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The story of King Solomon

one day the death of king David was near. he then spoke to his son Solomon.
Solomon please take care of the kingdom for me Solomon then replied father I
am not capable of ruling the kingdom alone said Solomon then his father replied do
not worry Solomon god is with you when you rule this kingdom. thank you father
said Solomon. now king David has died and David now was fit to rule and seat to
the throne and then one night Solomon had a dream god called him then Solomon
replied here I am lord. god said to Solomon what is it that you want the most ask
and I will make it come true I wish for knowledge to rule this kingdom lord then god
was shocked due to Solomon did not ask for wealth or long life like other kings had
or will wish then god said I am pleased with you Solomon you did not wish for long
life or wealth I will grant your wish and I will also give you what you had no wished
to me long life and great wealth for you are a good king then Solomon waked up
realizing that it was all a dream. now king Solomon had a feast for the people to
celebrate in his sitting of the throne they were all happy than 2 women that live
under one roof came and had a child the first woman to said to king Solomon that
she bore a child and 3 days after that the other woman bore a child too and only the
2 of them is in the house king Solomon then said what is your problem. the second
woman then said when we were sleeping she rolled over her child causing it to die
then she woke up and took the other baby from me and placed the dead one in my
arms now when I woke up and saw the child dead I cried and cried until I realize that
it wasnt my baby then the other woman replied no the dead one is yours and the
living one is mine then she replied no the living baby is mine and the dead one is
yours now king Solomon had enough and said to his servant bring me a sword now
when king Solomon got the sword he said to both of the women to bring the child to
me and he said let us cut the baby in 2 and give the half to the other and the other
half to her now the real mother of the baby was touched and said just give it to her I
could not bear to see my own child die now the other woman said no sliced it in
half so neither of us will have a baby then king Solomon hap spoken give the baby
too this woman she is the real mother of the baby and everyone was amused of the
knowledge king Solomon had brought them now Solomon remembered his dream
with god that he asked for knowledge and god will give it to him now he thanked
god for his gift of knowledge

The End

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