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In Nursing Care of Children and Families, or more commonly referred to as

Pediatric nursing, we were educated on the care of acute and chronically ill
children while incorporating family-centered care. We discussed the
physiological, physical, and psychological development of children 0-18 while
also learning how to analyze family perceptions regarding these
developments. There are very distinct differences in how children and adults
bodies function, and
even how children of
different ages bodies
function. This caused for
special attention to
these differences in
function and assessment
data values norms to
ensure care that was
competent to children of all
age groups. We also
learned how to incorporate theories and skills from previous nursing courses
at YSU into the maintenance of health for children and their families. This
was sometimes difficult for me as the focus on the family can often be just
as, if not more important, than the care for the patient themselves. Although
family is always a factor, maintaining calm and cooperative families when it
comes to their little ones can sometimes be more challenging than
handling the acute illness on hand. I feel it is very important to understand
the differences in nursing care of children because one can come across a
situation where care for a child is required at any given moment, but I do not
believe I will ever work directly in pediatrics. I enjoy speaking with people
and educating the families while playing a vital role in their lives, but
generally find that working with kids when it comes to nursing skills can be
overwhelming and sometimes even intimidating with all of the attention and
opinion from other parties involved.

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