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BinMuammar, Mohammad

Popular Culture
Due April, 26, 2011

Critical Taxonomy of the Ad:

Identity: Young good-looking female teenager.

Community: Middle level people and higher whom are interested in

the girl and can afford to buy a BMW. And especially males.

Realm: Entertainment to BMW.

Stake: BMW pre owned cars.

Value: Willing to be a second owner.

Authority/ Source: BMW.

Power: Having the power to buy a BMW when its used.

The Ideology Of The Advertisement:

This ad is representing a young sexy girl to attract males from middle

and higher level that are interested in owning used BMW cars. After

showing this ad to some friends from different culture, they laughed

and one of them said thats right BMW used cars are still good as new,

if you get the right one for you. And the Ideology of this ad is to make

the viewer of the ad think if they buy a BMW will have this girl, but its

probably wont happen, but they may get another that they are

interested in. because these days most people believe if you have a

good car, youll get girls.

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