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Agricola notes

Object: Use family members to develop your medieval farmyard by investing actions in
livestock, planting, improvements, and occupations. Victory points are awarded at the
end of the game for a variety of areas of growth with added incentive for being diverse.
After 14 rounds of play, the player who scores the most victory points wins.

Setup: Arrange the three game boards with the Round 1-7 board in the middle and the
Round 8-14 board on the right.
Give each player a farmyard board, the pieces of his chosen color, two Wooden hut tiles,
and a Summary card. Place the two Wooden hut tiles on the building spaces of your
board and a Family member disc on each.
The reverse side of two of the farmyard boards can be used as supply areas for
components when playing with less than 5 players.
Sort the blue Round cards by Stage (1-6). Shuffle each stages cards and stack them
with Stage 6 on the bottom up to Stage 1 on top.
With 1-2 players, no green Action cards are used.
With 3 players, place the four 3 green Action cards in spaces on the non-Round board.
With 4 players, place the six 4 green Action cards in spaces on the non-Round board.
With 5 players, place the six 5 green Action cards in spaces on the non-Round board.
Ensure that the non-Family game versions of the green Action cards are face up.
Deck E is the basic deck of Occupation and Minor Improvement cards. Optionally, the
Interactive (I), Complex (K), and bonus (Z) decks can be used instead of or in addition
to each other, as desired.
If playing with less than 4 players, remove the 4+ and 3+ Occupation cards as
appropriate. Shuffle the Occupation cards and deal 7 to each player.
Shuffle the Minor Improvement cards and deal 7 to each player.
Place the 10 Major Improvement cards face up on the corresponding board.
As soon as 9 Major Improvement cards have been bought, turn the Major Improvements
board over to the scoring overview and place the remaining card on its space on the
Randomly choose the Starting player and give him the yellow Starting Player marker
and 2 Food. The other players each receive 3 Food.

Game Play: The game has 14 rounds, each with 4 phases. The rounds are grouped into
6 stages, each of which ends with a Harvest. These are shown on the game boards.
The Starting Player marker only moves when a player takes the Starting Player action.
The components in a players color are a limited number. Substitutes can be used if you
run out of any of the other components or you can make use of the multiplication
The Summary cards identify which Round cards are coming up (by Stage) and detail the
end game scoring.

Phase 1: Start the Round Draw a New Round Card: Place the top Round card in
the appropriate space. This action is available for this and all subsequent rounds.
Actions that occur at the beginning of a particular round or every round occur now.
Some Occupation and Improvement cards instruct you to place items on the Round card
spaces. Items on the current round are distributed to the players who earned them by
playing the corresponding cards.

Phase 2: Replenish Place New Goods and Animals: Printed Action spaces, green
Action cards, and blue Round cards that have a box with a red arrow are populated with
the pictured goods or Food, adding to any existing goods or Food. There is no upper
limit that can be accumulated if these actions are not chosen.

Phase 3: Work: In clockwise order, starting with the Starting player, players take turns
moving a single Family member from their farmyard to an unoccupied Action space and
taking that action. This continues around until all Family members have been placed.
You can only place one Family member at a time and each Action space can only be
used once per round. A player can never place a Family member in an Action space
without taking one of the depicted actions.
When you choose an Action space with a red arrow, you take all of the items located
Resources, Grain, Vegetables, or Food that are taken are placed in your personal supply
in view of the other players.
Animals that are taken must be placed directly into your farmyard. One animal may be
placed in your hut as a pet.
Animals that cant be placed into your farmyard must be returned to the general supply
or immediately be transformed into Food using an Improvement with the bowl symbol
in the lower left corner of the card.
When you play a card from your hand or buy a Major Improvement, you must read the
text aloud. Played cards are also displayed in full view.
If an action has multiple actions with also, you must do the first one in order to have
the option to do the second one.
If an action has multiple actions with and/or, you may do them in any order.

Phase 4: Return Home: Players return their Family members to their hut tiles.

Harvest Time: At the end of each stage (i.e., after rounds 4, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 14),
conduct the following 3 phases:
Harvest Phase 1: The Field Phase: Players remove 1 Grain or 1 Vegetable token from
each Sown field in their farmyard and place them in their personal supply.
Occupation and Improvement cards they have played may provide additional Food.

Harvest Phase 2: Feeding the Family: Each player must pay 2 Food per Family
member. Offspring born during the current round (typically on a Family Growth action)
only cost 1 Food this Harvest.
Each unprocessed Grain or Vegetable in your supply can be converted into 1 Food at
any time. Some Occupations and Improvements allow Vegetables to be converted at
any time at a better exchange rate.
Improvements with a bowl symbol in the lower left corner can convert animals to Food
at any time [EXC: Harvest Phase 3].
Improvements with the bread symbol in the lower right corner can be used to convert
Grain to Food, but only when taking a Bake Bread action.
Unprocessed animals have no Food value.
A player who cannot or does not wish to pay the required Food must take a Begging
card for each missing Food. You lose 3 points per Begging card at the end of the game.

Harvest Phase 3: Breeding Animals: Any player with at least 2 animals of the same
type receives one additional animal of that type if there is room in your farmyard or hut
(for your pet) or on an appropriate Improvement card.
The parent animals may be located in separate areas.
Baby animals and parents may not be converted to Food before the baby is placed (i.e.,
you must have room for the babies).

