they come back and see rude
emails they might not feel good about working on what you have sent.
In some cases, it could be a genuine mistake that he/she missed your

We should always use a tone that suggests that you know how busy
they are. Yet, you need to grab their attention.
Hope this mail finds you in good health. I had sent
you an email regarding a few days back. Have
you had a chance to look at it yet?

I was wondering if you have had a chance to look

at the email attached below. (Mention why it is
important. For eg: I would like to send Mr. X an
update on this one today. OR Mr. X enquired about
it today OR Mr. X needs it tomorrow for a meeting)

Hope you had a good weekend. I had sent you an

email on Saturday. Please let me know about this
when you get the chance.

We had sent you an invoice earlier this week.

Please let us know about it when you get a chance.
I understand you are busy with the new launch
campaign. Hope it is going as per your

Sending some information or offering to help

1. No problem. We are willing to arrange another

meeting with the dealers.

2. That wont be necessary. We would be glad to send

you another copy of the invoice if need be.

3. I regret to inform that I wont be able to attend

your seminar tomorrow.
4. I regret to inform you that I wont be able to help
you with this. You will have to speak with . I can
connect you with him/her.

5. I will surely be able to help you with that. Would

you mind sending the file to me?

6. Please do let me know if I can be of further


7. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our team,

should you need further information/ assistance.


Here is another tricky How do I put this across? situation.

Remember, even though you are complaining, you should use a tone
that will no intimidate the recipient. You need them to acknowledge
your dissatisfaction and work better towards fulfilling your wish. At
the same time, you cannot be too soft; they need to know you are

1. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction

regarding your service.

2. I would like to know how you or your company can

compensate for the loss we have incurred due to
your negligence.

3. I wish to receive a full refund and compensation for

the damages done.
4. I regret to inform you that I was not satisfied with
your product.

5. I regret to inform you that your product was

defective when we received it today from the
delivery boy. Please arrange for a replacement as
soon as possible.

6. I regret to inform you that your performance on

this project was not satisfactory. Let us discuss on
how you can improve upon you skills.

7. I am sorry to say that youre late with the project

delivery. By when can we expect it?

8. I hope you dont mind me saying that the

candidate you had recommended was not at all
suitable for the job.

How to apologize without sounding desperate for


1. We will make sure that this will not happen again in

the future.

2. I promise it wont happen again

3. I am afraid I will not be able to join you for this

meeting. Please fill me in later.

4. I am sorry, but I cant make it to the meeting. Fill

me in later? Thanks!
5. Please let us know how we can compensate for
your losses.

6. Please accept my sincere apologies for the delay.

7. I am really sorry for the delay

Attaching files An alternative to boring PFA or

Attached with the mail

1. I am attaching my CV for your consideration

2. I am attaching the time table for your perusal

3. Could you send me the file in PDF, Word, Excel,

PNG, JPEGetc., format?

4. I am afraid I am not able to open the attachment

you sent me. Could you please send it again?

5. Please find attached the file you requested

6. I am sending you the art work as an attachment

7. I cant seem to open the attachment in my

computer. May be you can send me the file in
______ format.

Respond to a critical email from your Boss

Ideally, it is best to not reply to a critical email by an email. It is

difficult to gauge a persons emotion via email. The matter might not
be as severe as it seems while reading the email. It is easy to get into a
trap of replying to the email too emotionally. Try and have a one-to-
one conversation with your boss. You can also respond in a phone
call. Do ask questions to clarify what he/she really meant and what
he/she wants you to do about it. And if you cant do both then what
choice do we have left?

1. I will get on with it right away.

2. I have wanted to discuss the same with you for

some time now. Can we have a meeting in an

3. I am sorry. It wont happen again.

4. I am sorry. I will get on with it as soon as I get the

data from ..

5. I have not been able to solve this on my own. I

might need your help with this. I should have come
to you earlier.

6. I have not been able to focus on X project because

of X2 project. I will get on with it asap.

7. I understand your concern but I had mentioned

earlier that I have been pulled into another project.
Please do not worry. I will look into this matter as
soon as possible.

Reply to an appreciation email

Some of us are experts in handing grievances and complaint emails

but it can become a little awkward to respond to praise at work. It is
even more difficult if you are not used to genuine appreciation from
your boss.

1. Thank you very much

2. Thanks!

3. Thank you for recognizing my efforts

4. Many thanks!

5. Really grateful for the opportunity

6. Really grateful for the support, guidance and


7. Your appreciation means a lot to me.

8. Thank you for your kind words

9. Thank you very much. Rest assured that I will

continue to do my best at work and support our

10. I received your email yesterday and I would

like to sincerely thank you for your appreciation.

I hope you all find this handy. If you have any more suggestion or
want to cover a situation that I have not covered already please do
write in.
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