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Elementary Education Formal Observation Form

Junior/Senior Intern

Student: Erin Sweeney Observer: Phillips Grade: 5th

Date: April 4, 2017 Time: 9:30 Subject: ELA

1. ClassroomClimate/Culture-StudentBehavior
Intern communicates and maintains standards for appropriate classroom behavior.
Intern anticipates and acts on potential classroom disruptions.
Intern maintains positive classroom climate.
Intern responds to student behaviors appropriately.
Comments: Ms. Sweeney had no classroom disruptions. Students were engaged and on-task for the lesson.

2. Instruction-InstructionalTime
Intern has materials, supplies, and equipment ready at the start of the lesson or activity.
Intern gets class started quickly.
Intern uses available time for learning and keeps students on task.
Comments: Ms. Sweeney had all her materials ready to go at the beginning of the lesson. She had post-its in her book to
mark places where she wanted to stop and ask the students questions. She also had a poster ready for the students to
place their responses to her questions. She had paper available for the children to fold in half to make a t-chart and write
about their own experience(s) with the theme of the book.

3. Instruction-InstructionalPlanningandPresentation
Intern establishes links with prior learning and experiences.
Intern arranges learning activities to support standards.
Intern appropriately uses a variety of teaching styles.
Comments: Ms. Sweeney asked the students what they knew about theme. She then asked what they knew about main
idea. Students then read a book entitled Junkyard Kids by Patricia Polacco. She then stopped and asked questions about
figurative language; the students turned and talked about the theme and had to support evidence of their thinking. The
students took the paper, folded it in half, and wrote the theme on one side. Then, students expressed what they thought the
theme was. Students answers included: everyone is unique, be proud of who you are, and friendship. Afterwards, students
had to write about a time it was ok to be different.

4. Instruction-InstructionalMonitoring
Intern circulates to check performance and monitor progress.
Intern varies level of questioning.
Intern ensures that all students have the opportunity to participate.
Comments: Ms. Sweeney circulated the room to ensure students were on task, and asked them questions about their
writing and also provided feedback.

5. ImpactonStudentLearning-FacilitatingInstruction
Intern establishes clear outcomes for learning.
Intern communicates learning outcomes to students.
Intern adjusts lesson based on student responses/ongoing assessment.
Intern connects learning outcomes to the NCSCOS.
Comments: Ms. Sweeney was clear about her expectations and students understood what their final product would be. Her
learning outcome was connected to Common Core standard RL.5.6.

6. Evaluation/Assessment-InstructionalFeedback
Intern provides feedback on the correctness or incorrectness of in-class work to encourage student growth.
Intern affirms correct oral responses appropriately and moves on.
Intern provides sustaining feedback after an incorrect response by probing, repeating the question, giving a clue,
or allowing more time.
Strengths: Areasonwhichtofocus:

--show students the pictures in the book a little more

-materials prepared, started on time

-students were engaged

-students knew what was expected and students

were able to answer questions successfully

-theme of the book was appropriate; students could


-students were able to write about a time it was ok to

be different

Were the learning outcomes for the students met? YES NO

Did the interns/student teachers classroom management support the learning outcomes?
Yes. Ms. Sweeney did not have any class disruptions. Students were engaged and on task.
Was the Teaching Behavior Focus goal achieved?
Student Intern Signature:__________Erin Sweeney_______________ Date:______4-7-17____

Mentor Teacher Signature:_________Stacey Phillips____________________ Date:__4-7-17________

University Supervisor Signature:___________________________________ Date:______________

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