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As most majors do, we have a required Capstone Seminar during the last

semester of our senior year. This course allows for us to showcase our
growth and knowledge throughout our time in the nursing program in the
form of a video presentation with a group. Each group was assigned a
different health scenario or diagnosis and was required to act the scenario
out while providing appropriate care, treatment, and nursing diagnosis for
the patients in these scenarios along the way. These videos were presented
weekly, so not only was learning occurring from the creation of your groups
video, but also by watching each group present their video and provide 5
NCLEX questions which were relevant to the topic. Although I had a short
career as an actor, coincidentally, playing a female patient, the lasting
effects of the research and care choices are prevalent. This project allowed
for all of the
students to
demonstrate our
abilities to utilize all
of the knowledge
and skills we have
built to this point.
This was shown
through critical
thinking, treatment modality choice, clinical nursing skills, and optimizing
safety and comfort for clients. Unfortunately, my group presented just prior
to the E-portfolio deadline and I was unable to attain a finished copy of the
video to upload it to my E-portfolio.

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