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2. Vendor /Sub-vendor John Zink Hamworthy
Jiangsu process Metal equipment CO.,LTD.
3. Inspector Name Shao Chunwei
4. PO number 020700114
5. Project Name P02070, Modernizacion de la Refineria de Talara
6. Inspection Location Dongping Town,Lishui District,
7. Date of Inspection Fab. 21, 2016
8. Next Inspection date Tomorrow
9. Type of Inspection visual inspection
10. Material Inspected N/A
11.Details and Results of Inspection:
11.1 visual inspection
Carry out visual inspection for all welding seam and attachment, the weld profit and size
conformity to drawing and WPS requirement. But for weld joint C8 it difficult to perform
welding according to WPS as there not have enough space to operation. Manufacturer
stated they will provide propose and issue that for client to approve.
11.2 visual inspection
During last time inspection found primer paint was peeling, perform the visual inspection for
surface quality of piece FS-C02 after manufacturer sandblasting again , no greasy dirt and
rust found. Result acceptable according to technical requirement GP-19-01-01 and painting
vendor suggestion instruction.
Checked ambient temperature 10 (manufacture shop), humidity 65%RH, and dew point
temperature can be found: 3.7, equipment surface temperature was more than 7.8.
and surface Roughness about 70um, This condition is suitable for painting according to
GP19-01-01 and paint manufacture provide instruct. Acceptable.
FB2-L-003(15JZ-34-1): for weld joint C8 it difficult to perform welding according to WPS
as there is not have enough space to operation.

FB2-L-003(15JZ-34-1): for weld joint C8 it difficult to perform welding according to WPS

as there is not have enough space to operation.

for weld joint C8 it difficult to perform

FB2-L-002(15JZ-37-1) visual inspection
welding according to WPS as there is not
sandblasting quality
have enough space to operation.
FB2-L-002(15JZ-37-1) visual inspection sandblasting quality
12.NCR Raised : Yes No
If Yes, please attach the NCR copy.

14.Inspector Signature: Date: Fab.21,2016

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