End of the Game: The game ends after the Harvest at the end of the 14th round.
Scores are tallied on the scoring sheet. The player with the most points wins.
Tied players share the win.

Extending and Renovating Homes: The Build Room(s) action allows you to extend
your hut. Rooms must be orthogonally adjacent and must be of the same material
(Wood, Clay, or Stone) as the rest of your hut.
The Renovation action allows you to go from Wood to Clay and later from Clay to
Stone. Renovation can only be done for the entire hut at a time not room by room.
You cant renovate from Wood to Clay to Stone in the same Renovation action.

Family Growth: You must have more rooms in your home than you have Family
members to use the Family Growth action.
The Family Growth Even Without Room In Your Home action allows growth regardless
of the number of rooms you have.
A Family Growth action adds a Family member disc to the action card. In the Return
Home phase, the disc is placed in its own room (or shares a room if you used the
Without Room action).
Families are limited to 5 members. You cannot choose a Family Growth action if you
already have 5 members.

Plowing and Sowing Fields: If you choose the Plow 1 Field action, you place a field
tile on an empty square in your farmyard. Fields must be orthogonally adjacent. You
may use at most one Plow Improvement each time you use the Plow 1 Field action.
The Sow action allows you to plant one or more fields by placing 1 Grain or 1 Vegetable
marker from your supply onto each empty field tile. When placed, add 2 Grain or 1
Vegetable marker (respectively) from the general supply to the field tile as well.
When a field is emptied, it can be replanted using the Sow action. It is irrelevant
whether it was sown with Grain or Vegetables previously and it doesnt need to be re-
The Bake Bread action requires an Improvement with the bread symbol in the lower
right corner. These allow conversion of Grain to Food.

Raising Animals: Each player may raise one animal as a pet in his home.
To hold more animals, you must Fence pastures with the Fences action.
Each pasture may hold animals of only one type, with up to 2 animals per square.
You may rearrange your animals at any time and can return them to the general supply if
The Fences action allows you to Fence one or more pastures at a cost of 1 Wood for
each fence piece. Fences are laid between farmyard spaces and one fence can border
more than one pasture. Pastures must be orthogonally adjacent. Fences can only be
built if they will create a fully enclosed pasture. The board edge, hut tiles, stables, and
field tiles do not count as fences. Fields and rooms may not be completely surrounded
by fences. Once built, fences may not be demolished.
You may subdivide an existing pasture by adding a fence or fences.
The Build Stable(s) action allows building one or more at a cost of 2 Wood each. They
may be placed in any space that doesnt already contain a room, a field, or a stable.
If fenced in, a stable doubles the capacity of the pasture.
If not fenced in, a stable can hold 1 animal.
Each space within a pasture may have its own stable, increasing the pastures capacity

Occupation Cards: The 1 Occupation action can be used to play one of your
Occupation cards face up on the table. Aside from your first one using the action
printed on the board, there is a Food cost to be paid.
Cards with a Claim symbol (a green arrow in the bottom right corner) result in you
placing such a token on the corresponding action with the arrow facing towards the
player with the claim.

Improvement Cards: The upper right corner shows the cost in goods to pay in order to
play the card. Grain and Vegetables can only come from your supply not directly
from your fields. If the cost has a slash, you can choose which option to pay.
A prerequisite may be located in the upper left corner. This must be in your play area to
play the card. An empty, plowed field does not count as a Grain or Vegetable field.
The middle left side of the card may have a victory point value.
The bottom of the card may have a bonus points symbol, which is detailed in the card
Traveling cards are some Minor Improvements with two arrows. Once played, they are
passed to the player to your left to add to his hand.
Upgrade cards require you to return an existing played Major Improvement to its board
(which can then be bought again by anyone) or remove one or more of your existing
played Minor Improvements from the game.

Scoring: Per the scoring chart on the back of the Major Improvements board, your
fields, pastures, grain, vegetables, and animals are worth from -1 to 4 points based on
the quantity of each you have at game end.
The size of a pasture is irrelevant (i.e., you dont count the spaces), just the number of
Grain and Vegetables in your fields and supply are counted.
Unused farmyard spaces cost you -1 point each. A farmyard space is used if it contains
a room, field, pasture, or unfenced stable.
Each fenced stable is worth 1 point.
Each room of a Clay hut or Stone house adds 1 or 2 points, respectively.
Each Family member is worth 3 points.
Points can also be scored for cards you have played.
You lose 3 points for each Begging card you have acquired.

Appendix: Notes and clarifications on the actions and cards can be found at the back of
the rulebook.
Phase 1: Draw a New Round Card

Phase 2: Place New Goods and Animals

Populate the actions that have red arrows

Phase 3: Work
Beginning with the Starting player

Phase 4: Return Family Members Home

Harvest Phase 1: Fields

Move 1 Grain or Vegetable token per sown field to your supply

Harvest Phase 2: Feeding the Family

Pay 2 Food per Family member (1 Food for new offspring)
Grain and Vegetable tokens in your supply can be converted to
1 Food each
Take a Begging card for each unpaid Food

Harvest Phase 3: Breeding Animals

Add 1 animal if you have at least 2 of that type (and room)

Improvements with a bowl symbol can convert animals to Food at
any time [EXC Harvest Phase 3].
Improvements with a bread symbol can be used to Bake Bread but
only when using that Action.

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