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Running head: SMART GOALS 1

Ellie Wertheimer
University of South Florida

As a nurse, I hope to work on certain goals throughout my career. These goals are important to
me as I feel that I can make a difference in the world if I am able to achieve some of the goals.
My short term goals are to be working as a full time nurse and to be involved with the American
Nursing Association (ANA) and Congress. My long term goals are to be certified to work in a
specialty unit and to begin working on getting a masters or doctorate in that specialty.

Short term goals:

By the end of two years, I will be able to work functionally as a full time nurse on a
Medical Surgical Unit AEB taking care of four to five patients, documenting, passing
medications, and any other task that need to be done throughout the day.
By the end of two years, I will be involved with the American Nursing Association
(ANA) and involved with Congress on laws of how to treat patients AEB become a
member of the ANA, be an active member by finding bills that would affect healthcare,
and go to town hall meetings on bills that would affect healthcare.

Long term goals:

By the end of five years, I will be working in a specialty AEB working in that area,
passing the necessary test to work in that area and taking care of my patients efficiently.
By the end of five years, I will be working on getting my degree in a specialty AEB
getting accepted into a graduate program, and obtaining acceptable grades to pass the
classes (As and high Bs).

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