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Lesson Plan Template ED 3501 (Version C)

Title/Focus Serving Date March 29th

de Level Physical Education 20/30 Duratio 1 hr 30 min

Unit Badminton Teacher Ms Cariolato


General A: Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement
Learning activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual activities and activities in an
Outcomes: alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor pursuits.
B: Students will understand, experience and appreciate the health benefits that result from physical activity.
C: Students will interact positively with others.
D: Students will assume responsibility to lead an active way of life.

Specific A205 analyze, evaluate and modify performance of manipulative skills and conceptseffort,
Learning space and relationshipsto perform and create a variety of activities to improve personal performance
Outcomes: B56 analyze the positive benefits gained from physical activity (warm ups in this case)
C203 demonstrate etiquette and fair play
C206 identify and demonstrate positive behaviors that show respect for self and others
D203 develop and apply safety standards and rules in a variety of activities


Students will:
1. Explain where a short serve or long serve should be aimed
2. Demonstrate proper short serve and long serve technique during game play

Observations: - Students will work cooperatively with each other and show fair play amongst
classmates during all activities/drills.
- Students will be respectful of one another and the equipment.
- Students will demonstrate high deep serves towards the back of the court, or low short
serves that skim the net and both land in bounds.
- Students will serve the birdie with accuracy landing the birdie in the designated hula
hoops during drills (understanding that these hoops represent where we want the birdie
to land in games)
- Students will send the birdie to the opponents court. Short serve is quick and between
the racket and the net (either backhand or forehand).

Key Questions: 1. What is the service box for singles and doubles? How does this change after the serve?
2. What are some techniques to remember when serving?

Products/Performan High Serve vs Low Serve Observations:

ces: - High serve: the aim is to send the shuttle high and long and make it drop as close to the
furthest back line as possible. This will make it very difficult for an opponent to hit an
effective return.
- Low serve: the aim is to hit the shuttle so it just clears the net and lands as close to the
service line as possible, but it must touch the line at least, if it drops short it will not
- When the server serves, the shuttlecock must pass over the short service line on the
opponents' court or it will count as a fault.
- When the serving side loses a rally, the serve immediately passes to their opponent(s)
- At the start of the rally, the server and receiver stand in diagonally opposite service

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe
Lesson Plan Template ED 3501 (Version C)


Alberta Program of Studies 30+ Rackets

20-30 birdies if possible
6 Nets with poles
Cones for drills (possibly)


Prior to lesson Write the agenda on whiteboard before class, ensure equipment room is unlocked, and basketball
nets are put away.

Introduction Time

Attention Grabber Today we will focus on serves

Assessment of Students have learned various shots such as the clear and drive, and drop shots.
Prior Knowledge Students will now review drop/net shots and review proper serving techniques
throughout this class.

Expectations for - Students will not talk when instruction is being given. If students are
Learning and talking, I will simply wait till everyone is silent before continuing.
Behaviour - No banging of rackets on the floor or against other ones, if students do it
will result in a 10 pushup punishment. This goes for the entire unit.
- Students do not have to be exceptional at the skill, but I ask that they try
their best, and to understand that they are being marked more on
improvement, and less on skill level.

Transition to Body Warm up game- Led by Jarrett 15 min

AFTER WARM UP DISCUSSION- Why do we warm up?

Instruction/Development: Demonstration and basic rules of serving
- Grip: handshake
- Start in right service court
- Can score on either serve games are to 21 points the match consists
of the best of 3 games to 21 points
- Must go diagonally between the short service line and the long service
- Where is the singles serving line?
- Below waist
- Feet must be stationary and within boundary
- Birdie touches net during serve, but falls in let reserve

Doubles service rules:
- Right side begins
- If the score is even (0, 2, 4, 6, 8...) serve from the right hand side
- If the score is odd (1, 3, 5, 7, 9...) the server serves from the left
- Alternate sides only when you win a point on your side
- Both get a chance to serve (except on the first service of each game)

Singles service rules:
- If the score is even (0, 2, 4, 6, 8...) serve from the right hand side
- If the score is odd (1, 3, 5, 7, 9...) the server serves from the left

