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ADWC MCT/MST Lesson Observation: Feedback to Student

Student teachers name:Nouf Mubarak Saleh Shahball
Grade Level: Year 3
Unit/Lesson: English Fronted adverbials Date:
16 March 2017
Competency Area E G S M US
Please tick the boxes using the OVERALL ASSESSMENT
LEVEL DESCRIPTORS attached at end of document
Commitment to Professionalism
Planning for Learning X
Planning activities and lesson aims
Managing Learning x
Implementing Learning
Reflection on Practice
Strengths of the lesson:
Explained the context of the lesson and shared the learning objective with
the children.
Tried some new behavior management strategies today clapping, the
bell and throwing the teddy. (just ensure that children know the
expectations when using these)
Great resources really engaged the children in the activity
Instructions for the activity were very clear and teacher went around the
class checking that each group knew what they were doing.

Areas for development:

Open questioning ensure that your questions are open and require
thinking (not just yes/no answers)
Oral feedback think about how your feedback can drive the childrens
learning further
Modelling model how you would like the children to complete the task so
that they understand what exactly the need to do.
Be firmer and stricter with the groupings of children and stop any behavior
that is not appropriate.

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