Demonstrate short serve

Things to remember:
- Side stance

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe
Lesson Plan Template ED 3501 (Version C)
- Racquet head below waist
- Cock/bend wrist
- Hold shuttle at waist
- Shift weight forward
- Rotate hips and shoulders
- Push or guide shuttle
- Why would I use this serve? (Eliminate opponents time (quick))

Demonstrate long serve
- Forward stride position
- Non-racquet foot forward
- Racquet head below hand
- Cock wrist
- Hold shuttle at waist
- Shift weight forward
- Snap wrist
- Follow through
Why would I use this serve? (Get them out of position (more time for you))
Body Time

Learning Activity #1 Hula Hoop Serving Activity

Aim of the Game: to have the students practice serving long and short serve to
strategic areas on the court
- 3 students on one side, 3 on another. (6 biride per court atleast)

- Only use underhand serves
- Five attempts for each target
- Each coach keeps score (try and beat your partner)
- One partner gets 5 birdies, 1 hula hoop per pair and the other partner gets
a court
- We can have 8 to a court just go diagonally
- Complete two sets of short serves (keep score out of ten)
- Switch partners and then complete two sets of long serves (keep score
out of ten)
15 min

Teacher Notes: Differentiation:

Assessments/ - Because they are more people in this class, than what the activity

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe
Lesson Plan Template ED 3501 (Version C)
Differentiation requires for, we can have bigger group of people on each half court, then
add more hoops. (if we have to share the gym, we only have 3 nets)

Learning Activity #2 Badminton: Continuous Serve-and-Clear Drill

- Place groups of three on a half-court, with the receiver at the back line,
the feeder on the same side at the net, and the hitter deep on the other
side of the net.
- They can help the receiver to retrieve shuttles, and rotate up to receiver
position as the drill progresses.
- The feeder holds a number of shuttles, ready to feed the hitter.
How to Perform
- The feeder hits or tosses the shuttles, rapid-fire, to the hitter, who clears it
to the opposite baseline, where it is retrieved and held by the receiver.
- When the feeder runs out of shuttles, s/he becomes the hitter. The hitter,
meanwhile, places the racquet on the floor and runs around the net to the
opposite baseline, becoming the receiver (or getting into the receiver line,
if there are more than three participants). The receiver moves up to the
net, becoming the feeder.
- Once everyone is in place, the drill begins again, with rapid-fire feeding
and hitting, and quick movement into new positions.
10 min

Teacher Notes: Differentiation:

Assessments/ - You can increase the numbers per group by having as many as three
Differentiation additional students wait in line behind the receiver. (if there was 4
students in the class, we would only need one group)

Learning Activity #5 1V1 15 min

- This game requires students to be in teams of 3.
- There will be one students on the court at a time. Once a student touches
the birdie (serving counts), the student will move off the court and run to
the back and stand at the back of the line.
- It is always one student versus the other on the other side but one each of
them have a chance to contact the birdie, they will run off and get out of
the way because another one of their team members will hit the birdie
- Serving applies here and this is a game to 21 points.
- The student can hit the birdie anywhere on the court they would like so

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe
Lesson Plan Template ED 3501 (Version C)
strategy here is important on where they would like to aim the birdie.
Teacher Notes: - Strategy that students are using. Students are not directly hitting the
Assessments/ birdie back to their opponent. They are making their opponent move.
- Drop/net shots are being used.

Learning Activity #6 Doubles Kings Court

- Point based system
- You can only accumulate points in the kings spot on the court
- Each court is its own kings court (with the goal being to be in the 4th spot
on the court)
- Player 1 on the court always serves to three no matter what. 15-20 min
- The strategy here is the other three players that arent the king are trying
to team up to set the king up (strategy here is important)
- Its essentially every man for himself but overall the goal is to try and get
the king out. The longer the king stands on the court, the more points
they are able to get.

- All students wills strive to receive a 4/4 for the assessment in this class.
The student consistently demonstrates an outstanding level of fair play,
leadership, teamwork, cooperation, initiative, a positive attitude and
strives to lead others to do the same.

Closure Time

Consolidation of Students want to make it look like a clear or drive, but instead they only use a
Learning: little force to push the shuttle over the net. This shot is strategic to use when the
opponent is near to the back court, anticipating your stroke to be a clear or drive.

Transition To Next Next class is our monthly fitness run, as well we will end it with a badminton

Lesson gameplay.

Singles Game Tournament

Reflections from the


Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe

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